View Full Version : Interesting! The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America

02-18-2005, 11:50 PM
Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People

The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America
by Pastor Sheldon Emry
1926 - 1985

Very long, but good read. Saw this posted in the politcal discussion on a personal favorite forum(OG!) and felt the need to share.

for those who acually read through, please do post your thoughts!

02-19-2005, 01:36 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm starting the Bank of Kevin...

Andrew Bohan
02-19-2005, 01:59 AM
note to self: become banker

02-19-2005, 02:43 AM
note to self: become banker

Currently working on the banking thing...

But did anyone else get a 1984/Farenheit 451 vibe?

Andrew Bohan
02-19-2005, 02:47 AM
i caught a religious vibe. the author obiviously thinks christianity is the only right religion. also, it'd be easier to take him seriously if he'd lose all the exclamation points and check his spelling one more time.

02-19-2005, 02:56 AM
Hmm well all the progoganda and emotion filled speculation is what brought on my conclusion.

The annex of Literature, the supression of intelect. The creation and sprawl of the ingonorama as the potential and new generation are to follow. It just felt all to similar, but then again Thomas Jeffersons claim to revolt against goverment also comes to mind. The thoughts on Stock decrease/pluments seriously made me think of how true this very is; perhaps leaglized inside trading? On a vast level! Then came thought of Martha Stewart... and how i would make her my wife... she probobaly got more tips on the inside, she might be onto some capers of her own?!

02-19-2005, 05:32 AM
.I just read the whole thing, and really I don't know. This is what people want to hear, they want to hear that it could be fixed, and fine. In reality the idea sounds good on paper. The problem is people are so used to "the way it is", that they would fight to keep it that way. Rich people would never let it happen, and the first people that tried to step out, and speak up on a truly useful scale. Would be killed. Think of it this way, if the government said they could wipe out America's debt once and for all, and all it would take was half of every working citizen’s yearly income (after taxes). No one would do it. Bankers are not going to give money out for free, and the people at the top are never going to stop spending money. If you want to live well, and have your children live well. Stop spending your money on things you do not need. Let it all gain interest in the same banks that are “ripping us off”. Anything short of banks giving out "free money" will result in another depression. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I read the whole thing, and it just seemed like bullshit to me. Nothing is free. If it is you still have to pay the S&H. Sorry this was so long. I’m willing to listen to other points of view on this because I’m really not to sure, that’s just what I got out of it.