View Full Version : Any Yugos On the Fourms with a 240?

02-18-2005, 10:06 PM
Are there any Yugoslavians here> just wondering...
Saying wasup...

02-18-2005, 10:12 PM
Just s13Grl... Irena... my wife :D

What part are you from? Irena lived in a few places, Croatia is one. They moved in 93-94 (IIRC) to the US. Back when the war was still a mess.

Question is... do you rock a Yugo? Irena wants one so she can put a SR20 in it. lol.

BTW, this is Off Topic ;)

02-18-2005, 11:24 PM
Kako ci? Ya sam od Beograd. Odakles ci tee?

-Voya Vidakovic

02-18-2005, 11:34 PM
Wow do I need to finish reading my Learn Croatian Book... Baby is going to be teaching me how to speak it before I even know...

02-18-2005, 11:44 PM

How ar you? I'm from Belograde. Where are you from?

ps: Serbo/Croatian book. And if Zeumax is Croatian, I dont care, he is still my bro despite the conflicts, unless he holds something against me being Serbian.

02-19-2005, 12:33 AM
Whew. I thought this thread was about that blasted car.
What was that quote.. when magazine editors rated the 50 worst cars ever built...
Paraphrased, but really close:
#1 Worst Car Ever: The Yugo
"About the only good thing we could say about this car is that it had a rear window defroster. That allowed you to keep your hands warm as you pushed the damn thing around in the winter."

Yu*go (yoo-go)
n. 1) Small, economical, Yugoslavian-built automobile.
2) 4x4 hood ornament.
adj. 1) What dosen't happen when you press the accelerator.

Q. How do you double the value of a Yugo?
A. Fill the tank with gas! (If it can still hold liquid.)
A. If not, put a gallon of milk in the back seat.

Q. What comes with every Yugo User's Manual?
A. The bus schedule.

What do Yugos have in common with Ferarris?
- A Ferarri can go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds.
- A Yugo can go from 0 to 4 in 60 seconds.
Actually, a Yugo CAN accelerate as fast as a Ferarri,
...if you give it a fast enough running start, so it clears the cliff's edge...

A man entered an auto parts store...
Man: "I need a windshield wiper blade for a Yugo."
Clerk: "Well, only if you throw $20 into the trade."

I once bought a Yugo with a tow package.
...It was in the front.

Q. What do you call a Yugo at the top of a big hill?
A. A miracle!

How do you make a Yugo go faster?
A towtruck.

What do you call the shock absorbers inside a Yugo?

Two guys in a Yugo were arrested last night in Oakland following
a push-by shooting incident.

The new Yugo has an air bag. When you sense an impending accident,
start pumping real fast.

A friend went to a dealer the other day and said, "I'd like a gas
cap for my Yugo." The dealer replied, "Okay. Sounds like a fair

the car is named because "Yugo,
but it doesn't".

How can you get a Yugo to do 60 miles an hour?
Push it over a cliff.

Why don't Yugo's sustain much damage in a front-end collision?
The tow truck takes the impact.

How do you double the value of a Yugo?
Fill the tank!

What is found on the last two pages of every Yugo owner's manual?
The bus schedule.

What do you call a Yugo with a flat tire?

[All those were copy-pasted. Not my stuffs]

AHAHAHAHAAA! I love Yugos!
Favorite Yugo sighting. It was riced out. In Port Charlotte. On 12" aftermarket rims, a dynomax muffler, and stickers down the side. Edelbrock, Holley, NOS, crower, and every other sticker you could put down the fender, door and hood was there. And across the windshield - "Yu-Speed". HAHAHAHAHAA!

02-19-2005, 03:49 AM
off topic Type R!

02-19-2005, 09:47 AM
my girlfriend is from Slovania.... thats kinda close! :)

02-19-2005, 10:31 AM
We owned three yugos. I actually got one here in the states about 10 years ago in Indiana. I bought it Mint condition, 54k(pretty high for a yugo) for 1$. I am not jokeing. 1 $! The lady that sold it to us, by law could not give us the car for free, so she had to charge us a dollar. It was cool for about a week, but then my pops took it to the car wash and broke it. If I remember correctly, he sprayed down the 1.3L and tryed cranking it. Nothing but a cloud of white smoke emerged. With yugos, when something goes bad with the motor, you just get a new motor or get a new yugo. Before moving to the states we had the privlige of owning a Yugo 45. This is the yugo with a big ass #45 on the hood and doors. It was the fast/rally version sporting the massive 45hp. But Yugos are not that bad. There is a car that a bunch if people drive in yugoslavia, that makes the yugo look like a Benz. This car is the Fitcha, and I dont even want to get started on this one, but weve owned 2 of them, a 500 and the 600 and Im sure you can figure what those numbers stand for. The Yugo is Luxury/highclass compared to the Fitcha.

02-19-2005, 10:58 AM
I used to work at a VW place and we had some guy come in with one, had the roof checker flag painted and had a FIAT motor in it. He thought it was the best thing ever. was soooo funny.

02-19-2005, 06:19 PM
Snail, I have to correct you. Croatian was called "Croatian" in my language class even before the war started. And speaking of war and conflicts, my dad's Serbian, my mom is Muslim, and I have a Croat name. I lived in Bosnia during the war where I saw people die and bodies transported through my city all day long. They also shut off our electricity and water for four years. So you let me know if you wanna talk about war and conflict. ;)

Voja, drago mi je. Ja sam iz Pule, u Juznoj Hrvatskoj. Koliko si dugo ovdje? I da li dobro pricas jezik?

P.S. Yugos are the best thing ever. And honey, I wanted to put a KA into a Yugo. And I moved here in '97. And that was after the war was over. ;) I see I talk too much for you to listen to me anymore :). Typical girl.
P.S.S. We had a Lada. And a fico. Peglica. Either of you two remember those? We had a yellow one of those for a while. Then my dad had a Stojadin. And a Benz, I don't remember what kind. Oldskool.

02-19-2005, 07:08 PM
off topic Type R!

nice jokes jeff. =)

02-19-2005, 07:34 PM
<-- Ja sam iz Beograd, i imati familija unutra Crna Gora.

Lep za naći ostali Slavenstvo prije nego jedini mene pa puž. ;)
vrlo iznenađujući!

02-19-2005, 09:59 PM
Ja sam rojen oh Chachak, Jiveo o Begrad. s13grl you got it right on on the Peglica, but I didnt think any one would know the Iron nickname, and Belive me they are as small as an iron. We had an Orange one, 600cc/22hp mmm... I moved in 86. Ya nemogu da pricham tolko dobro kad pricham bruz, Ya mogu sve da rasumem, ali moram da mislim kad ya pricham. Mainly from me responding to my parents in english all my life.

02-20-2005, 10:01 AM
Primjetila sam. :) Slaba vam je gramatika. Ali ipak, to je bilo prije dvadeset godina. Koliko imate godina vas dvojica?

02-20-2005, 10:07 AM
my girlfriend is from Slovania.... thats kinda close! :)

i had sex with a girl from yugoslavia... does that count?

02-20-2005, 01:06 PM
Well im born here, my parents are from Vojvadina, i speak the langauge and could type it a little bit , I understand it though very well. Where do you yugos live? Any one here in Ny? I know there are alot of yugos in queens but since i live in the bronx, dont know any of them.

Ps. Theres a girl with a yugo next to Manhattan College with licsnce plates saying YugoGirl.
The car is in Excellent Shape, !!! go YUGOS =)

02-21-2005, 11:50 AM
I met a lot of Yugos in NYC, I dunno why all of them go there. I'm in CA though.

On a side note, I still think we have pretty good soccer team :)

02-21-2005, 06:40 PM
Colorado. There's a few people here. I hear there's a huge population out in NY.

I think we have a good soccer team too :). Remember the world cup back in '80s? :) Those were the days...

[Irena Posting]

02-21-2005, 09:35 PM
oh yes! I totally remember!! Dragan Stojkovic was my hero back then! *nostalgic sigh*

02-21-2005, 10:40 PM
my dad is yogu