View Full Version : Blu808 Should He have been banned?

02-18-2005, 04:40 PM
Do You guys THink blu808 should have been banned for saying hi to other members?

What did you guys think of Lukes Posting on Zilvia? Informative? stupid? or what.

02-18-2005, 04:46 PM
He was banned? If that's all he was banned for thats dumb.

02-18-2005, 04:52 PM
He was banned for saying hi to people in threads without adding any other information.

He also created another screen name on another email account.
Without knowing that was against the rules. This is absurd that he was banned i think.

02-18-2005, 05:03 PM
his posts are all STUPID +)
JUST like this thread.. hahaha ...

02-18-2005, 05:04 PM
wtf? thats the only reason he was banned? its gotta be more to it than that, but if that was the reason... i dont get it.

02-18-2005, 05:05 PM
That was the reason. He had recieved one warning about it a few weeks back.

Andrew Bohan
02-18-2005, 05:06 PM
he was PINKED for saying hi without any other substance in the post after barry issued a few warnings against it. the last time he did it, i reminded everyone of the warnings, and then jeff did it 2 posts after my post.

luke was BANNED because he made a new name to get around being pinked, and EVERYONE knows that is a no-no.

sorry luke, you fail.

02-18-2005, 05:11 PM
he will prob make another name

02-18-2005, 05:15 PM
Luke told me that it slipped his mind, on that one hi post.
besides who cares if he says hi. Its just the mods on a power trip.

Also It never said anywhere that you cannot make a new screen name.

02-18-2005, 05:30 PM
^the mods are hard at work now as i type this, searching and searching, im sure they will find it, if not, they will make it up and instate it. just wait and see... there will be a post saying you cant make another screen name.

Andrew Bohan
02-18-2005, 05:38 PM
the mods and other people were getting annoyed by people saying hi to each other without adding anything to the thread. it's a completely useless thing to do. i was doing it too. then barry made a warning, so i stopped. luke didn't stop doing it. and then he got pinked. that's how it works.

most people remember what happened to kidzelda, and many remember nitekids, and others before him. they all got in trouble for various reasons and made new screen names to get around their reduced privileges, and then they got banned for it. that's the precedent now.

02-18-2005, 05:39 PM
Its just the mods on a power trip.

i can see that...i just cant see why some one gets pinked for just saying Hi!?!...so what if every member said Hi...would every member get pinked?

02-18-2005, 05:41 PM
well he was warned about the whole "hi" thing. obviously it wasnt really saying "hi" becuz it was more an inside joke i guess about the whole "hi *insert gay shit here*" kinda thing. why waste bandwith to continue a lame joke?

02-18-2005, 05:42 PM
so does zilvia have your ip address or something?

Andrew Bohan
02-18-2005, 05:45 PM
yes, and your whole ip address can be banned if you keep making new names.

02-18-2005, 05:46 PM
so does zilvia have your ip address or something?

ov course...all mods can see your ip address.

02-18-2005, 05:55 PM
he was taking worthless post whoring to a new level, no sympathy

02-18-2005, 06:35 PM
well damn, why not have a 2nd chance for these people... i know a lot of people like posting here... hell have them perma pinked or something, but banning is just ghey. if i ran a forum id never ban anyone.... i know thats like saying, oh im gonna let my kids do anything when im a parent, when your a kid.... but its a forum on the net. wtf.

any thoughts? im sure... lol

02-18-2005, 06:47 PM
wheee!!! I'm on a power trip!!!
I guess i'll ban RPS13 Sideways, AlligatorBling and hachi_roku_swing!
Then I'll delete this thread!


Grow the fuck up.
If we were on a power trip, you'd be feeling the sting of it.
I'm probably going to lock this thread, as administrative decisions are not subject to the second-guessing of users.
Either way, wake up and smell the coffee.
Luke knew what he did was wrong. Playing the ignorance card is typical.
It's common fucking knowledge that you do NOT create another account to bypass the restrictions placed on you.

02-18-2005, 06:49 PM
sidenote: if you're posting in the polls section, MAKE A FUCKING POLL.

02-18-2005, 06:53 PM
ignorance is the only excuse :) but he was wise to what was happenening so he cant "play the ignorance card"

02-18-2005, 06:56 PM
I did not know how to create a poll. sorry.
how do you do that. ?

I still say give him a second chance!

02-18-2005, 07:46 PM
ive tried to create polls, and it just dont work for me... lol

02-18-2005, 09:48 PM
yeah I couldn't create polls either.
as a mod on another board I can say this, it gets really annoying when somebody blatantly doesn't listen to a warning. and worthless post whoring like that. why not just post up something semi-beneficial to the thread at least, even if its an "i don't know" or "i agree" type thing.
not saying I agree with him being banned or not but...

02-19-2005, 12:13 AM
He was told to stop something. He didn't. So he was pinked. Then he created account "D1sucks" to circumvent the pinking. It was a two-player "Hi" in a thread.. was told to stop.. which was followed by another "Hi." Game over for them. If he forgot, or didn't know.. he got the warning. Let me state this clearly:
Before the pink status was around.. you simply got banned for X-days (or permanently). Pinking is the warning. The "Hey. You stepped out of line. You can still use our boards, but you're on probation, and have restrictions on your account." So what's he do? Creates a new account. We did something to his account for a reason. For him to totally disregard that, the most basic of the thought processes to go through one's mind when logged into a pink account.. is inexcusable. We spent time to modify his account due to his actions. How can anyone not understand?! So.. obviously, if we modify his account for the worse, and he simply creates a new account to get around it... do you not expect him to be banned?
These threads are retarded. Once someone is banned (or pinked) - it's up to them to get ahold of a mod/admin and state their case. Edit: They even have a secret forum to join and post in once banned or pinked. Mods/admins/pinked/banned users can converse and state their case. These threads are 100% unnecessary/ Not the populus of a web board, who view mods as people on a powertrip. I don't give a shit what you all think. Like Mr.Meph said. This isn't a fucking democracy. It's a dictatorship. If you read the TOS, you'd understand that. If you want a democracy.. go to 240sxforums.
Am I an asshole? Ask nearly everyone. I'm easy to get ahold of, respectful, and down to earth. I'm 22, and taking accounting, economics, calculus, statistics, and works of ancient greece. I'm not some 40-something guy who lost his job, is embittered at the world, and thrives to make people miserable. I have better things to do.

02-19-2005, 12:18 AM
Not a poll so I moved it. We'll look into the poll issue.
Polls work. Just be smarter than the software.

02-19-2005, 12:30 AM
i think he didnt comply with the rules, and i think the useless post whoring was getting old... do i think he got what he deserved? yea... rules are rules, if you dont like them leave...

02-19-2005, 02:05 AM
this was JAAE86's thread where blu got pinked right? why did JAAE86 get pinked? I think he genuinely just wanted to say hey....and I doubt it was ever clear that the mod warned about it, especially in that particular thread, because I was looking for it. And iirc, I was looking at that particular thread, but I couldn't find any evidence anymore...not even through searching.

Andrew Bohan
02-19-2005, 02:20 AM
here, http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=65457&page=2

blah blah blah, long useful post

hi jeff :yum:
^this is luke not following directions

hi luke :wtc:

that guy said he's gonna pink people who just say hi and don't say anything else. watch out.
^this is me reminding luke and others about the previous warnings

ya seriously it's getting old. and you're not getting any less gay by posting more.
^this is var agreeing

Hi Luke :naughty:
^this is jeff, TWO POSTS AFTER MY REMINDER, not following directions

Congratulations. You are hereby Pinked for 1 month. Same goes for you Luke.
^this is barry being a moderator

i can't make it any more clear than that

02-19-2005, 02:42 AM
oh, so it was you.

02-19-2005, 03:02 AM
Well I figure, ADMINS / MODS need to set a standard.

I guess some people skip posts as they read and might not have gotten the message. (anythings possible)

or will it be more fair to PM them to make sure they get the message. or make it a Forum Rule (which i think probably is already)

Did the convicted people have a fair chance at getting the message? (A message they MUST have received e.g. PM etc.)

Anywho, Cest La Vie !

Hey guys, just wanted to know... if ur typing a message (short message) do soem of u see this AD of www.IMHOSTED.com from 4.95 etc etc... its blue and red...

IS it ME OR DOES THAT DOOD w/ teh EAR PIECE look like JET LI???

02-19-2005, 04:06 AM
^^^hey he does look like jet lee :bowrofl:

As for blue, I didn't know him at all, but he was a cool guy. I guess you do have to follow the rules though.

02-19-2005, 09:22 AM
To tell you the truth, IMO it was weak for the mods to pink him for a month, but when he created a new account to escape the pinking, the mods are in the right to ban him. Like it was said before, pinking is punnishment. If anything, I would've pinked him for a week for saying hi, but i'm no mod.

Edit: For those of you who think the mods are in a power trip, Look at how many people have been pinked/banned lately... not that many iirc. Less than there was when i first joined (for bans atleast).

02-19-2005, 09:24 AM
this is so ghey

02-19-2005, 12:49 PM
Am I an asshole? Ask nearly everyone. I'm easy to get ahold of, respectful, and down to earth. I'm 22, and taking accounting, economics, calculus, statistics, and works of ancient greece. I'm not some 40-something guy who lost his job, is embittered at the world, and thrives to make people miserable. I have better things to do.
Actually, Jeff, you are a bit of a jerk, denial is getting you nowhere...
(Kidding, here's proof: http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=65976)

02-19-2005, 02:26 PM
Philip, quit using that link as an excuse everytime someone gets ify with a mod... im not going aginst you but youve put that link in a bamillion threads. and i do smell a lil poo there partner.

02-19-2005, 02:42 PM
yes, and your whole ip address can be banned if you keep making new names.

i thought dialup got a new ip everytime they signed on...

::edit:: sorry, I ment to make these last two post as one... not trying to be a post whore... :doh:

02-19-2005, 03:23 PM
Sure, maybe - but we can still ban subnets.

02-19-2005, 03:51 PM
I have a kinda OT question. Does the Admin/Mod/Pinked/Banned section get more traffic than the premium members section? lol

If he broke the rules then why WOULDN'T you get banned?

PHLIP- You have used that quite a lot. ;)

02-19-2005, 03:53 PM
Sure, maybe - but we can still ban subnets.
heh, you might end up banning everyone in that area then.

02-19-2005, 04:34 PM
is getting banned really that big of a deal? i mean, im sure his life will still carry on, the world will still turn, and he can turn over a new leaf...sounds like this is hot news on the boards or something from reading this.

02-19-2005, 04:43 PM
I'm scared and nervous at the same time about this......

02-19-2005, 04:55 PM
I use that link everytime you motherfucking ingrates decide to bitch about how this forum is moderated... Most of the people pinked/banned around here EARN that shit, Luke got banned for behaving like a dick, fuck him... Who is next?

02-19-2005, 05:11 PM
I use that link everytime you motherfucking ingrates decide to bitch about how this forum is moderated... Most of the people pinked/banned around here EARN that shit, Luke got banned for behaving like a dick, fuck him... Who is next?

Wow, with an attitude like that they have guys like you running the show? If I was the owner of this site, I would ban you Phlip because of your poor attitude towards others, which reflects on this site.

If I was a new person trying to join Zilvia and read something like that you just posted, I wouldn't register.

In light of the situation, what's done is done. I'm pretty sure Luke now realizes his mistakes.

02-19-2005, 05:33 PM
Wow, with an attitude like that they have guys like you running the show? If I was the owner of this site, I would ban you Phlip because of your poor attitude towards others, which reflects on this site.

If I was a new person trying to join Zilvia and read something like that you just posted, I wouldn't register.

In light of the situation, what's done is done. I'm pretty sure Luke now realizes his mistakes.
You know what? You're right, I'm wrong, I apologize...

... to your parents for you father not having pulled out and left you on the sheet

02-19-2005, 05:40 PM
Wow, with an attitude like that they have guys like you running the show? If I was the owner of this site, I would ban you Phlip because of your poor attitude towards others, which reflects on this site.

just because some of us might be Aholes and don't seem to contribute much tech doesn't mean we DON'T contribute ever. i have ZERO problems with the way this forum is moderated. why does my opinion matter? oh cause i've been pinked TWICE and banned once Which was turned around when i talked to west about it. guess what? they were totally justified in their action. why? cause it isn't MY forum. i like it so much that i even bay ten bucks a year AFTEr being banned and pinked twice.

if you don't like it LEAVE if you do like it try to in some way keep it to be a good place. i don't want this place to be all smiles and rainbows, that's queer. i want a place where i can get the info i need, make fun of what i want, and get an honest opinion when i want it.

you are naive and weak. you gotta learn how to swim if you want to stay afloat. fuggin deal.

02-19-2005, 05:43 PM
This is going to turn into one of those "I continue to voice my opinion, when someone already said it" threads. Or its going to turn into one of the threads where the mods say, "Anyone who posts after this are getting banned."

He got banned, too bad so sad. Move on. I got irritated of seeing them continuously say "Hi. (insert name here)" too. It was stupid.

Just a question. How much bandwidth is actually used by single stupid posts like "IBTL"?

02-19-2005, 05:55 PM
can someone explain to me what happened to kidzelda and nitekids exactly?

they have been on the boards a long time, before myself even.

i would hope that tenure would amount to something, it does in politics and employment.

02-19-2005, 06:26 PM
can someone explain to me what happened to kidzelda and nitekids exactly?

they have been on the boards a long time, before myself even.

i would hope that tenure would amount to something, it does in politics and employment.

Tenure ammounts to alot here. Not preferential treatment, but where we may pink a noob, a long-time member would get AIM'd or PM'd or something.
KidZelda was even a moderator here. And then Thatguy locked a dumbass thread of his in OT. He came out with "Only bitches lock threads" while he himself locked a thread in his regional forum. And did so rubbing in his newfound "power". After being told to stop, he didn't. Got pinked. Continued. Created a new username to circumvent bieng pink, and boom. Banned. Nightkids was worthless, and just pissed people off. Search to get the whole scoop on nightkids.
However, towards the subject at hand, the bandwidth used isn't due to the post. "IBTL" or "Hi" by themselves use .000001kb. A non-issue. But, the work done to display that is alot. First, the forum gives a 6-digit post number to that post. Then, the poster's name is shown. The name is a hyperlink. Well... 6 or so. Then, the AIM/Yahoo/ICQ icons, rate this post, the online indicator, report the post, ect. Probably ~10 icons, all hyperlinks are displayed. Then, the server finds and posts their post count. Their car, location, and user title. Then, there is a rather large ~60kb avatar. And the ~500kb sig picture. And the signature text. Then the post reply, quote, ect buttons all pop up. The search function has to index that post, and a whole lot of behind-the-scenes information is indexed, marked, pulled up, displayed, linked to.. hundreds of hits to pictures, recalling info from the user file, ect. All to display "hi". It's unnecessary, and people will be punished for stupid shit.

02-19-2005, 07:53 PM
You know what? You're right, I'm wrong, I apologize...

... to your parentsa for you father not having pulled out and left you on the sheet

that was quite unnecessary :down:

02-19-2005, 08:55 PM
So, can we end this discussion and lock this thread yet, or do you guys feel the need to continue to debate something you can't change? Just wondering.

02-19-2005, 08:55 PM
kandy: no
g_fish: sometimes the innocent must pay for the sins for the guilty.
RPS13 - feel nervous/scared if you feel you must. As long as you obey the rules and behave, you won't be bothered.

btw, Jeff forgot to mention that that info must be loaded for every user who sees that thread, every time they refresh it. It's more a matter of having more useful posts than useless posts. I know I wouldn't want to pay to ship a diamond ring boxed in a lead crate. It's too pricey.

02-19-2005, 10:38 PM
RPS13: You feel scared and nervous and then you say PHLIP should be banned? If you're so nervous and scared how can you point fingers at people you thing should be banned and complain about someone being banned. PHLIP was defending himself cause I'm sure he took it offensively. Or did you not think that he MAY take it that way?

MrMeph: I just thought it might cause the Premium Forum doesn't get that many new topics. You better believe that I will renew it though cause I like being a premium member and supporting this site. I need to buy a sticker too.

02-20-2005, 12:51 AM
Wow, with an attitude like that they have guys like you running the show? If I was the owner of this site, I would ban you Phlip because of your poor attitude towards others, which reflects on this site.

If I was a new person trying to join Zilvia and read something like that you just posted, I wouldn't register.

In light of the situation, what's done is done. I'm pretty sure Luke now realizes his mistakes.
well guess what, sorry about your luck but you're not the owner of the site so get the fuck over it...
as for luke realizing his mistake, good, he probably won't make the same one again when the ban is lifted (any mod wanna comment here? cause I'm sure it wasn't a perma-ban, or maybe it was since he did decide to try to circumvent the system).

as for the IBTL stuff.... I've seen several times where mods have said that won't be tolerated anymore, and I reccomend they start enforcing that because its just a gay waste of space. at least post something else than IBTL, post something like "gayest thread ever" or "$10 says this is locked in an hour"....

and on a personal note stop with the gay fag dude IBTL picture, you know the guy with the clocks and shit.....

like I said earlier, I'm a mod on another board and am lenient as shit on stuff but when somebody blatantly breaks a rule they are usually warned, if they are warned and just decide to be a smartass and do whatever they did I ban or limit their posting.

sorry about your luck but if you did something to get pinked/banned you probably deserved it. as for tenure... yeah it has a lot to do with it. there was an instance a few months back where if I had been a new member I probably would have been pinked, but instead my post got edited and I got yelled at.... (granted this sn isn't that new but my old one I never posted on and forgot all the login info too was from like early 2002)

anyways I think this thread is pointless and if I was a mod I'd lock it. get over it, the mods aren't having a power trip, just a lot of members are having a bitch trip. and if anybody has a problem with this post here's my information:
Kevin Presa
3721 Hollyberry Drive
Huntingtown MD 20639, come say it to my face.

02-20-2005, 03:15 AM
Then why did he get banned for just having fun, he never got out of line, was informative, and seemed like a cool guy after reasurching his post.

Ohh and it looked like he only was warned once like a month ago.
Maybe he forgot, besides, you people just banned him after being part of your forum for like 3 years? wtf. When i finally joined after being a guest for the last year or so, i never got a notice telling me that i could not create a new screen name.

Why throw someone away to just make an example?

02-20-2005, 05:21 AM
the new screen name part is in the beginning when you say that you agree to the terms and conditions, and even if it isn't he created a new screen name to try to get around a disciplinary action.

he got banned because he was doing worthless post whoring and was told specifically to stop it by a moderator, so what if he maybe forgot or whatever, where does it say that the mods have to follow a 1-2-3- strike rule, nowhere.

look I liked luke as much as the next guy, but he didn't follow the rules, and I'm sure if he had edited his post, or just spoke with the mods personally and said he was sorry, he forgot blah blah, since he did have tenure the mods probably would have shortened the pinking, or lifted it completely. but instead he tried to beat the system, and lost.

02-20-2005, 06:03 AM
i feel the presence of a ghost...

02-20-2005, 06:14 AM
Could someone tell Luke to stop making new usernames?
I don't want the other users (and there are a few others) on his subnet to have to suffer because of his inability to comply.

02-20-2005, 07:18 AM
ohhh that nitekids http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=24604


not his fault though since the girl changed the host name.

02-20-2005, 12:54 PM
The thing i hate the most is when the mods bring the "User Agrement" into it.

Yeah i've read it..i read it it every day :goyou:

do you guys remember the last software license agrement you read? I dont. In *REALITY* only common sense will save you , not memorizing the user agrement.

The pattern with most banned users(as i see it), is that it starts out with something insignificant. Like saying hi, or some other stupid little thing that they were warned for, and maybe they got pinked, or banned for a week. Then they try to fight it and/or they are rude to the authorities or they keep making new accounts. This is only cause they believe they didnt deserve what they got and they just acted in the moment. Also, some of you may think this is just a forum, but lots of us here keep contact through Zilvia, and it really sucks cause it's like a phonebook of some sort. Especially for us Cali guys cause i've met 50ppl in the bay area just through this forum..so when i was banned and i needed info about a meet or needed to pm someone, i couldnt and it sucked really bad (i dont have everyone's phone number). That's why for some people it's worse than others.

The above may be irrelevant but it's still my point.

Also Luke..sorry but you gotta learn that you arent an acception to the rules..i'm sure you're reading this somehow. STOP MAKING NEW ACCOUNTS. :doh: :doh: :doh:

02-20-2005, 02:17 PM
It doesn't matter whether or not you actually read the user agreement, you still clicked a box that said something to the effect of "I have read and agree to the above user agreement" whether you read it or not, you said you did. It'd be like signing a contract and not reading the fine print, you didn't read it but you may have just agreed to do something because of it.
this is what you click when you hit register:
I have read, and agree to abide by the Zilvia.net Forums rules.

02-21-2005, 01:13 PM
Hrmmmm since you guys seem to not give a damn, I guess I shouldn't either....ohh and since opinions are expressed plainly and there is no regard for anyone on here...here I go.......

1. Phlip : Nice comment. You're still a "fag" as far as I'm concerned and your posts are worthless.

2. Makoto : You're posts are decent, but your opinions are weak just like your car. Ohhh and get off everyone's nutts.....

3. Mrmephistopheles : You're posts are straight to point which I like, and I havn't seen a problem yet.....

4. Nismo : Ever since your post about the clubscene, you will always remain a "tool" and a fag hahaha, get a life.

- Since I need to stay on topic, I hope Luke is given a second chance if not he's real persistant.......so I'm guessing he won't stop making new names. :keke:

02-21-2005, 01:19 PM
If he didn't contribute to the forum, then I think it's grounds to ban him. It can construed as spam even, as he says the same thing over and over.

It does nothing but pollute the forum, IMO.

02-21-2005, 02:37 PM
. Nismo : Ever since your post about the clubscene, you will always remain a "tool" and a fag hahaha, get a life.
once again i'm so concerned over what some douchebag over the internet thinks of me. I'm so sorry that I went out with hot girls one night. yes I'm a tool and need a life. what type of life would you like me to have? one where I work 24/7 and never go out or something? go fuck yourself because I really don't care what some ass-hat on the other side of the country thinks.
anyways if you have the balls to come say it to my face my address is posted previously in this same thread. shit I'll even pay for your airfare to get your ass beat. and no this isn't a little e-thug threat.
and in case you are too fucking retarded to figure out how to find my address in the previous post in this same thread (which I'm more than sure you are, and no thats not my opinion, its something I consider to be a fact, that you are mentally retarded) here it is again:
Kevin Presa
3721 Hollyberry Drive
Huntingtown MD 20639

thanks and have a fan-fucking-tastick day

02-21-2005, 03:38 PM
:lockd: shut 'er down

02-21-2005, 03:56 PM
yeah, i think that's a good idea, Var.
I understand that users want to throw in their $0.02 and want to know why things happen, but they should keep in mind that us mods/admins have no obligation to explain or justify our actions. The fact that we do so willingly is a testament to the fact that we care about the well-being of the forum, and would rather help people understand what's going on rather than make this place a little bit of Oceania (or Airstrip One if you choose).

RPS13- watch the insults. this is your warning. I understand your desire to express to others your opinions about them, just find a more constructive way of doing it. Except for Makoto, I don't care what you call him. Otherwise, name-calling is a no-no.