View Full Version : In what cases can the cops pop our hoods?

02-08-2005, 03:23 PM
I was goin up to san luis obispo last weekend for mardis gras, and on the way up on 101 i got rolled by chp. To make a long story short wasn't speeding, and i was pulled over because of tint and my loudass JIC exhaust. He said i HAD to pop my hood. At first I said no, then he described how theres a difference between searching my car, and inspecting the engine for emissions violations. Does anyone have a definitive answer to when we have to pop our hoods and when we can refuse?


02-08-2005, 03:32 PM
IMO, and I know you asked for a definitive one, I think the exhaust would give him enough probable cause to search for emissions violations.

02-08-2005, 04:24 PM
It isnt in my eyes since it could only be a muffler for all he knows which is a non emissions related device

02-08-2005, 04:50 PM
its as simple as this


if you wanna fight it, they'll still pop your hood, probably give you a HUGe hassle, impound your car or at least handcuff you and throw you in back
have someone search yoru car, make a whole ruckus out of it for you

or you can do the easy route, dont think twice and pop it. thisway you SEEM to have nothing to hide and cop feels better (wont be a dick about it) and u can usally get off w/ exhaust and maybe air filter ticket (if you ahve one)

thats it have a nice day

yeah legally they CANT but all taht goes out the window when you deal with cops and egos.

02-08-2005, 04:51 PM
I was goin up to san luis obispo last weekend for mardis gras, and on the way up on 101 i got rolled by chp. To make a long story short wasn't speeding, and i was pulled over because of tint and my loudass JIC exhaust. He said i HAD to pop my hood. At first I said no, then he described how theres a difference between searching my car, and inspecting the engine for emissions violations. Does anyone have a definitive answer to when we have to pop our hoods and when we can refuse?


Did you get away with no fines? I lived in san luis for close to a year now and have been pulled over twice. They have never popped my hood for anything yet. Hope they dont' ever though. PLus, how would they know teh difference between modified or not. I mean, i've heard stories of cops writing tickets for having an intake.

02-08-2005, 05:03 PM
i heard a rumor that CHP now have a handbook with pictures of popular illegal motor swaps and where to find the engine code. seems extreme but you never know.

02-08-2005, 05:36 PM
i heard a rumor that CHP now have a handbook with pictures of popular illegal motor swaps and where to find the engine code. seems extreme but you never know.

Not a rumor... It exists... Used it to realize there was an SR in my friend's car in the San Fernando Valley. They actually a traffic officer in to bring the book.

or you can do the easy route, dont think twice and pop it. thisway you SEEM to have nothing to hide and cop feels better (wont be a dick about it) and u can usally get off w/ exhaust and maybe air filter ticket (if you ahve one)

The problem with that is that the air filter is still an emissions violation and you'll still be referreed. The ref will not let you slide with an SR. Now, if you have a blacktop with a stock airbox, the cop may not even have a clue.

Andrew Bohan
02-08-2005, 05:43 PM
gotta love having a legal turbo :yum:

02-08-2005, 05:48 PM
i swear to God it sounds like you people are talking about nazi germany.

02-08-2005, 05:51 PM
legally they cannot. as posted by lindsay a long time ago on this very subject, from my facked up memory, exhaust emissions has nothing to do with engine modification

02-08-2005, 05:57 PM
I didnt wanna get a ticket or my car towed or anything so i just popped my hood. The cop had this binder full of all these pictures of different engines, he throughly went through my entire engine bay, he asked me if the engine was stock since it was mounted longitudinally? he was a moron, but it took me about half an hour to talk him outta it. He told me he could fine me a minimum of $2500-$5000 He gave me a fat hassle over my egr or aiv hose that i capped off wiht a small breather filter ( the one that used to breathe off the intake box, since i have a kandn) After about half an hour of discussion and lecture he finally let me leave. I felt like i got stepped all over, even tho i didnt get a ticket...

02-08-2005, 05:59 PM
i got a ticket that says gross polluter. haha i'm fucked. i wish it was legal to kill cops if you feel they are hassling you

02-08-2005, 06:04 PM
legally they cannot. as posted by lindsay a long time ago on this very subject, from my facked up memory, exhaust emissions has nothing to do with engine modification

maybe not emissions wise, BUT they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS find a way around to stopping you and pop your hood.....in this case the Cop's probable cause could be "loud exhaust"...that is enough probable cause to stop and question you....I had been stopped and popped very recently, about 2 months ago and asked why he stopped me...basically he said:

Cop: "I dont need a decibel reading. If i feel that your car is 'unusually' loud in any way from outside and/or INSIDE i can stop you."

Me: "But it is my understanding that you need a decibel reader to gauge how loud my exhaust is, otherwise it can still be under the decibel limit right?"

Cop: "No, my judgement tells me whether you have an 'unusual' sound or not, theres no more needing to get the ole decibel reader out."

then he looked around my car and saw my exhaust and asked me to pop my hood. My exhaust was enough incentive to have my hood popped. Also this was my 3rd or 4th time getting pulled over for a "loud exhaust" and having my hood popped. I have one cop friend and a friends dad who is a Lt. or SGt. (i forget) and both confirmed that the cop who stopped me had every incentive to do so.

in the end the cop must have felt bored and gave me a fix it ticket :mad:

02-08-2005, 06:19 PM
new law states that cops no longer need the ole decibel reader. its all by judgement now

02-08-2005, 06:39 PM
Keep in mind if you do get a ticket for your "filter" or "exhaust" they will usually put "NON-FIXABLE" which will land your candy ass in the State Referee's office. When that happens and you have a cool little SR20 motorswap, better have a nice KA sitting around somewhere to swap out....

When they ask you to pop your hood, just do it. If they ask you to search the interior of your vehicle you can then ask why.......they would have to have cause, or a search warrant....

02-08-2005, 06:42 PM
I live in Bothell, WA. For anyone who doesn't know where that is(probobly everyone), its a suburb of Seattle. It's just under half an hour north of downtown Seattle and about 20 minutes south of Everett. I have been pulled over 20 times in the four years I've been driving my car. I have one ticket for having my license plate in my front window instead of on my bumper, and one for going ten over when I was late to school one day. Never, in 20 traffic stops, has an officer said anything about my exhaust. I have Apex'i N1 duals with a strait pipe on a KA. It is VERY, VERY, loud. It is so loud that it is amazingly annoying and a hate it. I don't know what the deal is with your police, but mine only like to harass me for bullshit things to check if i'm drunk or high then they let go. Ex: Pull me over for "dim rear license plate lights" then let me go after I present them with all of my information and treat them in a respectful manner. The Bothell Police have jack squat to do because our city is a joke when it comes to crime so they stereotype vehicles and harass the citizens. Recently, I was pulled over and cited for doing 50 in a 35. The lame part is that the police officer claimed that he 'paced' me, even though I wasn't speeding whatsoever. It's just another example of our corrupt policing in this country. I am contesting the ticket in March but I suspect I'll get F'ed in the A. Basically the point of my posting this is that there's really nothing you can do to prevent getting your ass raped by the cops. For the most part, they're all power-tripping bitches who have nothing better to do then harass innocent car enthusiasts. So rather than worrying about them pulling you over and such, just know that it's probobly going to happen sooner or later and do the best you can to treat the officer with respect even though you think he's a p.o.s.

Just my $.02

02-08-2005, 06:50 PM
where im in socal (ive had exhaust tickets as well as many a friends)

you get exhuast; fine, no ref (FINES range from 80-200 dollars)
you get airfilter fine no ref

02-08-2005, 07:13 PM
where im in socal (ive had exhaust tickets as well as many a friends)

you get exhuast; fine, no ref (FINES range from 80-200 dollars)
you get airfilter fine no ref

You're getting lucky down there in OC... Exhaust is a fix-it (and you can get a dB reading at a CHP station), but air-filter will be ref 99% of the time. My friend got pulled over in his S13... Stock air-box. He didn't believe him and had him pop the box open. He saw a K&N drop-in (a regular flat filter), and sent him to the ref for that... A legal fucking filter!

While an exhaust doesn't have anything to do with emissions, it constitutes probable cause to search because now they suspect the engine is modified (and thus may have missing emissions equipment). Hell, A-pillar gauges in a stock car are probable cause.

02-08-2005, 07:21 PM
fuck this thread makes me worry about the sr sitting in my bay. I have a pretty loud exhaust too. =(

anyone else get stopped and your SR checked out by the popo? what other things can the guy do to you?

02-08-2005, 07:23 PM
not worry
its really not worth it
dont drive like a dumbass on the streets
and if you know an area that cops are at a lot, dont go there
ive had loud exhaust for over a year and 1/2, ive had it with SR for about 4 months
ive only been pulled over once and i drive on streets all over in various cities everyda
but i drive like an old lady

drive well you GREATLY decrease your changes
and honestly dont worry about it
dont feeed the fear

Andrew Bohan
02-08-2005, 07:29 PM
my friend with redtop got pulled over for exhaust and intercooler on the 101 in marin county. the chp called 3 more chps to come over, and they had his hood popped and were takin pictures and everything. got a ticket, but no court date, and when he called to ask, they said it was not in the system. that's the last he ever heard of it.

02-08-2005, 07:34 PM
I've learned to keep everything to moderate levels now. It's too expensive and not worth it. My car is not as low anymore, no more big exhaust, and when I go SR, it'll be a black top, with factory airbox. (Being a smog tech helps too) I don't think you need 300+ hp to the wheels in a street car. Downpipe to an e-cutout, with lightweight flywheel and gt28 w/ S15 or arc side mount will probably be the extent of my planned mods.

My cousin has a completely stock S13 blacktop in his car and even seasoned mechanics don't look twice.

You can't mob around in your super low kitted, blingin' wheels, fat pipe exhaust ride in Nazi Germ, er Cali anymore.

Just leave that car for the track.

02-08-2005, 08:05 PM
my friend with redtop got pulled over for exhaust and intercooler on the 101 in marin county. the chp called 3 more chps to come over, and they had his hood popped and were takin pictures and everything. got a ticket, but no court date, and when he called to ask, they said it was not in the system. that's the last he ever heard of it.

same shit happened to me.. fuckers. then they sent me the court date with a 340 dollar fine.

02-08-2005, 08:06 PM
I've learned to keep everything to moderate levels now. It's too expensive and not worth it. My car is not as low anymore, no more big exhaust, and when I go SR, it'll be a black top, with factory airbox. (Being a smog tech helps too) I don't think you need 300+ hp to the wheels in a street car. Downpipe to an e-cutout, with lightweight flywheel and gt28 w/ S15 or arc side mount will probably be the extent of my planned mods.

My cousin has a completely stock S13 blacktop in his car and even seasoned mechanics don't look twice.

You can't mob around in your super low kitted, blingin' wheels, fat pipe exhaust ride in Nazi Germ, er Cali anymore.

Just leave that car for the track.

Absolutely. Time to get an EVO or a Z06 and leave the s13 in the garage for drift days.

edit:or throw an LS1 in the bitch. Street legal and powerful.

Ritz S14
02-08-2005, 08:17 PM
my friend with redtop got pulled over for exhaust and intercooler on the 101 in marin county. the chp called 3 more chps to come over, and they had his hood popped and were takin pictures and everything. got a ticket, but no court date, and when he called to ask, they said it was not in the system. that's the last he ever heard of it.

An aftermarket intercooler is actually legal..and so is an oil catch can. It's in appendix K.. or something in the smog inspection manual.

02-08-2005, 08:22 PM
An aftermarket intercooler is actually legal..and so is an oil catch can. It's in appendix K.. or something in the smog inspection manual.

suspicious on a car that's not supposed to have a turbo.

Ritz S14
02-08-2005, 08:27 PM
Find a "jdm" owners manual and throw it in your glove box.-> See officer..it's stock...

02-08-2005, 08:32 PM
i wonder how henry copes with his DD?????

02-08-2005, 08:49 PM
man my story is stupid i was crossing over from mexico to the u.s. and the guy at the border asked me to pop my hood and also asked if the my s13 was my car? WTF....what the hell he sthinks i'm smuggling fucking mexicans in my engine bay...WTF?....anyways it only happend once. and i had was the stock filter, stock motor and headers and hks exhaust

02-08-2005, 08:58 PM
this very topic popped up between some friends of mine and one of my friends was recently pulled over by a cop. the cop asked him to pop the hood, but my friend not wanting to get out of the car asked the cop to just open it. of course the cop kept insisting that HE pop it open. i tihnk he spoke to a friend of his that is a cop and i think there is something in the precedure where the driver has to willingly pop the hood open and a cop cannot do it on his own..not sure if thats true or not, i'll have to talk to a friend of mine thats a cop

02-08-2005, 09:10 PM
nissans dont get hasseled here in nyc. honduhs do because they all like to steal each others engines and stick em in crappier cars :D

02-08-2005, 10:13 PM
So what do they do if they find an SR in your engine bay??

Im scared to drive now ..............

02-08-2005, 10:19 PM
update: I was just pulled over about an hour ago here in Sac by CHP. My tags are expired (have temporary tag in front windshield). I remember my buddy telling me to roll down my window and stick my hands out the next time I get pulled over. So I did just that. Stuck my both my arms out the window as far as I could. Cop walked up to me like :tweak: I was kind of smiling. He then proceeded to do the usual check. (But since my last ass raping my car is higher, has a stock exhaust, and factory alloys.) Gave him my insurance, reg, license, and he walked around my car. The guy even asked me to roll my window up. :faint: (nope no tint) Finally, he looks frustrated and tells me to wait. He goes back to his car, and ten minutes later comes back, hands me my stuff and just tells me to drive safe. WHOO HOOOO!!! :wiggle: Me=> +1!

p.s. If they find an SR in your engine bay, they're keeping your car for 30 days. Plus you get to see the ref. My friend got her car towed by Sac P.D. because of her redtop last month.

02-08-2005, 10:33 PM
woah you guys have got it worse then we do

02-08-2005, 11:05 PM
Do turbo KA's get the same treatment as the SR's do(when they are acknowledged as not being an engine legal for use in the states..)?

02-08-2005, 11:13 PM
Well since ive been in cali, ive had my share of run-ins with CHP among a few. I had a ticket for my exhaust *kinda funny how i had my silencer on then, now that i dont, i dont ever get harassed* and limo tint all around. Fought it and got it thrown out...beauty of being in the military and having FL tags.

But most interesting is, I got pulled over by CHP out by candlestick *following some guys trying to find some runs* Needless to say red car, loud exhaust and big ass fmic and i got popped. Pulled me over and told him im looking for a hotel party. He just kinda snickered and asked for my licence and reg. Popped my military ID while i gave him my stuff. To make long story short, he let me go. But for shiets and giggles I thought id ask him a few Qs bout what im liable for since im out of state. I told him im not quite CA legal emissions wise but its legal in FL. SO he told me to pop my hood and asked his buddy to get a book from the trunk. Had this big ass binder with pictures and notes. Looked up 240sx and voila...*NON-TURBO STOCK* Hes like so i know that engine is illegal, your stock engine doesnt have a turbo. He just let me go cuz he said i was being nice and i made him laugh with the hotel party thing. Told me to scram or hell nail me the nice time he sees me around the area.

02-08-2005, 11:25 PM
fuck man, this sucks. It seems liek the whole deal is mostly in norcal. Seems like so cal isn't so bad after all now. This sucks ass still. I guess I'm going to end up with an rsr ex-mag vs the gp sports spec d with a high flow cat. Since I'm a poor college student, I dont' want to get my car imporunded for 30 days when I'm visiting friends at Berkeley.

Ritz S14
02-08-2005, 11:27 PM
You are the funny squirrel pinoy.

02-08-2005, 11:32 PM
quick question: you guys said they will ticket you for having just an air filter on an NA KA? or is that just for SR? I've got an injen short ram, but it has the carb legal sticker on it. They can't ticket me for that can they?

02-08-2005, 11:45 PM
Depends on the cop. Some of them dont give a fook bout the carb sticker and will write you one just to hassle you and have ur ticket signed.

02-08-2005, 11:47 PM
nah don't think so?

02-08-2005, 11:51 PM
cause when used to have my honda crx i had a k and N filter system and didn't get ticked... i guess it just depends what mood the cop is in.

02-08-2005, 11:56 PM
Depends on the cop. Some of them dont give a fook bout the carb sticker and will write you one just to hassle you and have ur ticket signed.

exactly, some cops will give you a ticket either way.. what happens is you have to go to court and prove its legal. basically it wastes your time and money having to take time away from school/work to go to court and pay damn fees

02-08-2005, 11:59 PM
threads like these, make me wanna keep my KA =/

02-09-2005, 12:19 AM
if your mods have a carb sticker, and it's in plain view, you have a right to not sign the ticket. They might hassle you some more, and try to arrest you, but you'll still win in court because your shit was legal to begin with. Just make sure you know your rights.

02-09-2005, 12:21 AM
try not to act like an idiot and you'll improve your chances. i've had cops check out my sr and they tell me to drive safe.

02-09-2005, 12:51 AM
that's why i still thinking of getting a SR or not...
last time i got pulled over because of my blue sidemarker... since it's correctable ticket, i just took my car to a cop and asked him to sign my ticket... all i have to pay is just $10, haha, so lucky that he had not pop up my hood as i have an aftermarket intake and muffler... i think i am lucky already since i just paid $10, haha!!!

02-09-2005, 01:29 AM
if your mods have a carb sticker, and it's in plain view, you have a right to not sign the ticket. They might hassle you some more, and try to arrest you, but you'll still win in court because your shit was legal to begin with. Just make sure you know your rights.

Not true... Your signature is not an admission of guilt. You're promising to appear in court, where you'll have to explain that your part was CARB legal. Most SoCal cops could give two shits about a CARB sticker and will write you up anyway.

02-09-2005, 01:36 AM
Screw this bullshit, Cali sucks ass man. STupid cops are supposed to keep people safe and shit. Not worry about this stuff. :fawkd: :fawkd: popos!!

02-09-2005, 02:10 AM
Screw this bullshit, Cali sucks ass man. STupid cops are supposed to keep people safe and shit. Not worry about this stuff. :fawkd: :fawkd: popos!!

well these kind of mods are usually associated w/ young inexperienced drivers who think they are speed racer .. so in a sense they are trying to keep normal folk safe while taxing the poor bastards that like imports.

don't like it? get a muuuuussy' tang

02-09-2005, 02:33 AM
we're easy targets. Plus we help keep the roads paved and cops paid.

02-09-2005, 05:57 AM
Damn man!! So isn't only in Italy that cop do that!!
I'm quite afraid about drive and being by cop now..I think the ending car seem scream: "hey I'm not legal".. but I hope in lucky (maybe a stickers "I'm with Jesus" can help??) IMO is very important how you are with cops..drive well on street and never run or do bullshit and at least, ever be very kind with cops.. :bowdown: :bowdown:

02-09-2005, 08:43 AM
My .02.

I totally agree, cops will be cops. Some will ticket you, and some will not. However, it has been my experience, that you can do several things to REDUCE your chances of being pulled-over. The best of those has been mentioned:

Don't drive like an ass. (this probably includes NOT hanging out with those who drive like asses)

Second, and I believe to be the number one reason we do get pulled over...

EXHAUST. Bling-bling can style, just begging to get popped...save those monsters for track day. (BTW, RSR ExMag...by far, the best Socal exhaust)

Third, the setup of your ride...Although I think lowering is not as big a deal...but rather, tint (I have none), and various ligthing and kits attract much more attention.

Lastly, appearence. I think having a clean, well done car serves you best, although I am sure some might argue that a beater look is stealthy as well...I guess it depends on whether you have satisfied the first three...However, the point is, if your car LOOKS like a race car, why not assume it is? (from the cops point of view)

Now, these are just a few things, as some will probably mention, being in the wrong place at the wrong time probably has a lot to do with it as well...

Either way fellas, I have tried to live by these four little "codes" if you will, and I have been extremely lucky to not have been harassed yet. Although, If I do, I will remember one important point, be cool about it.

02-09-2005, 09:03 AM
Must be a Cali thing, lol.

02-09-2005, 10:38 AM
wow, i just drove my car to the store the other day WITH NO LICENSE PLATES OR SEATBELTS AND I PASSED A COP ON THE WAY HOME. passed right on by...

fuggin cali sucks, gang, bail now before its too late!

02-09-2005, 10:58 AM
I've thought about moving to Nevada so I can drive my car with 18's, and full kit, modified to the moon louder than a diesel 18 wheeler SR20, 6 point cage, no interior whatsoever, limo tint all around, and hanging my dick out the window.

...but then I thought about it some more.

02-09-2005, 11:12 AM
On the CHP topic, my friend's Supra got pulled over. We were driving in a caravan down 101 from SF to San Jose. 3 Supras, 3 WRXs, a S2000 a couple of 240s and some Hondas. Drove by the Redwood City area, 2 CHP come on the highway at once and immediately pull over the first 2 Supras they see.

One friend got asked to pop his hood and the cop said he better not see a turbo or NOS or something. My friend said his car comes turbo already but he polished it up so it looks shiny for car shows. (his car has a Greddy T78 upgrade..) The cop was cool says that's ok, asks where we are going and tells him to be careful.

The other friend, the cop asks to pop the hood. He pops the hood, the cop opens it and he yells "HOLY SHIT!!". He gets on the radio and asks some other people to come and check it out. The engine bay is all chromed out with two big HKS GT-series top mounted turbos and looks like disneyland inside - all color matched chrome and the whole HKS catalog under the hood. The cop says you know everything you have in there is illegal, he told him he can have the car impounded and sent to the state ref for that and he'd have to put everything back to stock. He says he didn't know that. He built the car for show and rarely drives it. Which is partly true, the car does look very bling. The cop waits a while talking on the radio, probably waiting for other cops and in the end he tells him he is going to let him go but that if he sees the car again he's going to impound it.

02-09-2005, 11:20 AM
in my old s14 when i lived in los angeles, i had sr and ohio tags...

they used to pull me over everday on my way to work drive/home (at universal studios to westwood)

same cops usually, just to dui test me/fuck with me/etc since ohio plates n reg i didnt have to pass cali emissions back then (3 yrs ago)

now you have to pass the city/state car is driven in.

easiest way to get by...know cops dudes, know cops. and make friends at e check asap

02-09-2005, 11:23 AM
They can do what Aaron said: WHATEVER THEY WANT. Damn, I just got pulled over on a street by my house for being too low! The popo said that the center of my headlights needs to be at least 22" off the ground and mine are 20" so I'm 2" too low haha.

My suggestion is to have friends in high places. My buddy from college is a Cerritos sheriff woot!

02-09-2005, 11:49 AM
I love Chicago.
They wanted to put my ride on the dyno to test it, but were unable too because of "low spoilers"
so they just do an idle test. MUAHAHAHAHA

02-09-2005, 12:05 PM
My dad is a seargent cop. I get pulled over probably average about 3 times a week. I have an sr20 with a loud ass 3" exhaust sytem, no cat - no restrictions. the thing screams. Im lowered about...2 inches off the ground. Im in the silicon valley of California...where a lto of cops are dicks.

EVERYTIME i got pulle dover, i tell them my dad's name and they check, and let me go with a "drive safe boy. have a good day". PS. - my dad helps me fix my car loL!

02-09-2005, 12:21 PM
...hanging my dick out the window.

...but then I thought about it some more.

Dick too small? :duh:

Andrew Bohan
02-09-2005, 12:23 PM
i'm REALLY thinkin about movin back to washington. or else just get my car registered at my parents' address or something cool like that.

02-09-2005, 01:00 PM
Dick too small? :duh:

..... :doh: ..... :D

02-09-2005, 02:15 PM
Seems like most of the problems are only happening in Cali. I wonder how it is on the east coast where I am. Im about 2 weeks from finishing my SR Swap.

02-09-2005, 03:00 PM
here in nyc -- the new law is , As long as the cops can here your car from a 100 or more yards away (from there judgement) your getting pulled over ,checked and from what i have seen so far, you might even get you car towed. I have even seen cops on the ground with flashlights checking the complete exhaust,under the hood and walking around with hand books.

02-09-2005, 03:03 PM
their even checking head light and ride height --- if they feel like being dicks, most of the time there will just left you off with a warning ticket or maybe court appointment-- which is getting off easy for me, better than taking the car.

02-09-2005, 03:52 PM
what i find offensive about your post is the fact that you EDITED IT and STILL failed to make a better than third grade attempt at a statement.

strap on the helmet, forrest.

02-09-2005, 05:08 PM
Man, I love my RSR Ex-mag. Quiet as hell now that I'm SR.

So what if I left NJ and I was in another state and I got hassled by a cop trying to inspect my car? Could I tell him off and say I don't have to pop crap cause I don't live there?

02-09-2005, 07:50 PM
wow, i just drove my car to the store the other day WITH NO LICENSE PLATES OR SEATBELTS AND I PASSED A COP ON THE WAY HOME. passed right on by...

fuggin cali sucks, gang, bail now before its too late!


Lets see...



Yeah, I think I'll stay legal and stay here... You poor clueless prick... Come here for a day, you'll never leave. Oh yeah, and driving a car with no plates on the street? :rl: Loser...

02-09-2005, 08:03 PM
haha good call, i couldn't agree more

02-09-2005, 08:28 PM
why you being a dick
just wanted to give input on how it is here in ny
not everyone lives in bubble fuck country where you know it all bitch
you had to be the only asshole
that has something negative to say.

02-09-2005, 08:33 PM
You Cali guys are so uptight it's funny. "Bow down to us, we are gods" and then you turn around crying because a cop does his job and tickets you for an illegal engine. Yes, illegal. You break the law, you pay the price, simple. With the all hype about drifting, SR swaps, etc. how can you blame them? You're putting it out that you're in violation, just like the magazines, the kids, everything remotely related to the automotive world does, so it's no wonder. When I pull up at a gas station I get asked if I drift or have an SR (I don't thank God), the West Coast has got to be double that type of attention. If I was a cop and saw a 240, Supra, RX7, even a civic I'd think the same thing.
Here in the South (without cows) cops usually only pull people over for acting stupid (99% of the 'import' crowd), or for lighting violations. I've been stopped for speeding (I was) but an officer has never commented on my car or anything done to it. I could have been driving an SUV or a Town Car as far as they're concerned. I even had to make a parts run for some paintwork a few years ago and passed a cop on I75 with no bumpers, hood, fenders, headlights, or a decklid on my car. He frowned at me and drove on by. We just don't have the same issues here because it's not such a huge part of things. Get used to it or move.

02-09-2005, 08:36 PM
the same thing happened to me about a month ago. i used to have a EG with a B18 and i had an AICvalve problem(my car would rev during idle and it sounded like i had cams)....anyway i got pulled over because a motorcycle cop heard my car reving like crazy. he first asked if i had a silencer and then told me to pop my hood and sure enough i was busted. got tagged for modified emmisions, modified exhaust and state ref required.....yup i was basically fuked!

but on the bright side..i never wouldve picked up my s13 if i didnt get caught that day.

02-09-2005, 08:51 PM
damn sucks to be out there. I'm happy in southern MD, I'm about 2 hours drive from Ocean City, MD (if that) and its packed there during the summer with chics (close friend has a house out there, I usually go out there on weekends). girlwatching la> ocean city cops ocean city>la overall la=ocean city :)

02-09-2005, 08:57 PM

Lets see... i know nothing but what people tell me/i want to believe about the south. blah blah. Yeah, I think I'll stay ILlegal and stay here... You poor clueless prick... Come here for a day, you'll never leave.

what makes this really ironic is how you people that jack off to your beloved state whine about it incessently and usually haven't been outside of their OWN state. i know people there. friends that say cali sucks biggity balls compared to texas. it really isn't all its cracked up to be so maybe you should try kissing my hairy "hick" ass instead of pretending to hate me instead of your state

Oh yeah, and driving a car with no plates on the street? :rl: Loser...

yeah i suck, i was diagnosing a coolant leak and putting air in my tires down the street. i'm a fuggin madman. wooo, watchout gang he's goin 35mph!

why you being a dick
just wanted to give input on how it is here in ny
not everyone lives in bubble fuck country where you know it all bitch
you had to be the only asshole
that has something negative to say.

because i wanted to see if you could construct one intelligent/coherant thought. sadly, you dissapointed me. *tear*

02-09-2005, 09:07 PM
what makes this really ironic is how you people that jack off to your beloved state whine about it incessently and usually haven't been outside of their OWN state. i know people there. friends that say cali sucks biggity balls compared to texas. it really isn't all its cracked up to be so maybe you should try kissing my hairy "hick" ass instead of pretending to hate me instead of your state

I've been out of the state and out of the country plenty of times. I know what I'm talking about... :fawkd: :smash:

You annoy the shit out of me...

02-09-2005, 09:21 PM
well it prolly wouldn't be so hard to contain your feces if you weren't so full of it :)

02-09-2005, 09:23 PM
of my 4-5 years driving a fixed up car, I've been pulled over a bunch of times. I think more than half the times I've gotten away with a simple warning, or at worst, a fix-it ticket. Never popped my hood or anything (except once when I was caught racing.. I was 18 at time time :rolleyes: ). I think the cops judge you on your appearance.. like if you talk like a thug and give them attitude, they would be more harsh on you. But if you're nice and cooperate, they might just let you go.

02-09-2005, 09:26 PM

02-10-2005, 08:12 AM
Here's an idea I thought of for you guys. Disconnect the hood release inside the cabin and use some other way to open your hood. It good be ghetto like a coat hanger hanging down that you have to reach under the car. Or it could be fancy, like a remote trunk release solenoid. But when the cop asks you to pop your hood, you pull the non-functional release, and act suprised/pissed that it doesn't work. "Oh great, that's one more thing I have to fix on this POS". The cop would likely give up, unless he was a real hard ass.

02-10-2005, 08:56 AM
Here's an idea I thought of for you guys. Disconnect the hood release inside the cabin and use some other way to open your hood. It good be ghetto like a coat hanger hanging down that you have to reach under the car. Or it could be fancy, like a remote trunk release solenoid. But when the cop asks you to pop your hood, you pull the non-functional release, and act suprised/pissed that it doesn't work. "Oh great, that's one more thing I have to fix on this POS". The cop would likely give up, unless he was a real hard ass.

Interesting thought, about has good as using hood locks (with your hood pins) and "losing" the key...

Andrew Bohan
02-10-2005, 10:22 AM
i thought they can't make you open locked compartments anyway, even if you have the key

02-10-2005, 12:24 PM
One thing I have never understood is why bikers (choppers) never get pulled over. I mean I have never heard a car as loud as some bikes, and they never get pulled over. Or pulled over for disturbance of the peace, but if you have some subs, you'll get pulled over. I got stopped one day for my system and the cop was going on about how it is a small city and I can't be driving through with my loud music. While he was lecturing me, a train came by, and it drowned out my music. I was like your pulling me over for my music and a train just came right down past the city and made my music sound like a pin drop and you are harrassing me over this?

02-10-2005, 12:57 PM
One thing I have never understood is why bikers (choppers) never get pulled over. I mean I have never heard a car as loud as some bikes, and they never get pulled over. Or pulled over for disturbance of the peace, but if you have some subs, you'll get pulled over. I got stopped one day for my system and the cop was going on about how it is a small city and I can't be driving through with my loud music. While he was lecturing me, a train came by, and it drowned out my music. I was like your pulling me over for my music and a train just came right down past the city and made my music sound like a pin drop and you are harrassing me over this?

wat did he say when u told him that?

02-10-2005, 02:14 PM
My opinion of the matter is that cops are doing too much, and not enough. Too much traffic control and not enough sepukku with nightsticks. They shouldnt be allowed to open up our hoods unless they are looking for drugs. The fact that they have a book of all the illegal motors is sad. But of course they cant let people just pollute the air. That's why i've always stood by the opinion that there should ONLY be emissions standards and no visual inspection(under the hood)

Exterior visual mods are a different story. People with "low lights"..mehh not too bad. People with HID's that blind me...i hope you all get tickets or go get a proper light retrofit. People with smoked or blacked out lighting that reduces light output, you should just plain be shot in the face with a shotgun filled with salt pellets. Exhausts should be fair game up to 100db.

Portable smog machines. This is the answer.

02-10-2005, 05:48 PM
I'm also one for no visual inspections too.

oh yeah, UPDATE!

I was ticketed in Elk Grove for :crossing double yellow, running stop sign, modified exhaust, missing/disconnected smog device, ride height, headlight height, no proof of insurance. Plus I got this nice little sticker that said I had to go see my friend the State referree.

So I went to court this morning and told the judge I wanted to fight my violations. I had the insurance, just not in the car at that time, so I was ok. I also had the exhaust, ride height, and headlight height signed off.

I didn't see the ref though. (I didn't tell the judge any of this though)

So the judge says "Go talk to the DA"

So I talk to the DA and work out a deal with him. (Cool guy actually) Lucky for me we were able to work out a fair deal. He knocked everything off the ticket except the "Crossing double yellow". Which came out to be a $150 fine.

I went back to the court room and saw the judge again. The judge took a look at my file, hesitated and then shrugged it off.

nightwalker= +2 this week

02-10-2005, 07:43 PM
you are one lucky guy!

02-10-2005, 11:07 PM
Seems like most of the problems are only happening in Cali. I wonder how it is on the east coast where I am. Im about 2 weeks from finishing my SR Swap.

im from mass and while i get hasseled for my moded exhuast the cops here dont know a sr20 from a hole in the wall hell some of them have never heard of a 240

02-11-2005, 12:17 AM
I registered my car under my brother's name. Could they still give me fixing ticket or impound my car? I ask such a question because 5 years ago i was driving my bro's rice rocket and i got pull over. However, when the cop (who was very famous in my hometown that he hates rice rockets) realized thats my bro's car, he actually let me go and told me to ask my bro to take out all the stuffs in 48 hours, or he will give me all the violation tickets.

02-11-2005, 09:49 AM
I registered my car under my brother's name. Could they still give me fixing ticket or impound my car? I ask such a question because 5 years ago i was driving my bro's rice rocket and i got pull over. However, when the cop (who was very famous in my hometown that he hates rice rockets) realized thats my bro's car, he actually let me go and told me to ask my bro to take out all the stuffs in 48 hours, or he will give me all the violation tickets.

I think he let you off easy because it wasn't your car. He could easily have thrown the book at you. It's like if my mom drives my car (haha, yeah right) and gets pulled over, they probably won't give her a ticket because she knows nothing about all the stuff I did to it and its not really her fault.

02-11-2005, 11:00 AM
I have considered registering my car under my cousins nam ein Nevada...but then I read the laws, and if the car is in cali for more than two weeks, you have to register it. That blows. I wonder how long you can get away with it?

02-11-2005, 02:37 PM
I have considered registering my car under my cousins nam ein Nevada...but then I read the laws, and if the car is in cali for more than two weeks, you have to register it. That blows. I wonder how long you can get away with it?
so basically if I visit family out there for like 3 weeks this summer (planning to do that) I'm technically illegal and would have to register it in cali? you've got to be kidding me.

02-11-2005, 06:04 PM
Its not about keeping the air clean, its about making the state green. Muders/robberies dont pay the bills, traffic tickets do. Traffic tickets are extra funding, it sucks that it has come to this but it has. Hold on to your asses guys its gonna get worse before it gets better.
On a sidenote though i live in Maine and dont get hassled much at all, my exhaust is pretty quiet so unless i'm speeding its no big deal.

02-11-2005, 07:55 PM
I've been saying that for years. SMOG is government business. So is pulling the nerdy kid in the Honda Civic and citing him for 15 violations for laws that were absurd to begin with.

drift freaq
02-11-2005, 09:56 PM
well I have say I guess I am lucky . Where I live in Los Angles ( Los Feliz , right next to Hollywood) the cops don't even blink an eye at our cars. In fact they have pulled up alongside me 3 times when I was speeding and motioned me to roll down the window when I did they told me to slow down. I said ok and they drove off. I do think that its like Aaron said, if you don't have to loud of exhaust, you don't run around blatantly violating and you watch out for the hot areas you'll be okay.
Fact is if your going to knowingly stick an illegal engine in your car you should expect the chance of getting caught and take it like a man. Hell they pull me over and pop me for a SR thats my bad.
I deal with it. If you can't pay don't play plain and simple.
Oh ya and word to Makoto , California fucking rocks!!!!!!! I would not choose to live in Texas if my life depended on it . Sorry but Texas has always had it out for Cali and I suspect its a deep seated Jealousy . hahahhahhahhahahhaha J/K but really dude lay off the Cali bashing . I don't come here and bash Texas and believe me I could ( can we say all kinds of stereotypes hahahhahhahha) So just chill out dude . Let the little Cali kids that can't face it whine . The men here don't .
Ya this post is bound to piss someone off hahhahahhahhaha get over it!!!!

02-11-2005, 10:10 PM
so basically if I visit family out there for like 3 weeks this summer (planning to do that) I'm technically illegal and would have to register it in cali? you've got to be kidding me.

No you can visit as long as you want to. The way it's supposed to work is if your moving out here you have two weeks. Also it's not a law that is enforced at all because there is no way to prove anything. For instance my mom lives and works in cali but has AZ plates on her truck. It has been that way for two years with no problem. Hell she even got sited for it and had a judge through it out of court. I might do the same thing if I have to.

02-14-2005, 10:49 AM
I'm just happy that I live in Washington and I am fortunate enough to live in the only county in Wa that has no emissions laws or regulations. w00t!!! :D Got CAT? I dont!

02-25-2005, 12:36 AM
Man, i hate reading these kinds of posts. ive been daily driving my SR for the past say 8 months or so w/greddy type s bov. i dont drive like a grandma but i dont fly through the city either. I have full exhaust w/JIC Bullet catback and magnaflow tip.....but it's not loud at all at least when im cruising. ive cruised in front of a cop a bunch of times and have had no probs... of course i panic like hell at the time but then it's a big sigh of relief when they turn and leave. radar detector mostly only helps on the freeway for me anyway. im sure a lot of u will disagree that it's even helping me, but it does. i have tint but none on the front windows, i dont think i want to risk tinting the fronts.

i think it's a good idea to just do what you can with your SR without attracting too much attention.. like recirc. your BOV, hiding intercooler, cruising at quietest RPM, etc.... but im sure most of u know this anyway.

in this thread we're specifically talking about california, but it's stupid that people who dont live here who come into this thread pointing their finger and laughing. whats up with that? thats not going to help anybody and it's not like we care that you live somewhere else. we all know california has the worst laws that have to do with cars, you dont need to repeat yourselves about your state not having such and such law. WE KNOW

02-25-2005, 12:17 PM
u know no matter how much you talk about evading the police they will always come from nowhere and fukc u. I've gotten a million tickets before when i drove around my show car. Not even driving crazy. They harrass you and try to fukc u over as much as possible. In my low pro 240 the pigs dont fukc with me as much. Because of these reasons:
1.Not that loud exhaust(it's sstill 4 inch tip)hks not catbak(this is prolly #1 reason to avoid pigz)
2.I had widebody, full kit and bright blue color now i have black on black rims no bodykit
3.1 inch from the groud if that, now my car is 1 inch lowered.

so to sum it all up cops are gay and dont getta noticable color for ur car, dont getta kit, dont lower ur sheet 2 da ground dont drive like a maniac (especially in front of pigs), dont get an exhaust that wakes up the whole damn neighborhood and u'll b ok

:rawk: represent if u hate cops......vengeance will b ourz one day

02-25-2005, 02:33 PM
represent if u hate cops......vengeance will b ourz one day

Rally the militia! Dumbass. :hahano:

05-28-2005, 04:26 PM
I live by LAX so all the cops around here are doing way more important things, it is also by inglewood, compton (kinda) so they have to deal with people getting jacked, stabbed, shot ect. I've never been pulled over for my exhaust (apex'i duals on KA). I think it's just a matter of being at the right place at the right time, or the wrong place at the wrong time, cops are regular people (maybe? lol) they have good and bad days.

05-28-2005, 06:45 PM
Oh ya and word to Makoto , California fucking rocks!!!!!!! I would not choose to live in Texas if my life depended on it .

i just noticed this upon the thread bump but... what you guys fail to understand is that being the loner i've always been i hate crowded places or beaches. i have no use for a state that has absurd rules that are only symptoms of the tremendous amount of greed/stupidity infesting its populous.

i have nothing against californians in general, its the overabundant amount of retards that think living in california is an automatic ticket to being cool.

if its any consolation i hate oregon too.

Ghst 01
05-28-2005, 07:05 PM
I live in SF.... car is hard to miss.... pull me over red..... cf hood..... dropped to the floor.. FMIC in plain site... N1 duals... bronze rims..... i drive it right beside cops... in front of cops.... run into them head on so they are able to see the FMIC... never go pulled over for it.... they give me an evil eye but thats all....i have gotten pulled over for speeding, rolling stops.. and some other pitty shit... usally the cop walks to the front of the car looks at it.. knodds his head... ask if i removed any smog equipment... i say no and start to name off Smog equip... and then they notice i am 26 not some lil rice kid and that the car is tastefull.. and nothing happens ...... I dont drive like a grandma.. but also not like a idiot... just kool... always polite..... try not to drive in the fast lane..... no slang.. and a clear voice.. ... and cops dont trip... ... basically be smart... use common sense.. I go to SOCAL often.. .. actually just last weekend with expired tags with no problems... use ur head kids

05-28-2005, 07:11 PM
I live in Chicago.... and cops don't give a shit about modified cars. They got bigger fish to fry.

Jonnie Fraz
05-28-2005, 07:59 PM
Wow this thread turned up a bunch of stuff.
Cop haters,Cali haters, ricer haters, all kinds of stuff. I kinda thought that the question was "when do the cops have the right to open your hood?"
I believe the answer is if they ask you to. All they have to do is write a referee ticket for aftermarket exhaust and then it does not matter. Only thing different is you get time to fix your stuff before you get stuffed.
Note to self...after swapping SR20 keep KA

05-29-2005, 12:43 AM
i just noticed this upon the thread bump but... what you guys fail to understand is that being the loner i've always been i hate crowded places or beaches. i have no use for a state that has absurd rules that are only symptoms of the tremendous amount of greed/stupidity infesting its populous.

i have nothing against californians in general, its the overabundant amount of retards that think living in california is an automatic ticket to being cool.

if its any consolation i hate oregon too.

Interesting. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

05-29-2005, 10:27 AM
no inspection, no emission testing for 90% of the county here in the state of Indiana. I love it, I ran without cat + catback for few times, no problems. We have trucks that are real freaking loud.

drift freaq
05-29-2005, 11:10 AM
i just noticed this upon the thread bump but... what you guys fail to understand is that being the loner i've always been i hate crowded places or beaches. i have no use for a state that has absurd rules that are only symptoms of the tremendous amount of greed/stupidity infesting its populous.

i have nothing against californians in general, its the overabundant amount of retards that think living in california is an automatic ticket to being cool.

if its any consolation i hate oregon too.

fair statement, Ya I live in socal, yes, I do not go to the beach much, if not at all.
Why? crowds!! I would say yes some of our laws are direct result of the populance i.e. smog, due to many cars,trucks and industry. Though you have to realize the LA basin had smog back in the times of Native americans, due to their camp fires. Its a geological fact the basin is prone to smog.
That said our smog laws have actually cleaned the air up amazingly. If you came to socal when I was a kid( and living in Norcal) your lungs would hurt from the smog. Its really not that way today. So the smog laws do work.

Global warming is a fact!! Get used to it and do at least give a small amount of effort at doing something about it.
I may run a performance car but I am not going to remove my cat if it means I am cleaning up the output of my engine by doing it.
That said , ya just living in Cali does not make one cool. Ya , Makoto I am with you, on people that come here cause they think its going to make them cool. We have enough people here already.
Anyways, I addressed the thread earlier so I am outta here!!!!!

P.S. I am not feelin Oregon either, Makoto, sister lives there and its just to strange for me.

05-29-2005, 08:00 PM
cops are regular people (maybe? lol) they have good and bad days.

WRONG!!! Cops are the bullys from high school who want to retain the power they had. They give you tickets to assert their power and go on power trips if you talk back to them!!! :fawk2:

05-29-2005, 10:59 PM
i got pulled over this morning lol.

i was on my way to my second day at willow springs. yesterdya i was drifting at the oval, and today i was doing gymkana at the balcony. someimtes my car would cut out under boost, and i idnt want to pay money to not be able to rev up to high rpms, so i dumped te clutch in first and did a little burn out and took off and started bouncing of the limiter in first to see.
well about 1 minture later i see a cop behind mer with his lights on, so i pull over and he asks me if im on the way to the track, i say yes sir etc. then he asks me if i want to be able to take my car there lol. he told me i cant drive obviously i was like bitch, can you drift 3rd gear at the oval? id di nt lthink so (i didnt really say that lol) so he goes into his car for about half an hour or twenty minutes, then comes back with a ticket for bald rear tires lol and no current insurence (mine was in the mail, i was liek 4 days expired) but that is better than recless driving.

he did not ask to pop my hood. i have 2 gauges in plain veiw, a full bucket seat, loud exhaust, almost fully gutted interior and i left my elecrtic fans on while he was talking to me.
cops are not that bad. dont drive liek a dick and they wont pull you over.

05-31-2005, 04:09 AM
I heard that the police department keeps record of your cars hoods being popped. For instance, if an officer popps your hood and its stock it goes on their record. Or something like that.

05-31-2005, 12:48 PM
man, i love living in kansas. LOTS of clean fresh air. the city i live in is pretty small but big enough to call a city. and best of all, the cops simply do not care......at all! if you wanna hear loud listen to a z71 running open headers. police out here could not care less if some kid (such as my self) imported a motor and threw it in a rice burned. hell i remember racing a z28 once and mowed it down like none other and little did i notice that we both left a cop behind when we took off.....the z28 turned off and the cop pulled along side me and eyed my car then jsut went along.

05-31-2005, 12:55 PM
cops are not that bad. dont drive liek a dick and they wont pull you over.

i got pulled over driving the speed limit and i got my hood popped, given an state referree ticket. Sometimes they're just out to get you

05-31-2005, 03:12 PM
WRONG!!! Cops are the bullys from high school who want to retain the power they had. They give you tickets to assert their power and go on power trips if you talk back to them!!! :fawk2:

the ONLY reason im not a cop is cause right now i make more money than most cops and a computer has never shot at me. i was never a bully in high school. i picked on the bullys and jocks and whoever the hell was being a jackass at any particular time.

what you just said is on the level with saying that all black people are prone to selling crack and pimping hoes. ignorant.

08-07-2005, 09:28 PM
Hey everyone, I live up in Eureka, California and agree that anything south of sanfransico sucks. Everyone going to work at the "corporation" everday driving there 60,000 dollar cars to there 2 million dollar houses to watch tv and then repeat the next day, everything they own is on credit and there lifes are pieces of shit so they need antidepressants to deal with there shitty fucked up over populated world, who wants to live like that, not me! Far north california is nice, tons of unpopulated areas, empty parking lots, curvy roads, very few CHP. Why not canada????? LSD Equipped 240sxs with the fog lights also! :)

08-07-2005, 09:45 PM
Alright buddy, nice first post. You sound like a happy person. Anything above Santa Rosa and you might as well be in Canada. Where's Andrew with the map.

Andrew Bohan
08-07-2005, 09:59 PM
it was actually art who made this btw

08-07-2005, 10:19 PM
just tell the cop no. if he asks to pop ur hood, first know why he pulled you over. they have to have probable(sp?) cause to pop ur hood. if he pulled you over for speeding, or a lowered car, rolling stop, or some reason not related to the motor of the car, there is no reason to pop ur hood. if he pulled you over for modified exhaust, well ur kinda fucked. know why he pulled you over first. just like if a cop gives you a ticket that says you were going X amount of speed, ask to see the radar, to see if they really got you for that amount of speed, especially if you know you were not going that fast. you have rights too, so learn what they are, and how to use them. cops can question you, but you can also question the cops.

08-07-2005, 11:04 PM
There is a long and very unlikely list needed for a cop to want to pop my hood and go through with it:

1) Stop me for a valid moving violation
2) EXPLAIN to me that moving violation
3) (if my gun is in the car) look at the gun on my dashboard
4) check license
5) run tags/driving record/jerk off/whatever the fuck else he does back there while he makes less money than me
6) ask can he search my car
7) overcome EVERY objection that I have a right to give him
8) remove my seatbelt and rip me from my driver's seat
9) succeed in beating my ass (I grew up WAY too close to the PJs for anyone to call this 'easy')
10) beat me up again (bitch, you thought I was just gonna lay down?)
11) beatdown #3
12) shoot my black ass in the middle of the street
13) figure out where the fuck everything has been relocated to in my car's cabin
14) locate hood release right where Nissan hid it
15) pop hood
16) realize that there is nothing outwardly visible to the untrained eye on my KA that would render it a problem in the least little bit.
17) figure out what to do with my body

08-07-2005, 11:05 PM
HOLY FUCK, this thread is 6 months old, who the fuck bumped this?

Andrew Bohan
08-07-2005, 11:08 PM
boycelaforest707 did. last post before him was makoto on may 31. all this is on page 4 if you wanna verify.

08-08-2005, 02:54 AM
yeah hes from eureka ... the next best thing up there is watching good ol henry tip cows over....anything close to that is considered driftin...eureka blows...... ive been by there.... nothing great just trees and twisted old ppl...

08-08-2005, 11:11 PM
whats up with the hostility towards the north? i live in humboldt county too, whats not to like, two colleges, windy mountain roads and long straight stretches of freeways, laid back cops, the beach but at the same time during the winter we're 30 minutes from the snow, the climate is great, who spends time in traffic......not me, the cars never overheat, spinning circles in parking lots is fun as hell when in rains this much, the dragstrip is 15 minutes away, the autocrosses are every two weeks, and did i mention the college girls everywhere. now i am not defending eureka, because i dont live there, just close. but the area is great, plus we dont have assholes like you :tweak:
by the way, who is this "good ol henry" you speak of?, i havent met him yet, but tell him to hit me up. oh, and those twisted old people grow some great chronic.

Andrew Bohan
08-09-2005, 12:20 AM
there are bay area people who won't smoke non-humboldt weed, even if it's free

08-09-2005, 12:34 AM
see thats where u got shit twisted buddy...... humboldt is a college town... along with chico.... of course theres beezies in humboldt.. im not talkin about old ppl who grow..... im talkin about the elderly....

and yes im an asshole, and proud of being an asshole in the Bay Area.. when ur tired of being a rubix cube, ur definetly welcome to the BAY....and Eureka thanks you......

08-09-2005, 10:24 AM
owning a 240 in cali is the worst. if the cops dont harass you, the theives will jack you.

regarding this "you have the right to not open your hood if a cop asks" business, I hear/read about what people say a cop can/cannot do, but its all hearsay. i've never met anyone who has successfully denied a cop from popping his hood, and I dont think such a mythical person exists.

i put less than 400 miles a month on my sr s13 because i dont want to get popped. during the 4-5 day periods where I dont drive the car, I cant park it outside or it'll get jacked. so essentially its a garage bitch. makes me wonder why i even keep the car. luckily my daily driver (scion) is overlooked by cops.

i wonder how many people in law enforcement have read this tread. i knew someone who interned at the CHP, who's job included browsing local car forums to look for info on local meets and illegal mods.

08-09-2005, 11:34 AM
just drive normal without boosting off ur bov, and dont look for the loudest exhaust on the market. however i heard japans new trend is about making hi-performance quiet exhausts with cats. so i would assume a bigger selection of quiet exhausts hittin the US soon enough.

08-09-2005, 02:36 PM
owning a 240 in cali is the worst. if the cops dont harass you, the theives will jack you.

regarding this "you have the right to not open your hood if a cop asks" business, I hear/read about what people say a cop can/cannot do, but its all hearsay. i've never met anyone who has successfully denied a cop from popping his hood, and I dont think such a mythical person exists.

i put less than 400 miles a month on my sr s13 because i dont want to get popped. during the 4-5 day periods where I dont drive the car, I cant park it outside or it'll get jacked. so essentially its a garage bitch. makes me wonder why i even keep the car. luckily my daily driver (scion) is overlooked by cops.

i wonder how many people in law enforcement have read this tread. i knew someone who interned at the CHP, who's job included browsing local car forums to look for info on local meets and illegal mods.

I'm getting sick of being afraid of cops and thieves. You either drive around in constant fear of getting pulled over or if you're parked you're afraid of getting your car jacked.

Street racing has ruined it for everyone else. Time to drive a stock car.

08-09-2005, 02:38 PM
just drive normal without boosting off ur bov, and dont look for the loudest exhaust on the market. however i heard japans new trend is about making hi-performance quiet exhausts with cats. so i would assume a bigger selection of quiet exhausts hittin the US soon enough.

That's because like in the US, loud exhausts will get you a ticket. It's always been like that but the enforcement is more strict now.

08-09-2005, 02:46 PM
That's because like in the US, loud exhausts will get you a ticket. It's always been like that but the enforcement is more strict now.

except if your on a chopper :rant2:

08-09-2005, 04:26 PM
except if your on a chopper :rant2:

theres a new law in west los angeles that cites loud motorcycles (but its still the officer's judgement). apparently the millionaires over there can't hear their own ferrari's. lol.

08-09-2005, 09:21 PM

this issue is just gonna get worse.

08-09-2005, 09:35 PM
it was actually art who made this btw

God that shit made me roffle when he showed me that.

08-09-2005, 10:00 PM
funny thing is that map is true! ahhhhh hahaha

drift freaq
08-10-2005, 01:06 AM
ya, fuck you guys up north, j/k!! hahahhahhahahhaha you norcal guys just got to learn to stop hating. socal guys don't hate on you. but you sure love to hate on them. hahhahahhahhahha

P.S. I am an ex Norcal guy so I can diss either part of the state hahahahhahhahahha cause I live in socal now!!!

08-10-2005, 03:50 AM
well im an ex socal person so i can say what ever shit i want hahahhaha........

08-10-2005, 12:27 PM
HAHHAHA U GUYZ SUCK... WashingTon Rulez... I live in Tacoma..And i Run Open Heads...24/7... and i never get pulled over... Must be cuz when i see a cop i run turn into alley ways...but yah...Still...That sucks for you guyz...

But back to the topic... Cops are not allowed to pop your hood... If they do... and they give you a fine for something under the hood... Go to Court over it... They are not allowed to open it in the first place... so they would have never known... SO FIGHT THE POWER!!!

08-10-2005, 12:47 PM
this is one reason i got out of my 240, nothing i did to the car to make it faster would be legal! yeah i dont care to much about straight line fast, but i needed extra punch for them trackdays.

best part of owning a subaru is everyone thinks they come turbos anyways, you really cant see the difference from a stock motor and modded one and most aero parts is or looks like a stock sti.

if you wanted, now you have the options to go all legal in a subaru, with the WRX and STi being in the states now.

BTW, i love socali :)

08-10-2005, 03:07 PM
California just keeps sounding like the abolute worst place on earth the be a car enthusiast. Here in CO my buddy's SR swap passed emissions better than his KA. I can run open air BOV on my FC and as far as anyone is concerned my new HKS HiPower is legal cause it looks like it has a cat. The huge melon launcher does make me a higher profile target for the police, but I don't drive outside the law anywhere except parking lots and touge now.

08-10-2005, 07:59 PM
HAHHAHA U GUYZ SUCK... WashingTon Rulez... I live in Tacoma..And i Run Open Heads...24/7... and i never get pulled over... Must be cuz when i see a cop i run turn into alley ways...but yah...Still...That sucks for you guyz...

But back to the topic... Cops are not allowed to pop your hood... If they do... and they give you a fine for something under the hood... Go to Court over it... They are not allowed to open it in the first place... so they would have never known... SO FIGHT THE POWER!!!

If a cop ask u to pop your hood, the last thing you wanna do is not cooperate. YES, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY NO. But you gotta think bout it, you will prolly piss him off more. If you piss him off enough, he can be a major dick back. All he has to do is radio in for a search warrant cuz now he will more than likely think you have something to hide. That can take atleast an hr or two. While your sitting on the curve waiting for it to drop, the cops already walking around your car writing you up for anything he can can see. I had a friend in SD who got fucked this way. On top of that, most city in cali is starting to implement DRAG.NET. Law says, cops can pop where hood and use anything like muffler, tint, fiber hood, bodykit, neon lights...etc etc as probable cause to pull you over, pop your hood and get your car impounded. I know LA and SD got it, Sacramento is following suite, Oakland/Frisko will prolly be next.

08-10-2005, 10:36 PM
I've gotten out of it by NOT popping my hood when he asked. What did he end up giving me? A fix it ticket for improper tire tread and missing front plate. "Its not what you say but how you say it." You can get out of it by playing it cool. I had my silencer in and I wasn't driving like an ass so I explained how driving was part of my job, im late for an appointment, and I dont want to get fired so he let me go.

08-11-2005, 12:05 PM
Well we can hate on the cops but its their duty to keep everything the way it should be. If theres something illegal in your car, thats all up to you. I recommend putting parts in your car that are legal though.

08-11-2005, 01:13 PM
good grief im glad AL doesnt have all these emissions laws and such.

08-13-2005, 11:24 AM

08-13-2005, 03:38 PM
We gotta fight this shit.. fawk.. we are the people right?What difference does it overal have if people have illegal mods on thier car? As long as they legally boughtt he items, not stolen, dont break any decible loudness laws, and drive properly, I would think its all good...

They just want money, thats all.... and stupid influential people that jump on bandwagons that ruin it for us, as well as hollywood and thier fast and furious movies, and need for speed underground and indiglos and ludicris

08-13-2005, 05:14 PM
Fook im soo waiting for my orders to ship out of cali!!! Cali stands for everything thats wrong in this damn country. Its a broke ass state that has one too many "big brother" laws!!! Laws arent gonna make shiet change or prevent things from happening. People are gonna do what they wanna do no matter wut laws your gonna enact. You think weeds gonna go away or crack? Shiet id rather they spend that money on rehab and educating people on why not to use drugs!!! I mean its not that hard to educate people on drugs....all you have to do is show em a video clip of the Osbourne's for crying out loud!!!

08-13-2005, 08:43 PM
FUCK CALI! I live in Reno now! yeah mother fuckers!! I'm rolling back into Cali with four tinted windows, 4inch exhaust, TurboXS RFLbov, and Nevada plates!

08-22-2006, 07:59 AM
for thieve get the foot club or something and for cops just step on the gas pedal and go on a high speed chase.

08-22-2006, 08:28 AM
my bf was driving my car and got pulled over for my (at the time) hks exhaust. the officer asked him to pop the hood of my car. (muahha, what bitch?! stock KA!), the officer then proceeded to point out stupid little things that said "nissan" on it, meaning it was a factory part. (is it me, or do cops seem to be getting dumber and dumber? they asked me to pop the hood on my honda accord... somethings wrong there...) anyway... end result, after being harassed, he gave my bf a ticket for my aem intake and exahust. the ticket read non-fixable and told him he had to take it to the ref station. he went to the ref station after taking off my exhaust, and the guy there told him, oh, you can't have the aem intake in there. 1. it doesnt pass visual, and 2. your car is a 1990 and this intake is for a 1991 and up. soooo... he had to reschedule the smog, and the car barely passed. lol. he was about ready to pay the $300+ fine when i told him to take it to court and see what the judge says. he brought paper work with him and proved that the car was put back to stock. judge wrote it off and told him to pay $10 on a non-fixable ticket. :) doesnt hurt to try.

08-22-2006, 09:49 AM
FEEL the power of the STOCK KA. It has the power to do what no SR can: Power a high momentum drift car and fend off police at the same time :D

08-22-2006, 10:31 AM
1 year later...

Don't be mad at all the cops. They're just doing their jobs (Some with an iron fist - some are dumb...there'll always be bad apples).

But hey, you live in CAL. I live in CO. Hehehehehehehehehe.

08-22-2006, 10:49 AM
FEEL the power of the STOCK KA. It has the power to do what no SR can: Power a high momentum drift car and fend off police at the same time :D

:werd: Go stock KAs!!!

08-22-2006, 12:02 PM
What about KA-T?

08-22-2006, 02:12 PM
i want to do a KA-T, but its so expensive... i'm starting to think about going SR.

08-22-2006, 02:19 PM
^^ are you serious? Judging by the list of modifications you've done to your ride(which are very tasteful I might add) turboing you KA would be a drop in the bucket.

08-22-2006, 02:41 PM
I got into an accident that totaled my last 240 in NJ (not my fault, girl ran a stop sign into me) Cops on the scene were hassling me asking me if I had an SR. I just told them it was a stock KA with a painted valve cover (the truth) and they let it be. They did try to look under the hood, but seeing as the front end was smashed up, they coudln't really pop it, so they didn't try.

I had intake / headers / no cat / hks hi power exhaust

They did afterwards also say "nice car"... and I replied with "it was...". So maybe they were just curious, rather than hassling me. Can never be too careful with what u say to cops tho...:bite:

08-22-2006, 02:45 PM
Man, a cop asked me if I had any mdifications under the hood just because I had blue parking lamps. I offered to pop my hood and let him inspect it himself. Everything is stock visually. I just said the only modification was the new light weight battery, lol. So he gave me a fix it for the lights and left. Luckily he didn't get me for my RSR ExMag on my KA with is loud as fuck if you don't drive it right.

08-22-2006, 04:14 PM
I got my hood pop. All I have is greddy header, no cat, cat back.

I got cited for Exhuast (obviously) and INTAKE . I had a stock box. He even had the balls to as me what the header was. I told him exhuast manifold (I was thinking headers would be grounds for a ticket). Then he told me I had no EO # stamping on that and would give me a ticket . Then that stupid guy forgot it was an exhuast manifold and gave me a ticket for an intake.

Cops are stupid. I admit, I didnt mind getting pulled over or anythign, but still, they are dumb and the cop and his partner was trying to be bad ass saying that they were "specialists".. my ass.. Even had to ask me what things was and trying to explain stuff to me. Of course they had to look through books and pictures and all that good stuff and he even used his personal cell phone to call someone about my car.

Bad part of my situation I got a ref ticket. I do not mid taking off my exhaust and whatever, but I will go to court just to talk to the judge. Hell, if I can, I will plead not guilty and call in the cop there just to ask them waht happen. Great thing is I got witnesses ( I must have for staying there for about an hour of harassment)

Redeye Jedi
08-22-2006, 06:01 PM
It is one thing to get popped for having the SR under your hood. It is completely different to get cited for legal shit and get a ref ticket.
It is time to fight back, take ridiculous measures and fukc with the cops. I know most zilvians will not get caught dead driving one of these, but there is a point to the madness
http://eventphotography.us/images/Rice%20rocket%20at%20KK's%20car%20show%20to%20use_ 0.jpg

1. Get/borrow a couple of ^^^ between you and your buddies (the cheaper the better)
2. Make sure they are 115% legal.
3. Look for popo hot spots while driving speed limit (look guilty though)
4. Get pulled over, give cop a hard time (not too hard, don't want to get beaten)
5. Accept ticket, attmept to take a picture of "illegal" parts with cop insight
6. Prove innocence, file complains against cop
7. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat until no longer necessary
8. Sell the rice rocket for 2x what you got it for.

I know -- waste of time and money. But don't forget the waste of cop's nerves. Maybe, just maybe, next time your buddy gets pulled over, cop will think twice before popping the hood.

08-22-2006, 06:38 PM
The number of people getting pulled over and the hood popped for an emmissions inspection is on the rise. The cop also checks your ID, registration, and inssurance, all which have your address. Thefts are also going up.


08-22-2006, 10:51 PM
The number of people getting pulled over and the hood popped for an emmissions inspection is on the rise. The cop also checks your ID, registration, and inssurance, all which have your address. Thefts are also going up.

amen to that
the more i read these kind of thread, the more pissed off i get.

WTF wrong with modify our cars?
-it runs good, it looks good, it even have better emittion with proper mod...without the egr, whats the point of visual??? smog is caused by gas, not sight.
-If i got caught illegal racing on the street i dont mind u take my car and crush it. but in fact we dont, most of us dont.
-bike have 160dbs exhaust that loud enough to hurt ur ears, hot rod pouring black smoke with their loud ass exhaust, ticket? none
-our cars got jacked every couple days, pedestrian got robbed, who is catching those thefts? no one
-drugs dealing everyday, shooting around the blocks, who is stopping them? no one...

Dear government, law makers, cops, please try to explain it. or just say that you want to earn more easy money instead of fighting crimes.
we are just love our car and want it to run good, we dont have money to afford a corvette. cant you understand??? how many times you want us to keep repeating the same things.

08-23-2006, 08:06 AM
you know what the problem is? its the few bad apples that ruin it for everyone! just because people with shit boxes drag race and cause accidents doesnt mean that everyone with modified cars race. for alot of us on here who have invested lots of time ,sweat,blood and money into our cars, the last thing we would want to do is wreck them. most people on the street that are racing are people that have cars that are falling apart. am i right?

08-23-2006, 08:35 AM
you know what the problem is? its the few bad apples that ruin it for everyone! just because people with shit boxes drag race and cause accidents doesnt mean that everyone with modified cars race. for alot of us on here who have invested lots of time ,sweat,blood and money into our cars, the last thing we would want to do is wreck them. most people on the street that are racing are people that have cars that are falling apart. am i right?

sounds about right to me.

08-23-2006, 04:39 PM
guess what guys, after the post i gave last night, 13 hours later i got pull over, and guess what, its in the parking lot of an airport. the cop go straight to me and tell me to shut off the engine and tell me to pop my hood:bite: . he point out i have some purple silicon hose between piping which probably an aftermarket parts, also he point at the HKS filter and ask me what is it. i just tell him it was just the filter and he end up saying my exhaust is modified and was too loud (which is true when indoor coz its a very deep tone exhaust (apexi GT spec), i should have park on the roof),he asked if i had a silencer to put on, i immediately say yes which i really do, he then tell me to put in on and let me go. its lucky that i had took a shit before i left home otherwise i shit my pants already. my hands was shaking the whole time when i was opening my hood. i was lucky that i met a nice cop. but i think the key is to be as polite and nice as possible and follow whatever the cops tell you to do. and of coz, dun let him know that u think he is stupid, respect them if u cant fight them.
it was a very very very very scary day for me...
guess i forgot to knock on wood when talking about my car with my frineds yesterday. now i keep a wooden block with me. lol

08-23-2006, 04:54 PM
My friend just got his hood popped and sent to the ref. Apparently he can pay it off w/o getting it fixed. Imagine that. Money talks and bull$hit walks even for the govt.

08-23-2006, 07:48 PM
i want to do a KA-T, but its so expensive... i'm starting to think about going SR.

do it Kat! lets see an SR under that hood...

08-23-2006, 09:55 PM
to the guys that got their hoods popped, did you guys have front license plates on your car and dark tint or what? How are the rest of your visual mods?

08-23-2006, 11:42 PM

Just about like this:

lol, with a straight pipe exhaust, no CAT, loud BOV. What's hilarious is I daily drove this thing like that for the longest time. Right past cops, who didn't even LOOK over.

My car didn't even come with a front license plate. Let's just say late night + my car + undercover cop in a driveway = me owned.

Oh well. I may be getting involved with some lawyers on this one. :blah:

Retarded thing is, yeah, you don't even have to fix it. If you DONT fix it, they make you pay an extra 50$!!!! :bite: What kind of dumb shit is that, I'm gonna run straight pipe SR with a screamer pipe off my wastegate ALL DAY. Such BS money grubbing laws, I mean at least make it to if I fix the problem you let me off, they still charge you 350$. Why even fix it?

Oh well. Never catch me in the daily :cool:

08-24-2006, 08:45 AM
I Have a blacktop sr but my valve cover is painted lime green (though I have never been asked by a officer to pop my hood I have a magan manifold, greddy turbo outlet pipe, top speed down pipe, cat delete pipe, and a top speed cat back exhaust(all 3" piping) I got a warning once then the same cop saw me again and pulled me I got a ticket HE asked if I had a silencer for it and I said no but ill get one hoping to get out of it but no. then he said I had mirror tint which is illegal in va that pissed me off b/c I dont but it is dark. I said It might have some wax on it and then i wiped it off and he said "still looks reflective to me" I said well i can see my self in my front window with no tint at all and it is dark and im under a street light. so i just got that one exhaust ticket.

and YES my silencer is still out and will never go in!!

and another cop came by and said is that exhaust stock while i was pumping my gas and I said yes sir it is..

sometimes you can lie he didnt know the difference

08-24-2006, 09:40 AM
Hahah I wish I even had a cop that dumb.

Cop: Pop your hood
Me: Is that a request or an order
Cop: An order

blah blah blah he knew what all that shit was.

08-25-2006, 05:34 PM
Ok... here's how we avoided getting my buddies AE86's hood popped...

today I was in buddies AE86 w/ AE101 motor and turbo setup. He was going about 75mph on N. 101 in between Gilroy and SJ.
Saw a cop light and obviously this cop wanted to pop the hood w/ his HUGE FMIC and 3in straight cat w/ 4.5in tips...

He knocks on the window and right then.... my dog that was sitting on my lap goes crazy! (14lb dog. trained him to be a cop hater^^).

Hands over the license/reg while my dog just keep on barking like crazy w/ his high pitch bark.

The cop looked VERY annoyed and told the driver "forget it... just go. Just make sure that dog don't bite you"!!

Maybe we got lucky? or maybe this really works. I'm thinking about making a bucket seat for my dog from those cheap ebay seats....

sorry for long post!

08-28-2006, 07:09 AM
i want to do a KA-T, but its so expensive... i'm starting to think about going SR.

How in the hell is an SR cheaper than going KA-T? What are you people paying for SR's? '

Anyway, this thread is why California sucks. I know people who drive around with an open header here, and Maryland ain't exactly Texas or Florida, it's still pretty anal in the grand scheme of things.

Having SR's be arbitrarily illegal is fucking retarded. Do they crack down as hard on the Subie kids running catless?

08-28-2006, 09:43 AM
SR's can be had for like 1600$. They're cheap in that you don't have to build up the block to run a decent amount of horsepower.

Then again I know nothing about KA-T. :D

08-28-2006, 10:14 AM
^^you can turbo a stock block KA with SR turbo/injectors for like 700-1000 :) http://www.ka-t.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10253&highlight=

08-28-2006, 11:04 AM
Don't turn this into a KA vs SR debate.

drift freaq
08-28-2006, 11:05 AM
Anyway, this thread is why California sucks. I know people who drive around with an open header here, and Maryland ain't exactly Texas or Florida, it's still pretty anal in the grand scheme of things.

Having SR's be arbitrarily illegal is fucking retarded. Do they crack down as hard on the Subie kids running catless?

Once again people from out of state fail to think. California does not suck. California has clean air laws because we need them. The rest of the country needs them.
Ever heard of Global Warming! Exhaust emissions contribute to that. The rest of the U.S. has cleaner air because California takes the lead in it. Getting rid of cat is the dumbest thing in the world. It takes all of 1-2hp off the performance of a Vehicle and if you get a high flow cat it takes less. Does a cat clean the air ? Yes.
SR's are illegal Nationwide, period!! The engine never came in a RWD configuration or in Turbocharged configuration, in the U.S.. The U.S. goverment is the one that decided the engine was illegal not California.
The only problem I find with California smog laws is the visual inspection. My RB out of boost is a very clean burning engine with cat. It passes the sniffer test. I feel if a car passes the tailpipe it should be fine. though visual says no.
As far as the whole hood popping thing goes , its fucked up. Though due to certain areas of the state and drivers behavior in those areas we have all been branded and stuck with it. It sucks but its always the case were a few bad apples spoil the bunch.
Advice to avoid hood popping. Don't drive like a dick in public.Run a exhaust thats not overly loud and does not look obnoxious out the back i.e. grapefruit shooting fart cans.
If you do get pulled over be polite to the officer even if he is an asshole. As stated in some cases even being brutally honest catches them off guard and they change their tune and let you go. Of course 50% of the time or more, what they do is based on their opinion of your attitude and believe me they have been schooled in learned to judge peoples attitudes.

08-28-2006, 12:29 PM
Being brutally honest will also make you get rammed in the ass in court when the cop says that you admitted guilt.


08-28-2006, 03:16 PM
Don't turn this into a KA vs SR debate.
Yes, please don't turn this into KA vs. SR. It'll bring all the nutty KA and SR fanatic out and ruin the thread.:rl: .

08-28-2006, 03:56 PM
Yes, please don't turn this into KA vs. SR. It'll bring all the nutty KA and SR fanatic out and ruin the thread.:rl: .

Yeah, CA fo lyfe!

08-28-2006, 04:21 PM
Don't turn this into a KA vs SR debate.

Who's debating, what I said was a fact. ;)

08-28-2006, 04:32 PM
man you guys have it rough I live in eastern Canada we dont have any imission laws and there is no such thing as an illigal engine swap.99.9% of cops have no idea what kinda car I even drive.I have however been pulled over and nail for my exaust but that was in my old civic that thing was a magnet for cops.

08-28-2006, 05:00 PM
FYI, most police officers don't understand the law. Just cooperate with whatever they want. If they do an illegal search they can't admit anything against you. Get a lawyer and work it out later.

08-28-2006, 06:32 PM
FYI, most police officers don't understand the law. Just cooperate with whatever they want. If they do an illegal search they can't admit anything against you. Get a lawyer and work it out later.

You live in VA. They have far different laws in VA.

08-28-2006, 08:40 PM
Makes me feel lucky here in Louisana. I've been driving around open downpipe for a few weeks now with no trouble at all. On the other side of the river here tough, if they can hear your car's exhaust or audio from 25 feet, they give you a 50 dollar ticket, nothing too harsh though.

08-28-2006, 08:48 PM
You live in VA. They have far different laws in VA.

State laws may vary, but federal laws are the same. Trust me. A rookie with 6 months in the academy will not know the law as well as an attorney who went to law school and passed the bar.

And even attorneys don't know all the laws. They have to look it up.

Cops may know simple laws that they write tickets for, and maybe some statutes. But as far as legal interpretation and case law go, they're very clueless.

The reason I said just do whatever they want is because cops have several wildcards they can use on you if you don't cooperate. In VA, they can cite you for reckless driving, which requires no legal basis other than the cop's judgement. They can also cite you for harassing a peace officer. That also requires only the cop's discretion and nothing else.

I'm sure CA cops have similar laws they can use.

08-29-2006, 07:06 AM
Once again people from out of state fail to think. California does not suck. California has clean air laws because we need them. The rest of the country needs them.
Ever heard of Global Warming! Exhaust emissions contribute to that. The rest of the U.S. has cleaner air because California takes the lead in it. Getting rid of cat is the dumbest thing in the world. It takes all of 1-2hp off the performance of a Vehicle and if you get a high flow cat it takes less. Does a cat clean the air ? Yes.
SR's are illegal Nationwide, period!! The engine never came in a RWD configuration or in Turbocharged configuration, in the U.S.. The U.S. goverment is the one that decided the engine was illegal not California.

Actually, as far as I know, there aren't any laws specifically against there being a certain engine in a car, at least not nationwide (i.e. by DOT).

If a CHASSIS was never sold here, then it is illegal, as it was never crash tested. I'm not sure what exactly the rules are in regards to an engine, but I don't think it's the same sort of blanket rule that applies to a chassis.

Anyway, I have no problem with there being emissions laws, as you said, my beef is with the visual inspection, which I deem to be arbitrary. Where I live, if I pass the sniffer, they could see a goddamned Soviet Submarine Nuclear Reactor under my hood, and I still pass. With you, passing the sniffer is almost irrelevant, because the minute you see that SR, you fail.

The fact that the rest of the US has clean air doesn't really have anything to do with California, it has to do with population density, urban planning, and commuting patterns.

DC has just as many people commuting into the city on a daily basis as Los Angeles does, but we don't have smog because we have a SUBWAY and people actually use it. NYC probably has 1.5x the commuters of either, and they don't have smog either, again because of solid public transit and people who use it.

It's not like my state doesn't have emissions laws, it does, and so does VA (at least Northern VA), and I'm all for it. We need clean air, but the fact is that only California makes it arbitrarily illegal to put an SR in your car regardless of the actual vehicle's emissions, and that's fucking retarded. I don't know any other state that does that.

08-29-2006, 07:52 AM
FYI, the EPA issued several memos that limit the type of engine you can swap in. They only want you to swap in engines that were originally available for sale in the US in any car the same year or newer.

Also, your drivetrain has to resemble an EPA approved setup. For example, KADE into pignose is fine. KADE into zenki is ok since they're the same year or close enough. KAE into zenki or s14 is no-no because the E is older.

SR into any car is illegal because the SR was never sold in any car in the US.

There are clauses that allow for imports and aftermarket replacement. If you have enough money, you can file for an exemption.

The EPA also said that just because the state leaves you alone doesn't mean your car is federally legal. Granted they don't have the venues to inspect all cars, if they see an SR in a car they can legally impound it.

EPA's engine replacement guide: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/civil/caa/mobile/engswitch.pdf

drift freaq
08-29-2006, 10:39 AM
Actually, as far as I know, there aren't any laws specifically against there being a certain engine in a car, at least not nationwide (i.e. by DOT).

If a CHASSIS was never sold here, then it is illegal, as it was never crash tested. I'm not sure what exactly the rules are in regards to an engine, but I don't think it's the same sort of blanket rule that applies to a chassis.

Anyway, I have no problem with there being emissions laws, as you said, my beef is with the visual inspection, which I deem to be arbitrary. Where I live, if I pass the sniffer, they could see a goddamned Soviet Submarine Nuclear Reactor under my hood, and I still pass. With you, passing the sniffer is almost irrelevant, because the minute you see that SR, you fail.

The fact that the rest of the US has clean air doesn't really have anything to do with California, it has to do with population density, urban planning, and commuting patterns.

DC has just as many people commuting into the city on a daily basis as Los Angeles does, but we don't have smog because we have a SUBWAY and people actually use it. NYC probably has 1.5x the commuters of either, and they don't have smog either, again because of solid public transit and people who use it.

It's not like my state doesn't have emissions laws, it does, and so does VA (at least Northern VA), and I'm all for it. We need clean air, but the fact is that only California makes it arbitrarily illegal to put an SR in your car regardless of the actual vehicle's emissions, and that's fucking retarded. I don't know any other state that does that.

Actually , you need to do more reading , like stated above the EPA has deemed it illegal and for quite some time. On the Smog tip you need to do more reading as well. The country has the clean air laws it does because California did it first. On top of that if you think NYC does not have smog hahahahaha. I have friends who live there, there is smog it just gets blown away more often.
You really have to learn more about Los Angeles geography as well because the fact is Los Angeles had smog back in the 1800's and before from the local Indians camp fires. The basin is a natural smog trap. Yes cars,trucks,factories,ships, contribute to it drastically, but its that way naturally, none the less.
Also fact is, due to California smog laws the basin is cleaner today than it was 30 years ago.
I remember, you could not see the mountains from Melrose and Highland on a summer day. You can today.
You can go on being ignorant and think that because you don't have visible smog the laws are not needed but gee? Maybe I should try to help get rid of the problem rather than being selfish and just polluting so the whole world can choke and die.

P.S. This thread needs to be locked, its gone on way to long, rehashing stuff thats been discussed a million times here.

08-29-2006, 11:44 PM
Just putting in my .02
I recently got pulled over in fountain valley on my way to a drift day. I have a 86 nissan 200sx with a ca18det swap, FMIC, and a cage that I finished the night before I got pulled. The registration on my plate was 3 years expired but I had a temp reg that expired 2 months before also. I didn't even have a up to date proof of insurance since it was sent to my parents house. The first cop that pulled me said that Since my reg. was over 1 year exp. he could impound the car and that he would do so unless I let him search it. I replied with what are you going to search the tires since my car is completely stripped and all I had in it at the time was tires and tools. So as he was searching my car another officer showed up and started talking story with me. I could tell he was a local to were I was born so I threw that into the conversation. After the first cop finished searching my car (without popping the hood) The second cop was trying to talk the first cop into only giving me an expired reg ticket. But he wouldn't do it. He gave me a unsafe speed ticket for going 25 in a 45 when he wrote that I should have been going 15mph? Yeah i took the turn a little fast but no where near outa control. I finally took care of the registration and got my up to date insurance so now all I have to do is fight the ticket. I think keeping cool and making the officers feel safe is the best way to keep yourself out of a major hassle. The funny thing was when I told the second cop what the first one said about impounding my car because my reg was expired for over a year, I pointed out that I had the temp that was only 2 months old He told me out right that he couldn't impound my car because of the temp sticker. SO I'm going to explain that to the judge also.

08-31-2006, 11:29 AM
Just putting in my .02
I recently got pulled over in fountain valley on my way to a drift day. I have a 86 nissan 200sx with a ca18det swap, FMIC, and a cage that I finished the night before I got pulled. The registration on my plate was 3 years expired but I had a temp reg that expired 2 months before also. I didn't even have a up to date proof of insurance since it was sent to my parents house. The first cop that pulled me said that Since my reg. was over 1 year exp. he could impound the car and that he would do so unless I let him search it. I replied with what are you going to search the tires since my car is completely stripped and all I had in it at the time was tires and tools. So as he was searching my car another officer showed up and started talking story with me. I could tell he was a local to were I was born so I threw that into the conversation. After the first cop finished searching my car (without popping the hood) The second cop was trying to talk the first cop into only giving me an expired reg ticket. But he wouldn't do it. He gave me a unsafe speed ticket for going 25 in a 45 when he wrote that I should have been going 15mph? Yeah i took the turn a little fast but no where near outa control. I finally took care of the registration and got my up to date insurance so now all I have to do is fight the ticket. I think keeping cool and making the officers feel safe is the best way to keep yourself out of a major hassle. The funny thing was when I told the second cop what the first one said about impounding my car because my reg was expired for over a year, I pointed out that I had the temp that was only 2 months old He told me out right that he couldn't impound my car because of the temp sticker. SO I'm going to explain that to the judge also.

I remember a while back that a officer pulled me over and told me if my tag is more then 90days expired then they could tow it.. I dont know if that applys to temp stickers tho.