View Full Version : weird problems going on in my area.........

02-02-2005, 01:39 AM
ok.... my buddy chris and i are driving back to another friends house to drop off his truck and engine crane.... we drop it off and start my car..... then my buddy starts his truck..... we are driving out of the street... then my deck starts to shut off then on... and shutting off and then back on....... then my cars exterior lights do the same thing..... im just like ok... thats really weird....

now i drive off on the hwy and chris is in the truck in front of me and we are about to go drop off the truck at another friends house.... right be for he turns into the street the truck starts acting funny..... and i see the tail lights dim.. then bright.. dim then bright......then stops.... i pull next to him and ask" why you stopping?" and he told me the exact same thing that happend to me on my car......

at this point i told him what happend to me and we check out both our cars everything seems fine..... so... we continue on with our lives.... im going home because i have work at 7 and chris is gonna go party....

i just woke up because my buddy chris called and his daily driver the eightyeight is stuck on the mid bay bridge.... he called me and told me the exact same shit that happend earlyer with the truck and my car.... and now a second ago while i was typing this another friend with a honda civic called and ask why his deck is turning on then off... and his exterior lights dim then brighten.....

now... i dont wanna jump to any conclusions as to why this shit is happening.... but i wonder if the airforce base has radio wave signals or some shit that might inter-fear with our cars electronics...

anyways.... i dont know what the hell is going on.... but maby some of the info i gave you guys might help clue me in on what is going on... or maby its just all some strange coincidence i dunno..... maby im just crazy..... enjoy my strange story with bad english, punctuation, and grammar.

02-02-2005, 06:58 AM
you and all your friend's cars are hainted, did one of you recently cheat on a Hatian girl or one from New Orleans? I hear voodoo can be a BITCH

02-02-2005, 07:14 AM
its just aliens, nothing to worry about, there will probably be a small abduction, theyll study your cars, realize how cool they are, then altl he martians will want to be drifters too. Oh, and the hatian women are over the whole voodoo thing now (i live in neworleans)

02-02-2005, 08:26 AM
its just aliens, nothing to worry about, there will probably be a small abduction, theyll study your cars, realize how cool they are, then altl he martians will want to be drifters too.

whew... awesome..... just aliens......

even though thats not what i was implying.... pretty weird chain of coincidence huh? maby its just one of those things you just gotta witness

02-02-2005, 09:03 AM
My vote goes for aliens...Or electromagnetic waves sent off by recent earthquakes or the airforce or dudes in fight club fuckin with ya. I DONT KNOW

02-02-2005, 10:03 AM
Any random cattle mutilations?

02-02-2005, 10:28 AM
its the government i say! i wouldnt trust em! :hyper:

Sil Beer S13
02-02-2005, 11:02 AM
It was me sorry I was using my awesome cosmic powers and they got out of hand.

02-02-2005, 11:08 AM
solar flares...

jk, who knows... :)

02-02-2005, 12:22 PM
i say its time to break out the voltmeter

Andrew Bohan
02-02-2005, 01:38 PM
some terrorist was playing with scaled-down EM-pulse bombs

s14 blacktop
02-02-2005, 01:45 PM
I second the solar flares idea not shure why but my gut is telling me its the most logical solution...

02-02-2005, 03:34 PM
Haha, sounds kinda like what happened to my truck the other day. I parked it, got out, locked the doors. Took 2 steps and the doors tried to lock again, then they unlocked, and my rear window popped. I'm like wtf. So I close the rear window, lock the doors, and take 2 steps away again. Same thing happens. I'm gettin pissed now. So then, I close and lock the truck up, wait by it for about 2 minutes. Nothing. As I'm standing there, I start thinking "Maybe my transmitter is freaking out". SO i rip the batteries out of it. Then I start walking to go inside, I get 6 feet from the thing, and BAM. Lock, Unlock, and the rear window clicks. Now I'm pissed. I reach inside, rip out the fuse for the keyless entry, and walk inside. Come back out, the truck is still locked, but the rear window is open. Probably another fuse. I'm guessing your AF base theory may be correct. I was on a MC base when this happened. Next day, it was fine though.

02-02-2005, 03:39 PM
It was just a bad sheet of acid.

02-02-2005, 05:31 PM
^^that would make it a really frickin good sheet. What are ya dumb or somethin?!

02-02-2005, 07:23 PM
weird shit, this stopped like 3 weeks ago but here's what happened to us, starts 1 week before christmas my buddy george rear-ends some lady in his wifes car (weird set of circumstances like the lady randomly stood on the brakes in rush hour traffic for no reason), week later christmas eve he's driving w/ his best friend in said friend's fiancees car in NC and 2 cars racing try to pass on shoulder, first one makes it, second doesn't, spins out and george t-bones her. on the way to drop off the rental at the airport 3 days later they get rear-ended. on the way home from dropping off the car at the airport while on the phone with a buddy he gets backed into in a parking lot. 2 days later I'm eating at Chevy's (tex-mex) and george calls me, when I walk out to my car some asshat had backed into it and driven off, 3 days later george's brother blows out a tire and scrapes a guardrail, 1 week later my sister rear ends some lady (yeah my sister doesn't have anything to do with this, she just can't drive) anyways we've figured that goerge is death and don't particularly talk to him when in/around cars.

02-02-2005, 08:50 PM
Solar flares wouldnt be so localized, my vote for the afb or just 'shit happens'. But that is a big ass base right next to niceville....maybe if i'm bored sometime i'll drive out that way...in tally btw.



Didnt look hard but it seems Eglin AFB is the electronic arm of the USAF for some things...who knows? :confused:

02-02-2005, 09:35 PM
Watch out for Black helo's

02-03-2005, 01:52 AM
Solar flares wouldnt be so localized, my vote for the afb or just 'shit happens'. But that is a big ass base right next to niceville....maybe if i'm bored sometime i'll drive out that way...in tally btw.



Didnt look hard but it seems Eglin AFB is the electronic arm of the USAF for some things...who knows? :confused:

whoa... good find.... didnt even know that sorta sheeit happends around my area... or that much about eglin......

haha my buddy called me today and said right when he was about to get onto the mid bay bridge last night to help out chris.. he had about 3 cars following him..( they were his friends) and said there cars shut off all at the same time.....

1101- all this happend near the mid bay bridge.. and we can clearly see eglin over the water we also live near the bridge.....

i did hear alot of helicopters last night... and there wasnt anybody out on the roads either.... it was pretty quite.... i bet eglin was testing out some shit on us punk kids..