View Full Version : has this happened to you?

01-31-2005, 07:49 PM
i was driving down hwy 29 in central md on fri night, when the red and blues of a howard county police officer lit up my rear view mirror. i get pulled because he thinks my nuffler is too loud. on a highway. and i got a ticket for not producing my registration card. this is the honest truth, and i was just wondering if something this dumb has happened to anyone else....

- dave

01-31-2005, 07:51 PM
hasn't happened to me for that reason and you're one of only a handful of people I've ever heard of getting pulled in mD for exhaust. but the registration card thing MD is strict on that shit.

01-31-2005, 07:56 PM
yeah, i guess so.... i've only been here for 2 mos and am already getting negative attention from the po po

01-31-2005, 08:26 PM
not sure how howard county is but calvert county where i live is straight as far as exhaust and stuff. probably just got a cop that was bored or something.
you checked out www.midatlantic240sx.com yet? its all dc/md/va guys

01-31-2005, 09:01 PM
or a cop just trying to meet his quota for this month.

if you're gonna do the stupid shit or get stopped you want it to be the first couple days of the month

01-31-2005, 09:10 PM
i hate it when people think my nuffler is loud.

01-31-2005, 09:13 PM
haha your dart izumi

you must wake the dead with it

01-31-2005, 09:42 PM
crap dude.. i STILL haven't had time to install it. I'm also waiting for an 02 adaptor to come in...

01-31-2005, 09:46 PM
I live in NC too, and I have never been stopped for exhaust, I got stopped in my old Blazer some years back for stereo, but I KNOW to make sure to have that damn registration card with me, not having that is like not having insurance to some cops

01-31-2005, 09:59 PM
I never been pulled over for a noise violation....and I've driven around without and exhaust. Header only for like a week :squint: gave me a headache though

yeah, i guess so.... i've only been here for 2 mos and am already getting negative attention from the po po
I know what your saying. Been in TN for 4 months and I've gotten 2 speeding tickets! They really like giving tickets here. boooo

01-31-2005, 11:15 PM
stupid reason... for getting pulled over.. it happens. but definetly i think hes just meeting his quota .

02-01-2005, 10:26 AM
Take the exhaust ticket to court. It is his oppinon that it is to loud

Annoying Eric
02-01-2005, 11:00 AM
or a cop just trying to meet his quota for this month.

if you're gonna do the stupid shit or get stopped you want it to be the first couple days of the month

1 - Cops dont have a quota, its a misconception. If a cop gives 4 tickets a mouth in a place like i live (NYC). its obvious, he's letting people slide. An Officer like that will be spoken to and asked to not let so many people out of tickets. But they dont need to reach any certian number by a certian date.

2 - Why are you bitching about a ticket for not producing your registration card. Obviously you didnt show it to him. So you deserve the the ticket. If you have aloud exhuast and that state has a law about aftermarket exhuast, dont get mad when you get pulled over about it and ticketed..

I hate when im talking someone and there like "what a fucking pig, he gave me a ticket for doing 75 in a 65, thats bullshit" Well hmmm.. Well maybe a person like that got the ticket because HE WAS FUCKING SPEEDING.. It doesnt matter if your doing 40 over the limit or 3 over the speed limit. It's still speeding..

And yes i have bene pulled over many times for my exhuast, I have taken the tickets and i have faught them and always reduced. I dont bitch about because theres some wierd law about aftermarket exhuast and the loudness of them..

02-01-2005, 11:46 AM
Ok, you're location says NC but you were in MD. Are you registered in MD now? If not should have been able to pull you with out of state plate for muffler violation?

If that's true; Note to self, don't drive in MD.

02-01-2005, 03:20 PM
If that's true; Note to self, don't drive in MD.

Nah, nismo2491 is right, Maryland is usually very chill about exhausts.

One of my friends used to have a daily driver that you could hear half a mile away. It wasn't some old musclecar, either (which can often get out of this stuff just for being "classic", just like Harleys), it was a Neon. And yes, it needed that 3" straight-through exhaust for the numbers it ran at the strip...

He got popped for speeding a few times (probably because of the noise alerting the cops to radar him), but never the noise itself.

We do have a noise limit, but you're not likely to get a ticket for it unless you drive in the ritzy DC suburbs like Bethesda, Potomac, etc.

02-01-2005, 03:24 PM
isnt it funny that japanese cars get BASHED ON byt he cops all the fuckin time for loud mufflers, but you barely hear of old school camaros/mustangs and choppers with mufflers that are twice as louder getting compliants byt he cops... =/

02-01-2005, 10:02 PM
its all funny that there's not too many mustangs and firebirds that post here to complain about it. maybe thats the reason why.

and here's how state inspection laws work: a cop can pull you over even if you are on out of state tags for something like a light out, exhaust, etc if the infraction is against the rules of the state you are in. he can't however give you a repair order for it. now if the rules of the state say its a fineable offense he can give you the ticket for modified exhaust or something of that nature, it'd just be extremely easy to fight in court (your honor, I'm sorry I was in your great state of so and so but in my state where I come from this exhaust is legal, etc) you don't get that clear a look at somebody's tag when they pass you at midnight to tell its out of state. besided that a cop can pull you over for anything he wants. he could pull you over because he "thinks you may have a suspended liscence" the actual reason is "suspension of driving on suspended liscence" so the cop was perfectly w/in his right to pull you over.
as was already said about not having quotas, just look at his post its true.
as for not having the registration sounds like a personal problem there, should have had the registration.
but yeah like was said by me and one other you normally don't see MD cops worrying about aftermarket exhaust but the law is there, basically any part of the vehicles exhaust that serves a purpose to make it louder is illegal in the state of MD, its just not really enforced (kinda like how oral sex and sodomy are also illegal here, just not enforced)

Annoying Eric
02-01-2005, 10:17 PM
HAHA.. Its true my 92 camaro z28 is loud as hell.. I've never been pulled over for it, and when ive been pulled over for other stuff, They never mentioned it.. When i drive my 240 which is way faster, I have more of a chance of getting pulled over for it; and i have been many times. I mean i dont care if i do. It's a decision i made to have a fast car.

Who cares though seriously. If you dont want tickets, put stock exhuast on and quit your bitching..

02-01-2005, 10:34 PM
Ok, you're location says NC but you were in MD. Are you registered in MD now? If not should have been able to pull you with out of state plate for muffler violation?

If that's true; Note to self, don't drive in MD.
No, Chad, you don't avoid MD because of bullshit cops, you avoid MD because it is so uncomfortably close to DC, one of the hugest ghettos in the US of A...

02-01-2005, 10:37 PM
i get exhaust tickets here in VA like no ones business...thats why im getting the RSR ex-mag, i get them because my HKS Hiper isnt stock enough for VA police....

02-01-2005, 10:38 PM
(kinda like how oral sex and sodomy are also illegal here, just not enforced)
The fact that you mention the legality of sodomy in a conversation about the legality of...
... well ...
bothers me

02-01-2005, 11:49 PM
i agree with the domestic car shitz.

02-02-2005, 01:57 AM
No, Chad, you don't avoid MD because of bullshit cops, you avoid MD because it is so uncomfortably close to DC, one of the hugest ghettos in the US of A...
It's sad how that's not true anymore. I was shocked when I went up last summer to see that the white people have taken over. I still wouldn't go into Anacostia but, it's hard to find black people in that town. Asians seem to be the big minority now.

IMHO, DC was never that bad. But, It's weird as hell going back there now.

02-02-2005, 08:37 AM
It's sad how that's not true anymore. I was shocked when I went up last summer to see that the white people have taken over. I still wouldn't go into Anacostia but, it's hard to find black people in that town. Asians seem to be the big minority now.

IMHO, DC was never that bad. But, It's weird as hell going back there now.


02-02-2005, 08:48 AM
Just remembered I've gotta be in DC (MCI center) for the ACC tourney in March, good thing I'm not driving though. I will come back with a report on the ghetto and its current state in DC.

02-02-2005, 10:07 AM
And Chad, please do us the service of NOT relating whether or not DC is ghetto in direct proportion to how many black people have remained there?

02-02-2005, 10:13 AM
Haha, the MCI center is in NW, right next to Chinatown. It's a very clean, shiny, new area of town.

Now, if you were going to RFK Stadium, THAT is right near the ghetto.

02-02-2005, 01:28 PM
i thought dc had the highest murder rate..

02-02-2005, 01:29 PM
And Chad, please do us the service of NOT relating whether or not DC is ghetto in direct proportion to how many black people have remained there?

Thought it was a crackhead and projects ratio. I'll see. Maybe there is some babies selling weed on the corner.

02-02-2005, 02:21 PM
I should have knowen this could be taken out of context. :bash:

I just think DC has lost all it's charm and character. It feels like a souless monolithic metro. Black people are what made that city have class. Now it's just a shell.

02-02-2005, 02:24 PM
I've got both the muffler ticket and registration ticket too. I was waiting at the lights for the light to change when a cop comes up to the light and at the last second moves behind my car and turns on his lights. I was like wtf?
So I go through the intersection and look for a place to pull over when he turns on the siren and shit. I stopped right away. The cop runs up to my passenger side (left hand side)and rips open the door and yells at my friend for his lisence and reg. My buddy is like "I'm not driving" and the cop is like "don't be a smart ass!" then comes around the right side and asks me for my lisence. Then he comes back with a "enlarged outlet" muffler ticket, and registration ticket( expired two days before) and gives me shit for not stopping right away. I was like "I can't stop in the intersection, the car is registered and insured and the "outlet is .5 inches bigger than the 3inch piping which passed safety and import/customs laws." The cop was just a dick the whole time. He can judge a loud exhaust when I'm sitting at the light and he didn't even take the time to look under the car to see the exhaust. I'm going to take this one to court because the total fine was like 350.00

02-02-2005, 04:17 PM
I just think DC has lost all it's charm and character. It feels like a souless monolithic metro. Black people are what made that city has class. No it's just a shell.

o... kay. DC's population is 60.0% african or african-american.

02-03-2005, 02:28 AM
its all funny that there's not too many mustangs and firebirds that post here to complain about it. maybe thats the reason why.

and here's how state inspection laws work: a cop can pull you over even if you are on out of state tags for something like a light out, exhaust, etc if the infraction is against the rules of the state you are in. he can't however give you a repair order for it. now if the rules of the state say its a fineable offense he can give you the ticket for modified exhaust or something of that nature, it'd just be extremely easy to fight in court (your honor, I'm sorry I was in your great state of so and so but in my state where I come from this exhaust is legal, etc) you don't get that clear a look at somebody's tag when they pass you at midnight to tell its out of state. besided that a cop can pull you over for anything he wants. he could pull you over because he "thinks you may have a suspended liscence" the actual reason is "suspension of driving on suspended liscence" so the cop was perfectly w/in his right to pull you over.
as was already said about not having quotas, just look at his post its true.
as for not having the registration sounds like a personal problem there, should have had the registration.
but yeah like was said by me and one other you normally don't see MD cops worrying about aftermarket exhaust but the law is there, basically any part of the vehicles exhaust that serves a purpose to make it louder is illegal in the state of MD, its just not really enforced (kinda like how oral sex and sodomy are also illegal here, just not enforced)

no but its true. i always hear bout people on the forums getting pulled over in LA, or around here for loud exhaust on there cars, and there imports. my dads 65 mustnag idles at around 101dbs, and goes way over 110dbs wen he just goes around 15 to 2k rpm. so for sure i know alot of cops dont like us with imports.

02-03-2005, 11:37 AM
still though thats one incident, I've seen plenty of corvettes, camaros, mustanges (all older I'm talking about) pulled over. cops do profile, they won't admit it, but they do, when I become a cop I'm sure as hell not going to be pulling over a nicer import for exhaust unless he's doing something stupid to go with it. I think that we'll see cops being less lenient to musclecars over the next years as more and more cops are getting to be younger.

slidestar: where was that at? I know in MD it doesn't matter if the car passed the safety inspection or not, because thats all that is, a safety inspection. if the exhaust is modified its technically illegal. I've had a drawn out conversation with my close friend (PG county cop) about that.

02-03-2005, 06:12 PM
i'm back and forth between the 2 states. work in md, family lives in nc. and i've never had trouble in nc (i live in the middle of no where). but thanks.