View Full Version : I find it funny

01-27-2005, 04:38 PM
I know I find it funny, but I was just going through some old threads and I don't know if it's been (probably has) said before, but a lot of people on here harp on people to searchsearchsearch. Use the damn search button. Why are you bringing up old stuff. Now, when someone does search and happens to post on an old thread, they get :whip: in ass for bringing up something from the past. Why is that?

here is a prime example:

just something that struck me when I reread this thread from a while back.

and yes, I'm aware that it's old, probably irrelevant to most, but I thought I'd bitch about it. Just because.
:squintd: that's me groovin to my jamZ right now.

01-27-2005, 05:33 PM
Agreed. I think that if you feel you have something to say,you should be able to say it. Isn't that part of the point of a FORUM anyway :loco:

01-27-2005, 05:37 PM
basicly majority of the forum doesnt want to answer noobish questions

Andrew Bohan
01-27-2005, 05:40 PM
i think it's great that people search, but they dont' have to resurrect ancient threads. ESPECIALLY for stupid comments.
i think it's okay to ressurect them if you have some good point to bring up, or if it's something important. BUT IT BETTER BE GOOD!

01-27-2005, 05:41 PM
basicly majority of the forum doesnt want to answer noobish questions

So....you encourage somebody to do something,then bitch them out when they do it? :mepoke:

Old threads don't answer every question,so basically they are faced with...

(A) Starting a new thread and getting flamed,while not having their question answered.


(B) Searching[IE what everybody tells you to do.] hopefully finding a thread on the topic they are trying to find out about , reading posts that are not specifically answering their question/not understandable. Then inquiring or commenting on said thread,and getting bitched out for that.

P.S. Everybody had to learn sometime. Everybody was a 'newbie' sometime or another,to this forum or otherwise.

01-27-2005, 05:56 PM
it is good poeple search, but if they dont understand, make a new thread, tell the people what part you dont understand and what parts you do understand.

people revive stupid ass theads w/o actually looking. the therad has been dead, there is a reason for that, nobody has an answer or it has been answered.


i guess that is a good thread to revive?

Andrew Bohan
01-27-2005, 06:17 PM
So....you encourage somebody to do something,then bitch them out when they do it? :mepoke:

i encourage them to search, not post in the old threads that they find. searching by itself goes undetected. who knows how many people have never posted but search all day long?

01-27-2005, 09:27 PM
I don't mind seeing informative threads resurrected by people looking for clarification or asking a new question that's related to the thread... It's threads that get bumped by idiots saying 'Yeah, that shit sucks', or saying something totally irrelevant. I've seen threads from '01 bumped with a post that wasn't even related to the thread topic.

I'm VERY GLAD users search.
I'm VERY GLAD alot of them find the answers they seek.

The problem is - 98% of these type of users never comment about their success or how much their searching helped them out; 98% of those who search and make stupid posts aren't thinking about what they're doing.

It's been about a year and a half since I suggested that threads that are ~3 months old should stay dead, unless something useful could be added to them. Bumping threads for useless comments that don't add anything to the usefulness of the thread are unnecessary and unwarranted. Seeing posts like that is annoying, as all it's doing is wasting bandwidth and cluttering up the forum with non-current/relevant topics.

01-28-2005, 12:41 AM
It should be alright to bring back an informative thread. That way it is more like a FAQ where all the imput is in one thread and not between 20.

Got Sileighty?
01-28-2005, 02:01 AM
another thing is when someone just replies with "use search" or something similar. do you really have to reply? if thats all youre gonna post, arent u just adding to the clutter, by bumping up that thread? just let the thread die man, the original poster will probably get the hint.

Andrew Bohan
01-28-2005, 11:57 AM
err, half the time when no one replies at all, they get all butthurt and/or make 3 more of the same thread in other sections

01-28-2005, 12:26 PM

hehe had to do it :)

01-28-2005, 04:14 PM
im glad you started this slide... i have a little bit of beef with the whole thing too, lol. yeah things can be old and worn out... but, someone may have something new to say about it... old news, new news, doesn't matter.... there is always new insight.