View Full Version : Anyone sick of hearing about the tsunami? *PW*

01-26-2005, 11:41 AM
Is anyone else sick of this crap? Everyone saying "Give. Give." and the Indonesians saying "Take. Take." Followed by:
Indonesia Wednesday told foreign troops helping tsunami victims to get out of the country soon and defended tough new restrictions on aid workers, while rich nations prepared to freeze Jakarta's debt repayments.
Vice President Yusuf Kalla said foreign troops should leave tsunami-hit Aceh province on Sumatra island as soon as they finish their relief mission, staying no longer than three months.

"Three months are enough. In fact, the sooner the better," Kalla was quoted by the state Antara news agency as saying.

The armed forces of Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States have all rushed task forces to Aceh in the wake of the December 26 disaster which killed at least 106,500 Indonesians out of a total of more than 159,000 deaths in Asia.

United Nations officials struggling to coordinate a massive relief operation have welcomed their participation, particularly to deliver aid to isolated coastlines accessible only by sea or air.

The vice president said Aceh in the near future would need foreign medical workers and engineers instead of military assistance.

"Foreign troops are no longer needed," he said.

Kalla's comments came after the country's military imposed sweeping new restrictions on foreign relief workers operating in Aceh, claiming they were in danger from rebels waging a long-running separatist war.

But an Indonesian doctor whose ordeal at the hands of rebels has been used to justify the government restrictions disputed the official version of the incident.

Mulia Hasyimi, the head of Aceh's health office, confirmed he was seized by the rebels, but told AFP he was not shot and his time in captivity lasted less than an hour, contrary to government claims he was reputedly held for several days and shot.

Analysts have said they believe the government move was an attempt to reassert the military's control over the province, an accusation the government has denied.

Senior officials said foreign journalists would also be confined to major towns in the province, closing a post-disaster window of press freedom in the region which was locked down almost two years ago during a military offensive.

Indonesian troops have already begun accompanying United Nations missions to help victims of the tsunami and liaison officers are to be posted on the scores of foreign navy ships and military and civilian aircraft bringing in thousands of tonnes of emergency supplies.

Despite statements from Free Aceh Movement rebels, known as GAM, pledging the safety of volunteers, Welfare Minister Alwi Shihab said the government was concerned attacks on aid staff could scare off foreign assistance.

The emergency phase of the tsunami relief effort in Aceh is not moving fast enough and is likely to last three more months, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's special humanitarian envoy said Wednesday.

Margareta Wahlstrom said relief work was progressing at a comparable pace to other tsunami-hit countries, given that the scale of destruction in Indonesia was so much greater, but that was still not fast enough.

Wahlstrom said she remained concerned with inadequate coordination among all groups taking part in the relief effort.

"There are a lot of resources, many organizations here. What we have to do is ensure better interfacing. That's our priority. Things need to move a little faster," she said.

However she said new government regulations imposed on foreign aid workers and journalists in Aceh province were not impeding the relief effort.

"I don't see these as restrictions. They are not saying you cannot go. They are saying, let us know when you go," Wahlstrom said.

Meanwhile, government creditors in the Paris Club of wealthy nations were set to agree at a meeting in the French capital Wednesday on freezing debt repayments by countries hit by the disaster.

Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Seychelles "will be the three countries I think which will accept this proposition," French Finance Minister Herve Gaymard told French radio Radio France Internationale.

Other countries affected, like Thailand and Malaysia, have "a lower level of indebtedness than the others and do not want their credit rating to be downgraded on the international financial markets," he explained.

Indonesia's foreign debt comes to about 132 billion dollars, and the country is looking at three billion dollars in payments this year to service that debt.

In Sri Lanka, an aid package estimated at about three billion dollars was being worked out as the island seeks to recover from the disaster which left more than 30,000 dead across the country.

Officials from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the Japan International Cooperation Agency were in talks with the Sri Lankan government to work out the reconstruction plan.

On Tuesday, the United Nations secured 717 million dollars in record time for tsunami victims in Asia -- 73 percent of a 977-million-dollar appeal launched last week to meet immediate needs in the next six months.

Some nine billion dollars has been pledged worldwide in short and long term aid after the disaster.

The figure, obtained by an AFP count, includes government money, donations pledged in an unprecedented outpouring of global public sympathy -- "humanity at its best," Egeland said -- as well as debt relief and loans.

Allright, I know this is old. And yes, Indonesia has a right to not want military presence in their country. However, a main contradiction they said was "Civilian aid workers are welcome". About a week before this was released, they said "We have too many aid workers here, please just send money." My stance on this is that the government gave $350million dollars, while houses in Port Charlotte (adjacent to my home town) still has houses with tarps rather than roofs. Melbourne has this also. However, the government, the national television stations, numerous donation drives, Jay Leno, emails.. all this went to Indonesia. Our own people got none of this. And, I was ok with it. Indonesia is poor, we stirred up a whole mess of shit globally, and we should give some back.
But for Indonesia to say that our aid workers (see also, military) need to get out, meanwhile, their fucked up guerrilla fighters will capture "Civilian Relief Workers," who are welcomed -- is just messed up.
Indonesia needs to accept what we're giving, or tell us to stop, and just leave. I know this is close-minded, but when billions of dollars of damage hit Florida, I didn't see any Indonesians comming over for relief work. I didn't hear about Germany or Japan donating money to us. And knowing that Indonesia has essentially slapped the relief military in the face, seeing commercials, the news, and on Ebay - the Leno bike just infuriate me. Beggars can't be choosers. Can they?

01-26-2005, 11:57 AM
I said the same damn thing about the shit that happenes with us and no one helps us.

But don't you think these countries are really poor thou? They can't afford to be in debt like we can lol.

01-26-2005, 12:00 PM
they hate us until they need us, then they want to control us.

01-26-2005, 12:07 PM
we aren't need it? FUGGEM then. let em all die for all i care. more air for me and the ones i love.

01-26-2005, 12:11 PM
first off, when we got hit with the disasters... we have insurace companies in place who shelled out all the aids and our government provided all the aids that we needed among with the companies that are sending aids to Indonisia...

Second, along with the first, we didn't and don't need any help from any other country because we are better set for dissasters. If something like the Tsunami hit US and wiped out lets say half of west coast or east coast... I'm sure we would need help from outside.

you have to look at the magnitude of the dissaster that just happened... over 180k people died.. whole Islands were wiped clean...

you might be tierd of hearing this.. but as being the world leader and power and having the money and the way our country is set, we can afford to help others and have enough to rebuild ourselves form dissasters on top of that..

that is why thye are called 3rd world country and we are not!

Andrew Bohan
01-26-2005, 12:12 PM
sometimes the earth just has to get rid of extra people. it happens all over the world, including here.

01-26-2005, 12:19 PM
sometimes the earth just has to get rid of extra people. it happens all over the world, including here.


What we're doing is not appreciated by most people over there anyway. They're running around with Osama Bin Laden T-shirts and were the same people celebrating when the WTC was attacked.

I'd rather see the money spent at home helping the people in Florida affected by the hurricanes or in California affected by the mudslides, etc...

01-26-2005, 12:20 PM
i dont like that people think we are obligated to help everyone, but AMERICA FUCK YEAH!! We are the world police.

Jeff you are right about the military presence. The aid workers should be protected, not victimized. They are out there helping people that probably dont give a shit about us anyways.

01-26-2005, 01:13 PM
I'd rather see the money spent at home helping the people in Florida affected by the hurricanes or in California affected by the mudslides, etc...
yea dammm mudslides

01-26-2005, 01:35 PM
It benefits the US to help them recover. A large perccentage of the goods and services we utilize (and often take for granted) come from that region. Without those places, the price of goods and services will surely rise, affecting our economy here at home.

Our government doesn't just go helping anyone that needs it. They help countries that give us a strategic advantage in some way.

01-26-2005, 01:53 PM
It benefits the US to help them recover. A large perccentage of the goods and services we utilize (and often take for granted) come from that region. Without those places, the price of goods and services will surely rise, affecting our economy here at home.

Our government doesn't just go helping anyone that needs it. They help countries that give us a strategic advantage in some way.

Do they mainly export food produce to us? If so, its going to rise either way cause thoese lands are soaked with salt water from the sea for years (i think one or two decades).

Sil Beer S13
01-26-2005, 01:56 PM
i dont like that people think we are obligated to help everyone, but AMERICA FUCK YEAH!! We are the world police.

Jeff you are right about the military presence. The aid workers should be protected, not victimized. They are out there helping people that probably dont give a shit about us anyways.

Thats what im saying.

01-26-2005, 02:20 PM
Very true, the US is only doing this because these countries prove goods and services at a lower cost compared to here in the states....so yea...outsourcing is beneficial from an economic point of view. However...this kind of outpouring might hurt more than help the wealther nations in the end. I believe Indonesia is making this motive because they are scared of a takeover from other nations.

01-26-2005, 02:56 PM
sometimes the earth just has to get rid of extra people. it happens all over the world, including here.

Chris (not scott): says "AIDS, is population control."

01-26-2005, 03:00 PM
yes it's annoying. tsunamis happen all the time in that area, yet the media is making such a big fuss over it like it's never happened before.

01-26-2005, 03:55 PM
anyone ever think that some articles written are biased? actually, the majority are. Any newspaper you read is pretty much influenced by big corporations. It's tough to find the real news nowadays. The people from Indonesia who may have offended some Americans are probably just a select few. And seriously, I doubt they represent the thoughts of the nation as a whole.

I can't even watch news television anymore. I just look at it to see what's going on, but I never try to form any kind of bias since it probably isn't the real truth.

s14 blacktop
01-26-2005, 04:04 PM
A tsunami is mother natures population control...

01-26-2005, 08:04 PM
when there's no problems its always "fuck america(ns)"

when something happens to them "help us, but we call the shots"

wtf is that about?

01-26-2005, 09:13 PM
Yes, i'm sick of hearing about the tsunami. True, it's sad and tragic that it happened, but get over it.

01-26-2005, 09:44 PM

What we're doing is not appreciated by most people over there anyway. They're running around with Osama Bin Laden T-shirts and were the same people celebrating when the WTC was attacked.

I'd rather see the money spent at home helping the people in Florida affected by the hurricanes or in California affected by the mudslides, etc...

Don't you think that helping them out would actually show them that America is generous, kind and helpful when something of this magnitude happens.

What America is doing in Indonesia actually is more effective in fighting terrorism than the invasion of Irak.

Don't let the minority of people in Indonesia influence your judgement. I am pretty sure 90% of the population actually is very happy in your help/relief effort.

01-26-2005, 10:58 PM
What America is doing in Indonesia actually is more effective in fighting terrorism than the invasion of Irak.

Don't let the minority of people in Indonesia influence your judgement. I am pretty sure 90% of the population actually is very happy in your help/relief effort

Agreed. They definitely need and appreciate the helps whether or not they want to admit to it.

01-27-2005, 12:47 AM
Biased? They quoted the VP or whatever title the 2nd in command guy has. It's nice that people appreciate what we're doing. And had the VP asshat not bitten the hand that's fed his country, I wouldn't have a problem, and continue dropping dollars in the boxes. But now... I want my fucking money back. I'm royally pissed over this. And the continuing support that Americans are giving is infuriating.

01-27-2005, 01:30 AM
i hope you guys don't turn out like Miss Jones from Hot 97, because this below is just rediculous. listen to the clips...


On January 21st, 2005, an offensive song/skit containing openly derogatory and racist overtones reached millions of listeners in New York City when it was broadcast on Hot 97's "Miss Jones in the Morning" radio show. While the radio show has a history of recording and playing such spoofs on a regular basis, the infamous "Tsunami Song" mocks not only the victims of the unfortunate recent natural disaster in Southeast Asia, but also all members of the Asian race in general with the racial slurs "chink" and "Chinamen."

Choice lyrics included:
- "All at once you could hear the screaming ch*nks and no one was safe from the wave there were africans drowning, little chinamen swept away you could hear god laughing, 'swim you b*tches swim'"
- "So now you're screwed, it's the Tsunami, you better run or kiss your ass away, go find your mommy, I just saw her float by, a tree went through her head, and now the children will be sold to child slavery..."

Just prior to the broadcasting of this inflammatory and extremely distasteful audio, the airwaves erupted into hostility when the popular morning show's hosts argued about playing the "Tsunami Song." The on-air quarrel started when Miss Info, a Korean-American member of the team, openly voiced that she had no involvement with either the production or publication of the song, as she personally found the views expressed in the song offensive. The show's other two co-hosts Miss Jones and Todd Lynn then launched into an abusive tirade against Miss Info for her lack of co-operation. At one point, Todd Lynn stated that he was going to start shooting Asians while Miss Jones told Info she's only complaining because "you feel superior, probably because you're Asian."

Please sign the petition!!!

Here is the clip of the Tsumani Song

Jin fires back at Hot 97

Please forward to everyone!!!

01-27-2005, 01:49 AM
I said the same damn thing about the shit that happenes with us and no one helps us.

But don't you think these countries are really poor thou? They can't afford to be in debt like we can lol.

wow u are really dumb 155000+ people died
and in 9 11 only 3000 people died and 9 11 is considered to be the biggest disaster ever in US well unless u want to count the civil war. what do u mean by no one helps us. can u compare the 2.....

01-27-2005, 03:05 AM
Don't you think that helping them out would actually show them that America is generous, kind and helpful when something of this magnitude happens.

What America is doing in Indonesia actually is more effective in fighting terrorism than the invasion of Irak.

Don't let the minority of people in Indonesia influence your judgement. I am pretty sure 90% of the population actually is very happy in your help/relief effort.

exactly. the mass of civilians over there are probably very grateful for the relief they've been given. its the tiny minority of idiots in power who play these stupid political word games to maintain their own power/image.

as for that idiotic tsunami song, i've heard a protest is being organized, schduled for friday 11AM. if it's true, i will probably be attending... i live 20 minutes outside NYC. hopefully we can get that bitch of a DJ fired.

s14 blacktop
01-27-2005, 08:52 AM
See this is weird you can get a petition to get somebody fired but you wont get a petition to not help those bastards that are putting restrictions on our aid workers.. so which makes sense................. :rolleyes:
oh yeah also restrict the aid workers we restrict the money...makes sense to me.

01-27-2005, 09:06 AM
wow u are really dumb 155000+ people died
and in 9 11 only 3000 people died and 9 11 is considered to be the biggest disaster ever in US well unless u want to count the civil war. what do u mean by no one helps us. can u compare the 2.....

LOL! your calling me dumb... Did I say anything near 911? Lets look at what I said,"I said the same damn thing about the shit that happenes with us and no one helps us." Wow, yeah... by adding an "s" behind happen you can mean more than one event. Like what happen in Cali with all the flooding and mudslides, or how about the 3 fuckin huricanes that Florida was in.

Now if I added a "d" to the end then I might be talking about 911. Or maybe since I was in Florida when the 3 huricanes hit maybe am talking about that.

01-27-2005, 09:41 AM
LOL! your calling me dumb... Did I say anything near 911? Lets look at what I said,"I said the same damn thing about the shit that happenes with us and no one helps us." Wow, yeah... by adding an "s" behind happen you can mean more than one event. Like what happen in Cali with all the flooding and mudslides, or how about the 3 fuckin huricanes that Florida was in.

Now if I added a "d" to the end then I might be talking about 911. Or maybe since I was in Florida when the 3 huricanes hit maybe am talking about that.

I wonder if the US governement would even accept help... we are an extremely prideful nation after all.

01-27-2005, 09:56 AM
I was @ Starbucks yesternight, and i saw one of those signs for Tsunami relief on the counter by the register. I turned it around so people wouldnt see it. muahahahah. i just killed like 17 indonesians by the time they turn that sign back around.

Wondering why starbucks is involved. do they get coffee beans from those parts?

01-27-2005, 10:02 AM
holy shit there was a tsunami? why didnt i hear about this

01-27-2005, 10:05 AM
All I can say is that I was there. I was part of the "relief aid". Some of you had probably seen my supervisor passing out water on CNN. I've seen the destruction first hand, not just what was on the news or the internet, and this chit was crazy. You couldn't even begin to fathom what kind of shit these people are and will have to go through. Yeah, there may be a country or few that are talking out of their asses, but I never saw that in anybodies eyes when I dropped palets of food I hate to eat and water warm enough to make me yak off to those people. Just to give you and insiders view, I've been to Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and was based out of Thailand. My boys still aint home, so I'm here taking up the slack because I'm one of a few that are lucky enough to be at home station w/ my wife and kid. But I tell you what, after seeing what I've seen along w/ everyone else that I know who's there/been there, it's not the people who are hatin right now. It's the people higher on the ladder w/ money who don't feel the strain nearly as much as everyone else. I think what you fail to realize that "poor" in the states is a whole different "poor" in a third world country who just got a slap in the face from Mother Nature. All in all, I must say that "ignorance must be bliss." If you don't want to hear it, turn off the TV or the radio, cause you still have the choice to listen or not. And for the person who wrote that "tsunamis happen all the time in that area", WRONG! Try again homey. Maybe on the Pacific side of Asia, but any real damage causing tsunamis haven't happened in the Indian Ocean for a looooong time. I'm actually kind of ticked at some of the ignorance I hear from my own countrymen. Some people just don't realize just how good America has it.

01-27-2005, 11:41 AM
I was @ Starbucks yesternight, and i saw one of those signs for Tsunami relief on the counter by the register. I turned it around so people wouldnt see it. muahahahah. i just killed like 17 indonesians by the time they turn that sign back around.

Wondering why starbucks is involved. do they get coffee beans from those parts?

Their customers are bleeding heart liberals.. it makes them feel warm and fuzzy to "know" that their $.15 helped save an indonesian child from slavery.

01-27-2005, 01:33 PM
It benefits the US to help them recover. A large perccentage of the goods and services we utilize (and often take for granted) come from that region. Without those places, the price of goods and services will surely rise, affecting our economy here at home.

Our government doesn't just go helping anyone that needs it. They help countries that give us a strategic advantage in some way.

Ya, but what is the US the #1 Exporter of....?


It makes more since to have something manufactured by children in 3rd world countries rather then have it built in the good old US of A.

There has to be better ways to help our economy rather then spoon feeding them to better than ever. Besides, the are probably the top 10 exporters of Clothing ...:cj:

01-28-2005, 04:35 AM
Have ya'll heard about the next problem theyre going to expect over there?? All these tsunami survivors are going nuts apparently. They are going to go through depression and a lot of psycological problems in the near future says doctors...

JAKARTA, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Five percent of tsunami survivors -- up to 200,000 people in Indonesia's Aceh province alone -- could develop severe depression and other long-term mental health disorders, World Health Organization officials said on Tuesday. With immediate food and medical needs being met, Indonesia is likely to see a surge in psychological problems among tsunami survivors in the next month, including suicide attempts and domestic violence, officials said. Tens of thousands of people across the Indian Ocean region lost relatives and friends when a magnitude 9 earthquake off Indonesia's Sumatra island triggered a tsunami that crushed coastal villages and swept people into the sea. As many as 290,000 people are dead or missing.

Dr. Benedetto Saraceno, director of the Department of Mental Health at WHO headquarters in Geneva, said about 50 percent of survivors may suffer some short-term mental health problems.

Five to 10 percent will develop severe, long-term psychiatric issues that will require professional care, mainly depression, anxiety and sleep disorders


01-28-2005, 08:06 AM
Ya, but what is the US the #1 Exporter of....?


It makes more since to have something manufactured by children in 3rd world countries rather then have it built in the good old US of A.

There has to be better ways to help our economy rather then spoon feeding them to better than ever. Besides, the are probably the top 10 exporters of Clothing ...:cj:

of course.. but the rich folks in our country don't really care about that. If they can make more money exporting jobs then they will do it. Their lobbyists in the govt. will make sure the govt helps them too.


01-28-2005, 03:30 PM
I started writing a reply to this thread yesterday, but got busy doing something else.

I'm all for disaster relief on the part of our country, as long as it goes in our terms. When the Indonesian gov't denied the USS Lincoln their request to perform training missions while in Indonesian waters (which is something Carriers are required to do while at sea), I believe we should've withdrawn all of our military support. All they were asking was 'Hey, while we're out here helping you, we have some daily work that NEEDS to be done. We'd rather not have to do it here, but we're stuck helping you. Would you guys mind if we used your airspace for training?' I can only assume that the Indonesian gov't took that as being 'Hey, we're here helping you out, now we want to set up a base in your capitol city.'
I can appreciate their desire for a lack of American military presence, but if you don't want someone to come to your house, tell them not to come. You can be for damned sure that we didn't just go sailing in there without their permission saying 'Hey, we're here to help out, whether you like it or not.'
The Indonesian govt's treatment of our personnel there is extremely disrespectful and unscrupulous.
If you don't like someone and tell your people that they are evil infidels, why let come to your country and give food away like it was air, as well as all the other relief and cleanup efforts performed by our people? Why do that? The answer is this - they are in need of help, but rather than admit that they need it and let us do our thing (with their cooperation), they restrict us and basically treat us like garbage for even being there.
Not to be inhumane, because I realize that people have, are and will be suffering, but I will not donate money, time or effort to Tsunami relief if it's going to Indonesia.

01-28-2005, 03:32 PM
Ya, but what is the US the #1 Exporter of....?


Elect me President in 2016 and watch that shit change.

Andrew Bohan
01-28-2005, 04:09 PM
/me votes for kevin

give food away like it was air?
in some places (los angeles) food is easier to get than air :mepoke:

other than that i agree

01-28-2005, 08:47 PM
You know what I mean.
Air is air (breathable or not).

01-29-2005, 03:03 AM
i just got mail on my cell phone today asking for donation money for the tsunami wreck.

01-29-2005, 09:30 AM
i just got mail on my cell phone today asking for donation money for the tsunami wreck.

your mailbox is on your cellphone? boy that must make conversations awkward.