View Full Version : Racist Tsunami Song Skit On Hot 97 radio

01-26-2005, 12:51 AM
For the last week Hot 97 has been running a hideously unfunny and offensive skit named "Tsunami Song," that ridicules the victims of the Tsunami as "ch*nks" whose children will now be sold into child slavery. It's being played on the station's morning show, hosted by Miss Jones.

It's also featured on their website, on the right side of the page. (This is a direct link to the mp3).

the mp3 link is not working from their site anymore, but they're not gonna cover this up that easily. The fine citizens at okayplayer.com saved a copy here for evidence. Also check their discussion of the song here and here

Here are some choice lyrics:

..All at once you could hear the screaming ch*nks and no one was safe from the wave there were africans drowning, little chinamen swept away you could hear god laughing, "swim you b*tches swim"
So now you're screwed, it's the Tsunami
you better run or kiss your ass away, go find your mommy
I just saw her float by, a tree went through her head
and now the children will be sold to child slavery...

Uhh, yeah. Har de har har.

You may know that one of that show's other hosts, Miss Info, is Asian. She voiced her displeasure with the skit and got into a heated on-air argument with Miss Jones about it. But so far Hot 97 hasn't acknowledged that there's anything wrong with it, and they continue to air it everyday.

As a New Yorker, as a radio person, and as a hip-hop fan I am ashamed and disgusted that Hot 97 is allowing this to broadcast on their airwaves. If you feel the same way you can let them know here:

NOTE: If you use the word "tsunami" in your email it will probably get filtered now, and not read. So try to leave that word out..

HOT 97
395 Hudson St. 7th Fl.
New York, NY 10014

(212) 229-9797

[email protected]

Or even better, Hot 97's parent company Emmis broadcasting:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

And if you really want to send a message, and make Hot 97 hear it, you can contact their advertisers about this. I may try to put together a list of sponsors, or if anybody else has one please pass it along.

And there are now two online petitions you can sign:

taken from hiphopmusic.com

please i urge you to sign up the petition this song is offensive and friggin racist i dunno if this is the spot to put it or if its already been posted but please sign up hot 97 has played some contriversial material before but this is too far .... plz sign to stop the hate...

( taken from hiphopmusic.com)

01-26-2005, 02:28 AM
Seems like old news now.

Also note that hiphopmusic.com is affiliated WBAI 99.5 FM and bash on 97 whenever they can.


01-26-2005, 03:22 AM
goes to show what kind of people listen and work for this kind of "music" station....

01-26-2005, 09:21 AM
its new york that explains it all

01-26-2005, 09:50 AM
Fuck it, you dont have to listen. Change the channel, yeah its really shitty and dumb, but fuck it. JUST DONT LISTEN. God I hate people who do that type of shit...

01-26-2005, 10:02 AM
i think they need new shock radio cause there are people out there fighting to be the next Howard Stern as soon as he goes to Sirius in 11 months

Annoying Eric
01-26-2005, 10:03 AM
its new york that explains it all

Shut the fuck up cunt.

Most of you assholes cant take jokes..

01-26-2005, 10:11 AM
what the hell? freedom of speech does not protect what you love it protects the speech you HATE.

effin deal and grow some balls.

if everyone were "racist" racism wouldn't exist. pussies keep the KKK, neo nazi's, ACLU, jesse jackson and all those other retarded organizations in business.