View Full Version : Ricer Fly-By....Whats the deal?

01-24-2005, 11:04 PM
OK, most of you will probably flame me for this...but I have to vent. Whats the deal with the ricer fly-by's? You know, when some punk has to fly by you on the road to show he's the man...Its happen a couple of times to myself, and I usually ignore it, but tonight it went to far. Actually thishas happened twice...but tonight really pissed me off...

So I happen to be on a nice stretch of road on the way home. You know the street, no lights, no stop signs, straight has hell with a few twisties thrown in. A road you would stretch the legs of your ride on, run it through the gears...Anyhow, tonight there happen to be guy behind me, and I ignored him, no revs, no taunts...just wanted to run the car a little. So I am stopped at the light a ways up and no sooner do I look in my mirror, but ricer boy (some lowered accord, like I care) is barreling staright for me! At the last minute he misses my ass and tries to take a corner like Schumacher!

So this is the second time some dipshit has tried to fly by me as close as he can...its dangerous and its pissing me off!

Anyhow..flame away...just wanted to vent...

2pac owns a 240w/sr20det
01-24-2005, 11:11 PM
Get LED's ... HAHAHA

there is nothing you can do ... well, maybe if its safe to do so, get their plate # and report of theuir unsafe driving

01-24-2005, 11:11 PM
im pretty sure it happens to everyone here...american muscle ussually targets my ass. cant do anything about it. just ignore.

Sil Beer S13
01-24-2005, 11:13 PM
I find it annoying and it only happends when i want to just relax drive.

01-24-2005, 11:19 PM
When ever i see a (usally a civic) guy attempting a racer fly by i wait for him to get right next to me then i downshift into 3rd or maybe 2nd if the guy looks like hes really moving then its usally door to door tell around 70 then i pull hard its funny cus usally guys that do that have slow cars..my feind has a really stupid looking civic and we race like that alot.. hes about seven cars back and he hits it and i wait for him to catch up then i drop it... fun stuff.. but its annoying when its not my freind.

Drunk Bastard
01-24-2005, 11:23 PM
damn ricers

01-24-2005, 11:27 PM
damm that fast and furious!! haha jk

01-24-2005, 11:53 PM
It's nothing some stop sticks wouldn't take care of...

01-24-2005, 11:58 PM
I find it annoying and it only happends when i want to just relax drive.

yes, me too, every time when i just want to relax to drive, someone just do it on me...

01-25-2005, 12:02 AM
keep a snapple bottle in your car. Helps.

01-25-2005, 12:15 AM
yah that happened to me tonite, some jerk in a 318i or maybe 325i e36 bmw all riced out drove by me all fast and furious... i was like please are you even worth my attention.

the worst is when civics rev you up and are going the opposite direction... so 90's!

01-25-2005, 12:42 AM
The best is after you beat them and slow down, they fly past you, thinking they beat you... I love those, its called "The Civic move"

01-25-2005, 01:34 AM
I love Cruise control now. I just leave it on and ignore everyone. I can't hear shit even with the windows down(I love componet speakers).
Every time I have tried to get away from these idiots. It turns out badly. The last time I was taking my GF home and this base 3000GT rides my ass. I come upto this 90 right hand turn and I take it hard as she is bitching for me taking the turn so fast I see his headlights go off the road. On my way home I saw the tracks leading 100ft into hole in a fence.

Funny now that I think about it. Seems that people are the bigest dicks when you have a chick in the car.

01-25-2005, 02:15 AM
I love Cruise control now. I just leave it on and ignore everyone. I can't hear shit even with the windows down(I love componet speakers).
Every time I have tried to get away from these idiots. It turns out badly. The last time I was taking my GF home and this base 3000GT rides my ass. I come upto this 90 right hand turn and I take it hard as she is bitching for me taking the turn so fast I see his headlights go off the road. On my way home I saw the tracks leading 100ft into hole in a fence.

Funny now that I think about it. Seems that people are the bigest dicks when you have a chick in the car.

thats when you give them this face :cj:

01-25-2005, 03:31 AM
You guys act like this is a new thing or something.

Any kid driving any car between the ages of 16-21 thinks they're billy badass and does that shit. They always have. Blame the media, their rich dumbass parents, and the fact that the educational today is about as useful as a pile of dirt.

Best thing to do is swerve into their lane and hope they drive into a ditch, off a cliff, or into a tree. The more that die the better it will be.

the head
01-25-2005, 08:07 AM
I like to go after some of them, ESPECIALLY when thier girl is in the car with them i just love owning motherfuxxers.

The greatest fly-by douche story i have was when i was driving my trans am this kid in firebird does the flyby but tries to make a corner up ahead as well he loses control jumps the median and curb on the far side of the road then runs into a light pole. I parked and called 911 to get the cops outhere and laughed at him until they showed up

01-25-2005, 08:48 AM
Its not even kids with fixed up cars do these now. I was just out for a drive about 8-9pm a couple weekends ago (since the car hadn't been driven for a while). And in town on a 4 lane road in traffic, 3 high school kids in a stock 200sx (B14) drive by fast on the right side of me, starring and laughing. I'm stuck behind a slow car, so move over and get behind them. The driver rolls down his window and pats his roof. I was gonna have some fun with them but they turned down a side street.

I guess since my car has bomex bumper, exhaust, and wheels all the kids assume I'm racing everyone. But those kids just pissed me off. Did get a MX-6 with neons later, that made me feel better.

01-25-2005, 08:52 AM
what is this 'ricer fly-by' that you are all talking about? I never get them.

01-25-2005, 09:15 AM
This stupid-ass thread posted in chat...What's the deal?

:zzz: :blah: :zzz: :blah: :zzz: :blah: :zzz:

01-25-2005, 10:06 AM
Well, let me see...its not tech. Its not motorsport. Its not really "off-topic", as it concerns driving, and idiots...perfect for general chat I figured...

although it could have been:

"Check out my new wheels!"


"Should I buy these?"


"New pics of ride!"


"This board sucks @#$!"


"Dorifto Neato!"

01-25-2005, 10:16 AM
The best is when they're all expecting you in a parking lot to take off, or when you can tell they're eyeing you at a light, and you just slowly piddle off in your car.
that makes them real mad.

01-25-2005, 10:33 AM
You guys act like this is a new thing or something.

Any kid driving any car between the ages of 16-21 thinks they're billy badass and does that shit. They always have. Blame the media, their rich dumbass parents, and the fact that the educational today is about as useful as a pile of dirt.

Best thing to do is swerve into their lane and hope they drive into a ditch, off a cliff, or into a tree. The more that die the better it will be.

hahaha haven't herd that in years :p

01-25-2005, 11:28 AM
well if they're taking turns while passing u by and not just on the straight then thatsokay i guess.. unless they try to get really close to u while passing u by.

d r i f t swift
01-25-2005, 12:09 PM
i love ricer fly-bys i think they are the funniest thing ever. especially when you race someone (yeah race people) and you smoke the shit out of them. and you hit the brakes to let them catch up cause they hate that. and then when they try to fly-by downshift again and not let them. yeah i race hondas. haha they are the only ones stupid enough to race. the domestic guys around here think they are too good

01-25-2005, 12:29 PM
well if they're taking turns while passing u by and not just on the straight then thatsokay i guess.. unless they try to get really close to u while passing u by.

Thats exactly whats pissing me off...I could care less when they fly by on the freeway, but lately, its like they have to "swerve" at me or something to prove they are a man or something...its flat out dangerous, and I am going to end up kicking someone's ass...period.

01-25-2005, 03:00 PM
thats when you downshift, match speed, and slow down quickly..,. after you get in front of the turd.

that is, only if you're feelin frisky.

Chillaxed 240sx
01-25-2005, 03:06 PM
Hahahah, man ... so many ricers in my town I just stick to the back roads that get me there quicker and just avoid all of them if I can. I had one Civic hold up traffic because he was waiting for me to get in line with him ... he was driving real slow in the fast lane (2 lane each way road) and I just turned off onto a backroad. I saw him and heard him go tearing away down the road. It was great.

I like the story of that 3000GT going into a fence and the other guy who said a car went into a light pole and he laughed at him until the cops came. I can only hope that kind of shit happens to me one day so I can get the same enjoyment.

01-25-2005, 03:59 PM
I did get the ricer fly-by on the track. I smoked an Accord and he cuts me off going into the return lane. The Slip girl was like WTF, why is this guy here first.

01-25-2005, 05:30 PM
I just downshift and show the punk ass what my taillights look like.


01-25-2005, 05:45 PM
I like to put my foot on the brake pedal just so the lights come on and then floor it! ha....but only until there is some decent room. At one point I was toying around with putting the reverse lights on a switch....

01-25-2005, 07:32 PM
I like pulling my ebrake on people when they are tailgating. It doesnt send your tail lights off and let them know you are brake checking but the people always back off.

01-26-2005, 02:59 PM
or when your at a red light and they pull up and rev there engine. all you gotta do is rev your engine and act like your gonna give him a run. then when he launches you just easily putter on your way. that gets them fired up.

the head
01-26-2005, 03:12 PM
or when your at a red light and they pull up and rev there engine. all you gotta do is rev your engine and act like your gonna give him a run. then when he launches you just easily putter on your way. that gets them fired up.

i love doing this especially when my radar decector is going off cuz then the dumbfuck flies through a speed trap and gets pulled over :Owned:

01-26-2005, 03:57 PM
Its not just ricers who think they have something to prove. Some stupid people in their new WRXs want to see how fast their cars are with their superior AWD and turbo power.

I had one guy tries to pass me on a corner in a spanking new stock WRX. Guy goes by me on the straight, goes into the corner way too hot, fishtails, trys to save it, overcorrects, spins 360 over the center divider curb into the other side of the road. His front wheel was totally wacked out with positive camber, front bumper tweaked and he had this look of "oh sh!t" on his face.

I think all those Subaru commercials with guys flying through twisty roads makes the buyers feel like they're invincible.

Andrew Bohan
01-26-2005, 04:13 PM
when people tailgate me i just shoot flames at them. that usually does the trick.



01-26-2005, 04:26 PM
when people tailgate me i just shoot flames at them. that usually does the trick.



Thats baddass. :bigok:

01-26-2005, 04:48 PM
when people tailgate me i just shoot flames at them. that usually does the trick.

hahaha that's what i do too, thought i was the only one...


01-26-2005, 08:34 PM
I like to put my foot on the brake pedal just so the lights come on and then floor it! ha....but only until there is some decent room. At one point I was toying around with putting the reverse lights on a switch....[/B]
lol that's great. that would really mess with 'em.

01-27-2005, 12:53 AM
If you pay close attention. THose that drive really fast are the ones that have slower cars. They are insecure about their car power so they got have to drive fast to somehow let ppl know their car is fast... I used to do that, until I start going to the drift events. Then I realized how stupid that was. But hey who doesn't go through that "lead footed" stage. Btw I just turned 19 and my eager to drive fast already died down. Well, except in some cases such as mountain/track but definitely not daily driving. I feel like an old man lol.

01-27-2005, 02:16 AM
damn street racers

01-27-2005, 03:19 AM
when people tailgate me i just shoot flames at them. that usually does the trick.

one of my friends has a FC TII and does the exact same thing. :o