View Full Version : projector headlights

01-24-2005, 11:23 AM
i know of places where i can send in my headlights and the company will make projector headligths, but is there any way to build or buy a pre-made set of projectors...i could make a set...i have the projectors out of my old destroyed projectors from my old civic...what a shit bomb that car was...but could i wire it up to make it work?! or build a set, or like i said a pre-made set!?

01-24-2005, 12:27 PM
thats gotta be one of the worst constructed ambiguous posts ive ever seen slopped together. im speechless. please get an education.

01-24-2005, 01:30 PM
probably because he used to drive a civic....

01-24-2005, 01:31 PM
anyways, to answer your question, are u talking about HID retrofits? If so, are you driving an s13, s14, or s14a?

01-24-2005, 03:02 PM
[begin makoto likeness]
dude a civic is like like an erectile problem, its that little embarresment in the back of your mind you try to hide and hope to god nobody finds out. lol. respectable civic drivers do exist (although anomalies) and besides theres only like 5 of them tops anyways. your nick is s13.5 so i take it you know about s15 front conversions, theres s13 silvia conversions, theres east bear setup, theres clearcorners.com's projectors are you looking for hids or halogen what style what kind of car do you have i mean i could go on for hours. This is like going to the supermarket and asking if they stock food there. its the same n00b ignorance on a platter "i know nothing about my car will these wheels fit" kinda post. SEARCH or better yet go buy a metro

[/end makoto likeness]

01-24-2005, 03:39 PM
thats gotta be one of the worst constructed ambiguous posts ive ever seen slopped together. im speechless. please get an education.

I agree fully. Poor kids these days, skip the education to buy a tyte ride. Sad.

01-24-2005, 05:27 PM
rofl god sometimes being a dickhead is so much fun. we could start a fund for this guy kinda like jerrys kids

01-24-2005, 06:00 PM
well you guys are good i admit, the insults are nice and well put. i drive a 1990 240sx hatchback, the civic thing part is true, they suck and i bought a 240sx because it is a car that i have always wanted. Nice, powerful, rwd, strong engines...a millions times better than a Honda. I knew about Clearcorners.com...hence the site "you send your headlights to them"...thats the set-up i would like...but not cost effective. East Bear is the worst thing i've ever seen. and yes i've seen the regular pop-up headlights with a projector in the middle of the headlamp. and the silvia-13 conversion is stupid looking too, not what i'm looking for either. so i know whats out there i was curious if there were anymore!? and i'm sorry that i didn't clairify all this first, my mistake.oh, by the way, if i wanted the come back, i'd wipe it off your mom's face!

Nissan Motorsports - Nismo, so is Honda Motorsports - HOMO?
Ford - at least they circled the problem

01-24-2005, 10:45 PM
hmmm.. Making fun of hondas won't get more respect from me, or make you seem cooler.

01-25-2005, 12:46 AM
if its an 89 hactch, not too many choices for projector retrofits. One option would be to do the silvia front end (but u said u hate that). Another would be to send it to mike at clearcorners (but very expensive). Or like you said, you can retro a projector into a CLEAR sealed beam.

You can fabricate ur own bracket to acommodate (sp?) a setup similar to mike so you can save money, but you would have to use hella 90mm projector kits because since its exposed to the elements of nature, you want projectors that come sealed already.

The last type that I've seen where you retro a projector into a clear sealed beam is also possible but the problems with that setup is clearence. THe depth of the sealed beam is 5.7". This short depth doesn't allow to many projector options. Bi-xenons are projectors that should be used since the stock sealed beam share both low and high beams. Bi-xenons are usually really long and won't clear the back of the headlight. The picture below is an example of an A6 projector that was an attempt to fit into one but he figured out it was too long and abandoned it. If you want a projector that will fit for sure, an s2000 will. The only problem is that the s2000 is only a single low beam. That means you will lose your high beam. If thats not a concern for u, then the s2000 would be perfect since its DOT approved and the intensity and light output is really great.


Hope this helps you a bit on your search for projectors.

01-25-2005, 12:51 AM
First two pics are from http://www.rallylights.com/hella/headlamps.asp.

Last pic was from a guy on the forum http://www.hidplanet.com/forums/

You can find more info on projector retrofits at http://www.hidretro.com

01-25-2005, 10:59 AM
well i already have the low beam projector that is sealed and the high beam was just a regular light that wasn't sealed. so i know i can reuse the low beam and buy a high beam projector and fabricate one.

Phil St John
02-08-2005, 01:58 PM
If you dont like kits just find a car with a projector setup u like and take them. If I can put a Silvia front on a CRX u can hack up some headlight and make em work. Anything can be done to any car given enough Time, Skill and Money.

02-08-2005, 05:43 PM
i've actually looked into a projector rs13 headlight before. the problem is like vegita319 said. The projectos are usually very deep, the 90mm hella is around 6" deep. Thus for any projector to work you need to pull a "lazy eye" to get enough depth. Or, drill a hole into ur chassis to fit the extra depth. I'm looking into making one that drills into the chassis... when i have an extra rs13 laying around...