01-19-2005, 10:41 PM
Are majority of parts interchangable? Things like cams, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, pulleys, head gaskets, things of that nature.
Also my s14 has a weird idleing problem. when it at idle it bounce's around from 600 to 1500 rpm's. If I kick on the fan it seems to balance out. it normal idles kida low around 900. I read that I should add a larger ground to the MAF so I did that but to no evail. Any help would be greatly apprectiated.
Also my s14 has a weird idleing problem. when it at idle it bounce's around from 600 to 1500 rpm's. If I kick on the fan it seems to balance out. it normal idles kida low around 900. I read that I should add a larger ground to the MAF so I did that but to no evail. Any help would be greatly apprectiated.