View Full Version : Need help with project, How much do Mechanics make?

01-18-2005, 10:05 AM
I just got an assignment about what you want to be when you grow up. I kinda wanna be a mechanic or a body man...yeah...Holla

01-18-2005, 10:38 AM
Try this out...might help.


Or do a search on google for "Job salary statistics automotive".

01-18-2005, 11:04 AM
Salary.com is good

01-18-2005, 11:38 AM
when you grow up you'll realize that being a mechanic doesn't make any money unless ya get super lucky or do it for a race team or sumthin.

01-18-2005, 02:16 PM
the only thing worth doing in the mechanic field is being a skilled technician, otherwise like makoto said,

01-18-2005, 02:37 PM
my dad is a mechanic and has been for over 25 years. Back in the 80's and early 90's, companies use to pay by hour. Now a days they pay by hour but on what you produce contract. This is what I saw and with talking with my dad about yearly wages. Dad got an avg. 40-50k a year working at Midas in San Jose.

But yes, it all depends on the shop.

01-18-2005, 04:40 PM
Asdf..sorry not mechanics, I meant Mechanical Engineers!! Sorry! I really enjoy messing around on Auto Cad and Rhino, so yeah.

01-18-2005, 07:09 PM
I've got all my cisco classes and I have to take the certification exam yet, but I was looking up jobs on monster.com for them and I saw in Maryland you can make up to $215,000/year

01-18-2005, 07:45 PM
I'm in second year mechanical engineering at waterloo university. If I remember correctly, the average starting salary was fairly decent. Around $45,000-$55,000 USD. Working up to $60,000-$75,000 within a few years.

I'm on coop and even that pays good, between $16-$20/hr CDN ($13-$16/hr USD).

It may sound great, but trust me, school is rough and lots of time/effort needs to be put in to succeed. This semester alone I have Advanced Calculus II, Mechanics of Deformable Solids, Design of Electric Machinery, Properties of Materials, Statistics For Engineers, and a bs elective Society, Technology, and Values... I hate artsies.

01-18-2005, 08:38 PM
bleh, they can outsource engineering, and instead of paying you 40-50k, they pay some desperate bastard in India for 10k a year doing the same stuff you are doing here with the same level of quality or better! Outsourcing rocks! (on a corporate standpoint)

01-18-2005, 09:46 PM
bleh, they can outsource engineering, and instead of paying you 40-50k, they pay some desperate bastard in India for 10k a year doing the same stuff you are doing here with the same level of quality or better! Outsourcing rocks! (on a corporate standpoint)

Or not. I don't know where you heard that sh*t, but it's just that, bullsh*t.


A. Most plants need an/several onsite engineer(s).
B. I will have 2 years experience when done coop, and have not had a problem finding a job yet.
C. I guarantee I will be hired over any person from overseas since I can speak fluent english, have very good contacts, and many hands on skills.

Outsourcing may work for programming, manufacturing, etc. But it will never replace an onsite engineer by any means.

01-20-2005, 05:06 PM
Or not. I don't know where you heard that sh*t, but it's just that, bullsh*t.


A. Most plants need an/several onsite engineer(s).
B. I will have 2 years experience when done coop, and have not had a problem finding a job yet.
C. I guarantee I will be hired over any person from overseas since I can speak fluent english, have very good contacts, and many hands on skills.

Outsourcing may work for programming, manufacturing, etc. But it will never replace an onsite engineer by any means.

you do know that most educated indians go to an english medium school...the schools in India are world reknown and my friend they probably speak better english than you. Anything that can be emailed or faxed can easily be outsourced...clear example.... Founder/President of Zablo.com uses IT people from India to do almost ALL of their business...How do i know this??? Ive talked to CEO Cameron Johnson and he told me himself...I agree with you about you getting a job...Im not saying you wont get one...Im just saying that many companies outsource because they want to save money.

01-20-2005, 06:05 PM
you do know that most educated indians go to an english medium school...the schools in India are world reknown and my friend they probably speak better english than you. Anything that can be emailed or faxed can easily be outsourced...clear example.... Founder/President of Zablo.com uses IT people from India to do almost ALL of their business...How do i know this??? Ive talked to CEO Cameron Johnson and he told me himself...I agree with you about you getting a job...Im not saying you wont get one...Im just saying that many companies outsource because they want to save money.

If you read my post, you would notice that I said that most companies require an onsite engineer. Work such as project management, performing work on the shop floor, meeting presentations, employee management, etc. This type of work requires a person to be physically present at the scene. In other words, it cannot be outsourced.

Your keyword was "IT". Engineering and IT are hardly compairable. Tasks such as programming, tech support, etc can be done anywhere, hence why they are outsourced. Furthermore, IT is such a saturated market that anyone will work for bread and water.

I never said companies do not outsource. As in my post: "Outsourcing may work for programming, manufacturing, etc. But it will never replace an onsite engineer by any means."

01-20-2005, 07:15 PM
I have seen some nice ads offering $100,000CND a year with full benifits and so on. It all depends on the province and work place here in Canada.

s14 blacktop
01-21-2005, 08:47 AM
Well here in houston they start at @ 75,000 a year entry level, its been 3 years since I checked last...