View Full Version : Devastating Mudslide in socal

01-14-2005, 07:36 PM
Some of you know and most of you dont know. On monday, January 10, a small town on the SoCal coast was devastated. A mudslide came down destroying 12 houses, damaging 15 houses, and killing 10 people. The brother of one of my friends was killed in the slide. His name was Charly Womack. Living with Charly was Jimmy Wallet, his wife, and four kids. Jimmy's wife and three of his children also passed away in the slide. On the morning of the slide, after days of rain, Charly and Jimmmy were deciding whether or not to leave town till the threat of a slide went away. Jimmy went to the store to get ice cream for the kids, as Charly went to the bottom of the mountain to see if had moved or not. As Charly got to the bottom of the mountain, it gave way. Charly Womack, 51, and Jimmy Wallet's family, Mechelle Wallet, 37, and their children Hannah, 10, Paloma, 2, and Raven, 6, all passed away. Charly left behind four children, one who only 14. Jimmy's surviving daughter is 16.

Now these families need help. They need to rebuild their lives. Charly's daughter, Tess, has no father, no home, and no possessions and Jimmy has no home, no possessions, and no job. He worked for Charly as a contractor.

Please help these people and donate whatever you can. Anything will be very appreiciated and help them get back on their feet.
