View Full Version : HUGE West Coast meet! 1-16-05

01-13-2005, 11:00 PM
Hey guys, wanted to let you know of what's going to be a big multi-board meet in the Eugene, OR area. I'm just going to copy/paste the info, but you can leave questions here and I'll try and answer them for ya!

PLACE: Eugene Oregon (Springfield, actually, but they're essentially the same city...)
DATE: 01-16-05
LOCATION: Gateway Mall 3000 Gateway Springfield Oregon 97477 (it's right off of I-5}
we'll be meeting up right behind sears, and will be easily to see from I-5
TIME: Hoping to get everyone there by 1-2pm

Here's a few links on the same subject. I could only use the first one w/o registering, though.

Club Civic site (I think this was the meet starter)
Eugene Street Scene site
Northwest Street Racing site

So that's SUNDAY, 1-16-05!!! Be there!!! I've seen this thread on several boards already, and as far as I can gather, at least 25-35 cars will show. I come from a board of slackers who never showed to meets, so hopefully these people are better about it!

Take it easy fellas!

01-14-2005, 07:55 PM
So huge we've never heard of it!

90+ cars for a stupd weekend burger meet in the bay area. In socal its even worse. They have meets in the traffic jams there are so many people down there.

01-14-2005, 09:15 PM
man is oregon even considered the west coast-west coast?!? thought this was a cali meet....

Andrew Bohan
01-14-2005, 10:20 PM
damn self-centered californians.

01-16-2005, 04:51 AM
Hi! I'm a hater and I've come to shit on your thread!


Yes, Oregon is just as west coast as Cali...hate to break it to you. And there's folks coming from Cali, Oregon, and Washington...so it is in fact a "west coast" meet.

01-18-2005, 09:34 AM
no doubt it's west coast, but the first word of your title is HUGE

huge is like the national convention

unfortunately i cant make it up there. have fun

01-18-2005, 09:50 AM
How was it? I wanna see pics of the national convention

Andrew Bohan
01-18-2005, 10:37 AM
well it's true that on random nights in the bay or socal it's not uncommon for 30 cars to show up to the same place, but that's no reason to make fun of oregon. i mean, there are 34 million people in california. there are less than 10 million people in washington and oregon combined.

01-18-2005, 10:41 AM
haha my fault oregon, hope ur meet was koo tho,

oregon seems like a canada to us
