View Full Version : sledding crap

01-12-2005, 10:32 PM
So I went sledding tonight, when it was all sloppy out...I ate shit right onto my face and now my chin is bloody...then I crashed into my friend because we waxed my inner tube with rain-x and it was so fast that he went like a second before me and I caught up to him, so we both crashed into a puddle and I got drenched

And just now I was trying to dry my shoes out by setting them super close to the fireplace, and the rubber started to melt. The house stinks worse then when I microwaved easy mac but w/o the noodles.

Share all sledding experiences. Begin.

Andrew Bohan
01-12-2005, 11:25 PM
around '96 or '97 there was heavy heavy snow in the seattle area and so school was closed. there was this huge steep hill by my house that went along the cliff face down to the beach and my friend and i wanted to go sledding on it.

but we didn't have a sled.

so we grabbed my old skis that were too short for me anymore and nailed em to a pallet. then we dragged the pallet to the hill and tried it out.

we figured this was a side-by-side 2 person sled so we got on and tried it out. it was so hard to control cuz it was heavy as hell. after a few runs we figured out how to steer it, which is important so we wouldn't go flying off the cliff. if you want to turn right, the person on the right sticks his right heel out and the sled pivots. vice versa for the other way.

we sledded all day long. it was the best sled ever. the rich lawyer's kids were out sledding on that hill too with their expensive fancy sleds but our sled was way faster and a million times more badass. i'm sure whoever approves sleds for retail sale would ban our sled forever. it was that good.

01-13-2005, 02:44 AM
Sticken it to the rich kids.. I love it. :rawk:

01-13-2005, 04:08 AM
this was back when i was a kid...15 maybe.. its an extremely steep hill..path going down into a ravine...pavement. its only about 7 feet wide.

on one side there are sumac trees and on the other side an even steeper decent into the dense and prickly bushes at the bottom. certain death for the (no not really just a sore back) person who fell downt he side.

we would line up two sleds at the top 2 people on each then we'd go down side by side and the people behind the driver would jump from their sled to tackle the other sled and veer them for a destruction course for the side banks of the path.

there were some great battles we had. people like standing and leaping into the other sled with their shoulder. it was awesome.

01-13-2005, 06:12 PM
When I was 7, I was sledding with my brother. When we were going down a hill, we hit a bump and flipped then he grabed me and held me close and my face was the part that was hitting the snow, so when we stopped, my face was all scratched and bloody. It was fun though....Lol