View Full Version : Panda Garage Logo

01-07-2005, 01:26 AM
Well I figure this is somewhat off topic, with the help of a friend, we finally have a logo/banner made for the shop..

Jay (revat619) is hopefully going to help turn this into a sticker for our customers :-D


or just check out the website.. hehe.. updated it a little bit as well.

01-07-2005, 01:32 AM
How come I don't see any pandas? and your website looks someone used AOL Homestead to design it...

01-07-2005, 01:33 AM
The sticker will prob include are web address and look more like this. (of course without the contrasting background)

01-07-2005, 01:40 AM
How come I don't see any pandas? and your website looks someone used AOL Homestead to design it...

the panda didnt look right on the side of the car.. I put together the website myself. Since we're dealing with used parts for the most part, I figured for now, just keep it simple. All the website is for now is just a reference to what we have as far as inventory.

When it is neccesary then Jimmy (my boss) will hire someone to redo the website, but it get's the job done for now.

01-07-2005, 05:58 AM
How come I don't see any pandas? and your website looks someone used AOL Homestead to design it...

Does Signal Auto have a picture of a set of blinkers or traffic signals in their logo? i didnt think so. Calm down. :jerkit:

Like Grant said, right now its used as a reference to what we have in stock, so we're keeping it simple. When the time comes, we'll upgrade, but for now, its doing its job just fine.

01-07-2005, 07:06 AM
When you get them done, let us know, I'll rock one ( and a couple on my toolbox :bigok: ) That quickrelease is still working awsomely for me.

01-07-2005, 07:44 PM
that car is pretty detailed to become a decal. is it possible?

that sc looks good. site is inventory so simple is good. if you guys want something in flash, lemme know, i can create somethign for ya, ill even show you my references

01-10-2005, 05:05 AM
that car is pretty detailed to become a decal. is it possible?

that sc looks good. site is inventory so simple is good. if you guys want something in flash, lemme know, i can create somethign for ya, ill even show you my references

seems like a good idea, maybe something we will eventually get at as long as it lets us update inventory and other things easily. :)

the car will probably be less detailed in sticker form, but that was actually a computerized sketch of the actual SC picture.

We'll see how it goes, Jay will keep us updated.

01-10-2005, 08:47 AM
Not really feeling the way the SC is squished horizontally, generally a design no-no. Also, what's going on with the font, is it home-made (bars on the ends of the lines look blurry)?

01-10-2005, 11:04 AM
Not really feeling the way the SC is squished horizontally, generally a design no-no. Also, what's going on with the font, is it home-made (bars on the ends of the lines look blurry)?

sorry, that's how it is going to be. The squished part gives more room for the letters, kinda gives the car a more cartoonish look. The same font has been used on our business cards.

01-10-2005, 12:03 PM
sorry, that's how it is going to be. The squished part gives more room for the The same font has been used on our business cards.

So why not flip the SC horizontally and let the nose go under the P? This may allow for less size distortion with the car.

01-10-2005, 12:05 PM
you could put a cute little jdm panda on there :D

01-10-2005, 09:26 PM
Thats not bad, its better to have some logo to get the word out than no logo at all.

01-11-2005, 12:20 AM
nice logo.. i have a friend who is in the vinyl industry....he can help u out by turning your logo into a vinyl sticker... just ask if you want any vinyl done...no image is too hard to make!

01-11-2005, 06:55 PM
such biters...lol..

circa early 2003..PANDA drift team...


now that's a logo..;)

01-13-2005, 08:34 AM
such biters...lol..

circa early 2003..PANDA drift team...


now that's a logo..;)

03? ahh sorry you have us by -01 years.
but then again nothing says we're a drift team.

anyways heres another logo i thought I'd try (the first logo just seemed easier for a sticker idea).


01-13-2005, 09:30 AM
Thats cool, I'll slap on the panda garage words alone...I'm not too hot on the idea of having a Lexus on my S14. Thats a hot SC though...my old dream car! :wiggle:
edit:.... -01 years ha


01-15-2005, 01:00 AM
Another thought..wouldnt it make more sense to have a sileighty or a JDM aero zenki as your decal car since you sell mostly used JDM parts; opposed to the bodykitted Lexus? And have it kinda cartoonish like how Jay's car is in the gallery..thats dope. Hey do I get to be on your site when I strap my jdm goodies on and get rid of the high offset wheels? haha.
