View Full Version : so I almost got a police report on me....

01-05-2005, 10:23 PM
So i got home @ 8:30 tonight after school. Then I go inside and jump on my computer. Then at 9:10, a cop knocks on my door saying that a nieghbor saw me jumping on his rooftop. Then officer pulls me out of my house and my nieghbor identifies me as the person that was on the roof. Mind you my parants where not home and im 20 years old, dark filipino. The officer said the neighbor identified my name and even the clothes I was wearing. The officer was saying he was going to write a police report on me. but then he didnt. I clamly told him I was inside the whole time that I just got home from school and went inside, I got a sore throat and was chatting online (I even offered him to come in and look at my computer becuase I log all my aol chats) but he didnt believe that chat logs your time and that I coulda just thru it on.

He didnt write it up, I guess he did a check on my drivers license and wrote my info down. Then told me some things like about how many people in the whole lawforce and cant waste thier time on this, and if I did it or not. basically saying if I did do it, to not do it again, and if I didn't , just disregard what happend.

This is soo fawking stupid... Now im more scared about working on my car cuz someone might say im doing something... geez... I live in a pretty nice nieghborhood too. Majority of everyone are homeowners...

01-05-2005, 10:29 PM
Thats wierd. Did you talk to your neighbors about the situation and explain it wasnt you or have you had any problems with your neighbors in the past?

01-05-2005, 10:36 PM
DUDE!! cops came again at 9:30 saying this is the 2nd time he reported me on his roof. and the cops where sticking to his story becuase they said he seems creditible.... DAMM I SOO WISH MY MOM WAS HERE TO BACK ME UP. SO now im banned from stepping on his property. and if he sees me, he can make a citizens arrest on my ass.. . IM SOO FUCKING MAD NOW!!! is this chit going into my record???

01-05-2005, 10:37 PM
history, like a month ago, a nieghborhood crackaddict went lunitic on his nextdoor nieghbors roof and that blocked the whole street with cops. So this guy thinks im doin the same shit on his roof.... WTF!

01-05-2005, 10:38 PM
if this shit goes into my record... I should sue this mutherfucker huh

01-05-2005, 10:42 PM
if you get a restraing order or something you cant ever get a gun and some other things.

01-05-2005, 10:42 PM
now that I think about it, I think that fucker is tryin to get me, cuz I was working on my car earlier and I saw him on his bike riding around and looking at me. I wish I woulda said that to the cops when they where talkin to me, but it just slipped my mind at the momment.

01-05-2005, 10:44 PM
dude so I'm taking it you did not step onto his roof...
make calls to a lawyer, and make calls to the local TV station,
just use the race card, if your neighbor's just being a moron and the cops are being morons then just use the race card and make a HUGE deal out of this, I'm going to do that (make a big deal and use the race card) next time I get treated unfairly. Threaten to sue and make sure to make a huge deal about how you do not feel safe in your own house ;]

It sucks that alot of hispanics and asians still get treated unfairly, it's because we don't speak up enough. We need an Asian Al Sharpton lol.

01-05-2005, 10:48 PM
well the guy is hispanic too. Not everyone in the nieghborhood gets along with him. I mean you live on your street your whole life, so you come to pretty much be friends with your nieghbors.

01-05-2005, 10:49 PM
Let me guess these are old people with alzhimers?

01-05-2005, 10:52 PM
I just hope they dont see it as a punk kid always working on his rice rocket probably up to no good.

Now I have to stay on my side of the street, which sucks cuz his house was a corner house, people walk past it every day.

01-05-2005, 11:43 PM
Set fire to his lawn.

Or, ask for a police escort to come and sort things out between you and him.

01-05-2005, 11:47 PM
i feel you man..dude i have a HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION in my freakin neighborhood. it sucks ass big time. i had a neighbor threaten to call the popo on me because he thought working on my car in my garage was illegal. i woulda been much happier talkin to the cop....oh wells....

01-06-2005, 12:35 AM
i idled my car in my garage for like 10 seconds to check somthing, turned it off. didnt think anything of it. 5 minutes later, i get a cop in my garage with "a report of a loud exhaust". how the hell could any of my neibhors be bitching about my exhaust when my parents (like 1 room over from the garage) couldnt hear anything.

01-06-2005, 12:55 AM
i idled my car in my garage for like 10 seconds to check somthing, turned it off. didnt think anything of it. 5 minutes later, i get a cop in my garage with "a report of a loud exhaust". how the hell could any of my neibhors be bitching about my exhaust when my parents (like 1 room over from the garage) couldnt hear anything.
I've seen pictures of your exhaust, it looks loud. I think you've made your parents deaf.

01-06-2005, 01:42 AM
pfffff! You guys haven't heard MY exhaust! Let me come to your neighbors house and idle my shit in his driveway.

01-06-2005, 10:12 AM
this reminds me of the thread that blue808 started about the neighbor with nothing to do and called the cops on his because he thought the dj laser thing that blu808 was playing around with was a weapon of mass destruction.. some people should just mind their own god dam business.. esp bored old ppl with no lives..

01-06-2005, 12:24 PM

you should have just said some shit in tagalog through the door.

why don't you go over there and clean your neighbors clock?

Andrew Bohan
01-06-2005, 03:07 PM
i wish i was allowed to kill people. god, that would so rule.

01-06-2005, 04:48 PM
i wish i was allowed to kill people. god, that would so rule.

obtain a license to kill

s14 blacktop
01-06-2005, 04:58 PM
How about this, First go see what your neighbor is wearing, remember the exact cloths hes wearing and then call the police say that your neighbor is jumping on your roof and that you Identified him as your neighbor, basically do the same shit your neighbor did to you...screw im up so he doesnt accuse people for shit that he didnt see them do...

If I were there I would of gave that guy a reason to call the cops but he wouldnt be breathing though....

01-06-2005, 05:12 PM
I'm going to go break into his house and get your ass arrested. :keke:


01-06-2005, 08:09 PM
All neighbors are liars. I think they enjoy watching people get in trouble. I have these nosy old neighbors that live kitty corner from me and they're the same way. But, they've never called the cops on me yet.

01-06-2005, 10:29 PM
Its the white mans job to oppress all filipinos, didnt you know that?

01-06-2005, 10:35 PM
How about this, First go see what your neighbor is wearing, remember the exact cloths hes wearing and then call the police say that your neighbor is jumping on your roof and that you Identified him as your neighbor, basically do the same shit your neighbor did to you...screw im up so he doesnt accuse people for shit that he didnt see them do...

If I were there I would of gave that guy a reason to call the cops but he wouldnt be breathing though....

Calling in a false report is a crime. Plus given the fact that the neighbor did the same thing will send up red flags to the responding police. And once that happens, who do you think the police will believe then?

As the old adage goes; Two wrongs dont make a right.

Just sit down and talk you your neighbor and try to end it peacefully

01-06-2005, 10:37 PM
how about you stick up for yourself.
talk to your neighbor or talk to the police.
don't let people fuck you around because they are older/whiter/blacker/yellower/fatter/taller/etc.
there is no proof that you did anything.
take a fucking stand.
take off the pussy boots, put on the gnarly boots. and kick some ass.

01-07-2005, 12:04 AM
...or you could make his life misrable. Put up Craiglist love wanted gay ads for him. List his address and phone number. Call 1-800-exhaust and report his car. Take out the valve stems from his tires in the middle of the night, bologna on his car... I could go on and on and on...

01-07-2005, 12:23 AM
or just watch your neighbor all day.. sit on your lawn with a rocking chair and just sit there until u see him do something wrong.. either way u look crazy and people will say NO he did go jump on his roof that crazy kid been sitting on his lawn the whole day rocking back n forth. then if u see him do something wrong report him.. using aerosaul(sp) cans in public.. washing his car with a chemical that shouldnt be going down the drain, leaving dog poop on the floor, ANYTHING

01-07-2005, 12:31 AM
a fun one.. JAYWALKING which everyone does,

01-08-2005, 04:51 PM
THIS 5.0 was a hee-haa, and a hoolihoo. . . DOn't even trip on that man. I got yah back on any situation that may come up with the RPD, know that.

01-09-2005, 10:18 AM
If i were you, i would write him a letter and tell him how much i love him as a damn neighbor for making false claim on me and i would love his apologize(in postive tone). IF i have chance, i would sit in front of my house watch him go in and out the house. I would also try my very best to report him for every possible illegal activity

01-10-2005, 01:50 AM
You're living next door to a NUTCASE!!!....Next time the cops come knocking on your door, answer the door and politely and respectfully say, "Good evening officer...what brings you to my neighborhood??" After the officer explains to you why he's there, (remember..cops have to investigate most, (not all), complaints called in), act surprised and say, "My neighbor said that??... & look surprised. Just be very co-operative with the officer and friendly as hell. In situation like these cops don't know who the hell to believe and can only go with their past experiences dealing with situations like these. Yeah their past experiences don't work in your favor though, cuz of your age, but cops sure as shit hate coming back to bullshit calls like the one your neighbor is making.
As long as the cops don't arrest you or write you a ticket for this incident then I wouldn't sweat it. What I would watch out for is a increased number of police responses to your neighborhood though. If your neighbor is indeed a nutcase, he'll be calling the cops for all kinds of stupid shit. After a while the cops will realize he is a nutcase & believe you next time they come out to the neighborhood.
Anyhow, good luck with the idiot next door.

01-10-2005, 08:33 AM
how about you call him and ask him to meet you outside to talk to him about the whole situation. have a small tape recorder in your pocket and record everything he says. Ask him why he would make up false claims and why he would say that sort of thing, ask him what he has against you etc. Then you have it all on tape with him saying "go home you philipeno (sp?) i hate your kind im a big fat lonely racist and I find enjoyment in torturing others and small animals" or whatever he says. sure you gotta ask permission blah blah blah but im sure you can do some sort of digital recording, ask him later and splice it in etc. or just play it for the cop next time he harasses you