View Full Version : stupid hoe! people gotta pay attention

01-04-2005, 10:58 PM
I just got out of school tonight, i was at a stop light intersection, there was some dumb chick (ill leave ethnic out of this since a lot of people will bitch and moan) next to me in a old white 93 sentra... i was a lil back from the cross walk, so i scooted up a lil to the line, and the chick musta thought it was green cuz i moved up, so she ran the red light..

Dam that some crazy shit... I couldnt help but to luagh becuase I thought it was too funny, but that just makes me think how people are not focused on what they are doing.

Moral of story - Pay Attention!!! :bowrofl: ANyone else got some stupid story like this??

01-04-2005, 11:12 PM
Nawwww....she thought you were some stalker type, got scared & decided to run the light!!!....hahahaha...just kidding...

Who the hell knows....I saw some stupid idiot blow right thru a stop sign at speed the other nite. He drove thru it like it wasn't even there!!! Good thing there was no cross traffic, cuz if there were...it would have been a really bad accident!!

You're right though...when it comes to driving, most people are stupid!! Myself included!!..hahaha...


01-05-2005, 12:33 AM
i remember when i used to drive my mom around alot i had to pay attention to how i was driving because she would criticize everything so one day i just had too much so i accidently ran a red. luckily there were no cars

01-05-2005, 12:35 AM
Ahh stupid people, gotta love them! I have no stories to share with you right now though. I could just imagine that happening though. Thankfully, nobody ran into her.. :(

01-05-2005, 12:54 AM
I've seen a lady run off a highway entrance into the grassy pit underneath trying to put on her makeup while driving.

01-05-2005, 01:58 AM
yeah I top your stories
I'm at a restaurent today but had to "cool kid park" on the curb, kinda across from normaol parking since all the spots were taken
come outside and theres a nice dent in the door and the fender is fucked up too. some asshat backed into my car and dipped without leaving a note. real cute. door is fucked and wouldn't open right, so is the fender. luckily it was my beater car so...


01-05-2005, 02:10 AM
driving today...went through a green like usual, some asshole decided he didnt want to waight. went and missed my rearend by a few inches. What he failed to realize was that a cop was sitting diagnal from me...

01-05-2005, 03:38 AM
Ive seen something similar to HyperTek on many occasions. The worst one was when a car was stopped at a large intersection and then just decided to drive forward on the red. 2 cars comming up behind it followed the first car's lead, I guess assuming the light was green since the car in front of them was moving. Its really scary what people can accomplish when they arent paying attention to what theyre doing while driving.

01-05-2005, 05:05 AM
i was sittting at a light waiting to make a left turn. this light has individual full green / left turn green lights. the left turn light turned green and i started moving. the asshat across the way (who should still have a red) went straight through the intersection; i had to brake hard to avoid hitting him. at first he gave me a dirty look. then he looked scared when he realized nobody behind him had followed. fucktard.

01-05-2005, 06:44 AM
idunno but you really screwed up the flow of your story with that little PC outburst. sigh, when people realize that using what a person looks like in a story isn't racism we'll be that much better off.

01-05-2005, 12:11 PM
I was on Ortega Hwy in socal this weekend, (fun mtn pass for the out of towners) in the narrow section, lady in front of me looked like she was digging around on the floor of her minivan, swerving a little bit, then around the next right hander, she catches the lip of the road on the passenger side tires , and pinstriped the passenger side with the canyon wall. I usually wont break a double yellow, but, I had to pass, no way Im following that.

01-05-2005, 12:57 PM
if any of you guys are familiar with uc davis, those biking signal lights get everyone :rofl:

01-05-2005, 01:20 PM
People around here always run reds cause they can't tell the difference between the green arrow and the green round light.
I almost killed some guy a week or so ago when he opened his door as I was driving by his parked car on the side of the road.
AND I almost killed some guy on a bike when he decided to just ride across a 40mph road right in front of me.
I'm just gonna stop using the brakes.

01-05-2005, 02:01 PM
I love when people dont pay attention. For instance, im comming through the intersection with a green light, and this girls waiting to turn left. Then im halfway through the intersection, and the girl just turns right in front me!!!!!!
and that was the death of my s14 :(


01-05-2005, 02:06 PM
I've seen a chick drive off with the Gas Pump Still in her car....HAHAHAH Cracks me up every time i talk about!!! But thats not the funny part. The funny part i when she realized wat she had done. she stopped in the middle of the street to take it off and then peeled out in embarrassment..HAHHA

01-05-2005, 03:26 PM
I've seen a chick drive off with the Gas Pump Still in her car....HAHAHAH Cracks me up every time i talk about!!! But thats not the funny part. The funny part i when she realized wat she had done. she stopped in the middle of the street to take it off and then peeled out in embarrassment..HAHHA
Are you serious? how is she gonna stop in the middle of the street with the pump? didnt the pump pop off when she left? Dont tell me she took the whole pump. thats kinda hard to believe

01-05-2005, 04:56 PM
Some guy i know stopped in the middle of the lane in the middle of a blind turn in the middle of the touge (in the middle of the night and in the middle of a pack of speeding cars) to adjust his shocks.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. you know who you are. race and name left out to protect the guilty.

01-05-2005, 05:02 PM
Some guy i know stopped in the middle of the lane in the middle of a blind turn in the middle of the touge (in the middle of the night and in the middle of a pack of speeding cars) to adjust his shocks.... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. you know who you are. race and name left out to protect the guilty.

LMAO. I remember that, It will be forever remembered.

01-05-2005, 05:28 PM
LMAO. I remember that, It will be forever remembered.

hahahah i heard about that too

hrmm a sentra driver aye..*thinks of a ethnic group that drives sentras*

01-05-2005, 05:29 PM
tonight my mom told me to drop off some movies at the library right before the library was closing and for some reason i forgot to turn on my lights. I was driving straight and this lexus turned straight at me and then slammed on the brakes. (My cars black so its really hard to see at night) Right after that happened i realized my lights were off. He pulls up next to me and im like ohhh shittt hes pissed...im a little brown kid and hes a huge black guy and he can kill me in a heartbeat...he kindly says "hey man u gotta put on your lights i almost hit you..." i turned them on and said sorry and he said its ok everyone makes mistakes just make sure ur more careful next time. What a nice guy!! I got really lucky...hopefully ill never forget to turn on the lights again.

01-05-2005, 05:37 PM
some lady came to a complete stop at flashing yellow lights (late at night when the light just becomes a yield signal) and sat there for about 5 seconds really confused as to why i didn't stop. people need to learn the rules of the road.

01-05-2005, 06:25 PM
i see people drive with no lights all the time, I try to flash at them and they dont get the message...

01-05-2005, 06:43 PM
i had a highschool chick lightly rear end me while i was stopped at an intersection becuase she was talking on her cell phone and HAD HER FOOT OUT THE WINDOW! I know because i always look at my rear view when stopped. At first I was gonna let her go because my car was already fucked up and she didnt do too much damage (dented the very middle of the bumper over the license plate and a few scratches) but then i decided fuck it,she just decreased the value of my car so i better get some money. I called her up later after getting some estimates 500 and 700 from two local shops. Told her that i was only gonna ask for half of that amount (wasnt gonna get it repainted just for that at the time because i was planning on doing the whole car sooner or later). She freaked out and said she didnt have the money. Anyways the next day her dad calls me up and starts yelling at me for trying to rip off his daughter!!! and demands to see the car because the girl said it was already beat up on the quarter panel, after getting an ear full of crap i told him whatever else had happened to my car was no concern off his and if he wanted to see the car he could but to bring his checkbook. So he pulls up and starts looking at my car and yanking on the bumper to get the dent out. Then offered me 20 bucks to get some touch up paint lol. Then started yelling at me some more about my car was already damaged in other places. I've finally had enough off his bullshit so i'm like "Look, whatever else has happened to my car is no concern of yours. I was considering letting her off when it first happened but then after thinking about how she was driving talking on her cell with her FOOT OUT THE WINDOW! I changed my mind..." (partially thanks to his irate bullshit he put me through)
"Oh?... she was driving with her foot out the window...?"
he then promptly wrote up the check and was on his merry fucking way.

the moral of the story? dont drive with you feet out of the car and dont fucking piss off whoever you hit....

01-06-2005, 01:54 AM
Oh man, during the drive to L.A. for the GT live event we were all hitting the bong in my friend's Toyota Highlander. We were moving slowly on I-5 because of traffic. Some Neon is tailgating me like crazy. I was just thinking to myself "What a dip-shit, where else am I supposed to go?" It wasn't like I was purposely going slow. Then a gap opens up on the right and the jackass swerves over and zooms ahead past about five cars, and swerves back in cutting everyone off.

I just shook my head. Then I see a bike cop roll up in between traffic. He's almost to our car, and my friend in the back seat is just about to take a hit. I yell "STOP! COP! COP!" and luckily he puts the bong underneath the seat just as the bike cop pulls right next to us. He stops next to us for a second and actually looks over at us, then zooms ahead and pulls the Neon over.

Man, I was laughing for days!

01-06-2005, 09:52 AM
I remember this time when I was with my friend in his civic si and this dumbass in a eclipse was beside us revving his engine wanting to race and a stop light. he kept crawling up and down the hill. then the left arrow turned green for the turning lane and he saw them go and he went also, he came so close to causing a wreck. It was the funniest shit.