View Full Version : Non-op got towed, what to do?

12-29-2004, 07:34 PM
It was registered as a non-op. I had it parked in what I thought was my property but apparently it was towed. It was only there for a week and it looks fine...regardless, whatever, it was towed. Can't change that.

My concern is it was registered as a non-op, the registration was paid up but I had not smogged it or shown proof of insurance because I was going to sell it soon. (smog problem).

If the police want a move permit to allow me to get it smogged, but the DMV wants insurance to get a move permit I forsee this car staying in impound for a long time.

As a registered non-op can't I just pay to have it towed back to my house and deposited in my driveway? Its not going to pass smog in the next 30 days thats for sure, so getting a move permit isn't going to help anything.

12-29-2004, 07:38 PM
Doesn't smog testing suck?? Hell yeah it does. i have no idea what you can do to get your car back but i hope you do soon. GOOD LUCK

12-29-2004, 11:19 PM
You don't need proof of insurance to get a moving permit. I didn't have to and I'm in California, too.

Find out where they towed it. Call your local police department (you have all the paper work, VIN, license plate, etc.?) and ask them where they towed it.


Maybe you're getting Overhauled!!! :D

12-30-2004, 12:13 AM
yeah dont need insurance to get temp moving
or even the registratoin, i registered mine al w/o showing any insurance proof, dmv dont care
also DEPENDS on the DVM some are more laid back then others.

good luck!!

12-30-2004, 03:30 AM
godamn bastards. Im opening up the DMV office tomorrow before work. I WILL have that shit @ home by 9am. Glad to hear I dont need to take out a policy to move the car. I'd just as soon have it towed back...using another company of course.