View Full Version : What a @#[email protected]&*!! way to start the Christmas

12-25-2004, 11:05 AM
It’s a long story, so I’m going to shorten it as much as I can.

A friend of mine calls us up from a friends house that he is getting into some trouble at a liquor store nearby. He tells us that it’s a driver in a white Ford F150. Of course we go and check out what’s happening. It’s 11:30am in the night and the streets are very foggy with little visibility. I am also unfamiliar with the area since this was my first time there. When we get to the liquor store, a white Ford F150 pulls out of the store and we make a U-turn and go after him. At this moment, I thought that he was chasing my friend so I proceeded to follow from behind. He speeds through traffic. The truck makes a right turn into a neighborhood and we don’t follow it, but rather pass by. We later make a U-turn and go back to check out if the truck lives in that area. We see an apartment driveway and see a white truck parked in the driveway. There seems to be no people in the car. I surveyed the area and I didn’t feel that there was much we could do, so I leave. After a few blocks down the road while driving on the slow lane, I noticed a vehicle speeding from behind in my rearview mirror, I knew it was the truck by the headlights. He drove all the way up to my rear bumper, tailgating me. Then drove beside me on the fast lane, and went back behind me again. From behind I could see him swerving left and right like a maniac and then I notice him go onto the bike lane. I saw him speed up and then felt a hit on the rear of my passenger side rear bumper. I was shocked at what just happened. I proceeded to floor the gas pedal and the truck turned right into a neighborhood street. I stopped after a block or two and made a U-turn to go back and find him. It was fairly foggy (no sense of putting anyone else in danger), so I decided to stop by the side of the road and look at the damage. The whole passenger side kouki taillight is damaged. Ripples all through the rear quarter panel. Rear bumper torn and pushed into the chassis. Paint messed up. At that moment I saw a police car roll by and waved for it. The officer came by and I proceeded to tell him what happened. Of course I got the report written up, but damn, what do I do about my car? It’s all messed up.
I’m planning to go back and get that guys insurance. But damn, this guy is crazy to be doing that stuff in the first place, so I’m not too sure about confronting this guy in person (might get shot/killed, who knows). I need some advice. What would you guys do in a situation like this.

12-25-2004, 11:18 AM
you should call the police again and tell them that you feel threatened and that they should come with you to get the guys info...

that is if they dont get ahold of the guy first...

cops dont take hit and runs lightly, even if it is just a small fender bender

12-25-2004, 11:37 AM
It’s 11:30am in the night . Huh?
That's fucked up dude, but it seems like there is a large portion of the story missing. What happened between your freind and this asshat to initiate all of this? It just doesn't add up that a guy would ram such a beautiful car just because you were following him. :down:

12-25-2004, 11:41 AM
damn that sux good luck on trying to get his ass, i had almost the same thing happen to me when a suv got pissed off when i tried to pass him but i lost his ass in the streets when i took turns like i was running from the cops :eek3d:

12-25-2004, 01:18 PM
Dude!!...are you nuts?? People have been shot & killed, (or stabbed & killed), over stuff like this!!!....see attached examples....


If you EVER have to follow someone, just follow them enough to get the license plate number then break off!! Go back to your buddy at the original scene & find out what the hell happened. (start rant...next time your buddy gets his dumb ass into trouble tell him to call the cops FIRST, then call you. See what happens when you try to help a buddy out...you end up getting screwed over!! end rant).

If you should EVER find yourself in a situation where some idiot starts to tailgate you & follow you like you previously wrote, get on your cellphone & dial 911!!!Tell the 911 operator you got some roadrage nut following you and you are afraid for your life. Trust me you'll have enough police cars chasing the numnuts that you wont ever have to worry about that idiot ever again.

As for the damage to your car, just call your insurance company up & have them settle to claim. Don't even bother going near the guys house. Your police report is enough. And if you are REALLY lucky the cops will pursue this as a FELONY offense and charge the guy with a crime. Who know...it might happen.

In the meanwhile, keep an eye out for the idiot, (if he's done it once before to you, what's to stop him from doing it again), & be more careful next time.

Anyhow, sorry for the rant, but please be careful out there...cops and crime scene techs have enough to do out there as it is already during this holiday season. People always get crazier & crazier during the holiday seasons...

...PD crime scene tech.....

12-25-2004, 01:36 PM
dang sorry to hear that man. yeh cops dont take that kind of stuff lightly. they will go after them, especially since it caused a good deal of damage. good luck and keep bothering the cops about it.

12-25-2004, 03:37 PM
some MFers are crazy man, chill out on the roads this weekend folks. keep it safe

12-25-2004, 10:45 PM
The drive or the white F-150 was Santa Claus. He had a little too much egg nog. All he wanted to do was just give you a present. But you just drove off like a maniac. He accidently hit you because Rudolph's nose wasn't there to guide him.

12-25-2004, 11:13 PM
ypu know where he lives just tell the cops. and sue the shit outta him for assault with a deadly weapon.

12-25-2004, 11:51 PM
dude just be thankful you are alright.. When i had my hit and run happen on my street, i called the cops to report it and they had a helicopter up right away looking for the bastard.

Its still a hit and run, so as long as you have full coverage, im sure they will take care of it. I didnt, so I was soo out of luck.

12-25-2004, 11:52 PM
If you were injured in the accident its a felony, otherwise its not. There are some roadrage rulings though that could maybe apply.

12-25-2004, 11:59 PM
The drive or the white F-150 was Santa Claus. He had a little too much egg nog. All he wanted to do was just give you a present. But you just drove off like a maniac. He accidently hit you because Rudolph's nose wasn't there to guide him.

:rofl: :bowrofl: :hahano: hahahahaha :rofl: :bowrofl: :hahano: hahahahaha :rofl: :bowrofl: :hahano:

11:30pm BTW

12-26-2004, 12:13 AM
Dude!!...are you nuts?? People have been shot & killed, (or stabbed & killed), over stuff like this!!!....see attached examples....


If you EVER have to follow someone, just follow them enough to get the license plate number then break off!! Go back to your buddy at the original scene & find out what the hell happened. (start rant...next time your buddy gets his dumb ass into trouble tell him to call the cops FIRST, then call you. See what happens when you try to help a buddy out...you end up getting screwed over!! end rant).

If you should EVER find yourself in a situation where some idiot starts to tailgate you & follow you like you previously wrote, get on your cellphone & dial 911!!!Tell the 911 operator you got some roadrage nut following you and you are afraid for your life. Trust me you'll have enough police cars chasing the numnuts that you wont ever have to worry about that idiot ever again.

As for the damage to your car, just call your insurance company up & have them settle to claim. Don't even bother going near the guys house. Your police report is enough. And if you are REALLY lucky the cops will pursue this as a FELONY offense and charge the guy with a crime. Who know...it might happen.

In the meanwhile, keep an eye out for the idiot, (if he's done it once before to you, what's to stop him from doing it again), & be more careful next time.

Anyhow, sorry for the rant, but please be careful out there...cops and crime scene techs have enough to do out there as it is already during this holiday season. People always get crazier & crazier during the holiday seasons...

...PD crime scene tech.....

Excellent advice officer ;) , seriously though you did sound like one.

12-26-2004, 10:12 AM
haha, they don't take that lightly? someone plowed into the rear fucking end of my gf's car one day on a street called beltline. beltline goes through both Farmers Branch city and Addison city. it happened in Farmers Branch and i chased the assfuck into addison and got him to stop and 3 officers arrived. they pretty much told me fuck off since it happened in Farmers Branch and they don't want involvement. while i'm talking to these guys, my gf is back in her civic being honest to god yelled and lectured at for messing with the police officers time. as far as i'm concerned the entire branch of Addison and Farmers Branch police forces can suck cock till the stomach pump is required.

12-26-2004, 10:31 AM
hhahaha, crioten, your drifting golf cart sig is awesome. Is there a higher res one?

12-26-2004, 03:01 PM
thats because he is a cop or works closely with them.

as far as what happened you shouldn't have got involved as far as you did. what did it matter if you knew where he lived. if you want to get involved and not call the cops only get involved up until the friend is out of danger. not to the point of planning the "revenge hit" by trying to see where he lives
my $.02

12-26-2004, 08:38 PM
next time any of you run into a problem like this one, tailgating, hit and run, extreme road rage, that isnt because of something you did or caused, call the cops while its happening...911. And if they dont sound interested at first, tell them you think you saw a gun....that changes EVERYTHING! When there is a weapon invloved the police have a potential multiple felon that they have to deal with...LIE about the weapon to get the cops there. It works and pretty affectively I might add.

12-28-2004, 12:17 PM
check out if the truck lives in that area.

my car used to live in the garage but now my nizzzzzan lives in there.