View Full Version : 4 deadliest cars of all time

12-22-2004, 02:13 PM

interesting reading. in case you guys were wondering, all of them are domestics.

12-22-2004, 03:05 PM
I don't totally agree with that article. I would agree on that alot of people die in those cars, but it isn't the cars fault. 90% (if not more) of the time it's driver error. All that power and no experience. Now, take those numbers and see what age were those people who were killed. I bet they were the young adults. (18-25)

12-22-2004, 03:14 PM
"So while some would settle for the lower performance Japanese sport coupes, what everyone wanted was a hot American muscle car."

AHahaha.....please :loco:

the head
12-22-2004, 03:21 PM
the article does not focus on the main issue though the reason the death rates are so high is because many of these cars go to inexpierenced drivers and combine that with power you should expect a higher death rate

just darwin sorting things out

12-22-2004, 04:16 PM
""Look at sports cars as opposed to minivans. Minivans tend to be driven by some of the safest drivers out there," says Champion. "Minivan drivers tend not to speed, they tend not to drive at night after drinking heavily, and the death rates are much lower than sports cars."

Yeah, I know a LOT of single guys who go out partying in their MINI VANS on a fucking saturday night. "Aye G-money, what the fuck is going doooooown doooogg!! We goin out tonight? Heeeeeell yeeeah, pickup the crew in the Mini Van MAING, lets load that mothafucka up with some bitches once we step outta the cluuuuuub.. woo woooooooo!"

Seriously now....

this quote is good too:

The statistics tell the same story. Between 1985 and 1989, 90% of all deaths in Corvettes occurred with men at the wheel, and 56% with drivers under 30 years old. For the Camaro, Firebird and Mustang, more than 70% of crashes involved drivers under 30, and more than 70% of drivers were male.

Yeah, I know a LOT of girls who drive V8 muscle cars. I know a LOT of girls who drive ANY car with power. Why? Simple. Since we're generalizing, lets generalize:

1) Women could care less what the fuck they drive, as long as its cute. Hence the reason the new Beetle IS, a complete girls car. FWD? Rose holder? Atleast the old bug had some balls, it was light weight and RWD. The new one is designed for girls who just want to look pretty, much like how every Jetta is driven by a hot blonde. And how every VW Cabrio is driven by a woman.

2) The main thing that separates a man from a woman: BALLS. When women start having them, they'll have sportscars too. Women DONT drive sportscars because they dont have the balls to control them. Sure, I've met girls who are aggressive drivers.. great -- I'm glad they exist. But the reality is, they're a rarity.

3) I dont need to list 3.. I already owned this topic.

12-22-2004, 05:19 PM
4 most deadliest? okay, isn't that like listing the deadliest guns on the market? they all can pretty much kill you the same way even if others may be WAY more efficient at it. lets see... V8 power is the cheapest way to go fast... we live in america... i wonder why more people die in those than honda civics.

BTW: the coolest guns... are the most hardcore killin machine guns... hell yeah!

OH YEAH, did anybody notice how the firebird ranked worse than the camaro... while its THE SAME EXACT CAR ASIDE FROM LOOKS AND PRICE DIFFERENCE?

this basically makes the whole entire argument of this retarded individual compeltely null and void.

12-22-2004, 05:47 PM
I had a late model firebird, and I survived!! I'm like Evil Kanevil!

12-22-2004, 05:58 PM
sounds like a high school kid wrote that :cool:

12-22-2004, 06:56 PM
i drive a camaro and honestly i felt more safe driving my old 240, but that was because i had upgraded suspension, new tires an brakes. Callling those cars deadliest cars of all times is stupid. that guy has probably never even sat in a newer model american sport car.