View Full Version : CD swap guides on ebay

12-17-2004, 01:51 PM
Hey guys.. i was wondering if anyone has had any positive experiences with all of those cd-rom Sr20 swap guides and mannual sales they always post on Ebay.



let me get your opinions on if they are really helpful along the lines of guding you through a swap, and answering some of the common troubleshoothing problems. Also.. which Swap guide do you guys think is better out of the two.

If you have had other great experiences with other cd-rom swap gudies or anyhthing of that sort.. please be welcome to share the knowledge.

Im buying this as a gift to my buddy whom ordered a blacktop but doesnt know where to begin as to the swap..
Sorry if it was a :repost:

12-17-2004, 01:56 PM
you can pretty much find all those seperate items on the net if you search hard, then paste em all on a cd-r, and bam! sell em on ebay. Yup.

12-17-2004, 02:16 PM
you can pretty much find all those seperate items on the net if you search hard, then paste em all on a cd-r, and bam! sell em on ebay. Yup.

Ic ic.. well some of them state that they will include s13,s14,s15 mannuals including up to 900 pages.. U think those mannuals are legit Nissan mannuals or are they also maybe pieced together from the net and stated as "mannuals"

12-17-2004, 02:30 PM
Probably fsm's that you can get from the Tech section of this website.

12-17-2004, 03:09 PM
I bought one simply because I figured it would be a good reference in case something went wrong. Nothing went wrong that I wasn't able to solve with a 30 second search on Zivia or the Heavy Throttle site. As a bonus, the guy's beginning and end monologues made me feel much better about myself since he's such a huge tool whose life worth is apparently totally tied to his "jdm 180sx". Seriously, if you're mechanically competent at all it won't help you unless you just can't seem to find the bolt to remove.

12-17-2004, 05:55 PM
I bought one simply because I figured it would be a good reference in case something went wrong. Nothing went wrong that I wasn't able to solve with a 30 second search on Zivia or the Heavy Throttle site. As a bonus, the guy's beginning and end monologues made me feel much better about myself since he's such a huge tool whose life worth is apparently totally tied to his "jdm 180sx". Seriously, if you're mechanically competent at all it won't help you unless you just can't seem to find the bolt to remove.

thanks for the reply.. but if u read.. it was a christmas gift for a friend that was about to drop in a swap.. So im guessing YOUR o2.cents that you didnt find it really helpful for that it didnt give you any info you DIDNt know right?

12-17-2004, 06:08 PM
^I read but I just figured you'd take my personal account of speaking to you and then put yourself in your friend's shoes and figure out whether it was for him or not. If he has ZERO clue where to start or has little-to-no mechanical knowledge then it may actually help him. Then again, not to sound like a jerk but if he doesn't have any mechanical knowledge he really shouldn't be tackling this without help anyway.

12-17-2004, 08:31 PM
well not everything they say in there is good. Like the video with canook that called a radiator - 'rad' and told you should sand the flywheel down a lil before puting new clutch on and use brake fluid to get the dust particles off. go figure. but hey, its visual reference non the less.