View Full Version : "PIMP MY RIDE" 240sx coupe

12-16-2004, 10:48 PM
You guys watch mtv's pimp my ride the other week? There was some asian guy that wanted his s13 coupe "pimped out".

The guy had something going for the ride...(except it was an automatic.)looked like a typical broke ass guy (like me and like some of you out there) trying to fix up his ride with the extra cash.

i dont remember what body kit he had on it, but i think it was either the N-1 kit or one the erebuni kit 395. the car had potential...

until x-ibit took it to west coast customs...

OMG...they made it look like the 240sx in that retard rice game Need For Speed underground.

complete mess... :(

y'all gotta see it haha...any one else see it?

12-16-2004, 10:50 PM
Um, there was a really long 11 page thread about it a week before it came out....and it continued for like a week or so after it aired. The thread was locked though...


12-16-2004, 11:59 PM
:lockd: x1000

You're treading on thin ice, Twinkie.