View Full Version : Hey Guys, help me out!

S13 Charlie
12-14-2004, 12:01 PM
I've searched, but I need more help.

Ok, so I have the typical-to-Nissan idle problem. I'll come to a red light and take the car out of gear and the engine will struggle to maintain idle, and most times die. Since it happens when the engine is warm, I replaced the Coolant Temperature sensor. No dice, the problem still occurs. I'm also noticing that when I'm cruising in gear, at or around zero throttle input, the engine is rough and hesitates (and kinda bucks) when I get back into the throttle or let off the throttle. I also am getting code 32 (EGR function) from the ECU intermittently. i.e. CEL will come and go..
Alright, I think that's what's going on for me in a nutshell. Can anyone point me in the right direction? (vacuum leak, stuck TB, bad EGR??) Just in case it would help to know, my mods are:

AEM intake,
Blitz Nur-Spec catback exhaust.
KYB AGX and Eibach Springs..


12-14-2004, 12:17 PM
its the EGR man, better get it fixed ;)

S13 Charlie
12-14-2004, 12:37 PM
Anyone know if this is a difficult/expensive DIY? I really can't afford to bring her in to a mechanic, especially if it's something I can do myself.



12-19-2004, 09:38 PM
I am having the same exact problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated

12-19-2004, 09:43 PM
Yeah my 95 drops rpms at idle as well, but never cuts off. Hopefully it never will.

12-19-2004, 10:46 PM
Its a common problem. What I did was adjust the throttlebody plate(where the throttle cable connects) to raise the idle and then lowered the idle with the adjustment screw on the back of the intake mani,,works like a charm. I never had the cel come on though, just ditch the egr.

S13 Charlie
12-20-2004, 10:33 AM
Can't ditch the EGR system, the car wouldn't pass the visual portion of the smog test, and if I can't do that, might as well be SR :rawk:

As it turns out, I think the main cause of my idle woes was a loose connector on the MAFS. I had the car idling (really badly, but idling) and I started fiddling with various wiring connectors under the hood. I wiggled the connector to the MAFS and bingo, the idle smoothed out. I still ought to clean the EGR system out, since I still get a CEL every now and then, but at least the car runs and idles fine.



12-20-2004, 10:42 AM
im getting a code 32 also, how much would it cost to replace the EGR? And about the RPMs i think im haveing the same problem on that also, i dont think its that bad but, if im going 75 and let go of the throttle the RPMs drop pretty fast and the car starts slowing down more then if yo do it to another car.