View Full Version : why I almost went to jail tonight, OR don't beat your wife

12-04-2004, 05:19 AM
Alright, and no I didn't get arrested for domestic violence. actually quite the opposite.
timeline 4:00ish AM, location, local 7-11 (convenience store)
I'm standing at the cofee counter making my nice cup of french roast w/ french vanilla creamers. in walks a lade followed by a guy, guy just has that asshole look, not punk, but type of guy that overeacts to shit. I notice the lady has a black eye and a slightly swollen cheek. she walks over to the vcofee counter as well, he tails her. I say "thats a nice shiner you got there, might wanna put some frozen peas on that when you get home" and at the same time glance at her and give the dude a dirtyish look right afterwards, bear in mind I was a tad buzzin cause I had left the part time job (barback/bartend).
old boy says to me "what are you trying to imply there?"
I just reply "nothing at all, but sounds like you feel guilty about something there bud" with a little smartass tone of couse.
he then states "so you're trying to say I hit my wife" and starts to walk around the counter to me (we had been on opposite sides)
I reply "I never said that but if you do, you might want to seek some counseling about it."
he then growls "you little bitch" at me and TRIES to swing on me, you know the real nice roundhouse style punch. I block it with my left, come up with a nice swift blow to his stomach which caught him offguard, and then as he kind winces in the knocking the wind out of him, a swift uppercut lands on his lower jaw from my right. hes kinda doubled over but I didn't hit him hard enough to stop him (I wasn't trying to seriously hurt the guy). I step back a bit and go "come on asshole" and he charges me with his head down. I land an elbow on the back of his head and grab his right shoulder with my right shoulder and kind of spin him around and put him in a choke hold and take him to the ground. I hold him down there for a bit till I'm satisfied hes done, which also happened to be the same time the lady behind the counter yells "The PO-LICE is on their way". I'm like "hey it was straight self defense for me" and then I apologize to the lady with the black eye for making her suffer seeing that happen, she just responds with a slight smile "it's alright". fagboy who was getting up at this time then goes "you fucking cunt" towards the girl and starts to walk towards her. I just respond with putting him into another chokehold, but no pressure yet, and say "bad idea to walk over to her right now"
finally a few minutes later cops get there and seperate us. the guy makes up some crazy story that I just walked up out of nowhere and jumped him. I tell the truth. the girl also agrees with my story but states that I hit him first as he walked towards me. I guess it was because he never actually landed the punch. the girl behind the counter couldn't see it actually happen just kind of heard it start to happen but didn't see what started it all. the one cop also noticed the marines t-shirt I was wearing and asked me if I was a marine, he said he was a former, guess that helped my case a bit. so one of the cops go inside and go back into the office and I guess were watching video footage. while he's doing that the other cop is getting a statement from the girl about her black eye and cheek, and surprise surprise, old boy and her had gotten into an argument and he beat her up. other cop comes out and after they talk amongst each other for a bit, they say that I may have overeacted a bit but it was all in self defense and protecting the ladies well being. they then ask me if I want to press charges on the guy but I said no, I think he learned his lesson. At which point the one cop that got the statement for the black eye tells me that the guy is going to jail tonight for domestic violence on his wife. so they cuff him and do their thing with him and I'm standing around outside talking to customers kinda telling them what happened. right as they cart him off the lady who was beat walks up to me and tells me thank you, and I just say "its no problem, you've just got such a pretty face to be bruised up because of some asshole" and she goes "well I thought he would change, but apparently not" and I tell her which bar I work at and what nights and tell her to come down and I'll buy her a couple drinks, she assures me that she will. I gas up my car, and finally get my cup of coffee, and went home. it was about 5:45 when I left there.
now I never intended to try to hook up with her, I just saw the bruise and stuff and made an assumption which proves correct.
well anyways the moral of the story is:
a) don't hit your significant other, its just not right, and it will eventually catch up to you.
b) don't start a fight with some random guy in 7-11

anyways guys I'm trying to get the surveillance camera footage from 7-11 so If I do I'll be sure to post the video of it up here, hopefully they have sound too so...

12-04-2004, 07:01 AM
Yikes, man. If this is true...yikes. I'm sure I'll probably get flamed off of the board since I'm a newb but I'll reply anyway.

A. If I saw someone beating on a girl I would go after him with the tiny fists of fury too, but don't you think you were a bit out of line? If I had a black eye and someone called attention to it I would tell them to mind their own business. Then you gave the guy a dirty look after going out of your way to comment on her eye because you thought he looked like the "kind of guy that would overreact to things"? Obviously your instinct was right in this case but what if you had been wrong? What if she got hit playing softball? That's a mighty big leap in judgement for a guy who could just shake his head and think to himself "I sure hope that guy isn't beating her." If you feel the need to get involved in every case you see like that you should badge up, until then try not to be so Capt. America.

B. You said you were a Marine and if anyone can take control of a barfight type atmosphere it's a marine. BUT, that's a pretty detailed description. I don't remember much at all from any fight I've been in, at least blow-by-blow. Although, I've never had close combat training like you have either.

I don't know, man. I give you a big high-five for beating up a wife-beater and bringing him down a few notches but are you going to beat up every bad guy you see? At what point do you let it go? Like I said, badge up and you can put that desire to clean up the world to good use.

*Back into the cave of the lurkers*

12-04-2004, 08:56 AM
are you going to beat up everyone bad guy you see? At what point do you let it go?

somebody needs to.

12-04-2004, 09:03 AM
^ Oops...I just noticed that awesome typo I made.

"everyone bad guy" :doh:

12-04-2004, 09:19 AM
I say good job, and Semper Fi.

12-04-2004, 09:23 AM
bro,do you always mind other people business?Im against domestic violence ,dont get me wrong,but how do you know when person is actually bit up or not???What if it next time its gonna be a "softball accident" and you will just come up like a complete asshole(to both guy and girl)?Another story would be,if you actually saw him beating up on her,and got involved.But,otherwise,i think you should mind your own business,for real...

12-04-2004, 09:24 AM
Let me just say that I'm nowhere near the pansy "dove" who would tell you you're a bad person for beating up anyone who is deserving. I'm just saying some things are better being left alone. Not to mention that you, I, the guy you hit, and the girl, all know that when he gets out of jail they'll get right back together and he'll take what you did to him out on her.

12-04-2004, 09:24 AM
Always help out others in need. If that means beating the shit outta some punk ass who thinks hes tough hitting women, than by all means, beat away. The world WOULD be a better place. Well done Kev.

12-04-2004, 09:43 AM
bro,do you always mind other people business?Im against domestic violence ,dont get me wrong,but how do you know when person is actually bit up or not???What if it next time its gonna be a "softball accident" and you will just come up like a complete asshole(to both guy and girl)?Another story would be,if you actually saw him beating up on her,and got involved.But,otherwise,i think you should mind your own business,for real...

yah man its not cool to notice someones bein abused, and take initiative to controll the situation. guess your just an asshole for bein a nice guy, laf,

12-04-2004, 10:12 AM
how do you know she is abused?ok ,this time he was right on target,but my point is -what if hes wrong?And yeah,i think that fucker deserved to be bitten up,and he deserved to go to jail,no doubt about it.I didnt make myself clear,sorry.

yah man its not cool to notice someones bein abused, and take initiative to controll the situation. guess your just an asshole for bein a nice guy, laf,

12-04-2004, 10:20 AM
how do you know she is abused?ok ,this time he was right on target,but my point is -what if hes wrong?And yeah,i think that fucker deserved to be bitten up,and he deserved to go to jail,no doubt about it.I didnt make myself clear,sorry.

what if? that's the problem with our country today. everyone is so busy wondering if they're gonna step on someone's rights that murderers, rapists, and child molestors WALK free among us.

here's the facts:
-nismo made a comment to probe for more data
-this triggered a response indicating a violent and irrational nature
-nismo beat the hell out of the guy

he nismo, which arm did he swing at you with and which eye was black on the chick? who wants to take bets on a match up?

12-04-2004, 10:45 AM
im guessin he swang with his good arm. hehe

12-04-2004, 12:31 PM
wow man cool... so this his how u can legally beat someone up? heh jk.

12-04-2004, 02:16 PM
I had been drinking jack up until like 2:45 that morning (no I wasn't driving, my buddy was driving my car, and he was pretty pissed that he had to sit there for a while due to this). Normally I wouldn't say something like this but it was just a weird vibe I got from it, the dirty look I shot the guy wasn't quite the easiest thing to explain, it could easily have been a softball accident and she could have easily replied sarcastically of course "yeah gee thanks for pointing it out I forgot I got hit with a softball yesterday". anyways I normally wouldn't of said anything but I was a tad buzzed and I remember the hits because it was only like 4 hits at all, plus my buddy kinda re-capped the whole thing for me.
btw the guy swang with his right arm and the girls left eye was the fucked up one, so yeah they matched.

12-04-2004, 02:51 PM
Hehehe, MCMAP in action!

12-04-2004, 04:05 PM
any fool who beats up on his wife/gf deserves a beating of his own. i'm all for minding someone's own business, but you can't overlook something like that.

12-04-2004, 10:29 PM
how do you know she is abused?ok ,this time he was right on target,but my point is -what if hes wrong?And yeah,i think that fucker deserved to be bitten up,and he deserved to go to jail,no doubt about it.I didnt make myself clear,sorry.

The only thing he said to the couple at first was to point out the black eye, making no accusations.

The abuser broached the subject of abuse to him, and the abuser started the fight.

12-04-2004, 11:06 PM
The only thing he said to the couple at first was to point out the black eye, making no accusations.

The abuser broached the subject of abuse to him, and the abuser started the fight.


Way to beat down the wife beater! Mad props to nismo2491! :bigok: :bow:

FastBack 240
12-04-2004, 11:09 PM
id blown his shit out just like the bum i sent sailing in DC last year.

12-04-2004, 11:43 PM
Way to kick some abusive-husband-ass. Seriously, you just gained hero status with me. (too bad i'm not a chick, or you'd be laid O.o)

12-04-2004, 11:47 PM
good job!

some people just deserve it... you were totally in the right once he took a swing at you... thankfully you had surveilance cams watching the action :)

thanks for serving our country in any way that you did in the marines... i may be joining the air force as an officer in a couple years once i finish my degree...

12-05-2004, 12:17 AM
That is cool mang...at least there are some people that will step in when they think it is needed

12-05-2004, 02:07 AM
Reminds me of Kindergarten Cop when Arnold punched the fuck out of the dude who kept beating his kid.
Good job sticking up for the little guy/girl.

12-05-2004, 04:04 AM
great story.. and its good you stepped in.. a lotta ppl in today's society would probably just stand idle and watch someone get beaten up by 10 guys before someone decides to help out. you are a leader! haha

12-05-2004, 09:42 AM
I love the support this guys getting. Thank god everyones not like "why did you hit him, wah wah"
I would get pist if that was the case.

12-05-2004, 11:09 AM
Dude you just fucked yourself by diving straight into drama, you don't want anything to do with that girl, she has baggage. Not saying she's a bad girl, but she has a lot to come along with her, i.e. the guy that you got into a fight with, from the short description you gave he seems pretty possessive. she knows where you work, she stops by, he drives by, sees her car, comes in... he is gonna target you, and it would be a lot built up. imagine what he'd do if he had a gun? yeah, wife beaters are low lifes, but you cant be a hero every day, your gonna cause a lot of shit to hit the fan. make your life more safe and simple. mind your own business.

12-05-2004, 11:14 AM
Way to kick some abusive-husband-ass. Seriously, you just gained hero status with me. (too bad i'm not a chick, or you'd be laid O.o)

that is the most homosexual thing i have ever heard in my life

12-05-2004, 12:21 PM
actually if you look into it, a lot of abusive husbands are just like other people and that is really their only flaw is that when they get mad they take it out on the wife, they are usually not likely to murder somebody, unless say its the wife and he beats her up to bad. as far as him coming to my work with a gun, I'm only there a couple nights a week (its part time), and the shotguns under both sides of the bar I'm sure would be of some use in that situation. basically I could give a lesser shit if old boy wants to come challenge me, he's a pussy who already got his ass beat once. as far as the girl having baggage who said I was trying to get into a relationship with her.

12-05-2004, 12:31 PM
I don't know, man. I give you a big high-five for beating up a wife-beater and bringing him down a few notches but are you going to beat up every bad guy you see? At what point do you let it go? Like I said, badge up and you can put that desire to clean up the world to good use.

yes I am, have you people not realized yet, I'm monkeyman. keeper of the good, swinger of the trees, drinker of the bud lights.

12-05-2004, 12:38 PM
I never said you wanted to peruse this girl, or that he would target you. Those are two possibility's, a possibility, and a worst case scenario. They could happen, i didn't say they would. And as far as abusive husbands, I think that anyone who frequently takes anger out as physical punishment on others, girls or guys, have some kind of issue, and is more likely to snap than someone more collected, see where I'm coming from?

12-05-2004, 12:43 PM
yeah I see what your saying.

12-05-2004, 12:47 PM
actually if you look into it, a lot of abusive husbands are just like other people and that is really their only flaw is that when they get mad
that reminds me of the commercial for child abusers. with the old lady that sees a little girl and a guy in the elevator and when they leave, she sees "child abuser" on the back of the guy's jacket

if you can get that surveillance tape, it's be awesome to see it, hehe

12-05-2004, 03:45 PM
wheres that video at?!

12-05-2004, 08:24 PM
Dude you just fucked yourself by diving straight into drama, you don't want anything to do with that girl, she has baggage. Not saying she's a bad girl, but she has a lot to come along with her, i.e. the guy that you got into a fight with, from the short description you gave he seems pretty possessive. she knows where you work, she stops by, he drives by, sees her car, comes in... he is gonna target you, and it would be a lot built up. imagine what he'd do if he had a gun? yeah, wife beaters are low lifes, but you cant be a hero every day, your gonna cause a lot of shit to hit the fan. make your life more safe and simple. mind your own business.

sorry but uh he works at a club/bar...
i dunno if you actually know anyone that works at one...but around here, if you come in to start shit with an employee; you'll have the living shit beat out of you by 3 or 4 big bouncers to the point where you cant walk and dumped on a back alley somewhere... no one will "remember" you, and no one will care since you're a wifebeater

12-05-2004, 11:37 PM
Ima bouncer at a club, and most times we have to bounce out fucks like that, i give you big dog props for that. i had a friend that was in a bind like that. Until one day she didnt wake up, and that low life is nowhere to be found. I would replace any wife beaters face with his anyday. :rl:

12-05-2004, 11:53 PM
yeah the nights I work there is a bouncer at our door thats a fairly big guy (heavy equipment repairman by day), the other bartender who's also pretty decent sized, our night manager, a former marine thats pretty big as well, as well as all the regulars who act as bouncers/barbacks/etc anytime they are needed that would happily jump in.

12-06-2004, 04:04 AM
yeah I see what your saying.

Mad props to you...you did the right thing. Hopefully the wife will realize what an asshole the husband is and leave his stupid ass. More so that dumb ass realize he has a problem and seeks professional help...doubtful though...
I've seen too much bad shit happen cuz of domestic violence...including innocent people being hurt or killed. Even happened to someone here on Zilvia.net
Just be careful okay....
PD Crime Scene Tech

12-06-2004, 07:34 AM
have you been drinking again kevin?

12-06-2004, 07:52 AM
you did the right thing, but next time you see her, she will probably look worse than before...when this cat gets out of jail, who do you think he's looking for first?...you?...nope, the girl...easier target who doesn't hit back....

but i still think you did the right thing...

12-06-2004, 10:04 AM
I agree with everyone that said you did the right thing. Will there be a consequence of some sort for this venture, I'm certain. I agree very much so with everything Makoto has to say, especially the Boondock Saints quotes. Sure it's just a movie, but the notion of it is very noble, to say the least. American society has definitely become over-politically correct. Many things have been slowly dissipating from society that were once cherished, all to remove the chance of getting involved in a lawsuit. It's saddening.

12-06-2004, 11:02 AM
props to you beating that pussy [email protected]$% up...when i was about 6 i watched my mom get beat up(almost died)....so i have no remorse for any dude that hits a woman. and maybe you should hook up with that broad..she needs a dude to treat her right.

12-06-2004, 11:23 AM
wheres that video at?!
Or "Where IS that video" even?

... and I agree with thr general concensus, you did tyhe rtight thing, expressed concern for HER, HE got outta line and got HIS ass kicked, sometimes the good guy wins

12-06-2004, 12:12 PM
spoke to my godfather/lawyer today, he said the only way I'd probably be able to get the video, unless the 7-11 manager was willing to give it to me, was to file formal charges and subpoena that as evidence, which I don't want to do. so looks like I'll be swinging by the 7-11 tonight to see if she'll give it up.
and jon: why yes, yes I had been drinking, but I have cut back a lot. :p

12-06-2004, 02:39 PM
spoke to my godfather/lawyer today, he said the only way I'd probably be able to get the video, unless the 7-11 manager was willing to give it to me, was to file formal charges and subpoena that as evidence, which I don't want to do. so looks like I'll be swinging by the 7-11 tonight to see if she'll give it up.
and jon: why yes, yes I had been drinking, but I have cut back a lot. :p

ahh thats the kevin that i know

12-06-2004, 03:45 PM
sorry but uh he works at a club/bar...
i dunno if you actually know anyone that works at one...but around here, if you come in to start shit with an employee; you'll have the living shit beat out of you by 3 or 4 big bouncers to the point where you cant walk and dumped on a back alley somewhere... no one will "remember" you, and no one will care since you're a wifebeater

but uh, yeah. i wasnt talking to you boy. anyway you missed my whole point.

12-07-2004, 12:58 AM
but uh, yeah. i wasnt talking to you boy. anyway you missed my whole point.
there's no reason to get shitty with somebody like that, this is a forum in that anybody has the right to reply to a post. if it was meant solely for me to reply to and stuff then you should have pm'd it to me, other than that its fair game.

12-07-2004, 09:12 AM
there's no reason to get shitty with somebody like that, this is a forum

hey man, wheres your forum spirit? :rolleyes:

12-07-2004, 02:15 PM
good point, but that wasn't particularly a flame IMO. if it had been a flame that would have been a-okay

02-27-2005, 12:29 AM
spoke with the lady the other day. She now has a restraining order on the guy and is legally seperated, soon to be legally divorced. He has court this coming week and she spoke with the state's attorney (the prosecuter) and they are plea bargaining a year incarcaration, and 2 years probation afterwards. Looks like justice will be served. She didn't specifically say it but I kinda got the impression that part of the probation will be domestic violence classes (kinda like AA or whatever).

02-27-2005, 02:06 AM
I am looking forward that u can post up the video here!

02-27-2005, 02:13 AM
very nice! you helped someone! :rawk:

02-27-2005, 02:43 AM
damn, i would love to see that video. it would make my stressful weekend of studying for midterms much better..lol

02-27-2005, 06:56 AM
nope, no video, since there were no formal charges that the video would be evidence for. If I had pressed charges on him for assaulting me then I could have subpoena'd it, but not no more.

02-27-2005, 07:33 AM
Semper Fi, Marine.

02-28-2005, 12:30 AM
Good job man. I watched my mother get beat by a dead beat boy friend a few years ago. Me and a buddy set up a video camera to catch him, we beat him within an inch of his life. Cops came we showed the video and they said the guys in jail would have some fun with him. ( Cop was a family friend )

Me being Italian i was raised to never hit a woman and if i did i would suffer.

the head
02-28-2005, 08:13 AM
Cheers to ya man one more fuxxer gettin some knowledge about what happens when you hit your girl.
as for the baggage thing you cant be totally sure before my girl and i started dating she was seeing some abusive deadbeat I actually met her when I brawled with him in a bar i was bouncing back in the day her and I went out a few times and hooked up been three years now and it has been great. one of the best girls I have ever been with