View Full Version : Brake Warning Light Comes on sometimes

12-02-2004, 06:33 PM
Ok I know that is is a warning light as well and not just a Parking Brake Indicator, but if my fluid was low, or the pads were wearing, wouldn't my light stay on? Not come on sometimes and go off sometimes? Some other ideas? The brakes do not feel like they stick, accel is fine with no drag, and there is no apparent smell after driving.

Any Ideas? This came about after some parking lot drifting by the way.

12-02-2004, 06:43 PM
Low fluid will slosh around in the reservoir, tripping the light. Fill it back up.

12-03-2004, 08:11 PM
low fluid made mine intermittent for a couple days before it stayed on for a long time.

12-03-2004, 09:25 PM
Low fluid will slosh around in the reservoir, tripping the light. Fill it back up.

The only reason you have low brake fluid in your reservoir would be if: you forget to fill all the way after completely bleeding it, or it leaked out somewhere, meaning you need to inspect the lines asap.:ughd:
I have the same problem-apparently it's quite common in these cars, because I have several friends w/ the same problem. It only happens to me during the winter(now) when it's rediculously cold. there are only two sensors that will set it off: the low brake fluid sensor mounted directly on the resivoir or the E-brake switch; which I think is the problem on my car.

12-04-2004, 12:04 AM
Not just a leak, but extremely worn pads will also cause it, because all the brake fluid will be down in the calipers. That's the most likely problem.

12-04-2004, 07:04 AM
I put on X-drilled rotors all the way around, hawk pads, and technafit lines from SPL on there. This was in July, and I've only been to auto-x once. I drive fairly aggressive on the streets but i'm not a "brake abuser." My pads don't look to worn from what I can see, but I haven't taken them off yet, it just looks like they are pretty thick still. I haven't checked for a leak as of recent, but they did not leak in the first week or 2 that i put them on because I checked them. Can anyone vouch for the life of hawk pads? Is it possible that a sensor could be bad? I'm putting the car away in a few weeks, and if i don't see anything apparently wrong, I'll wait until then to take everything off and give it a good look over.

Andrew Bohan
12-04-2004, 10:05 AM
my s13 leaked from where the mc bolted to the brake booster. i've seen a bunch of brake boosters with the black eaten away, which shows that it's not that uncommon for mc's to leak there.