View Full Version : Nismo 1.5 Way Help

02-12-2021, 05:44 AM
Hi all, I have a RHD S14.

I recently bought an R200 ABS diff from a dead car to restore and use as a donor casing for my car. I also bought a Nismo 1.5 way diff from RHD Japan.

Had the donor diff stripped, these are the OEM shafts from it on the right and the shafts supplied with the Nismo kit on the left.

I remember reading about unequal length shafts in S Chassis, but the question is, is the Nismo designed for these equal length shafts or are the shafts in my kit wrong?

Edit - having image issues, can't directly paste so here's a link. IMGUR so safe.


Help gratefully received.


02-12-2021, 08:15 AM