View Full Version : s13 uneven front camber

12-13-2020, 10:24 AM
So , i was just changing some settings before going to the alignment shop so the car will only need minimal adjustments.

I put the top knuckle bolts all the way in , and the camber plates were at the same position.

What i realized is that the driver's side (Left) has 1.5-2 more camber and wheel pokes out .

I later adjusted only the right side to hopefully bring it to the same camber but still big difference.

Car has :

Stock lca with new ball joints and pu bush
Daiyama coilovers
Driftworks tension rods
GK tech RCC

At the moment , in the attached photos with my camber tool i see:
Right : 4.5
Left: 5.5+ ( tool maxes at 5.5)




12-13-2020, 11:10 AM
Your camber plates aren't set up the same.


Notice that this camber plate has 5 bolts? that fifth bolt and hole are moving one of your shocks over a good quarter of an inch or so.

12-13-2020, 11:25 AM
Yes i know that.

But if adjust it to get the same camber numbers, both plates will be setup completely different.

What i want to keep is the knuckle bolts all the way in so the dampers work on a more straight position and adjust the camber only from the plates which looks impossible.

Am i thinking correct?

12-13-2020, 02:31 PM
What difference does it make if the camber plates are set up differently or the same?

12-13-2020, 03:20 PM
Is it just missing that Allan bolt?

Sorry if it?s a dumb question, I don?t really mess with those settings on the camber plates

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