View Full Version : WTB: S14 seats in SOCAL

01-15-2020, 09:01 AM
Looking to buy drivers and passengers seat, must be from s14. Willing to pay for shipping if the price is right..

Im located in San Diego. thanks!

01-20-2020, 08:05 PM
I have some mint S14 oem seats in Los Angeles that need to go now that I put in a cage. I can take pics of them for you tomorrow if you'd like.

PM me your number and I'll text you pics, etc.

01-20-2020, 09:56 PM
I have some mint S14 oem seats in Los Angeles that need to go now that I put in a cage. I can take pics of them for you tomorrow if you'd like.

PM me your number and I'll text you pics, etc.

Sending message now