View Full Version : who doesn't get to eat with their family on turkey day?

11-20-2004, 07:16 PM
So I'm just wondering how many people on here aren't getting to eat with their family on turkey day? and if so for what reason. I'm guessing the majority of the reasons will be military or school far away from hom. I'm not eating with mine but will be eating at my good buddies house with his family.

11-20-2004, 07:22 PM
Going to eat with my gf's family. I belive I have only ate twice with my family. Serbian people cooking thanksgiving food, just does not seem to click in my head. I just go out to the sticks, since them contry folks are the best at that holiday.

11-20-2004, 08:03 PM
you mean twice in your whole life? how long you lived in the USA?

11-20-2004, 08:10 PM
This is the first time in the last 5 year I will get to eat with my whole family. I'd love if they all decided to come see me, but I'm pretty sure it has alot to do with our new Daughter. lol. Oh well, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth," I suppose.

11-20-2004, 08:22 PM
you mean twice in your whole life? how long you lived in the USA?

Since 1986. Yes two-three times in my life. They end up screwing the whole tradition up most of the time. Though now they got the whole turkey thing down rather then the last times I come home and see a big ass chicken or lamb sitting on the table. :down:

11-20-2004, 09:47 PM
get to? hell, i'm tyrin to DODGE the psychos. can you imagine what kinda nuts created me?

11-20-2004, 09:52 PM
Going to eat with my gf's family. I belive I have only ate twice with my family. Serbian people cooking thanksgiving food, just does not seem to click in my head. I just go out to the sticks, since them contry folks are the best at that holiday.

hehe, da, u pravu si.

Ja misliti taj danje svetlo nije stvarno naročit.
Ipak, Thanksgiving jelo je delikatesan!

(I hope I haven't forgoten too much Serbian)

11-20-2004, 09:56 PM
I feel sorry for you guys. "Family" is a HUGE thing for my family and I. We have a large family. I have four brothers and 1 sister. My dad has 5 brothers, and 2 sisters. My mom though only has 1 sister. I have a grand total of 62 first cousins! Majority of them are in the 16-27 age range, so we party!!! Thanksgiving also runs right along with our ethnic new year, so we eat here at this uncle's house, there at that uncle's house, at my house, at my granparents house, at my other grandparents house, at my other aunt's house, and so forth and so on. I love this time of year. I usually gain 20 something odd pounds by the time it's over.

11-20-2004, 10:17 PM
hehe, da, u pravu si.

Ja misliti taj danje svetlo nije stvarno naročit.
Ipak, Thanksgiving jelo je delikatesan!

(I hope I haven't forgoten too much Serbian)

Ti prichash dobro, bolye nego mene, lol. Me nemamo thanksgiving, ali me emamo svadbe :naughty:

Andrew Bohan
11-20-2004, 11:44 PM
this'll be my 3rd thanksgiving not spending thanksgiving with my parents. however, i will spend it with some distant cousins. i found a whole slew of people i'm related to here. but our common ancestor is like 4 generations back hahaah

11-21-2004, 02:23 AM
this is my second year in a row not eating with them. last year was the worst ever because I had just graduated recruit training and MCT and was at my PDS at the time so didn't know anybody. this year I know people and have made friends and stuff.

11-21-2004, 07:33 AM
Hey nismo, if all else fails, hit up the local USO. They always treat my Devil Dogs good here. Most of them bring like 3 plates of leftovers back to the barracks with them, lol. It's a good deal.

11-21-2004, 11:37 AM
I wish I had known that last year. This year I'm eating at my good buddies house with him, his wife, his daughter, and like 2 other marines (All 4 of us are in). So that should be alright, it will be a whole day long event, you know watching the games, watching the parade, playing football in the yard, playing with his kid (she's fun as shit, she's 3) and drinking the ummm traditional thanksgiving day beverages.

11-21-2004, 01:43 PM
Sounds like a plan, bro. Enjoy!!!

11-21-2004, 02:03 PM
I can't imagine what it would be like to not eat Thanksgiving dinner without my family, I have never done it... People come into town from as far away as Las Vegas to do so in my family... For you military guys, I would suggest that you ask "WHY, WHY BUSH!??!"

11-21-2004, 02:17 PM
we don't. Chinese here... Well, we would eat together but without a turkey. :D

11-21-2004, 02:47 PM
we don't. Chinese here... Well, we would eat together but without a turkey. :D
so what WILL you be eating?

11-21-2004, 06:55 PM
nice phlip hahah

vietnamese here. we will have turkey/mash n gravy and pie JUST for thanksgiving trad sakes. but other than that..noodles, soup etc etc

11-21-2004, 07:23 PM
Well as for me, if my bird (i.e. aircraft) don't get off the ground today I just might miss mine. And not to get too far off topic, but for you person(s) trying to put it on Bush, just realize that all military personnel are just paid volunteers. We put ourselves here and know the sacrifices we have to make sometimes. And know this also, every branch of the military has some kind of creed, something to guide us all through our hardest times on and off the field and one thing in common throughout all the branches is a little quote from the AF, "Service before self." Those may not be the exact words for every branch, but we all have a line w/ the same meaning. So this holiday, don't waste your time getting drunk and ranting about politics, but instead take a moment to remember and appreciate those who give thier lives for some meaning, from the days of the American Revolution to the new recruits spending the holiday in basic. We don't do it for the money, that's for sure.

Happy Holidays All

(edit: spelling)

11-21-2004, 07:32 PM
Well said s14slide, for us it's "Semper Fidelis" or always faithful, to both Corps and Country. Happy Holidays everyone!

11-21-2004, 07:40 PM
I might not be able to this year. My mom is going to AZ and I have to stay out here for work, so I think I'm shit outa luck this year. I might be able to go to my aunts house, but I’m not sure yet. Christmas should be good this year; it'll be the first Christmas in like 3 years that I don't have to work (I hope I hope). OH happy holidays to everyone. DRIVE SAVE.

11-22-2004, 11:35 AM
spending the day over at my shirts house. smsgt ya herd
since i've got a permissive tdy back home for xmas. i didn't go home for this holiday.

and half days on friday is the 4th core value

11-22-2004, 12:28 PM
i just got roped into dinner at my mom's house. it wouldn't be so bad if i didn't feel weird gettin drunk around em.

11-22-2004, 01:27 PM
i just got roped into dinner at my mom's house. it wouldn't be so bad if i didn't feel weird gettin drunk around em.
Which is why I like my family at holiday gatherings, I am getting drunk WITH them and not AROUND them... Makes the whole situation so much more comfortable