View Full Version : Afraid of marriage ???????

11-19-2004, 10:08 PM
Beware of possible viruses and system "upgrade" shutdowns ! :axe:


11-19-2004, 11:26 PM

11-20-2004, 02:36 AM
Dude I am reading that www.nomarriage.com site, and yeah it's one of the best things I have ever read. I thank you makotos13 if not for you I might not have seen this site. You basicly saved my ass and I owe you one. I'll come out to texas one day and buy you a drink.

11-20-2004, 12:05 PM
ive been with eastern european girl (czech) and i've had american girlfriends. i can say there is a cultural difference, but.. and i mean BUT...

in the long run, it comes down to YOU and your balls, how big are they? are you going to be a fucking pussy and expect the woman to let you have your balls, or, are you going to be a man and just tell them how it is -- in the sense, tell them what you accept and what you dont.

i've gone out with american girls who need to get slammed down a bit to be able to hang with me, because they're fucking heads are in the clouds. does this mean they are worse? i dont think so, i just think they need a bit of a reality check as to what is real and what isnt. their princess-like visions need to go if they're going to be with me. im not a hardass or anything, i just dont like stepping on toes and think that girls should step off mine -- relationships need respect and care for one another, when those boundaries get crossed is when things go downhill.

so, regardless if shes american or foreign, you're ALWAYS going to have to deal with shit. american girls need to be cut down, but by all means, foreign girls need to be built up. what i mean is, they are foreign and typically they dont have working skills for shit. its OKAY to cook and clean not because "thats their role" as that website says, but because thats all they know how to do. i give it up to american women because you know what, a lot of them pay their dues and are working women.

the key here, is to separate the american working woman who is a cunt, from the american working woman who tries hard and is just looking for a good man. lets not forget, there are TONS of girls that come from other countries who are looking for their KEY to get into this country. they get their marriage and bam, they're out. SO many girls get americanized and forget their roots, dont get tricked.

find yourself a woman who loves you, doesnt matter where shes from. just watchout for "pro-hoes," every nationality has'em.

- mike

11-20-2004, 12:54 PM
he didn't say good chicks in america don't exist...most of em are just spoiled and think that we OWE them something cause they have a vagina.

11-20-2004, 11:59 PM
most guys want c5 corvettes because they have a small penis, your point?


11-21-2004, 01:34 AM
No vagina is worth your mental stability.

11-21-2004, 02:06 AM
from Nomarriage.com
"I will go one step further and differentiate between Western women vs. non-Western women. This is not just an American phenomenon, most women in Western countries have that cold, bitchy, superficial, stuck up attitude. A lot of Western women hold themselves as the pure center of the relationship. If the men don't fit a rigid and unrealistic criteria or she doesn't feel the man can take care of her enough (even if she has a higher paying job) then she will drop him like a hot potato, regardless of his character or commitment to the relationship."

that is such fucking good point. :rawk:

11-21-2004, 09:04 AM
most guys want c5 corvettes because they have a small penis, your point?


that's probably the most offtopic, unfactual comment you could have possibly made which leads me to believe that you know you're wrong :)

11-21-2004, 11:37 AM
that's probably the most offtopic, unfactual comment you could have possibly made which leads me to believe that you know you're wrong :)

not my fault you got.....



11-21-2004, 11:52 AM
Chin Chin is scared of the ladies...

11-21-2004, 03:14 PM
You guys need to get married so I can pick up your 20 year old daughter when I'm a rich old bachelor.

11-22-2004, 05:16 PM
funny stuff, if anyone wants a foreign wife, my parents are friends with a couple that run www.loveme.com, a mail-order bride company. Surprisingly, they aren't sleazy people, but their webpage is funny reading.

11-24-2004, 11:54 AM
nomarriage.com rocks! thats some hilarious shit