View Full Version : Cant leave seller/buyer feedback

11-21-2019, 12:27 PM
Hello, Ive been trying to leave buyer/seller feedback on members profiles, and I have been unable to on anyones account. The issue is that the URL for the transactions show invalid. Id really like to be able to leave feedback, as it provides buyer/seller feedback to other potential buyer/seller. Thank you administrators

11-21-2019, 12:43 PM
Search is your friend...this has been covered. Delete the ā€œSā€ out of the url you copy for the sale thread. Viola

11-21-2019, 12:48 PM
Search is your friend...this has been covered. Delete the ā€œSā€ out of the url you copy for the sale thread. Viola

Thank you very much. This really should be corrected, as im sure most wont take the steps to research why it doesnt work. Trader ratings in my opinion are pretty important. I personally avoid deals with unknown users with no posts, no ratings, no location, esc. Thanks for the information