View Full Version : Don't care about my car anymore :(

09-13-2019, 06:55 PM
So I i'm in the middle of my first swap, sr20det into s14, and honestly this project has been dragging on so long I feel like I don't even care if it ever gets finished. It honestly feels like nothing has gone right for me at all. I've spent so much money on it, 3800 for the car(my daily for the past year), over 5k on the engine and parts needed for the swap, and it all feels like a waste considering I could have bought an already swapped one with 300+ hp for 7k. Literally every paycheck i've gotten the past 2 years has just gone into my car. And now that school has started again, that combined with work, sports, and other responsibilities I have very little time to work on it. It also doesn't help that my dad is constantly telling me how he needs the car out of the garage, expecting me to wake up every weekend and day off early to work on it. I'm in the final stretches of this, but I've lost almost all motivation. Any advice? -:newbie:

09-13-2019, 07:42 PM
Go to meets, ride in friends cars, read magazines.

09-13-2019, 09:11 PM
I usually pop through build threads and pic threads on here to get ideas and motivation.. you can learn a lot from some of the OG's on here and what they have done with their cars so far or in the past. also I agree with afishysilvia, drive one and read up a lot of people give up because they never meet the end goal of a build which is to enjoy the damn car!

09-13-2019, 09:32 PM
Dude. Fuck cars. Go enjoy school, play sports, meet women, interact with people and get a good job when it is all done so you don't have to be paycheck to paycheck

I wish I drilled down on those years more. Cars will always be there. Go to meets, and laugh at all the hard parkers who say they ate Ramen noodle for the pat 6 years to afford a S15 turbo so some dude in a parking lot can drop them an insta like. Fuck that nonsense. I rather bank the cash now, spend some on booze/lifestyle and profit later.

Trust me. Take a break. You are burnt out. Go enjoy life and come back in a few months. Move the car to a storage unit and just chill for a min. Check on it every week or so to make sure it's cool. That way, you and your dad are cool, you didnt unload it all and can come back to it when $$$$ is falling from the sky.

09-14-2019, 12:42 AM
i'd say push on thru. finish the job.

dont be like me. s13 10yrs on a lift waiting for that spark to get me rolling again.

09-14-2019, 03:30 PM
preciate the responses guys. I think i'm gonna tuff it out and finish this, but after that I'm just gonna enjoy my car how it is and take a break from the constant wrenching. After all, the whole reason i got the car was to drive it. feels good to know i'm not the only one whos gone through the motions.

09-15-2019, 01:39 PM
My main S14 has been in the garage for about 7 years now. Simple project snowballed into a full restomod.

I bought more cars throughout the years (still have them) and I now have a lot more cars to maintain and of course the S14 is on the backburner. I'm at the stage of filling up fluids and turning the key to verify the engine is good, yanking it out and focusing on paint.

My piece of advice is to clean your garage. I had no motivation to work on my car when the garage was a mess. Got it cleaned and I have been tinkering with it a lot more.

09-15-2019, 02:11 PM
If I had to do it all over again I would have just skipped the sr20det swap. Too much of a hassle and too much of a money pit. Think I would have been less stressed out to keep the s14 close to stock, get a good set of tires and call it a day. Save the money and time doing other fun stuff or just not getting stressed out as much.

Also been more happy in the past years just financing a newer fun car that I don't have to modify as much.

09-15-2019, 02:35 PM
Have a nice plain daily, then have a car to build...stress free plan

09-16-2019, 09:41 AM
lol im in the finish it boat...would suggest concentrate on making it safely driveable and worry about cosmetics later...also guage your dads attitude on whether or not to move it...a storage unit often will allow limited work on it (enclosed where others don't see) but wont let you do a motor swap for example...but if its driveable you can at least move it around and work on it here an there...when I was living with my dad had crx, mr2, and my first 240...had to do some in the garage but due to my dad running a restoration business out of his garage I had to get all my stuff out of his way during business hours...I still remember had to do engine install on the crx, and time ran short so I only had 1 axle in...found out LSD locked up quite nicely as I was able to slowly drive it out and plug the other side til I could get to it! had to finish that in the dirt lol

09-16-2019, 10:38 AM
As much as I agree with focusing on school, partying, sports, etc... You need to finish the project for yourself, not the hard parkers at local meets. If you want it, get it! Nothing like the feeling when you turn the key after a bunch of hard work and the car starts. There will always be other things to fix over time. Just focus on making it safe, make a checklist, and prioritize. That always helps me.

09-16-2019, 11:34 AM
setting a deadline for an event always helps me. did my sr swap 3 days before shipping the car out for final bout 2 lol

09-16-2019, 05:15 PM
setting a deadline for an event always helps me. did my sr swap 3 days before shipping the car out for final bout 2 lol


My goal is to attend a drift central event by the end of the year.

Highway Riding
09-18-2019, 09:33 AM
Loosing interest happens alot. I dumped a ton of money into a few different cars ie: 350z, S14 (sold here), Sc300 with 2j swap (sold here) and my now POS 335. Sometimes you have to step back and enjoy other things in life. If wrenching on it urself doesnt proove fruitful then def just step back and take a break. The worst thing you can do is get rid of it and or part out because you will be left with a huge void. Like a bad breakup. I miss all my old cars and looking back shouldn't have sold any of them. If need be get a storage unit. I know the feeling of a parent wanting it out. I was in the same exact position but i had a house without a garage. I finally sold my last SC and literally built a garage and sold the house. Now looking for another project. If i could have done it again i would have kept one of them.

09-18-2019, 10:36 AM
I agree with all of the "live your life" comments, but I've had the best memories in my late teens and 20's in my s14. My car has never been super clean show-car status and my engine bay has never been anything remotely close to eye candy but it worked and I drove the shit out of my car.

A common problem I see with younger guys getting unmotivated and overwhelmed with a project is trying to do too much at once. When you want an engine with all the best parts in a car with all the best parts sitting on the best wheels on a budget and the car just sits.

My advice? Get it all running on the cheap. I'm not saying go and buy a bunch of cheap crap from China off Ebay, but stick with more of the OEM stuff. Run the stock t25 with the stock ecu/harness, stock exhaust, brakes, suspension..just get it running and driving again. Then drive it. Drive the shit out of it and upgrade it as you go.

09-18-2019, 12:47 PM
BRUH. i know that feeling all to well. my car was down for about 3 years while i scavenged for money/ time/ parts.

and I know the feels of " fuck this, why even bother" moments. but honestly its a hump you have to get over to prove your resolve to yourself.

good luck, hope you finish it.

09-23-2019, 10:00 AM
as add on for mine...go to school, get a good job then come back when you have time and money! cars will always be there, your time will not be though

09-24-2019, 01:54 PM
Pics of said car and parts....then will know which way u should go...

(Looking for partout steal of deal prices lol)

09-25-2019, 11:09 AM
I’ve sold 3 perfectly good cars because of similar reasons and I wish I never did. What I plan to do is keep my car in storage until I can work on it/drive it. That storage fee will make up for losing a car you can’t find again... seriously