View Full Version : Paypal!!

11-18-2004, 11:09 AM
Dear Jeff,

PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of
buyers and sellers. Our team employs the most advanced systems in the world
to protect the security of your account.
During a recent review of our system, we determined that you received funds
from an account with reports of fraudulent bank account use. In accordance
with PayPal's Seller Protection Policy, the following transaction involving
unauthorized funds has been reversed:

Transaction ID: 30373257BE0670721
Transaction Date: Nov. 15, 2004
Transaction Amount: $19.94 USD
Buyer's Email: [email protected]
Buyer's Name: John Aghassi

The transaction was reversed because you were not covered by PayPal's
Seller Protection Policy. Please note that this withholding is in
accordance with our User Agreement, Section VII, Paragraph 3.

In the future, you may be protected against fraudulent buyers by following
the conditions of our Seller Protection Policy. For full details, please
visit our User Agreement at: http://www.paypal.com/UA


FUCK YOU PAYPAL! Can they do this? It was an instant transfer, 4 days ago, and I shipped off the guy's headlights.

11-18-2004, 11:28 AM
they did it to me....one day i logged in to -190 something because some seller took back funds that i had already spent..

11-18-2004, 11:36 AM
Last time I tried to get a refund for something (paid $120 for a bumper off a user here, and shipping was COD. It came in a semi-truck the next morning, with a $194 shipping charge, which I refused. I had no item and no refund), I got back $.48 after a month. How the hell did this happen in 3 days?

11-18-2004, 11:45 AM
Damn Jeff, that blows! Sorry Bro. Good luck!

11-18-2004, 01:25 PM
I use paypal all the time and am just waiting for the day some crap like this happens to me.
Why werent you covered by the seller protection policy? Because his account was fradulent?

11-18-2004, 01:43 PM
that sucks. everytime i start to work up the nerve to trust ANYONE i get reminded that nothing is trustworthy.

11-18-2004, 01:46 PM
i think if you show proof that you ship the item to the guy at the address he registered to paypal you might get your money back .

11-18-2004, 01:50 PM
thats blows man. ive had some issues with them too. my account has been limited for a couple of weeks now. ive resolved the issue between me and the buyer and recieved no response whatsoever from paypal. i have a bunch of money in there that i cant transfer to my bank account. sucks big time. paypal is fuckin up left and right. good luck though

11-18-2004, 02:20 PM

For safety reasons I recommend you link to a bank account that is not your primary source of funds.. maybe a savings account or a "bounce" account (a acct. you use to send money in & out of.. thats what I use).

That way, theres never any money for them (or anyone else) to steal. ;)

11-18-2004, 02:25 PM
Did anybody receive any money from the paypal settlement?

11-18-2004, 03:10 PM
It's $12 worth of product I'm out of, so it's not like my car or anything, but how am I supposed to trust Paypal's security, and ship people's items out the day they pay when shit like this can happen?

11-18-2004, 03:11 PM
Why werent you covered by the seller protection policy? Because his account was fradulent?

I wasn't covered because it was a unconfirmed address. Like 40% of money I get is from unconfirmed addresses, because people don't want to input SSN, bank account, credit card, firstborn child, and whever else paypal requires to call them confirmed.

11-18-2004, 03:20 PM
My email to paypal.
You people have reversed a payment made to me, which has now shaken my belive in Paypal.
I accepted an unconfirmed payment for an ebay item, like I do hundreds of times a month, and 3 days later, you've reversed it. It's in my account, the guy has paid 10 other unique people, and then the money dissapears. ID #8F991141LB098683A. Now, I've already sent his item out, and am now out the money and the item. How am I supposed to do timely business with people? How am I supposed to trust instant transfers that are in my account and then pulled right back out? Do I have everyone wait 3-5 days so I'm not out product and money? And don't say "Only ship to confirmed buyers" because people have less trust in paypal than I do, and refuse to divulge every aspect of their financial life to a website. And taking away 40% of my customer base because of that will hurt financially.
I'd appreciate know why they were removed in the first place, and if they'll be removed again.


11-18-2004, 03:27 PM
Did anybody receive any money from the paypal settlement?

I recieved a credit for the transaction fees charged to my account during transactions I made on a certain day....around $11.

11-18-2004, 05:29 PM
you guys lost nothing compaired to me, $490, some guy paid me for some brand spanking new headlights. a month later, they reported it as a frdulant use of a credit card account, and they said because i sent to a "unconfirmed address" i can't do jack about it. MOFERS

11-18-2004, 08:32 PM
I never ever ship to unconfirmed addresses.


Unless it's an eBay transaction, and/or I have delivery confirmation (some sort of signature) on the package.

Doing otherwise is askign for trouble when accepting payment via PayPal.

11-19-2004, 02:35 AM
And don't say "Only ship to confirmed buyers" because people have less trust in paypal than I do,

yes, dumbass.. you answered the question.

want to be a business? act like a business. you see, regardless if you are a business using paypal to receive your payment OR if you have a credit card machine and use that to receive payments, the concept is still the same. with paypal, you can ONLY ship to verified addresses, period. for credit cards, you can ONLY ship to the card owners address (or addresses permitted on that account through the credit card agency).

its common knowledge. if you dont follow this, you will get banged. you see, if you DID ship to the verified address.. you'de be covered by the protection policy. but, since you didnt.. you the buyer has the ability to request refund. this is why its important to have signature proof of all shipments. anyway, i think you're out of your money.. because you didnt take that precaution of shipping to the verified address...

sorry, but its a cheap learning experience..


11-19-2004, 03:51 AM
Those are nothing. I used to run a diablo 2 store on ebay. Like I would buy bulk from dupper and retail. And ppl reverse money on you left and right. One time this new item came out, I brought 5 at near 100 each and sold all 5 at $200. But damn 4 ppl reversed payment on me. TONS more of such cases, I got buyer that reversed 1000 on me before, that was when I was a paypal newbie. Not to mention you have to pay the $10 chargeback fee everytime a stolen credit card problem shows up. And Paypal used to have a policy that virtual item is counted against the sellers, that sellers are not suppose to sell virtual stuff. Now paypal changed it, now it's on the buyer side. So if you buying virtual items, you are at ur own risk.

11-20-2004, 04:41 PM
i think the best thing to do is put a notice in your auctions that buyers with unconfirmed adresses will have to wait until funds are cleared and transfered before item is shipped out. Also like Kazua said, dont use your primary account for paypal business.

11-21-2004, 12:33 AM
takes 30 days for funds to clear, or shall we say, for the paypal user to NO LONGER have protection or capability for charge-back.

best of luck, dont deal with unverified addresses.. thats the lesson here.