View Full Version : Unicorn preservation?

Kem Poyner
07-16-2019, 03:01 PM
Now that the early S13s are hitting the 30 year mark this question needs to be re asked.
If you found yourself taking ownership of a low mile, unmolested near perfect S13, what would you do with it? I am in that situation and I am torn. One day i am researching mods and the next I wanna keep it stock.
I would buy a second one and go crazy with that one, but I do not want to deal with rust and rotted parts.
The one I just picked up is an original , one owner coupe that has never left Arizona. It has 80,000 miles and does not even have a door ding on it. Its been stored for the last 15 years but I have it running like new. Its my first S13 and I will keep it forever.

Almighty So
07-16-2019, 03:15 PM
Just don’t do anything irreversible.
Tasteful mods like suspension upgrades, wheels.
More importantly, probably replace all the old bushings, gaskets, hoses, belts, etc.
Keep all the original parts and receipts.

Kem Poyner
07-16-2019, 04:26 PM
I think that is exactly what I will do! That way I can still turn some wrenches and have a little fun with it. Now I just need to figure out how to fill the wheel wells but not need to roll or pull fenders. I read all the posts and still do not know.

07-16-2019, 05:12 PM
It's like Facebook knows what Zilvia has been searching and we're getting all these garbage threads:

"Hey should I do what everyone and their Mom thinks I should do? Or should I do the total opposite dawgggieeeeeeeee!"


In the future, try to make the thread worth while. No pictures of the car? Come on man...

Almighty So
07-16-2019, 05:15 PM
Check “Chat” section stickies.
Wheel fitment thread
Wheel fitment questions thread
Maximum tire fitment thread

07-16-2019, 05:16 PM
i wouldn't even do wheels or any upgrades. just replace what's worn and that's it. in arizona i'm sure there are plenty of rust-free chassis. if you want to modify something, i'd start with something that's a bit of a beater, as long as there isn't any hacked up wiring or terribly botched bodywork haha

Kem Poyner
07-16-2019, 05:21 PM
dizzariot, What does your mom think I should do?

07-16-2019, 05:24 PM
dizzariot, What does your mom think I should do?

Sell the car to someone that doesn't need the internet to decide whether or no they should preserve a car, or fuck it up.

Sell the car to someone that's not lowkey trying to get spoonfed.

Her words, not mine.

07-16-2019, 05:25 PM
...but seriously, give us all something to work with. Let's see what this car looks like. There are too many posts with dudes saying they have these 'unicorns' but they never post pictures.

07-18-2019, 06:49 AM
The car will be worthless for the next 10-20 years until they're ACTUALLY rare. And even then, the states are getting littered with it's RHD brothers. There is no actual short of these although some dumbass might pay a little more for something to be stock before they go ahead and ruin in.

This isn't a collectors car. Don't treat it like one.

07-18-2019, 08:29 AM
my aunt said the same thing about the 69 mustang convertible she had back in the day...leaked, could never stay running, heater didn't work...sold it for 250 as fast as she could!

07-18-2019, 06:59 PM
The car will be worthless for the next 10-20 years until they're ACTUALLY rare. And even then, the states are getting littered with it's RHD brothers. There is no actual short of these although some dumbass might pay a little more for something to be stock before they go ahead and ruin in.

This isn't a collectors car. Don't treat it like one.


07-19-2019, 06:48 AM
my aunt said the same thing about the 69 mustang convertible she had back in the day...leaked, could never stay running, heater didn't work...sold it for 250 as fast as she could!

Well, she was a women and times were different. There are some pretty basic facts here that make the argument against the value of a S-chassis.

There were twice as many S-chassis. The only ones worth much, much more are the RHD S15 models [S13/14 RHD are still worth money, too].
The S-chassis comes in both RHD and LHD drive. The only ones worth much, much more are the RHD models.
The Mustang wasn't shipped to many other countries unlike the comparison to the S-chassis where a few different countries got variations [cliffnote: ours sucked].
The Mustang had a lot of high performance trim packages unlike the comparison to the S-chassis.
The Mustang lived in an era where speed and big motors were running rampant unlike the comparison to the S-chassis that's half the size both in cylinders and actual sizing made to be more efficient and economic.

I could go on for days. The comparison to a '69 Mustang to a '89 240SX is stupid. There is nothing alike other than the fact that they have 4 tires and move.

Kem Poyner
07-19-2019, 01:38 PM
Yeah, but the Mustangs didn't have gamers go at them with buzz saws and dremels like piranhas. Most not having a clue.

07-20-2019, 06:04 AM
i just over paid for an s13 shell with 5 large holes in the floor and completely dislodged front strut towers, no motor, and tons of missing interior...... i cut and re patched and sealed the floor and mated the strut towers back onto the car and repainted the engine bay. the body still has too much rust but this is definitely more of a restoration at this point than i wanted. i bought it in march and got it running and driving about a month ago with a complete interior.... brought her back from the dead thats for sure

07-22-2019, 10:45 AM
i just over paid for an s13 shell with 5 large holes in the floor and completely dislodged front strut towers, no motor, and tons of missing interior...... i cut and re patched and sealed the floor and mated the strut towers back onto the car and repainted the engine bay. the body still has too much rust but this is definitely more of a restoration at this point than i wanted. i bought it in march and got it running and driving about a month ago with a complete interior.... brought her back from the dead thats for sure

So you wasted time and money on a car that doesn't warrant it?

Sounds like you'll fit in perfectly here.

Kem Poyner
07-22-2019, 11:05 AM
I get a sense that SupaDoopa feels that unless your car is a RHD from Japan,
its a worthless piece of crap not worth the trouble.

07-22-2019, 11:30 AM
You would be misinformed and stupid for thinking that.

I said the car is available in more than one country and if someone is given the chance to collect one from Japan or the States, they would prefer the JDM model as it's RHD and more of a rarity here meaning a higher resale. Never said our versions were shit. I own two LHD models.

07-22-2019, 12:38 PM
You would be misinformed and stupid for thinking that.

I said the car is available in more than one country and if someone is given the chance to collect one from Japan or the States, they would prefer the JDM model as it's RHD and more of a rarity here meaning a higher resale. Never said our versions were shit. I own two LHD models.

yeah, but USDM cars have full length frame rails

BAM. right there. whaaaaaaat? instant performance mod. extra chassis rigidity.

whatcha know about that, jdm fanboy

07-22-2019, 02:42 PM
You're in Mesa? Here's what you do - sell it to me. I can be there in 15 minutes. I'll preserve the fuck outta it no questions asked.

07-23-2019, 03:18 PM
So you wasted time and money on a car that doesn't warrant it?

Sounds like you'll fit in perfectly here.

well after 2 months of searching for a decent car that wasnt molested too bad by some kid like yourself, i found nothing until this roller came along which is halfway decent looking from 15 ft, clean interior parts, with decent mods, exhaust, intake, coils, rims, etc..... I fixed it all structurally, body worked and painted the bay, installed an obd 2 ka for cheap as shit, pieced together a clean interior and new carpet, and got it on the road for less than i could buy a runner for at the time in my area with less mods...

So it actually seems like Im ahead of the overpriced 240 game at this point.

And i think i will fit in here, since Ive been driving 1jz powered widebody 240s before you even got your drivers license kido


07-23-2019, 03:54 PM
I left for like a year and all of a sudden Wisconsinites are allowed to talk shit?

Someone from Illinois put him in his place, stat.

OP, reversible mods only. Do with it as you please; 240SXs aren't great cars stock so you're just making it better.

07-23-2019, 04:25 PM
I left for like a year and all of a sudden Wisconsinites are allowed to talk shit?

Someone from Illinois put him in his place, stat.

^^^^^^^ LOL, and the FIBs chime in....

07-24-2019, 06:25 AM
well after 2 months of searching for a decent car that wasnt molested too bad by some kid like yourself, i found nothing until this roller came along which is halfway decent looking from 15 ft, clean interior parts, with decent mods, exhaust, intake, coils, rims, etc..... I fixed it all structurally, body worked and painted the bay, installed an obd 2 ka for cheap as shit, pieced together a clean interior and new carpet, and got it on the road for less than i could buy a runner for at the time in my area with less mods...

So it actually seems like Im ahead of the overpriced 240 game at this point.

And i think i will fit in here, since Ive been driving 1jz powered widebody 240s before you even got your drivers license kido


You've been driving widebodied S-chassis since before I got my license? You must be pretty fucking old then. And in all that time, you're still unintelligent and misinformed.

See, the problem is those 'runners' didn't need some clown to reconstruct a frame under them and even assuming you did a decent job, I'm sure you still fucked it up for the following reasons:

1. You're stupid as shit.
2. Apparently just joined a forum that was quintessentially the most important S-chassis forum at the time a couple months ago that existed for decades to try to show off how tough you are yet you've been so smart driving 1J 240's since the day they rolled off the lot.
2. You're stupid as shit.

No one gives a fuck what you may or may not have been driving. The fact your first couple posts here have been dick measuring and lackluster is discouraging. Enjoy getting your shit pushed in on ever thread you decide to put your small ween in.

1J widebodied S-chassis... shut the fuck up. That's 90% of the people here.

Kem Poyner
07-24-2019, 09:39 AM
I belong to a lot of forums due to my many interests and hobbies. This forum is by far the rudest most vulgar one I have seen. If you are a new member, you are treated the worst, usually by the same small group of spoiled brats. I am sure they drive away the few newbies that join the group.

07-24-2019, 11:56 AM
I belong to a lot of forums due to my many interests and hobbies. This forum is by far the rudest most vulgar one I have seen. If you are a new member, you are treated the worst, usually by the same small group of spoiled brats. I am sure they drive away the few newbies that join the group.

same. apart of a variety of forums. but I learned long ago that when you join a car forum, and you want to introduce yourself and boast about your car and car history, there's a 100% chance that there are introduction thread/s for not just you, but your car as well.

but yet here we are, in a thread, opened by you, about this "unicorn", and not even a picture, not even one of the tach. Yet YOU'RE the victim to our vulgarity and rudeness. You made the conscious decision to join, and not at least try and step in the right direction on all this.

if new members are being driven out that easily, then damn, then clearly they are so inept that they probably shouldn't be trying to work on cars.

but if you come here. learn from your mistakes and short comings, you get accepted and are part of the group, welcomed with open arms. But if you're so disturbed by our behavior, good luck to you and your car, the [X] window is at the top right.

07-24-2019, 02:40 PM
Probably because the person assumed my age, my mechanical ability and low key shit on the entire community saying we're idiots for not buying rotted cars that has no strut towers or frame rails.

If that's how you'd like to start your little introduction to this forum, prepare yourself for a group e-fucking. Sure, you'll get a few dick riders that will come to your rescue but the real ones will either ignore you or call you out on your stupidity.

07-24-2019, 08:57 PM
same. apart of a variety of forums. but I learned long ago that when you join a car forum, and you want to introduce yourself and boast about your car and car history, there's a 100% chance that there are introduction thread/s for not just you, but your car as well.

but yet here we are, in a thread, opened by you, about this "unicorn", and not even a picture, not even one of the tach. Yet YOU'RE the victim to our vulgarity and rudeness. You made the conscious decision to join, and not at least try and step in the right direction on all this.

if new members are being driven out that easily, then damn, then clearly they are so inept that they probably shouldn't be trying to work on cars.

but if you come here. learn from your mistakes and short comings, you get accepted and are part of the group, welcomed with open arms. But if you're so disturbed by our behavior, good luck to you and your car, the [X] window is at the top right.

I think I love you.

All these new people want order and protection from the rules...buuuuut they don't want to follow the rules. Then you break said rules, post a shit thread with zero pictures, then bounce back and forth between chumming it up with the 'meanies' and the 'victims'.

Choose a side. I love how people like you ignore the threads where people admit to being new yet aren't stupid as all fuck, and are generally received here. There are plenty of new people here that get it. Get on THEIR level.

Kem Poyner
07-24-2019, 11:28 PM
I think I love you.

All these new people want order and protection from the rules...buuuuut they don't want to follow the rules. Then you break said rules, post a shit thread with zero pictures, then bounce back and forth between chumming it up with the 'meanies' and the 'victims'.

Choose a side. I love how people like you ignore the threads where people admit to being new yet aren't stupid as all fuck, and are generally received here. There are plenty of new people here that get it. Get on THEIR level.

Funny how after I started this thread, a couple hours later you started a new thread (OEM+). It asked the same exact question I did. You even called it uplifting! How can a shit thread be uplifting? Maybe you should choose a side.
I have tried everything to upload my pictures but it fails each time. My Jpegs are the right size but I have not been a member for 30 days.
You fuckers can all blow it out of your snowflake asses.

07-24-2019, 11:44 PM
Funny how after I started this thread, a couple hours later you started a new thread (OEM+). It asked the same exact question I did. You even called it uplifting! How can a shit thread be uplifting? Maybe you should choose a side.
I have tried everything to upload my pictures but it fails each time. My Jpegs are the right size but I have not been a member for 30 days.
You fuckers can all blow it out of your snowflake asses.

Are you seeing things? His original post in that thread asked not one single question. Its purely a chat thread for OEM+ cars and restored cars to chat and to post pictures.

All you simply needed to do from the get go was admit you made a mistake, and maybe ask about pictures? Not that hard. Pictures you upload to a 3rd party site, like tinypic, and then post the link in your post, very common practice for many forums.

07-25-2019, 06:24 AM
That thread was OEM+ for about 10 minutes. Now you have slammed cars on wheels and coils. Those threads are always stupid.

EVERYTHING is OEM+. It starts factory and then the 'plus' is added.

07-25-2019, 06:36 AM
Funny how after I started this thread, a couple hours later you started a new thread (OEM+). It asked the same exact question I did. You even called it uplifting! How can a shit thread be uplifting? Maybe you should choose a side.
I have tried everything to upload my pictures but it fails each time. My Jpegs are the right size but I have not been a member for 30 days.
You fuckers can all blow it out of your snowflake asses.

Yeah. I'm trying out a 'solution' instead of encouraging the 'problem'.

Maybe if I start a thread with some simple, preserved cars it will be deemed 'cool'. If it's deemed 'cool' then, attention-seeking newcomers like yourself won't start new threads asking the obvious question that's obviously obvious. Allow me to repeat myself:

It's like Facebook knows what Zilvia has been searching and we're getting all these garbage threads:

"Hey should I do what everyone and their Mom thinks I should do? Or should I do the total opposite dawgggieeeeeeeee!"


In the future, try to make the thread worth while. No pictures of the car? Come on man...

...by getting you guys to realize that preserved cars can be cool, I can help preserve the remaining S-Chassis cars out there. It's like Inception: I'm trying to plant an idea.

I didn't ask a question. It's obvious what my take on the issue is.

When I said choose a side I meant this:

Follow the rules, admit faults, move on.


Post dumb fucking threads for attention, get called out, argue and see how it goes. If Zilvia has this insane reputation for being bad it's funny how new people STILL join and STILL ignore the rules.

07-25-2019, 06:37 AM
Are you seeing things? His original post in that thread asked not one single question. Its purely a chat thread for OEM+ cars and restored cars to chat and to post pictures.

All you simply needed to do from the get go was admit you made a mistake, and maybe ask about pictures? Not that hard. Pictures you upload to a 3rd party site, like tinypic, and then post the link in your post, very common practice for many forums.

Yeah. He never even acknowledged the part about pictures until now. We were supposed to KNOW he couldn't upload them..instead of letting his ill-thought-out thread lead us to believe he was inept at posting images.

That thread was OEM+ for about 10 minutes. Now you have slammed cars on wheels and coils. Those threads are always stupid.

EVERYTHING is OEM+. It starts factory and then the 'plus' is added.


You fucking know what OEM+ is you cuck.

07-25-2019, 06:48 AM
I call it like I see it. You open the door for some fucking dick head to post a picture of his piece of shit that doesn't have a kit on it and that's what you get. I bet in a few weeks, only 30% of the cars will follow the guideline and the rest will be some shit that looks like it was a corn field stunt double in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

07-25-2019, 10:37 AM
You fuckers can all blow it out of your snowflake asses.

59 yrs old, has "belong to a lot of forums due to my many interests and hobbies" in a few other forum spaces, cant follow basic search parameters, cries but doesn't try,easily triggered, and we, we, are the snowflakes?

not even a retort to my comments at least to acknowledge the facts pointed out.

good luck on future endeavors Poyner, with that thin skin, you're going to need it.

Kem Poyner
07-25-2019, 11:10 AM

Kem Poyner
07-25-2019, 12:21 PM

07-25-2019, 01:11 PM
^ Confirmed. You're a fucking idiot.

Kem Poyner
07-25-2019, 01:27 PM
I have tried two different 3rd party sites, when it comes to computers I guess I am over my head. Unless someone else can post them for me, I'm tapping out.
I know you all think I am a liar and don't own the car I described. I do own a very nice 240sx. I know cars, not URL's.
Nobody here knows me and I am not gonna brag about my accomplishments. But if you ever get bored...Put my name in Google images and you will see I am no idiot.

07-25-2019, 01:31 PM
How about just posting the https:// URL they give you and maybe someone can help? We aren't fucking mind readers. We can't imagine up the URL you were given for your images.

EDIT: I googled your name as seen here (https://www.google.com/search?q=kem+poyner&rlz=1C1EJFC_enUS824US824&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6qdfR59DjAhVinuAKHXvLBCIQ_AUIESgB&biw=1920&bih=937) and ironically, you really ARE a dummy.

07-25-2019, 01:33 PM
^^^^^Use the Tapatalk app for posting pictures. It's easy and free to use.

Edit...arrows pointing at Kem's post, not Supa

Kem Poyner
07-25-2019, 01:43 PM
How about just posting the https:// URL they give you and maybe someone can help? We aren't fucking mind readers. We can't imagine up the URL you were given for your images.

EDIT: I googled your name as seen here (https://www.google.com/search?q=kem+poyner&rlz=1C1EJFC_enUS824US824&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6qdfR59DjAhVinuAKHXvLBCIQ_AUIESgB&biw=1920&bih=937) and ironically, you really ARE a dummy.

I guess I walked into that one!!

07-25-2019, 01:54 PM
Kem there’s pics of actual dummies when using Google Images for your name. If you can PM me pics of your car I’ll post them for you.


07-25-2019, 02:34 PM
Kem’s s13


Kem Poyner
07-25-2019, 02:48 PM
Thanks Blackhand for helping a guy out of a jam. The guy in the pic is not me, its the guy I got the car from. The coupe was on blocks and we had just taken the tarp off that had covered it for 13 years!

07-25-2019, 04:27 PM
ahh... reminds me of my old pile...

07-25-2019, 04:28 PM
throw an SR in it

07-25-2019, 04:55 PM
I call it like I see it. You open the door for some fucking dick head to post a picture of his piece of shit that doesn't have a kit on it and that's what you get. I bet in a few weeks, only 30% of the cars will follow the guideline and the rest will be some shit that looks like it was a corn field stunt double in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Yeah that's why I'm going to have to shut down people that want to show off theirs cars that miss the mark...but you can't deny seeing shit like the gzuz guy's car is cool. That's the shit I'm hoping for.

Kem’s s13

THAT'S the shit I want to see.

Thanks Blackhand for helping a guy out of a jam. The guy in the pic is not me, its the guy I got the car from. The coupe was on blocks and we had just taken the tarp off that had covered it for 13 years!

...so are you the guy that looks like Les Stroud from Survivorman?

You'll be alright here if you ask for shit after at least making an attempt. I don't think we thought you were bullshittng, but maybe too eager to 'show off' but put minimal work in. We're over that bridge now, so let's see how it goes from here.

I use Imgur for pictures. I think it's the most user-friendly.

Replace subframe bushings, track down any leaks, and get it OEM-like status. Maybe get an SR, slowly put it together if the current motor is running fine, then throw an SR in it

Yeah what he said. ^^^

07-26-2019, 07:49 AM
All I smell is bullshit. Dude claims he's no idiot and he's capable of all this shit and all I see is a S13 some old guy kept in somewhat decent condition for him to buy. I see nothing that leads me to believe that car has holes, dislodged frame rails, etc. Looks like you bought it mint and are taking credit for the dude that preserved it.

Show us the gore or the e-bullying will continue.

Kem Poyner
07-26-2019, 09:48 AM
All I smell is bullshit. Dude claims he's no idiot and he's capable of all this shit and all I see is a S13 some old guy kept in somewhat decent condition for him to buy. I see nothing that leads me to believe that car has holes, dislodged frame rails, etc. Looks like you bought it mint and are taking credit for the dude that preserved it.

Show us the gore or the e-bullying will continue.

Put down the bong dude, your ramblings make no sense.

07-26-2019, 09:58 AM
If it were my car, i'd still modify it, but I wouldnt do anything that couldn't be undone, and I'd keep everything.

I'd still do some coils and wheels, probably seats and a steering wheel. Nothing super aggressive, just make it look better and fun.

lets be honest, I stock S13 is not a good looking car.

07-26-2019, 10:32 AM
Kem if your goal is to have an s13 that will be valuable in the future then maybe just repaint it, clean the hell out of it, and replace any worn out parts with OEM stuff until it looks like it did brand new.
That's assuming an s13 will ever be valuable enough in the future to justify keeping it stock vs. modified.
I personally would love to own a great condition bone stock s13 coupe but let's face it; they're pretty underwhelming in stock form. These are also pretty niche market cars. They don't have the same mass appeal as an r34, FD RX7, MKIV Supra, etc. Cars that are absolutely going to be worth more money in the future in great OEM stock condition.
I would modify it but keep the upgrades simple...nothing you can't undo.

Kem Poyner
07-26-2019, 10:47 AM
If it were my car, i'd still modify it, but I wouldnt do anything that couldn't be undone, and I'd keep everything.

I'd still do some coils and wheels, probably seats and a steering wheel. Nothing super aggressive, just make it look better and fun.

lets be honest, I stock S13 is not a good looking car.

I have already put a ton of work into it. Replaced items needed to get engine to run like it should, replaced all interior parts that were worn or faded and the car is completely sanded to bare metal. I will repaint to stock color when the weather here cools down.
I bought nice coil overs and will replace bushings and some suspension parts.
I am going to lower the car some and fill wheel wells with nice wheels and tires, as wide as possible with out fender pulling. (Maybe just a roll)

07-26-2019, 10:57 AM
I have already put a ton of work into it. Replaced items needed to get engine to run like it should, replaced all interior parts that were worn or faded and the car is completely sanded to bare metal. I will repaint to stock color when the weather here cools down.
I bought nice coil overs and will replace bushings and some suspension parts.
I am going to lower the car some and fill wheel wells with nice wheels and tires, as wide as possible with out fender pulling. (Maybe just a roll)

Sounds like you've already decided to modify it. I don't blame you. I don't think they'll ever be worth enough money in the future to justify keeping them stock but who knows?

07-26-2019, 12:12 PM
Didn't realize your dumbass was the one that posted this thread. Some other fuck thought it would be cool to invest thousands trying to save a car that had no frame or shock towers.

You're equally as stupid, though.

Kem Poyner
07-26-2019, 02:32 PM
Didn't realize your dumbass was the one that posted this thread. Some other fuck thought it would be cool to invest thousands trying to save a car that had no frame or shock towers.

You're equally as stupid, though.

I sense your starting to like me! For being such a shit, I admit,
your entertaining. You know you want to buy one of my puppets so you can have a little shit to talk to.

07-26-2019, 03:05 PM
I sense your starting to like me! For being such a shit, I admit,
your entertaining. You know you want to buy one of my puppets so you can have a little shit to talk to.

ohh, look it that, the old mans got, what did they call it back then? Moxie?

07-26-2019, 03:57 PM
I am going to lower the car some and fill wheel wells with nice wheels and tires, as wide as possible with out fender pulling. (Maybe just a roll)Roll them, before the paint... People always forget.

Kem Poyner
07-26-2019, 04:22 PM
Roll them, before the paint... People always forget.

I won't paint it until new tires and wheels are in place and car sets just how I want it.

07-26-2019, 04:24 PM

its a stock s13 coupe

i am in awe

really, kem, you've got something very rare and special.

Roll them, before the paint... People always forget.

yes, roll the fenders. so you can fit.......... stock wheels.

Kem Poyner
07-26-2019, 04:50 PM

its a stock s13 coupe

i am in awe

really, kem, you've got something very rare and special.

yes, roll the fenders. so you can fit.......... stock wheels.

Thank you kindly sir! I will do it proud!

07-26-2019, 05:08 PM
I won't paint it until new tires and wheels are in place and car sets just how I want it.Even better.

yes, roll the fenders. so you can fit.......... stock wheels.He stated he was getting wider rims, tires and lowering it... lol

07-26-2019, 06:10 PM
well after 2 months of searching for a decent car that wasnt molested too bad by some kid like yourself, i found nothing until this roller came along which is halfway decent looking from 15 ft, clean interior parts, with decent mods, exhaust, intake, coils, rims, etc..... I fixed it all structurally, body worked and painted the bay, installed an obd 2 ka for cheap as shit, pieced together a clean interior and new carpet, and got it on the road for less than i could buy a runner for at the time in my area with less mods...

So it actually seems like Im ahead of the overpriced 240 game at this point.

And i think i will fit in here, since Ive been driving 1jz powered widebody 240s before you even got your drivers license kido

Two months isnt that long to look for a clean car. Also, if you live in the midwest theres a premium for rust free. Your fault for not looking hard enough.
Its not uncommon for people to pay 700-1k to ship a decent car from out of state.

Hard to throw insults around if you don't even know what to look for in a decent car.

07-30-2019, 03:46 PM
Roll them, before the paint... People always forget.

yes, roll the fenders. so you can fit.......... stock wheels.

:tardrim: .......

08-06-2019, 01:39 AM
Hmmm. This post is something to look at. Full of controversy. Clicked hoping for photos, stayed for the comments.

08-06-2019, 06:14 AM
Two months isnt that long to look for a clean car. Also, if you live in the midwest theres a premium for rust free. Your fault for not looking hard enough.
Its not uncommon for people to pay 700-1k to ship a decent car from out of state.

Hard to throw insults around if you don't even know what to look for in a decent car.

Dont know what to look for??? My 1st s13 was a rust free one owner car from down south..... but yea i guess i dont know what to look for. Like i said ive got time into this car but i still think with the dollars invested, im still ahead of the 240 pricing. Didnt really wanna spend 3 grand then throw another 1000 to ship. idk man its all preference, and in wisconsin it all about how much rust repair you wanna do...

08-06-2019, 06:27 AM
Hmmm. This post is something to look at. Full of controversy. Clicked hoping for photos, stayed for the comments.

hell yea.... you should hop in the ring and join in on the bashing, dont just spectate:drama:

08-06-2019, 07:02 AM
Oh wow. All the people with under 100 posts are coming in here to hide from general population here that cuts their shit up the second they get it and now they're turning against eachother. This shit is rich.

If you DON'T buy your S-chassis from down south or some barn to where it's rust free, you're a moron unless the deal was worth it and the repair work is light. If you're investing your time in money into someone's abortion of a project, you deserve both the aggravation of working on it as well as the aggravation of coming here and getting digitally destroyed. These cars are more rare than they used to be for obvious reasons but aren't impossible to find in good condition unless you're a cheap fuck.

08-06-2019, 08:18 AM
its all on the time vs money scale. Took me a weekend to weld and fix my bay and floor... then paint bla bla, vs paying for mint and shipping or drive/fly to get it, in my case the family life wouldnt allow trip south, so rust repair it is. Structual work first, body work is down the road, but rippin and tearin is now.

08-06-2019, 08:19 AM
ive got 13 posts now, so thats like basically a hundred

08-06-2019, 08:39 AM
And most are double posts because you can't stop clicking 'post' instead of letting the slow ass outdated forum load.

Kem Poyner
08-06-2019, 12:54 PM
yeah, this thread has it all. I bet its the first one where even puppets got involved. I have to say I learned real quick how things work around here....not for the weak of heart!!

08-06-2019, 02:05 PM
There wasn't a clause when you signed up saying this is a safe place.

Let's keep all the stupid shit talking banter isolated to a different thread. This thread is dedicated to an opinionated question that is stupid in itself - it doesn't need any more help than it already has.