View Full Version : Taylorswift21

06-12-2019, 09:09 AM
Zilvia member: Taylorswift21

Scammed me for imaginary goods, no contact since.

Dont do buisness with this person or anyone with the following emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Been looking for so parts and per a WTB Post, Member Taylorswift21 sent me this PM:

Hello Buddy, Email Mate in Massachusetts, [email protected] He might still have it for sale.

I think this is all the same person, thieving bastard.

If a forum admin can get me that members phone number I would greatly appreciate it as im reporting the theft and every bit of info will help

06-12-2019, 09:21 AM
Zilvia member: Taylorswift21

Scammed me for imaginary goods, no contact since.

Dont do buisness with this person or anyone with the following emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Been looking for so parts and per a WTB Post, Member Taylorswift21 sent me this PM:

Hello Buddy, Email Mate in Massachusetts, [email protected] He might still have it for sale.

I think this is all the same person, thieving bastard.

If a forum admin can get me that members phone number I would greatly appreciate it as im reporting the theft and every bit of info will help

Did you send him money thru Paypal as friends & family or goods & services?
If you sent as friends & family you have no recourse to get your money back.
If you sent it as goods & sevices Paypal can refund your money.

06-12-2019, 09:32 AM
Imaginary goods as in what?

P.S. There is a section specifically for this type of activity...

06-12-2019, 10:01 AM
My bad Supa, I thought I had seen a section for scams but must have overlooked it.

Just some silvia front parts.

Thanks BlackHand, yep im SOL on this one

06-13-2019, 10:32 AM
Yep seems to have gotten me too. 300 for an s15 hood. Pics were provided. Said he would have shipped it out on the 10th. And he seems to have ghosted me, been emailing. And nothing. So it's all good. I'll have to call my bank. He uses Zelle for payment. Don't do business with him

06-13-2019, 11:04 AM
Maybe don't do business with people who refuse to use payment options that have buyer protection.

06-13-2019, 11:05 AM
i cant believe in 2019 people are still sending friends and family payments to complete strangers on the internet. getting a hold of that dudes number isnt going to do anything (if the mods even have it).

fitelite, how is zelle's dispute system? ive only ever used it once, but i used it with someone i knew/trusted.

if zelle has a garbage dispute system. stop using it. use paypal and send as regular payment (not friends and family). make this as a requirement for your transaction. it will likely weed out the scammers. even if they do try to run off with your money, paypal will refund you if you can prove they havent provided you with any sort of tracking or effort to ship it.

looks like sy90 got to the punch before me.

06-13-2019, 11:53 AM
So just got off the phone with my bank. (Chase)

Zelle is used for send money to people you know and trust without fees. (That's what makes it apperaling to most people doing business) It's not purposely used for goods and services.

So I was honest, and told I them should have looked into it more and they helped me out. They will be putting his email on high alert for future transactions. They gave me a credit and told me if I think it's a scam. I said yepppp. And they said "dope, we'll help you out".

I'm an idiot because I should have known that a mint OEM s15 hood doesn't go for 300 shipped. But, ehhhhh when your eager, ya know. I usually always do all my transactions on PayPal with goods and services, but sometimes you slip up.

Jumpman Zelle has no dispute system. So PayPal all the way forever.

Whateves. You live and learn. Just remember any lessons you ever learn are never free. You're either wasting time or money.

06-13-2019, 11:59 AM
thats awesome of Chase to help you out. and good to know about zelle.

06-13-2019, 12:00 PM
Well said Fitelite

06-13-2019, 12:13 PM
Yea, as long as your honest they're down to help you on your first time (as far as I know). Just don't be a dick about it and lie and say "I have no idea what the transactions are, please give me my money back".

They can track what phone the transaction came from. So ultimately they'll know it's you.

And if it gets that far they'll have to freeze your account. You'll have to open a new one in person in a branch. And then your old one will be closed. (I used to work in banks).

Shouldn't have to say it but, dont be a piece shit.

For any new guys that read this. Don't be a fucking scammer. Your gonna add to the reason why there's bad in the world.

06-13-2019, 12:22 PM
id like to think its heavily dictated by which bank you choose to bank with. im at a credit union, where they very rarely reverse charges (unless its legit fraud you didnt willingly participate in). they make you sign an affidavit and everything, they dont just take your word for it.

their reasoning being, you signed up for zelle and accepted the terms and conditions, therefore you can try to deal with zelle. although we all know this translates to 'youre SOL'.

person who scammed you could easily say 'X person owned me X amount of dollars, thats what this payment was for' and get away with it because its zelle.

06-13-2019, 12:38 PM
Well the common thought to many is that "banks use Zelle, so it must be equal to or as good as paypal, in regards of safety and usage". Obviously this isn't the case.

Maybe Zelle needs to put in bold "we are not a transactional vendor for goods and services".

NGL lol. That would help^^

06-13-2019, 01:29 PM
Ultimately what would help is douche bags to stop being scamming POS's.

Usually scams are easy to identify, but this asshat had pics, was detailed, and wasn't pushy about making the sale, and no ultimatums, McDouche even provided a shipping quote.

And, in regards to the 240 circle in my area, everyone is good ppl and likes to help.
But at the end of the day, a con will always take advantage of any opportunity present.

06-13-2019, 02:38 PM
Yea, he if he does do this a lot. He probably has a library of Japan Auto auction pics. And just sends them. But ultimately can't ever be to sure. Makes sense. If anyone doesn't wanna use good and services. I'm not gonna business with.

06-13-2019, 07:05 PM
Holy fuck man the extra chromosomes in here are fucking incredible.

06-13-2019, 07:45 PM
I can almost guarantee that if you google search for the image of the item he was "selling" you it will come up from an old post, likely from here. He tried to sell me an exhaust not long ago, and after he sent me the picture I questioned its authenticity and he went ghost right after. I didn't actually get scammed so I wasn't sure if he was a real scammer or just went ghost - but this proves it for sure.

Always be weary of people with single digit post numbers IMO.

06-21-2019, 08:54 AM
Holy fuck man the extra chromosomes in here are fucking incredible.


Seriously people..? Anytime someone says Email "[email protected]" 99% of the time, it will be scam....

I dont understand how in 2019 people are still falling for fucking online scams.....

12-13-2019, 08:09 AM
User Joel453 referred taariq through PM be careful. I havent got on this website for years then i come back to get scammed. Well played you dick �� like the guy above me said stick to paypal

12-13-2019, 09:19 AM
Holy fuck man the extra chromosomes in here are fucking incredible.

This comment made my whole week on Zilvia worthwhile.

12-13-2019, 11:17 AM
I get an pm almost every time i post in wtb section

Pm states contact...so and so thru email

They send u google image pics of the part ur looking for...seems legit but trust me its 100% scam.

12-13-2019, 03:08 PM
I've said it once, and I'll say it again.


12-13-2019, 05:39 PM
Sorry....i made a thread in general chat about this tried to aleart people.

Falkon. Try to posr a few wtb ads and see if they bite and send u a pm

12-13-2019, 05:41 PM
I've said it once, and I'll say it again.


Sent u a foward pmd

02-22-2020, 11:00 AM
I put a WTB and was PMed that Anney Jones in DC was selling. I reached out and just like everyone said above, this individual had photos and details and wasnt pushy. I asked to meet in person since we were only 20 miles away but Anney's schedule was "too busy" to meet in person to verify the object before purchase. I then agreed to have the item shipped and asked to pay via paypal for buyer protection. Anney said that she didnt have a paypal and to zelle to the following email: [email protected] I looked up that email on google and found this forum. Thank you all for helping me avoid a scam!!!

s13 @ fullboost
02-23-2020, 03:12 AM
I put a WTB and was PMed that Anney Jones in DC was selling. I reached out and just like everyone said above, this individual had photos and details and wasnt pushy. I asked to meet in person since we were only 20 miles away but Anney's schedule was "too busy" to meet in person to verify the object before purchase. I then agreed to have the item shipped and asked to pay via paypal for buyer protection. Anney said that she didnt have a paypal and to zelle to the following email: [email protected] I looked up that email on google and found this forum. Thank you all for helping me avoid a scam!!!

What did you want to buy? Was it anything related to this forum?