View Full Version : S13 Silvia Metal Fender Production Request

06-03-2019, 03:12 PM
Hey all, I contacted Street Faction about producing some metal silvia fenders, as they are long since obsolete.

Here is what Thao replied:
Hi Nash, thank you for the idea! Please fill out our project request form here. This form will allow us to track trending requests. Once we start seeing a trend, our team will look into which projects are the most popular and/or would make the most sense to take on.

Since our team is focused on other ongoing projects and fulfilling current orders, it can be a while before these requests can be looked at, but we will explore the possibilities and contact you if we move forward with your request. Thanks again!

Here is the link to request: https://forms.monday.com/forms/5a14ba2f3ac0a97b90f148f06c599753

Please submit a request for production of metal silvia fenders as they have the means to produce them.

Im hoping if enough people submit a request they will start making them!

If interested, this was my original email to Thao/ Street Faction:

Hi, I have a request and idea that you guys could market very easily as the demand is high an no one else is producing it.

From the looks of yalls cad designs, I truly think yall could make this idea happen and it would be a gold mind.

Here is my idea and request: S13 metal Silvia fenders

Only ones on the market are fiberglass, and the OE ones from nissan are long since obsolete.

And to further the market, if able; you could also offer over fender sizes, 20mm, 30mm, etc.

I have only been able to source 1 set of used metal silvia fenders, and they are $600 each...

Just a thought i wanted to forward, abd one i hope you guys will really consider.

06-05-2019, 10:56 PM
maybe it might just be your location but I see Factory s13 fenders for sale all the time through Facebook groups, Craigslist, ebay etc. All the time and I'm not even looking for them

06-06-2019, 06:46 AM
I don't know why Origin's or something similar would be a bad option for you unless you're looking for OEM metal. Producing a product like front widebody fenders in metal is going to cost a decent chunk. If $600 makes you want to faint, the price of their finished product - if it even ever happens - will probably kill you.

There is no market for it. 240 kids are cheap as shit and for what the fiberglass alternative costs, they're going to be blowing a ton of research and development on something that probably won't pay them back.

06-06-2019, 08:00 AM
I'd love OEM sized OEM quality silvia fenders. I'd spend good money on them.

06-06-2019, 10:03 AM
I'd love OEM sized OEM quality silvia fenders. I'd spend good money on them.

Define good money.

06-06-2019, 10:06 AM
is it too difficult to get streeter or some importer to import a bunch from japan via a shipping container?

im assuming OEM metal fenders are stamped with big machinery and very very expensive dies/molds. correct?

06-06-2019, 10:37 AM
Street Faction are more tube/plate fabrication, not so much entire panels. Ulterior Motive would be a better company to contact, surely?

06-06-2019, 04:40 PM
I think there would be a market for them, I cant be the only guy wanting metal fenders.

And I have been searching for awhile, there are few in Japan for sale i found but they are almost $1G per side.

Ive found 2 sets in the states, 1 set is $550, plus $200 for shipping (total double dip there) The second set is actually individual and they are $750 each. Both sets are used and bashed up.

Dont get me wrong I dig overs, but metal is king in my book and can be rolled and will last a lifetime, where fiberglass fenders do not.

If you can think of a better company to possibly produce metal fenders then throw a name up.
But I still believe Street Faction could and has the means to, they make door panels and lots of other items beyound simple tube reinforcements.

06-06-2019, 04:51 PM
metal fenders are stamped using machines that cost more than you can imagine (think in the millions). our fenders also have brackets that require spot welding. the reason why no one has made metal fenders is simply due to tooling and production costs. theyre astronomical, hundreds and hundreds of sets would have to be produced at one time for ANY company who owns the machinery to even consider making the parts. the cost of the parts would most likely be in the $400-$600 retail range, and they simply wouldnt sell to justify the investment.

another example of this is... i have the ability and the vendor to make brand new dashboards for the S13, and i would sacrifice my own uncracked dash to do so. but i have very little interest in dropping $10,000-$15,000 of my money into reproducing a part that will sell 1, 2, MAYBE 3 pieces in a single year so I can make a few hundred bucks per item. it would take me 5-7 years to make my money back and thats simply not in the cards in the current economical climate of the 240sx world.

unfortunately the 240sx scene is very much as SupaDoopa so termed it... cheap. this is no longer the early and mid 2000s when the entirety of the scene wasnt littered with broken down 240sx's and people had zero issue spending good money on their cars. the majority of the kids involved now only know cheap parts that are pumped out of china. unfortunately their mental conditioning is such that why spend $400 on a brand name BOV when they can get a $90 ebay special that "does the same thing". Or why should someone spend $2000 on a body kit when an ebay knock off can be had for $500. its literally boils down to the same conversation ive been having with people for 6 years now about dash boards (as mentioned above).

point is, no one will touch reproducing metal fenders simply due to the initial investment and ROI (return of investment). the 240sx scene now simply wont warrant any sort of profitable return. YES, there are some of us who have ZERO issues with spending money on quality parts, but we are becoming fewer and further in between. the BULK of the consumer in the 240sx scene wants to build a car for as cheap as possible because they see it as a disposable commodity... something to simply take to the track, beat the shit out of drifting, strip it down, throw it away and buy another.

its actually a grander reflection of our "throw away" societal mentality being so accepted by the younger generations without question, but im not going to get into that.

simply put, the ROI isnt there.

06-06-2019, 04:55 PM
im fairly certain street faction is using a mold that is not similar to what is needed for body panels. abs is not the same as sheet steel.

edit: dori beat me to it. keep looking if youre not willing to spend that amount of money. or stop being poor.

06-07-2019, 07:06 AM
Right now is the prime time to get into making 350Z/370Z parts are these are seemingly becoming the new S-chassis. They're cheap, easy to find and the aftermarket/OEM parts are easy to source and are cheap. Issue is - again - everyone is on that train right now. Getting hold of tooling and programming to stamp OEM fenders for a hand full of people isn't going to do shit. You can easily get them imported or get a different material for pennies on the dollars in comparison.

06-07-2019, 02:27 PM
I hear what you guys are saying, couldnt hurt to try I suppose which is why I asked Street Faction.

Im not afraid to spend money nor am I poor, yet there truly does exist the said drift tax- which is not something I will spend good money on for beat up used parts, good/ great used sure, depending.

As far as your dash idea, why not just buy the molded dash cover? I think they look pretty decent for what it is.

In closing, while I agree a true formula chassis can be seen as a throwaway, I dont view my S13 that way by any means, but maybe thats just my own sentimental value.
Im proud to have an almost 30 yr old S13 that is nice and not a beat up car, get compliments frequently.
While it will never be as valuable as a 60/70's camaro, I do think there will never be a cap on the S13's in value as time progresses and more chassis are parted or wrecked (to touch on your statements)

And... I wouldnt trade my 240 for any newer Z, ever. There's a reason the 240 has been and continues to be the top pick, the why is obvious and factual

06-07-2019, 03:57 PM
drift tax is nothing but people whining that they cant afford something. its called supply in demand. when the demand is there and the supply is lacking, those who can afford it can... those who cant simply complain and come up with cute phrases like "drift tax"!

in life, if you want nice things... you have to spend good money. simple as that!

06-07-2019, 04:11 PM
Basically what im getting at is not a single buisness is making restoration parts, body panels, floor boards, interior pieces, etc.

Like RSP or Yearone.

And what is baffling is, and without trying to be biased, I honestly cannot think of any other car than the 240 that has a GLOBAL popularity and following. Can you??

So why is no one reproducing restoration products?

There are 100's of companys making performance products, almost anything your heart could desire for the s-chassis, yet not a single manufacturer for restorations. WHY NOT??

Again no one wants a stock 240, im just talking about body panels, interior trims, etc.

I cant see how that wouldn't be a profitable buisness, and one with global sales

06-07-2019, 06:01 PM
Basically what im getting at is not a single buisness is making restoration parts, body panels, floor boards, interior pieces, etc.

mostly it boils down to the cost of making ABS plastic parts. theyre very expensive mold wise as its a high pressure injection system which requires the use of VERY expensive machinery, metal molds, clamps and high quantity runs.

i make exterior restoration pieces. FRP side skirts and valances, urethane lip, urethane fender extensions. i have a few urethane based exterior parts coming out for the S14 as well.

ive been looking into bringing out some interior restoration pieces for the S13 as well, but the first parts i wanted to start with are difficult and i need to find a vendor who can make them.

again man, you need to realize that the 240sx scene in general NOW is cheap... and people like me who make parts want a return on their investment. i run my business very carefully in that i have ZERO debt. i wont put something into production until i can afford the molds with cash that i have. it takes longer, but it keeps me from getting into any trouble with owing people money i dont have. other businesses run their rules differently, but the point im trying to make is... ROI is EXTREMELY important and most people wont invest money into something as expensive as metal stamps for fenders or ABS plastic based molds without a guarantee that they will see their money back on the investment.

06-08-2019, 09:59 AM
I know i'm not everyone, But I'd gladly pay $600 for brand new silvia metal fenders. I'd venture to imagine a lot of the pop up guys would too.

Everybody wants metal fenders, but most aren't worth saving.

06-09-2019, 12:11 PM
Im not afraid to spend money nor am I poo....

So why does this thread exist then

06-10-2019, 06:30 AM
Want to spend $600 on fenders? How many sets you want? I'll source them for you.

06-10-2019, 05:52 PM
Id pay $600 for a NEW set as well

06-11-2019, 06:15 AM
Cool. PayPal gift me $600. I'll get those to you ASAP.

06-11-2019, 04:24 PM
Buy 2 in average condition and take them to a bodyshop and have them fixed to "like new". Then have the rest of the car repaired while you're at it.

06-12-2019, 05:37 AM
mostly it boils down to the cost of making ABS plastic parts. theyre very expensive mold wise as its a high pressure injection system which requires the use of VERY expensive machinery, metal molds, clamps and high quantity runs.

i make exterior restoration pieces. FRP side skirts and valances, urethane lip, urethane fender extensions. i have a few urethane based exterior parts coming out for the S14 as well.

ive been looking into bringing out some interior restoration pieces for the S13 as well, but the first parts i wanted to start with are difficult and i need to find a vendor who can make them.

again man, you need to realize that the 240sx scene in general NOW is cheap... and people like me who make parts want a return on their investment. i run my business very carefully in that i have ZERO debt. i wont put something into production until i can afford the molds with cash that i have. it takes longer, but it keeps me from getting into any trouble with owing people money i dont have. other businesses run their rules differently, but the point im trying to make is... ROI is EXTREMELY important and most people wont invest money into something as expensive as metal stamps for fenders or ABS plastic based molds without a guarantee that they will see their money back on the investment.

exactly, as i say millennial generation are the ones who became cheap:bigok:

06-12-2019, 06:45 AM
exactly, as i say millennial generation are the ones who became cheap:bigok:

It has nothing to do with kids being cheap, it's the fact the chassis are no longer the go-to budget drift car. The market is littered with new chassis that people can get for next to nothing. Now that the market is divided into those chassis, they can charge whatever they want. Go try to buy shit for an E36/46 or a SC300 or IS300 or JZX compared to a S-chassis. No one is making innovating things for our chassis because it's like beating a dead horse - most people have moved on to either something newer or something with the steering wheel on the other side.

06-12-2019, 08:24 AM
I was tracking two auctions that were up at the same time from different sellers on Yahoo! about a year ago or so for brand new unused PS13 Silvia front fenders. I believe the total buyout price was something like $1200 USD before shipping, and Streeter quoted me about $1600 shipped to the states.

They ended up selling. There are definitely people out there willing to spend money on these types of things. The age old "S chassis kids are too cheap" copout is beginning to die out because it isn't really kids that are building and restoring S13s anymore- it is guys in their 30s that are slowly coming back to these cars after getting out of it a decade ago. I'm not saying "cheap kids" don't exist anymore, but I definitely feel like things have begun to shift.

06-12-2019, 09:36 AM
Not sure if it's the fact that older people are buying them or it's just the fact that they're rare because all the good ones have been destroyed thus far. When the market was flooded, you could get bricks for next to nothing. Now that people have smashed them all into oblivion, the price has sky rocketed due to rarity. I don't know the fascination with metal fenders anyways. If you're drifting the car like your thread on GKTech knuckles eludes to, metal should be the last thing you want.

06-12-2019, 10:09 AM
CamryOnBronze hit the nail on the head for me. I was in the scene big time 10yrs ago and got out. Now Im back in and will be dirty 30 this year. Sure this still kids trashing the s-chassis but I think most owner's now are in the 30-40 age range.

And Supa, im actually working on 2 hatches at the moment. A track car which will be running GKtech front/ rear, Bink Industries Subframe, Stance, etc etc etc. And then a street toy that im really just trying to do more of a restoration with a few upgrades, Z32, sil front but with Bricks- purchased a whole front clip for $1500 but the fenders are trashed, but hey I got very nice bricks, steel hood, and more, was a steal

06-12-2019, 10:40 AM
Owners in the 30-40 range? When is the last time you've been to any meet that involves car enthusiasts of a younger age? 240's are everywhere in the younger community. Shit, go to a drift event and get an average age. You're in the 18-28 year range predominately.

Anyways, it's not the way I could have bought everything to each their own. You can buy the bricks, brackets, a better aftermarket hood, GTR grille, etc. for the same money. But again, to each their own. I like to spend my money once but just so you're aware, that isn't a steal unless there was a motor in it. Fingers crossed none of the tabs on the bricks are broken.

06-12-2019, 11:23 AM
...The age old "S chassis kids are too cheap" copout is beginning to die out because it isn't really kids that are building and restoring S13s anymore...

the 240sx scene still consists of late teens to mid 20 somethings. i deal with them all day, every day on FB as i have to frequently advertise and hustle in the FB forums... and yes, kids in the 240sx scene are a bit "cheap", generally have a "hive mentality" regarding what parts to use, have a very different attitude and idea towards these cars than we did/do aaaaaand were raised in the scene with the idea of "destroying a car drifting is cool" (which really plays into how they treat one another as well, social media is a fucking cesspool of negativity anymore).

now i do find it amusing when someone posts a super clean S-Chassis for sale for like $8000-$15,000 (depending on quality of build) and everyone moans, groans and throws around "drift tax". i am genuinely amazed how people dont understand the term "supply in demand". when supply goes down and the demand is still there, the price goes up... simple as that. but i tend to lean toward the notion that kids involved with 240s in current times have grown up in a society where things are very plentiful, most items are simply throw away as a newer, better version comes out every 6 months to a year and the younger generation was never really taught to appreciate the things they have because one day they may not have them... or theyll have to pay top dollar for them.

most of us "old guys" have a very different view of these cars and we treat/build them much differently. but also, most of us old dudes are now well into our 30s and damn near pushing 40. theres a few exceptions out there, but for the most part... the 240sx made a name for itself in drifting in the 90s, carried into the 2000s, and as drifting got more and more "extreme" and "abusive", that ideology was embedded into the minds of the younger kids who dont care about trashing their cars in the name of drifting and they simply dont have the financial means, patience or attention spans to build things out or take care of them the way they should.

hell, ive had my current S13 for 9 years this July... and im FINALLY back on the "get the stupid car done" bandwagon. my hatch has sat for 2 1/2 years with very little getting done to it. but over the 9 years of ownership, i didnt take my car out and trash it via the drift course. i invested my money into my business and built something that at least gives back to the 240sx scene in letting us "old guys" buy the old school aero parts we all grew up with and loved. but yeah, i think us "old guys" have much different views on 240sx's in general, we now have the means to build or restore a car without a lot of financial issues and were just in a much different place in life than we were some 15 years ago.

06-12-2019, 03:35 PM
I checked your store out dorki, I dig some of the parts your crafting man and intend on purchasing a few when I start on the body for the street car.

Beyond these forums, I dont do social media, no facebook, nothing. Too much drama

And Supa, despite the crowd you may roll with, the guys I chill and wrench with are all in there 30's, and all S13 dudes. Its character and trust I want around me, not high school "bro's" that have no expirence or knowledge.

And...since you seem to always wanna hate about any post I make lol, after looking at prices of steel hoods, bricks, silvia brackets, etc, I feel that 1500 for a complete clip shipped was an excellent deal. Last week I saw a pair of bricks sell for $1200 alone, my set are immaculate and complete.

Simply put:
Rich ppl stay rich by living poor. Poor ppl stay poor by trying to live rich.
I make great money, but budget for projects, and save a % every check- thats the best way to live financially

06-13-2019, 06:32 AM
And Supa, despite the crowd you may roll with, the guys I chill and wrench with are all in there 30's, and all S13 dudes. Its character and trust I want around me, not high school "bro's" that have no expirence or knowledge.

Gayest use of Tokyo Drift quote ever. Maybe you could have asked them what SSR stands for.

You've signed up for a dying forum two months ago. You've got another 3-5 years of asking stupid shit and getting shit on before you're accepted and by then, I'm not entirely sure the forum will even exist. In the mean time, if you enjoy spending stupid money on stupid things, that's your prerogative and none of my business but justifying the cost of a front end because you got bricks that were decent and comparing them to some pleb that wants top dollar for them is irrelevant. YAJ! has them for short money if you are like me and fill a container.

06-13-2019, 08:02 AM
I'd still gladly pay $600 for a set of brand new OEM re-pop fenders (as long as they were as perfect as OEM)

Thats really not an unreasonable price. Hell, a few years back S13 pop up fenders from the dealer were just shy of $400 a piece. Look at nissanparts.cc, they're still selling tons of expensive OEM stuff. That brand new fuel pump hangar / sending unit they posted up as $400+. People are dropping 5-600 on new type x lights, and type x aero. Maybe its worth reaching out to them to see what they can get..

I / we understand that not everybody is after metal fenders, but I'd be willing to put my money on more people would own metal fenders if they were more readily available in new / great shape.

Also, J, you and I both know a ton of dudes that are in their 30's and still playing with 240's.

06-13-2019, 08:28 AM
[QUOTE=SupaDoopa;6346481]Gayest use of Tokyo Drift quote ever. Maybe you could have asked them what SSR stads for.

Haha yes!! I was hoping you would catch that shit! I think I love you for knowing that.

Again...no where on those wheels does it say "SSR" just Speed Star and some Japanese Writing. So not that it makes a difference im assuming my set was produced before Speed Star was bought out.

06-13-2019, 09:04 AM
Again...no where on those wheels does it say "SSR" just Speed Star and some Japanese Writing. So not that it makes a difference im assuming my set was produced before Speed Star was bought out.

Just a heads up... SSR is Speed Star Racing and Speed Star Racing is SSR regardless of ownership. I believe Tanabe owns SSR now and nothings really changed. Still the same manufacturing methods and still made in Japan.

06-13-2019, 09:12 AM
Just a heads up... SSR is Speed Star Racing and Speed Star Racing is SSR regardless of ownership. I believe Tanabe owns SSR now and nothings really changed. Still the same manufacturing methods and still made in Japan.

Again my wheels do not say that.
They say: Speed Star Co.

So no I would not have pulled the acronym SSR for what clearly would have been SSC which is actually another Rim brand

Please look at the link to the post my friend made with pictures so we stop continuing to beat this dead horse 🐎

06-13-2019, 09:35 AM
I'd still gladly pay $600 for a set of brand new OEM re-pop fenders (as long as they were as perfect as OEM)

Thats really not an unreasonable price. Hell, a few years back S13 pop up fenders from the dealer were just shy of $400 a piece. Look at nissanparts.cc, they're still selling tons of expensive OEM stuff. That brand new fuel pump hangar / sending unit they posted up as $400+. People are dropping 5-600 on new type x lights, and type x aero. Maybe its worth reaching out to them to see what they can get..

I / we understand that not everybody is after metal fenders, but I'd be willing to put my money on more people would own metal fenders if they were more readily available in new / great shape.

Also, J, you and I both know a ton of dudes that are in their 30's and still playing with 240's.

Steve, why can't you just kiss me like you used to? It's really sad that we don't intertwine our bodies like that anymore. We made art together; real art.

Again my wheels do not say that.
They say: Speed Star Co.

So no I would not have pulled the acronym SSR for what clearly would have been SSC which is actually another Rim brand

Please look at the link to the post my friend made with pictures so we stop continuing to beat this dead horse 🐎

No one has to look at any links. Speed Star is a trademarked name and always will be. Again, we wouldn't be beating a dead horse if you'd be smart enough to make that conclusion when you Google'd it. If you even took the name your friend posted of the wheel and Google'd it, SSR comes up. SSR = Speed Star = Speed Star Co = sPeEd sTaR cO = 5p33d 574r c0 = whatever other jumble fuck of letters and synonyms you'd like to use.

Let's put this in terms you'll be able to understand. Toyota = Lexus = Scion. Call it what you want, they're the same fucking thing.

/mods delete
/mods ban OP
/are any mods even on this forum anymore
/wild steve is my soul mate
/wild steve is my mate

06-13-2019, 10:03 AM
I googled it after posting on here, as mentioned previously.

You come off as a super bleak dude man, have you ever said anything without negativity embedded somewhere?

I did enjoy your ranting correlations though, made me laugh

06-13-2019, 10:12 AM
Also, no honestly I never knew what SSR standed for let alone was an acronym.

Remember the clothing brand FUBU? That was an acronym, but one with several different meanings depending on what ethnic group you asked.

And no I didnt ask one of the guys in my ratpack, as I said earlier, I should have just googled first.
And finally, I dont believe in a "dumb" question in a simple sense, if someone doesnt know so.ething they should ask, otherwise they would stay dumb without growing with new knowledge.

So have I really asked any dumb questions? Or should I just have reframed from reaching out to guys in the import scene to ask a question about a wheel Id never heard of, or just used google?

06-13-2019, 10:33 AM
Again my wheels do not say that.
They say: Speed Star Co.

So no I would not have pulled the acronym SSR for what clearly would have been SSC which is actually another Rim brand

Please look at the link to the post my friend made with pictures so we stop continuing to beat this dead horse 🐎

wasnt jumping your shit man... just passing along info is all :) i really dont bust peoples balls anymore. theres no point. id rather share information freely and help educate someone than make them feel bad for simple ignorance.

06-13-2019, 11:24 AM
wasnt jumping your shit man... just passing along info is all :) i really dont bust peoples balls anymore. theres no point. id rather share information freely and help educate someone than make them feel bad for simple ignorance.

Nah Dorki my troll was towards Supa, i appreciate your educated replys Dorki.

06-13-2019, 12:48 PM
Why do I come off negative? Because there is well over two decades of information on this forum. Two decades. That's twenty years... and that's just one forum. Making threads and then Googling AFTER isn't how this works. You're lucky it's me here and now versus this forum a couple years ago in it's peak and I had moderation power when I was more active myself. You would have been savagely destroyed and then IP banned leaving you to venture to a different forum like NICO where the same result would happen. Use this as a Zilvia lesson or even for any forum in the future before they become so antiquated that they no longer exist. There is literally a disclosure when you make an account that says SEARCH BEFORE YOU POST. I think there is a whole array of emoji's because we deal with this on a daily basis. I don't like to be a douche and I'm actually quite the opposite in person but when you see this type of stuff for the nearly 10 years I've been here, it gets old. It gets really old.

06-15-2019, 08:55 PM
I would also pay $600 for a set of new s13 silvia fenders.

06-24-2019, 08:40 PM
Supa seems like a nice guy. I'd be his friend irl

06-25-2019, 12:00 PM
Accepting friends. If you're interested, I'll send you my VENMO.

06-25-2019, 12:30 PM
will i get access to your premium snap chat? are you reporting the boobie monies you make to the IRS?

06-25-2019, 02:52 PM
All funds are being reported directly to my bank account. You'll get premium content solely dependent on the gratuity you provide.

06-27-2019, 12:50 PM
Brand new metal fenders that are close to OE dimensions is possible. However, they won't be $600.

There will be two aspects of this that will throw people off...

1) MOQ: probably at least 200+ pairs for any factory to even consider.
2) Cost: it's not just the cost of the fenders. Since they are no longer available new, a factory cannot just find a part number and reproduce it. They would either need a car to test/measure with, or brand new, untouched OE fenders to reproduce from (and still require some type of jig to have it mounted in the proper location.

After all said and done, we are looking at probably $150-300k in investment with people constantly asking "can I get it for $600?"

No sane company would develop a product like this. And no sane buyer will pay $2000-3000 for a pair of OE fenders.

06-27-2019, 01:43 PM
There are definitely people out there willing to spend money on these types of things.

Just look at what nissan has done with the GTR. You can now buy new GTR quarters. but they arnt mass produced anymore and are priced as such. $1500 USD each side.

06-27-2019, 02:19 PM
Can’t Nissan just bring back s-chassis reproduction parts like they’re doing for R-chassis..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-27-2019, 02:30 PM
Can’t Nissan just bring back s-chassis reproduction parts like they’re doing for R-chassis..

LOL! Nissan USA refuses to even acknowledge our cars existed in the first place.

Not sure about other places in the world, but i wouldnt hold my breath. If the R-Chassis parts thing does well, MAYBE one day well start seeing those much needed fenders return... but honestly, dont count on seeing restoration parts for the S-Chassis coming out of Japan anytime soon.

Keep in mind though, theres still tons of little things you can find for the car (OE rubber etc) to restore with. hell, i just picked up a brand new hatch weather stripping for $180 (WORTH EVERY PENNY BTW! gets rid of SO much unwanted noise from the hatch area), brand new hood bumpers and new hatch bumpers. Gonna be grabbing brand new front windshield molding surround soon along with new inner door weatherstripping (the part where the glass rests against). Also picked up brand new weather stripping for the sun roof glass earlier this year.

06-27-2019, 03:05 PM
Brand new metal fenders that are close to OE dimensions is possible. However, they won't be $600.

There will be two aspects of this that will throw people off...

1) MOQ: probably at least 200+ pairs for any factory to even consider.
2) Cost: it's not just the cost of the fenders. Since they are no longer available new, a factory cannot just find a part number and reproduce it. They would either need a car to test/measure with, or brand new, untouched OE fenders to reproduce from (and still require some type of jig to have it mounted in the proper location.

After all said and done, we are looking at probably $150-300k in investment with people constantly asking "can I get it for $600?"

No sane company would develop a product like this. And no sane buyer will pay $2000-3000 for a pair of OE fenders.
this thread needs this stickied in post one and locked.

06-27-2019, 03:17 PM
Man where do you find all the weather stripping and rubber pieces lol. Honestly I’d love to find the new rubber where the door window seals between the window and the mirror. This I cannot find and I heard the newer door seals don’t even have that part included.

Keep in mind though, theres still tons of little things you can find for the car (OE rubber etc) to restore with. hell, i just picked up a brand new hatch weather stripping for $180 (WORTH EVERY PENNY BTW! gets rid of SO much unwanted noise from the hatch area), brand new hood bumpers and new hatch bumpers. Gonna be grabbing brand new front windshield molding surround soon along with new inner door weatherstripping (the part where the glass rests against). Also picked up brand new weather stripping for the sun roof glass earlier this year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-27-2019, 03:25 PM
this thread needs this stickied in post one and locked.

and people STILL wouldnt read it!

06-27-2019, 03:26 PM
Man where do you find all the weather stripping and rubber pieces lol. Honestly I’d love to find the new rubber where the door window seals between the window and the mirror. This I cannot find and I heard the newer door seals don’t even have that part included.

Z1 Motorsports is an EXCELLENT source for tracking these parts down. ive been finding most everything im looking for via eBay

06-27-2019, 08:46 PM
Just look at what nissan has done with the GTR. You can now buy new GTR quarters. but they arnt mass produced anymore and are priced as such. $1500 USD each side.

The S14 quarters when mass produced were between $850 and $1100.

06-27-2019, 08:49 PM
Z1 Motorsports is an EXCELLENT source for tracking these parts down. ive been finding most everything im looking for via eBay

Also NissanParts.cc gets a ton odd ball stuff too.

06-27-2019, 11:18 PM
Also NissanParts.cc gets a ton odd ball stuff too.

oh i was there earlier today and i have a very full list of things to buy in the next few months ;)

06-28-2019, 06:42 AM
I think one thing that isn't being considered here is that aftermarket companies were already making replacement non-OE fenders for the S13 much like they do for just about every other car on the road. The only problem is that these cars are at best 26 years old now- so most of them are now discontinued.

Here's one result produced from a quick Google search:


And another from eBay:


So the whole argument of "a company would NEVER be stupid enough to produce a replacement metal fender for the S13" is kind of invalid since it has already been done by multiple companies. Maybe the approach that would make the most sense would be reaching out to one of those companies to see how many orders they would need to start reproduction. I realize it's unlikely, but it wouldn't be a bad place to start if someone really wants to make this happen.

Obviously this does not include JDM S13 Silvia fenders, but you get the idea. I don't know if something similar ever existed in Japan or not. I just bought a replacement aftermarket metal fender for my Pontiac Vibe (lol) for $72 shipped on eBay a couple weeks back and it fit like a glove. How they can even produce and ship something like that for so cheap is beyond me.

Again, slightly off the rails since this refers to USDM metal fenders and not JDM Silvia fenders. No idea how aftermarket replacement parts like this work in Japan or if that is even a thing there.

06-28-2019, 07:52 AM

those are discontinued. i stumbled on that site years ago. they havent produced replacement fenders since like 2010-2012 i think is what they told me...

And another from eBay:


new old stock... production dates on those fenders are 2009. came from the same company as national auto body link got them from. the manufacturer is called Tong Yang Group over in Taiwan. my guess is they got a hold of the stamp Nissan was originally using. I just sent them an email to see if theyd be willing to make another run of fenders as I would be able to help the company sell them.

06-28-2019, 11:13 AM
So the whole argument of "a company would NEVER be stupid enough to produce a replacement metal fender for the S13" is kind of invalid since it has already been done by multiple companies. Maybe the approach that would make the most sense would be reaching out to one of those companies to see how many orders they would need to start reproduction. I realize it's unlikely, but it wouldn't be a bad place to start if someone really wants to make this happen.

Part of your assumption is that these companies actually own the rights to the mold, when in reality it is often contract work or approved OE aftermarket replacement fenders.

Many times, part of the contract stipulates that if it is discontinued, the factory no longer has rights to reproduce the fenders. Tooling is a very expensive part of OE parts manufacturing, and most of the auto makers rely on parts suppliers to absorb the cost of tooling so they can reduce their R&D costs.

And going back to a point I made earlier... it will not be $600 for new fenders. The more people believe that the more it won't happen.

06-28-2019, 11:18 AM
Can’t Nissan just bring back s-chassis reproduction parts like they’re doing for R-chassis..

The R32 Heritage parts are not produced by Nissan.

Nissan discontinued them, Nismo is taking over production of it. It's probably made by the same factory but this is more of a customer service decision, since Nismo (especially Omori Factory) still refurbishes/refreshes R32s on a weekly fashion for customers in Japan.

From a purely cost perspective, Nissan is shifting the costs of holding onto these parts and associated production contract off their books and onto Nismo.

06-28-2019, 12:16 PM
shit, Nissan needs to send me the molds for the S13 aero bumper, 180sx zenki/chuki/kouki bumpers, all the side skirts and the chuki/kouki valances and all ill get all them bishes back into production via ABS plastic ;)

06-28-2019, 02:19 PM
those are discontinued.

If you read my post again, you will see that I mentioned they are discontinued. 8)

All I was trying to state is that companies DID produce these at one point in time. Obviously it wouldn't make sense for them to continue to produce them for vehicles that are largely no longer on the road aside from enthusiasts who are restoring them. Companies like that are not in the business of restoration.

Part of your assumption is that these companies actually own the rights to the mold, when in reality it is often contract work or approved OE aftermarket replacement fenders.

Many times, part of the contract stipulates that if it is discontinued, the factory no longer has rights to reproduce the fenders. Tooling is a very expensive part of OE parts manufacturing, and most of the auto makers rely on parts suppliers to absorb the cost of tooling so they can reduce their R&D costs.

And going back to a point I made earlier... it will not be $600 for new fenders. The more people believe that the more it won't happen.

I don't doubt that you are correct. I don't know anything about how these companies operate or how these items are produced, so I definitely don't pretend to.

06-28-2019, 02:52 PM
If you read my post again, you will see that I mentioned they are discontinued. 8)

briefly read thru post before clicking links... was still waking up. SHUT UP DAMON! lol ;)

06-29-2019, 01:18 PM
metal fenders are stamped using machines that cost more than you can imagine (think in the millions). our fenders also have brackets that require spot welding. the reason why no one has made metal fenders is simply due to tooling and production costs. theyre astronomical, hundreds and hundreds of sets would have to be produced at one time for ANY company who owns the machinery to even consider making the parts. the cost of the parts would most likely be in the $400-$600 retail range, and they simply wouldnt sell to justify the investment.

I know I'm late to the party, but you're right.

It would be easy to find a stamping shop to do the work, but it's the tooling (the die set) that's the obstacle. It's probably a 3-4 die part (1. draw 2. trim, 3. punch, 4. flange). Probably ~$1M for that die set. It's very unlikely that an aftermarket company would invest that.

That being said, reproduction panels for muscle cars have been made forever, and just recently someone started making AE86 rear quarter panels.

I always wonder what happens with the old OEM die sets. I should have asked when I work in an automotive stamping shop. I wonder if the old S-chassis dies have been destroyed, are in storage, sold off, lost somewhere etc.

06-29-2019, 02:22 PM
I always wonder what happens with the old OEM die sets. I should have asked when I work in an automotive stamping shop. I wonder if the old S-chassis dies have been destroyed, are in storage, sold off, lost somewhere etc.

Im wondering the same since I started reading this thread. That's a loooot of dies over the decades. Im guessing they must be returned to their manufacturers for recycling and making new ones. Makes no sense to keep them around taking up space when they're useless, but if so, that would be one big warehouse full of these babies.
Yeah, the whole supply and demand thing. Not a good investment, except... Im wondering if a little stamping plant in china with zero hazard prevention loosing a couple of employees a week would be interested in picking up the project. Then, maybe then they would be affordable. They would also include human parts and stuff.
After reading this thread I had to do some research in body panel stamping and watched some videos. Very complex and expensive operation indeed, even for simply panels. Even after removing all the robotics and automation, presses this big and multiple die sets got to be pretty expensive. Here's one that I like and kinda goes into detail about the dies.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w5-M5G-ZC2Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

06-29-2019, 04:21 PM
steel/metal based dies are simply melted down and re-purposed. im still waiting on an email back from that company that was last producing them. if i dont hear anything back my monday, ill send them another message.

06-29-2019, 07:13 PM
The R32 Heritage parts are not produced by Nissan.

Nissan discontinued them, Nismo is taking over production of it. It's probably made by the same factory but this is more of a customer service decision, since Nismo (especially Omori Factory) still refurbishes/refreshes R32s on a weekly fashion for customers in Japan.

From a purely cost perspective, Nissan is shifting the costs of holding onto these parts and associated production contract off their books and onto Nismo.

Nissan owns Nismo it’s the same damn books in the grand scheme of things.

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06-30-2019, 03:09 PM
Nissan owns Nismo it’s the same damn books in the grand scheme of things.

And it's also a separate set of financials, so at the end of the day as long as Nismo generates a profit overall then it has no impact on Nissan.

There is a cost to holding on to parts production for Nissan and this is reflected in quarterly and yearly statements to shareholders. Shifting this away from Nissan is necessary to show profitability.

07-01-2019, 09:54 PM

I received an email back from the company that was making the fenders posted about earlier. Unfortunately.... they informed the molds have been deleted and destroyed :(

Im currently waiting on an answer to if new molds can be made again.

07-02-2019, 12:31 PM
... we'll see if people are serious about OE genuine metal fenders.

A source I have in Asia still has the ability to order them. Not sure if they are genuine Nissan made in Japan or genuine Nissan made somewhere else in Asia, all I know is that it is genuine part numbers.

Lead time is about 150-180 days so we'll see if they show up or not... and we'll see who is actually serious about buying new metal fenders if it becomes available.

The worst part? No idea about pricing yet.

08-15-2019, 10:00 AM
I buy between $100-150k in automotive sheet metal per year.

My clients pay just under $2500 for a factory 911 fender. The reproductions are about $1500 but require hours and hours of work to make fit. These numbers start to make sense when the restoration alone is $150k plus and the end product is worth $200k+, but for our cars, they just don't make sense.

I'm pretty tight with an aftermarket supplier with a hundred-ton stamping mill, but they're already at capacity for their Porsche and BMW projects. They also don't stamp anything as big or complex as fenders, though they could in stages and add welding/fixturing labor to the mix.

I'm hopeful about mav1178's source because my Silvia fenders are beat and, even though I'm going overfenders on my coupe build, I don't really want to pay someone to fix the ones that are currently on it for my hatch build. I want everything on that car perfect with zero filler.

09-13-2019, 05:17 PM
I don't know why Origin's or something similar would be a bad option for you unless you're looking for OEM metal. Producing a product like front widebody fenders in metal is going to cost a decent chunk. If $600 makes you want to faint, the price of their finished product - if it even ever happens - will probably kill you.

There is no market for it. 240 kids are cheap as shit and for what the fiberglass alternative costs, they're going to be blowing a ton of research and development on something that probably won't pay them back.

Not true. I would gladly pay for a new set of options silvia fenders. If you don’t want them, then don’t comment.

09-13-2019, 05:24 PM
Not true. I would gladly pay for a new set of options silvia fenders. If you don’t want them, then don’t comment.

dude, you need to observe that there are some of us who have been in this scene a LONG time and are well aware of its current state. what SupaDoopa is stating is truth. hes just a little harsher with words than others...

if YOU can afford fenders in the $500-$600 range, then you are in the minority. hell, this morning some kid on Facebook DM'd me to tell me im a no name brand and my parts are over priced because Origin sells things on the cheap because their parts are Walmart brand quality pumped out of the Philippines. the MAJORITY of the 240sx wants cheap, period. cheap means that more expensive parts are only purchased by people who know how to manage their money, have careers and can afford more expensive things to build their cars with. the people can afford more expensive items are a very very small minority anymore. maybe 10-15% of the entire 240sx scene. 10-15% is NOT enough to warrant the investment on certain parts... one type of parts is brand new OE fenders.

i may work on making OE S13 and 180sx Fiberglass fenders in the coming years seeing as i will be introducing OE S14 kouki FRP fenders in the coming weeks. but until then, dont ever count on seeing metal replacements.

09-13-2019, 05:49 PM
I was tracking two auctions that were up at the same time from different sellers on Yahoo! about a year ago or so for brand new unused PS13 Silvia front fenders. I believe the total buyout price was something like $1200 USD before shipping, and Streeter quoted me about $1600 shipped to the states.

They ended up selling. There are definitely people out there willing to spend money on these types of things. The age old "S chassis kids are too cheap" copout is beginning to die out because it isn't really kids that are building and restoring S13s anymore- it is guys in their 30s that are slowly coming back to these cars after getting out of it a decade ago. I'm not saying "cheap kids" don't exist anymore, but I definitely feel like things have begun to shift.

I agree with this 100%. I’m not even 30 and I want to restore my car. I just dropped 680$ for a new set of Silvia headlights. The demand is definitely there, but people don’t mention it because they can’t even find decent Silvia fenders for less than 1,400$. And that’s really the only fenders I see right now. One set only. If they can make them for less than that, then people would buy them like crazy, but if it’s just going to be the same price, then ok maybe it’s not worth it.

09-13-2019, 06:04 PM
dude, you need to observe that there are some of us who have been in this scene a LONG time and are well aware of its current state. what SupaDoopa is stating is truth. hes just a little harsher with words than others...

if YOU can afford fenders in the $500-$600 range, then you are in the minority. hell, this morning some kid on Facebook DM'd me to tell me im a no name brand and my parts are over priced because Origin sells things on the cheap because their parts are Walmart brand quality pumped out of the Philippines. the MAJORITY of the 240sx wants cheap, period. cheap means that more expensive parts are only purchased by people who know how to manage their money, have careers and can afford more expensive things to build their cars with. the people can afford more expensive items are a very very small minority anymore. maybe 10-15% of the entire 240sx scene. 10-15% is NOT enough to warrant the investment on certain parts... one type of parts is brand new OE fenders.

i may work on making OE S13 and 180sx Fiberglass fenders in the coming years seeing as i will be introducing OE S14 kouki FRP fenders in the coming weeks. but until then, dont ever count on seeing metal replacements.

Yeah I see your point. I thought about deleting that comment as I realized I came off a bit too harsh/blunt myself. I didn’t like seeing anyone saying anything negative about it and was hoping everyone would be on board to encourage the manufacturer lol. But I do still believe there’s a slightly bigger demand than people think. Every single guy I know spends Thousands on his 240. I only know one guy who’s cheap and they all run aftermarket fiberglass fenders like I’m about to. I know we’d all have metal fenders if they were more affordable because no one I know even likes the fiberglass fenders. Hope you do make them some day. Wish you Good luck

09-13-2019, 08:32 PM
I finally found a "good" set of oe fenders, $800 shipped.
Worth every cent to me

09-14-2019, 12:15 PM
I remember the days when a full Sil Front was 1k at best. Man I’m old. Drift tax is just ridiculous these days. That’s not to say I wouldn’t try a set of china metal reproduction fenders, it just seems composite reproductions are the only way to go at a reasonable cost. Good luck with the search for a manufacturer. Would be nice to have another option.

11-01-2019, 06:48 PM

this is interesting

11-01-2019, 11:30 PM

this is interesting

aaaaaaaaaaaaand that costs LOTS of money... 240sx owners wont pay that sort of premium anymore. hard to swallow pill!

12-05-2019, 05:07 PM
... we'll see if people are serious about OE genuine metal fenders.

A source I have in Asia still has the ability to order them. Not sure if they are genuine Nissan made in Japan or genuine Nissan made somewhere else in Asia, all I know is that it is genuine part numbers.

Lead time is about 150-180 days so we'll see if they show up or not... and we'll see who is actually serious about buying new metal fenders if it becomes available.

The worst part? No idea about pricing yet.

I just got an update, the fenders I ordered (genuine S13 Silvia L/R fenders) are inbound and have an estimated arrival of Jan/Feb 2020.

It will probably be over $1200 for the pair landed in the US. Plus whatever shipping to you.

Once I get the invoice I'll post up details and how to buy, let's see who will put their money where their mouth is.

There will be 10 sets of these available for purchase.


12-06-2019, 12:13 AM
I just got an update, the fenders I ordered (genuine S13 Silvia L/R fenders) are inbound and have an estimated arrival of Jan/Feb 2020.

It will probably be over $1200 for the pair landed in the US. Plus whatever shipping to you.

Once I get the invoice I'll post up details and how to buy, let's see who will put their money where their mouth is.

There will be 10 sets of these available for purchase.


ill be very curious about these when the arrive (along with the details of how to obtain them).

12-06-2019, 08:08 AM
Im interested in more details and an exact price. Fuckin YOLO.
PM me if you don't make the info public.

12-06-2019, 08:58 AM
I'm in for a set of fenders. I missed out on the last ones I could find so.. not missing these ones.

12-06-2019, 08:58 AM
I just got an update, the fenders I ordered (genuine S13 Silvia L/R fenders) are inbound and have an estimated arrival of Jan/Feb 2020.

It will probably be over $1200 for the pair landed in the US. Plus whatever shipping to you.

Once I get the invoice I'll post up details and how to buy, let's see who will put their money where their mouth is.

There will be 10 sets of these available for purchase.


Most important thing is...PICS! please i gotta these mint/ new fenders

crash n' burn
12-06-2019, 10:18 AM
It will probably be over $1200 for the pair landed in the US. Plus whatever shipping to you.

I mean, you got people like JDMHookup asking $600 for a used fender (+$220 shipping). Regardless of how hilariously over priced that is; if I'd be able to get new fenders for the same price or less; that'd be my go to

12-06-2019, 11:56 AM
Pics will be posted once it arrives, but since the PO took so long to fulfill I'm not posting exact info until I get a landed invoice.

It's still sitting in Asia so not yet shipped from there, but I've already gotten a heads up about the order.

If this works out, I will attempt to order another item that is long "discontinued": 180SX kouki front lip.


12-06-2019, 01:18 PM
If this works out, I will attempt to order another item that is long "discontinued": 180SX kouki front lip.


why? i already make them in urethane and mine is overall a better product given how poorly made the OEM lips are. the OE lips break/shatter just as easily as the fiberglass replicas since they were produced in a hard ABS plastic that does not hold up well to impacts (hence why they dont exist anymore). ive had people run mine over and drag them along the road with nothing more than a few scrapes and scratches.

why not source some OE 180sx fenders? those are in much higher demand (as i would like a brand new pair myself)

12-06-2019, 01:43 PM
We really need 180sx fenders.

12-06-2019, 02:20 PM

because if I can order metal fenders then that source is secure. getting 180SX/240SX fenders isn't an issue moving forward.

getting bumpers or lips is more of a test of whether it can be ordered or not, since the factory that would produce it is different than stamped sheet metal.

I'm essentially figuring out which types of parts are still available. Imagine if I can source S13 Silvia aero bumpers, new...


12-06-2019, 02:26 PM
because if I can order metal fenders then that source is secure. getting 180SX/240SX fenders isn't an issue moving forward.

getting bumpers or lips is more of a test of whether it can be ordered or not, since the factory that would produce it is different than stamped sheet metal.

I'm essentially figuring out which types of parts are still available. Imagine if I can source S13 Silvia aero bumpers, new...


why bother with lips or the bumper? again, i already make a superior version of the lip versus OEM. the OE S13 Aero Bumper can be easily in good shape if youre patient enough or you export a used one from Japan (and MOST of the OE Aero Bumpers that come up on YAJ are in great shape). Urethane replicas exist for the aero bumper all over the place... hell i was the first one to do it.

fenders are in demand, period! S13 hatch and coupe fenders are NEEDED! the lip + bumper are not. yeah, it might be nice to a very select few to buy a brand new bumper or lip, but to the majority, what is DESPERATELY needed is fenders.

12-06-2019, 02:31 PM
why bother with lips or the bumper? again, i already make a superior version of the lip versus OEM. the OE S13 Aero Bumper can be easily in good shape if youre patient enough or you export a used one from Japan (and MOST of the OE Aero Bumpers that come up on YAJ are in great shape). Urethane replicas exist for the aero bumper all over the place... hell i was the first one to do it.

fenders are in demand, period! S13 hatch and coupe fenders are NEEDED! the lip + bumper are not. yeah, it might be nice to a very select few to buy a brand new bumper or lip, but to the majority, what is DESPERATELY needed is fenders.

and again, I am trying to figure out what factories are able to produce parts. this has nothing to do with demand or who makes what aftermarket replica of the original, and I am not making any distinction between OE vs replica quality.

I am probing the parts ordering system to see what can still be sourced. If that's still confusing to you, then I don't know what to tell you.

12-10-2019, 03:57 PM
We really need 180sx fenders.

Turns out, 180SX fenders are available to order as well.

We'll see in 6 months if they show up.


01-02-2020, 02:27 PM
Fenders are ready to ship in Asia, currently trying to figure out next steps in logistics to get it stateside...

I can ship it tomorrow from Asia but the landed cost will be quite high due to the low volume of this shipment.



01-02-2020, 04:57 PM
guess ill be buying a set of those from you when they land ;)

01-02-2020, 05:44 PM
Fenders are ready to ship in Asia, currently trying to figure out next steps in logistics to get it stateside...

I can ship it tomorrow from Asia but the landed cost will be quite high due to the low volume of this shipment.



Now this is legit progress!!!

01-03-2020, 06:35 AM
Woah, that's awesome! One side came up discontinued when I last looked into 180SX fenders about a year ago or so. Perhaps that wasn't the case...

01-03-2020, 08:00 AM
Count me in for a set of silvia fenders. Still interested in seeing the ones you received.

01-03-2020, 08:08 AM
because if I can order metal fenders then that source is secure. getting 180SX/240SX fenders isn't an issue moving forward.

getting bumpers or lips is more of a test of whether it can be ordered or not, since the factory that would produce it is different than stamped sheet metal.

I'm essentially figuring out which types of parts are still available. Imagine if I can source S13 Silvia aero bumpers, new...


Im curious to know who/ where you are ordering from?

Also...would it be a sin to roll and pull my perfect metal silvia fenders? I bought some 17x9 +20 and they are sticking out a tad, so Im trying to decide which route to take....

01-03-2020, 08:37 AM
Im curious to know who/ where you are ordering from?

Also...would it be a sin to roll and pull my perfect metal silvia fenders? I bought some 17x9 +20 and they are sticking out a tad, so Im trying to decide which route to take....

Ask for his driver license n social security # while ur at it too....

01-03-2020, 10:12 AM
Woah, that's awesome! One side came up discontinued when I last looked into 180SX fenders about a year ago or so. Perhaps that wasn't the case...

I'm not ordering from North America or Japan part systems. All S13/180SX fenders are listed as discontinued within those two systems.

Im curious to know who/ where you are ordering from?

A distributor of genuine Nissan parts in Asia.

01-03-2020, 11:05 AM
I need to add:

I am trying to figure out logistics for these because if I were to ship them as-is, the estimated inbound shipping charge to the US alone is approx. the cost of the fenders new before when they were orderable from Nissan Motorsports.

That would make each pair of fenders $1400+ after I take into consideration my cost to source boxes, to repack, and to ship to anyone interested.

I'm trying to get this down to a more reasonable cost, but keep in mind that I am not Nissan nor am I trying to replicate Nissan's internal parts distribution system. Cheap genuine parts are cheap for a reason, and often times that has to do with a subsidized landed cost.


01-03-2020, 12:10 PM
I need to add:

I am trying to figure out logistics for these because if I were to ship them as-is, the estimated inbound shipping charge to the US alone is approx. the cost of the fenders new before when they were orderable from Nissan Motorsports.

That would make each pair of fenders $1400+ after I take into consideration my cost to source boxes, to repack, and to ship to anyone interested.

I'm trying to get this down to a more reasonable cost, but keep in mind that I am not Nissan nor am I trying to replicate Nissan's internal parts distribution system. Cheap genuine parts are cheap for a reason, and often times that has to do with a subsidized landed cost.


silly question, you cant find an importer who brings over containers?

01-03-2020, 12:42 PM
Yea I was going to say that, if so I would assume that would bring shipping cost down alot. This is really interesting.

01-03-2020, 01:55 PM
Damn if OEM Silvia Fenders are going for that much now, id make some good money selling mine and buying the reps to replace them haha

01-03-2020, 01:57 PM
Im curious to know who/ where you are ordering from?

Also...would it be a sin to roll and pull my perfect metal silvia fenders? I bought some 17x9 +20 and they are sticking out a tad, so Im trying to decide which route to take....

I had my silvia fenders rolled to fit 17x9 +15, reference my signature.

01-03-2020, 02:36 PM
I'm not ordering from North America or Japan part systems. All S13/180SX fenders are listed as discontinued within those two systems.

My check was through the RHD Japan OEM store, so that makes sense. I have sourced quite a few items through them including brand new in box Silvia brick headlights a year or so ago. Fenders bounced back discontinued though.

As for shipping fenders once they arrive stateside, Greyhound would be more affordable I am sure- but there's always a slight risk when using them since the service can be a bit sketchy. I've always had good luck though.

Damn if OEM Silvia Fenders are going for that much now, id make some good money selling mine and buying the reps to replace them haha

I've seen BRAND NEW OEM Silvia fenders sell for $1400 a pair, but not used ones. Used seem to be $500 at most for a pair if they are mint. Correct me if I am wrong on that though.

01-03-2020, 05:01 PM
I have plenty of options for shipping, I think there's too much dissecting here.

It is up to me to figure out logistics. I'm trying to do it in a cost-effective fashion, but I'm also not doing this as charity work.

LCL shipments are easy, but do you want mangled metal fenders? If so, I'll ship it tomorrow.

I, literally, need to have the freight forwarder package these in a palletized box of some sort so it can be handled at the docks. Or I can ship one 20' container with just these. Either way, we wait...

02-10-2020, 07:46 PM

Looks like they will be arriving sometime this month.

I will not price them out nor have any of them presold until I figure out the e-commerce setup I want to use to sell them.

Nothing will be shady, everything will be legit listing/payment portals.


02-10-2020, 08:14 PM
If this comes thru and fair priced..this might be the biggest zilvia win in the forums history...

02-11-2020, 01:27 PM
Patiently waiting for updates :naughty:

02-11-2020, 03:21 PM
I've seen BRAND NEW OEM Silvia fenders sell for $1400 a pair, but not used ones. Used seem to be $500 at most for a pair if they are mint. Correct me if I am wrong on that though.

I bought these in 2010! Now they’re just trophies on my wall. Nothing wrong with my cars fenders at all.


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02-12-2020, 08:58 AM
^ Lucky, I was saving up to get a S13 one but they discontiuned. Had to buy one from ATL which I guess isnt bad because it was much cheaper but I would of been very happy to get one brand new from nissan.

OP are you receiving 180sx fenders as well or just silvia ones?

02-15-2020, 01:20 PM
If this comes thru and fair priced..this might be the biggest zilvia win in the forums history...

It won't be less than $1000 for the pair. Is that fair price?

02-15-2020, 01:32 PM
It won't be less than $1000 for the pair. Is that fair price?

Ive seen used ones sell for more...sooooooooooo

02-15-2020, 08:09 PM
Ive seen used ones sell for more...sooooooooooo

$1500 then. Maybe $2000.

02-15-2020, 08:11 PM
Lol glws:eek3d::eek3d:

02-15-2020, 08:20 PM
Well I have 10 pairs coming in, and currently demand outstrips supply. I fronted money to make this happen so I’m not doing charity work.

02-15-2020, 08:54 PM
Not haten at all...acually glad this is happening ...huge win for all s-chassis

02-16-2020, 08:20 AM
I think the people would pay 1G, as that is "reasonable" for the product.

But at 2G's- good luck selling a single set, thats absurd.

I myself happily paid $850 for a very very nice used set. I think at most and being realistic price should be no more than $1200 shipped

02-16-2020, 05:41 PM
I think the people would pay 1G, as that is "reasonable" for the product.

But at 2G's- good luck selling a single set, thats absurd.

I myself happily paid $850 for a very very nice used set. I think at most and being realistic price should be no more than $1200 shipped

the more we discuss what is "fair" to the average forum member, the less incentive there is for anyone (myself included) to try to resurrect product sources for the average person out there.

Can I make it cheap? Sure.. but I gotta sell enough volume to justify my time + my financial investment. If I plugged the money from this shipment into stocks, I would've doubled or tripled my investment in the last 6 months based on the type of stock I hold (BYND, NVDA, AAPL, ROKU, etc)

Plus, me buying inventory and selling 6+ months later is no guarantee I'll make my money back. Once enough people want to buy new fenders, the remaining folks will just sit and wait and I'll be stuck with inventory I can't sell (fast enough).

Don't forget one other thing: I'm having custom double wall boxes made for this. I have to buy the minimum quantity to have the boxes produced, which is 50pcs at ~$22-24 each. Whatever profit I make from the first shipment is going towards paying for boxes that will sit around until the 180SX fenders (and second shipment of S13 Silvia fenders) show up.

I'm not out to price gouge, but I'm also not a bank. The opportunity cost aspect is very important to me, all I ask is people respect what I'm trying to do.

Judging by the other thread about brand new genuine S13 dash, it seems like I'll get a couple of guys willing to buy and that's about it. We'll see when I'm ready to sell in a couple of weeks.

02-16-2020, 06:30 PM
Noones telln u a price or market value, cause that number sways up n down all the time.

You sell them for what you want. Many will bitch, few will buy.... BUT- there will be buyers. over the years ive come to realize, doing it right is expensive, its only $$.

Really appreciate the effort brought forth to bringn these parts to the market. Ull see in 5yrs, bumps of this thread askn if the fenders are still available or instock lol.

02-16-2020, 07:55 PM
The opportunity cost aspect is very important to me, all I ask is people respect what I'm trying to do.

Judging by the other thread about brand new genuine S13 dash, it seems like I'll get a couple of guys willing to buy and that's about it.

Not to rehash this... but the dash is a completely different animal to these fenders for a number of reasons, many of which were brought up in that thread.

The closer you can get to the price to $1500 the better obviously but regardless, you will have a significantly easier time selling these fenders.

I can't remember the last time I saw I a truly clean used set for sale. They are in demand and without a viable alternative.

Market value for quality used examples is somewhat established and doesn't fall dramatically below your estimated asking price, making it much more palatable for someone in the market.

The kind of people adamant about metal over fiberglass are also generally the kind of people willing to spend more for a quality product, giving you a legitimate customer base to tap into.

And I do respect that what you are doing here, I've considered doing something similar on several occasions but have always balked due to shipping cost or volume required to make even a minimal profit. Best of luck to you

02-16-2020, 09:17 PM
im stoked for the 180sx fenders... cause i WILL be buying a set or two!

02-17-2020, 06:41 AM
... Lots of businessman stuff

Hey, don't feel pressured at all by the broke asses online. It's the same dudes who want Blacktop Sr20 motorsets delivered to their moms house for "$1400, all day!"

I don't have any S13's/ don't plan on buying fenders, but I appreciate what you did. I used to work in the auto industry and I worked on some reproduction parts for the MKIV Supra as a side project to my main duties. I made a thread here gauging interest for the S chassis, I had some suppliers I wanted to work with but I made a career change (For way better). I have thought about starting it up again when my non compete ends but I am also not motivated to do so.

Some unsolicited advice: Next time, I wouldn't provide as much info as you did. It's almost to the point some MFers think they are entitled to your receipts.

02-17-2020, 09:19 AM
Some unsolicited advice: Next time, I wouldn't provide as much info as you did. It's almost to the point some MFers think they are entitled to your receipts.

Nah, more info is better. I’ve been doing this on/off in a personal and professional capacity since 1998 or so, and I’ve never had issues with being open about the process.

Like my other thread about the S13 dash shows, some projects involve more noise than info. I am putting this out there so there are no accusations of “replica” or other BS since these would be considered unicorn products... Maybe I’ll do the S13 dash as a charity project for friends that are truly interested.

I’m sure someone will try to justify a lower price by telling me how much they can get something else for, and that’s fine. The more info I put out, the more confidence you can get out of buying.

02-17-2020, 09:34 AM
The kind of people adamant about metal over fiberglass are also generally the kind of people willing to spend more for a quality product, giving you a legitimate customer base to tap into.

See, you’re basically proving the point I was trying to make in the other thread.

No one is trying to flex. If you want a brand new, not repaired product, then a new dash is for you. Same with fenders.

Metal fenders resell for high because as long as it’s in one piece, it can still be welded and repaired and retain value.

I’m not trying to sell a ton of dash for profit, I’m trying to get feedback about what type of interest is out there. The price point already makes it impractical to sell to the average buyer interested in cheap products.

02-17-2020, 11:26 AM
See, you’re basically proving the point I was trying to make in the other thread.

No one is trying to flex. If you want a brand new, not repaired product, then a new dash is for you. Same with fenders.

Metal fenders resell for high because as long as it’s in one piece, it can still be welded and repaired and retain value.

I’m not trying to sell a ton of dash for profit, I’m trying to get feedback about what type of interest is out there. The price point already makes it impractical to sell to the average buyer interested in cheap products.

Yes, I agree, but there simply aren't enough who want to buy brand new 'just because' to support an endevor like this, you need to find someway to cast a wider net. I feel with the fenders, you do.

With the fenders, people can choose between:
-Cheap Replicas
-Expensive Used OEM (hard to find)
-Expensive New OEM

Easy choice once you say no to replicas... go with new for a bit more, get a better product without the hassle of trying to find a suitable used pair.

As opposed the dash, where people can choose between:
-Cheap Used OEM (still somewhat common)
-Expensive Recover (better quality/materials than OEM)
-Very Expensive New OEM

It is much harder to picture a pool of buyers in this case... you are limited to people who not only want to buy new 'just because', but are also willing to spend many times the cost of a suitable used item to do so.

That was the point I was trying to make in the other thread, albeit in an admittedly crude way.

02-17-2020, 05:51 PM
That was the point I was trying to make in the other thread, albeit in an admittedly crude way.

I know, but I also have seen enough over 20+ years to know when products are niche and when products are just "here you go, buy it or leave it".

I had zero plans of bringing in any S13 dash until someone was willing to commit to one... mostly because I've taken out enough S13 dash in my life to know that it better be damn worth my time to pull apart that part of the car to replace it.

People that buy a new dash are particular... they're like a S13 SE coupe owner with HUD that wants a brand new windshield with the HUD reflector embedded in the glass. That type of person is also usually me, so if I ever decide to buy my neighbor's one owner S13 SE, I will buy a dash for myself and go from there.

02-17-2020, 06:06 PM
Info thread + pics:


04-04-2020, 11:22 PM
Dorki and MAv, I sent you PM's. Any response is appreciated, even a 'Piss off'; at least know you opened it.

05-14-2020, 09:55 PM
Is Pretty interesting in looking foward to the 180sx ones. I wish companies like restore parts get interested in s13s and make panels. They do metal panrls cor ae86 and 240z https://i2.wp.com/www.restore-parts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/wp866set.jpg?ssl=1

06-24-2020, 05:24 PM
I got info that the 180SX fenders I have on order will be inbound next month, I am expecting to receive them end of July to mid August timeframe.

$800-850 each pair, price may be cheaper once I get final price w/ my inbound freight confirmed
Truck freight is around $150-250 depending on location in US (box size is 65x40x12")
10 pairs total
Not selling them individually at this time.

I will be ready to take preorders for these at the end of the month.