View Full Version : datsun 510 ka install

11-14-2004, 01:38 AM
My brother has a 1969 datsun 510 coupe. He told me he would loan me the money for a new motor for my car if I would give him my ka. He wants to in install it in the 510. I know it can be done, I have seen pics of the engine in a 510 before. I was just wondering if anyone here knew a sight that might have a faq or guide to the install. I tried five-one-oh, so don't mention that one. Only reply if you have positive input for the thread. Repremand me if I posted in the wrong section.

11-14-2004, 02:29 AM
i'll move this to Tech Talk, since it's still about 240sx motors.

I'd say just have him install it normally. Use all of the wiring harness that he HAS to, eliminate the rest. Eliminate the smog equipment, all of the chassis-specific stuff, and just throw it in. 510s should still be 12v electrical systems. IIRC, he'll have to fab motormounts, trans mount, and a driveshaft.

11-14-2004, 02:40 AM
My freind instaled a sr in his 510. He had a mount kit shipped from australia for a nice bit of $. I dont know what is all involved. I think he said he could of flipped the ka subframe. I could ask him if you want, just pm me.

11-14-2004, 01:10 PM

good luck and have fun

11-15-2004, 10:53 AM
Yeah, he goes on the dime-quarterly all the time. I wanted to get a 510, but they're so tuff to find. He changed his mind btw, lol. He wants to buy a sr for it now. He knows a guy in oregon that did it, and he's gonna go down there when he gets the motor, and have that guy help him. The motors are so similar though, it seems like a sr mount kit would work for the ka, but I'm a nismotor n00b, so I don't konw.

11-15-2004, 05:02 PM
arg...i just got rid of all my 510/sr links lol...

there is a yahoo group that is EXTREEMLY active, and really cool people...they can realy help ya out

just cant think of the name...

here is a crossmember kit for ya:

11-16-2004, 05:37 AM
Here is one decent link: http://fiveoneoh.com/tech/ka24install/article_menu.htm

11-16-2004, 05:40 AM
ok, found the link for ya...


11-16-2004, 04:29 PM
dont put a ka in a 510 =(
it just doesnt fit the engine it needs, its a little light weight car. it does not need a big heavy iron block with a bunch of torque hanging out up front. there are just many better engine choices even if that was is free. but yea, it should go in rather smoothly if you really decide to do it.

11-16-2004, 07:32 PM
dont put a ka in a 510 =(
it just doesnt fit the engine it needs, its a little light weight car. it does not need a big heavy iron block with a bunch of torque hanging out up front. there are just many better engine choices even if that was is free. but yea, it should go in rather smoothly if you really decide to do it.

hate to tell ya bro, but the engines dont weigh that much different...

and when did torque become a bad thing? lol

11-16-2004, 09:57 PM
^^compared to?

11-17-2004, 11:24 AM
dont put a ka in a 510 =(
it just doesnt fit the engine it needs, its a little light weight car. it does not need a big heavy iron block with a bunch of torque hanging out up front. there are just many better engine choices even if that was is free. but yea, it should go in rather smoothly if you really decide to do it.

These cars are way over built. They may have been disigned with lightweight engines, but they can take so much more. As far as torque, their frames are very tough, and can take alot of abuse. I think a ka would be a nice little boost in hp for an old 510, but my bro is going to put an sr in now. I've seen videos that my brother has shown me, 510's running with sr20, and it's crazy. These cars are so lightwieght, and so well ballanced, a 510 with an sr (and a good driver) is a worthy opponent to some of the big dogs in import motor sports imo. I think I'll just keep the ka around, just in case anything goes wrong, I might even just buy a 510 with no engine, and drop the ka into it.

11-17-2004, 01:06 PM
^^compared to?

what do you mean?

this makes no sense

11-17-2004, 01:07 PM
i love 510's to death. best engine for it IMO is a ca18det. it is exactly what it needs

12-11-2004, 10:16 AM
i have a 510,and im in a process of a ka24de swap.the swap isnt that hard,just need to reverse the crossmember,get the tranny mounts,shorten the driveshaft,and thats pretty much it.The hardest part i think is electrical,didnt see any guidlines for it..........but otherwise,pretty good engine for that little car,and you dont have to spend bunch of money on tuning your L-series