11-12-2004, 05:33 PM
my battery was dying on my car like so.... bought a new one like so... when i was connecting them i accidently switched the + - and it was sparking a little, even after the sparks i still tried connecting them, real fuck up on my part, after a little bit it stopped sparking and i realized it wasnt fitting so i saw it was wrong switched them and pluged.... car turned on cool (no more poping clutch) now my problem is when i turn it on the rpm gauge doesnt read and my car has no power, windows dont roll down radio doesnt turn on.... but the engine is on, only when i tap on the gas everything starts working but as soon as i brake everything acts up like it wants to turn off then it goes back to normal.... so as soon as i start my car and press the gas everything works but as soon as i step on the brakes after pressing the gas it seems like everything restarts (turns off real quick then back on) if i keep pressing the brake nothing happens and if i press on the gas its cool too... only after i acclerate then brake is when my car acts up, werid huh! i fucked up >.< help please!!