View Full Version : I get pulled over a TON for seemingly no reason. What could be the cause?

02-14-2019, 03:46 AM
I have a run-of-the-mill (fading) flat black s13. I have literally been pulled over 50+ times in the past four years. I have not gotten a single ticket. I don't speed (at least on almost any occasion that I've been pulled over), I stop behind stop lines, I blink 5 times before changing lanes, I always come to a complete stop at stop signs, and I do have an aftermarket exhaust but it is NOT loud and I have never had them even mention it. Except for the occasion that I'm finding a random parking lot to go have fun in, I drive as casually and law-abiding as I can. I always get pulled over when I'm not doing anything.

More strangely, without exception they always ask me a ton of questions about drugs. Countless times, from the get-go, this is exactly how my conversation with them has begun:

"You didn't completely stop at the stop line back there."
"Really? I'm pretty sure I did."
"So do you smoke weed? How about meth? Ever tried coke?"

It's obvious that they're never actually concerned with anything traffic-related. I've never done a drug in my life (I smoke cigarettes, but that's it). This did not used to happen with my old extremely loud Honda.

What is your best guess? Is it the car? The paint? Why does this happen to me in this car, but none of my previous ones?

02-14-2019, 01:52 PM
Without seeing your car I would assume it being flat black makes it look like some sort of cop profiling magnet.

02-14-2019, 03:55 PM
Pretty sure you're just being profiled because you fit a certain description. I would maybe ask for some legal council for advice and see if there is any action you can take. I know ive seen some news reports about people who were just constantly pulled over but never charged for anything.

02-14-2019, 05:52 PM
Start recording it. Talk to a lawyer.

I usually just get bothered by randoms in the S14 or the Impreza rs coupe, by people asking to buy them. Cops aren’t too much of a problem for me and I naturally look suspicious.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-14-2019, 05:53 PM
get it painted.

02-14-2019, 07:38 PM
get it painted.


according to police drug dealers often drive black/flat black cars. and if that shit's faded and rattle canned they probably think you're a drug user because... it looks like shit...

02-14-2019, 08:53 PM
it looks like shit...


02-14-2019, 09:37 PM

according to police drug dealers often drive black/flat black cars. and if that shit's faded and rattle canned they probably think you're a drug user because... it looks like shit...

First off what's up Deolio! It been years. (Probably don't remember me) haha.

Second, Im sure drug dealers drive whatever car is available to them. On a serious note if your route of travel is in a high crime area or drug area that may not help. :naw:

02-15-2019, 06:21 AM
Shit used to happen to me back in the early 2000’s with my eclipse. F&F came out, plus the cops were really trying to crack down on people cruising Hwy 100 (which has been going on since the 70’s). I was getting pulled over about every other week. Once I got pulled over after making a Y Turn in front of my house. I literally drove my car for 30’.

Sold it, got a Camry and they never pulled me over again.

Paint the car. Get a different car. Or deal with it.

02-15-2019, 06:43 AM
How dark are you?

02-15-2019, 07:18 AM
Yeah if you're a non-white dude in Boise you're going to get police attention for that alone.

If you're a white dude, you're either driving worse than you think, you've gotten a rep for driving like an idiot in parking lots or bc the car looks ass.

02-15-2019, 08:02 AM
or you look like youre 18 like me when i shave lol, got profiled in my FC, all of my S13s, my civic, rx8, firebird, dsm, crx, 99 corolla, 350z but i so far have only been pulled over once in my sti when i ran seafoam through the intake and was basically blotting out the sun with my exhaust lol...i used to joke that was the case til i saw a trend goin on, day after i shave, get pulled over...don't shave for a month, nothing, shave next day get pulled over...

02-15-2019, 10:58 AM
thanks da crew and gbaby. i was going to ask the same thing; unfortunately, this may be your answer right here.

its also ridiculous to suggest drug dealers buy a specific color car (just because they are dealers). Can you tell me what color car lawyers drive? how about MLB players? the shitty looking car theory is far more plausible; its called profiling and its still alive and well.

of all of the people ive met that require cars to do/move illicit product/supplies, they all have bought the most bland looking, middle class, run of the mill car. the last one i had the pleasure of meeting bought a 2012ish honda accord in the most bland looking silver and put a car seat in the back seat with a 'baby on board' sticker in the rear window. MF'r doesnt even have a kid.

back on topic. if its really 50+ times in 4 years like you state, you should have started logging your interactions with the police and then requested a meeting with the appropriate police dept to figure out what the hell is going on. if that doesn't get you anywhere an alternative option is to PRA he appropriate sheriff/police dept for body cam footage (if applicable, more and more cities are requiring body cams now) to prove that you are unnecessarily being harassed. you gotta be smart about this and think ahead.

midnight zenki
02-15-2019, 11:12 AM
Because Idaho, end thread.

02-15-2019, 02:01 PM
No matter what, always film the police. Simple record video on your phone doesn’t even have to be pointed at them. Start it as soon as you stop and put phone in your pocket or door card. The more we do this the more we expose bad cops, of course this is if you’re truly not doing anything wrong and they’re just profiling you based of appearance and or vehicle.

02-15-2019, 05:15 PM
I have a run-of-the-mill (fading) flat black s13

well there's your problem

02-16-2019, 11:12 AM
It's because your car appears to fit the profile of un/underinsured shitbox which may or may not be up on its paperwork.
They're fishing for a quick bit of revenue generation, like when cops here stop black people for no fucking reason.

02-16-2019, 09:32 PM
I would def get a dash cam and film every single interaction. If you have genuinely been pulled 50 times, any civil liberties lawyer would make a case out of that.

02-19-2019, 03:04 PM
Get your car painted. When I used to live in Boise and drove my 240sx everywhere I got pulled over all the time for nothing as well. Boise cops like to pull over 240's I guess.

02-19-2019, 05:55 PM
Need pictures of said turdmobile to counsel

03-18-2019, 08:19 AM
get it painted.


my car was flat black for about 4 years and id get pulled over all the time....for dumb stuff, rarely did i get tickets but sometimes i did....once i got the car painted and all shiney, for whatever reason i didnt get pulled over almost ever, so strange lol

03-20-2019, 09:22 AM
dude made a thread on valentines day and hasnt logged in since. he aint gonna be back.

you now deserve to get pulled over for wasting our time. dont hate the player, hate the game.