View Full Version : New exhaust laws in Cali

01-07-2019, 07:59 PM
So with the new exhaust noise laws that went into effect this past Jan 1 what is everyone doing about them? Stock exhaust, cut-outs, etc...?

The Law (AB 1824) (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1824)

Video of an officer issuing exhaust citation (https://www.instagram.com/p/BsR7nUenuYm/)

A petition that's going around (https://www.change.org/p/nullify-fines-for-loud-mufflers-ab-1824-section-4-in-california)

01-07-2019, 08:04 PM
Getting ready to register in another state, moving isn’t an option and this is no longer a fix it ticket.

01-07-2019, 09:07 PM
According to the Link... cut outs are not gonna be aloud. Also reads as though the law is still the same, in that you can still have an aftermarket exhaust, but cannot exceed a "noise limit", which was measured in decibles... but that officer is on another level. Dumb ass dipshits and those stupid f'n street take over garbage. God damn losers.

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01-08-2019, 12:02 AM
Ill be running an after market cat back, but it will have to be a sleeper look style, one that doesn’t catch any attention. HKS makes a good one... FYI

01-08-2019, 09:32 AM
;6315587']According to the Link... cut outs are not gonna be aloud. Also reads as though the law is still the same, in that you can still have an aftermarket exhaust, but cannot exceed a "noise limit", which was measured in decibles... but that officer is on another level. Dumb ass dipshits and those stupid f'n street take over garbage. God damn losers.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

you couldnt run a cut out before this law went into effect...

01-08-2019, 11:02 AM
IS300 and G35 sedan OEM mufflers are about to pull a premium in CA.

01-08-2019, 11:57 AM
:naughty: USED HKS s13 Sport Exhaust. $1000. LMK.

01-08-2019, 01:26 PM
IS300 and G35 sedan OEM mufflers are about to pull a premium in CA.

i have a sportdesign exhaust on my IS. want it? maybe i should wait a week before racewars. :naughty::naughty:

on a serious note, CA seems as if they want to regulate the ever living shit out of every aspect of your life (remember the texting tax we saw in the news a week or two ago). at what point in time do people stand up, and say enough is enough? surely not now.

01-08-2019, 01:34 PM
i have a sportdesign exhaust on my IS. want it? maybe i should wait a week before racewars. :naughty::naughty:

on a serious note, CA seems as if they want to regulate the ever living shit out of every aspect of your life (remember the texting tax we saw in the news a week or two ago). at what point in time do people stand up, and say enough is enough? surely not now.

Other people were complaining.

Car enthusiasts are a tiny percentage of the population.

Play stupid games & win stupid prizes.

You guys are paying the price for dudes starting their straight pipe'd SR 'missiles' at 5 AM to get to autozone so they can open on time & those idiots doing 'takeovers.'

Also modifying emissions systems is stupid.

01-08-2019, 02:36 PM
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

01-08-2019, 02:39 PM
Also modifying emissions systems is stupid.

Easy to say with the state you’re in, not even that strict I’m sure. While I don’t agree with takeovers as they’re completely stupid, this new exhaust law has nothing to do with emissions. This is some cops ego saying your exhaust is too loud as if their ears are an official decibel measurement device. Until it calms down or something changes with the law this is going to continue to fuck things up here more. Once they get you for that, referee will go through your car with a fine tooth comb and find anything else you have done, including tint and lowering the vehicle of any sort.

01-08-2019, 02:45 PM
Ehh, just called my local CHP office and got confirmation. All that's changed is the ability to correct (or lack thereof) a violation to the 95 decibels noise limit. You can still have an aftermarket exhaust(with the required emission components), and not be fined. If you are cited, a trip to the state ref can dismiss the ticket.

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01-08-2019, 04:00 PM
;6315685']Ehh, just called my local CHP office and got confirmation. All that's changed is the ability to correct (or lack thereof) a violation to the 95 decibels noise limit. You can still have an aftermarket exhaust(with the required emission components), and not be fined. If you are cited, a trip to the state ref can dismiss the ticket.

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Nothings changed except its non correctable now. Its not like cops are going to start witch hunting now.

01-08-2019, 04:14 PM
People are trying to sell OEM s13/s14 exhausts for $200+ now. LMAO

01-09-2019, 07:53 AM
Easy to say with the state you’re in, not even that strict I’m sure. While I don’t agree with takeovers as they’re completely stupid, this new exhaust law has nothing to do with emissions. This is some cops ego saying your exhaust is too loud as if their ears are an official decibel measurement device. Until it calms down or something changes with the law this is going to continue to fuck things up here more. Once they get you for that, referee will go through your car with a fine tooth comb and find anything else you have done, including tint and lowering the vehicle of any sort.

This was wanted by non-car enthusiasts.

People are sick of the noise.

TBH, I get it. If I never had to hear a harley again I'd be stoked.

01-09-2019, 08:20 AM
TBH if I never have to read one of your SJW posts again id be stoked :keke:

hopefully you can take a joke

01-09-2019, 08:32 AM
TBH if I never have to read one of your SJW posts again id be stoked :keke:

hopefully you can take a joke

You guys ITT



01-09-2019, 09:14 AM
way to be a good sport :)

01-10-2019, 11:14 AM
It’s pretty early to say, a lot of speculation going around. From what I hear a lot of people already got this ticket just by the officers discretion and it is 1000 no questions asked, for get this just some exhaust tips. Not looking good for anyone In California atm.

01-10-2019, 11:34 AM
Hks sport, hf cat, added resonator and open wg dump

01-10-2019, 12:04 PM

Nothings changed except its non correctable now. Its not like cops are going to start witch hunting now.

I beg to differ. A lot of noise on Instagram about people getting pulled over and getting sent before a judge/ref.

This was wanted by non-car enthusiasts.

People are sick of the noise.

TBH, I get it. If I never had to hear a harley again I'd be stoked.

It's specifically due to the Side Shows/Takeovers and street racing that's been out of hand and the shit they post online. Ive heard of/watched videos where they are shooting fireworks at cops and just being dumb as fuck. What did everyone expect to happen? Cops just bend over and take it?

It’s pretty early to say, a lot of speculation going around. From what I hear a lot of people already got this ticket just by the officers discretion and it is 1000 no questions asked, for get this just some exhaust tips. Not looking good for anyone In California atm.

Its not exactly $1000 no questions asked. Its like every other fine, up to $1000, possibly more with fee's and whatnot.

I personally think, as a "community", we need to somehow organize AGAINST the side shows/takeovers, they are fucking it all up beyond possible repair.

OP, that "Krispy Kream" meet and the majority of the people that attracts is a HUGE culprit to this shit storm. Remember that video of the dude's fighting that parking lot security guy? Yea, that would never happen at the local 240 meets we used to run several years ago.

01-10-2019, 03:44 PM
It’s pretty early to say, a lot of speculation going around.

the stop contributing to it

i've been seeing all sorts of misinformation being spread. dudes posting scans of laws that expired in 1998 and shit...

nothing has changed. people need to stop making a big deal out of this. it's the same as it's ever been - don't be a fuckwit and you'll be fine, or maybe you won't, it's california and if you don't like it you can GEITTTT OUTTTT

01-10-2019, 03:53 PM
the stop contributing to it

i've been seeing all sorts of misinformation being spread. dudes posting scans of laws that expired in 1998 and shit...

nothing has changed. people need to stop making a big deal out of this. it's the same as it's ever been - don't be a fuckwit and you'll be fine, or maybe you won't, it's california and if you don't like it you can GEITTTT OUTTTTDon't be just as bad taking the change like it isn't an issue. Sure, the law itself hasn't changed, but the instant fine is being used on anyone they see that looks like the exhaust isnt stock (even then, that's still being overreached). The way it's being enforced is unjust. Someone with zero training in identifying exhaust and emissions components should have no business forcing people to take a lot of time and money being guilty until proven innocent.

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01-10-2019, 04:09 PM
for get this just some exhaust tips. Not looking good for anyone In California atm.
no. no. no. all wrong. those are tips. usually tips are just visual and dont change or add noise. stop.

nothing has changed. people need to stop making a big deal out of this. it's the same as it's ever been -
Sure, the law itself hasn't changed,

this isnt 100% correct, the criteria for testing and the guidelines haven't changed, but the consequences have. which is what most people have an issue with (myself included). you cool with paying a 1k fine now, just because its past jan 1? didnt think so.

im just waiting for someone to take this to court on grounds of the fine creating un-due hardship for something so minor. if you have a compelling enough argument, and the right judge, this may end up getting tied up in the courts.

01-10-2019, 05:00 PM
no. no. no. all wrong. those are tips. usually tips are just visual and dont change or add noise. stop.

this isnt 100% correct, the criteria for testing and the guidelines haven't changed, but the consequences have. which is what most people have an issue with (myself included). you cool with paying a 1k fine now, just because its past jan 1? didnt think so.

im just waiting for someone to take this to court on grounds of the fine creating un-due hardship for something so minor. if you have a compelling enough argument, and the right judge, this may end up getting tied up in the courts.That was my whole point in my post...

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01-10-2019, 05:33 PM
if you have a compelling enough argument, and the right judge, this may end up getting tied up in the courts.

I've sort of been here. Not with an exhaust ticket, but for getting a "modified tail light" citation in my old FD. Cop tjought my stock FD tail lights were modified and too dark.

My experience in a nut shell was that the cops nor the judges know shit about cars and these citations in general. They didn't bother with hard evidence like lumins readings and instead determined that the tail lights were modified because A) the cop just thought they looked dark and B)because I didnt purchase my 1993 Rx7 when it was new..when I was 5 years old. I was found guilty and tried to appeal the court decision but that turned out to be a nightmare in itself. You seem to need a degree in law to know what half the terms mean. Ended up not bothering with it and just paid the fine.

I see the same deal happening here. Cop notices your car is modified in some form and will cite you for modifed exhaust regardless of how loud or modified it looks. In court they will simply ask if the exhaust is stock and then drop the gavel and check you out at the front counter.

This whole thing is a money grab. We're not going to see a reduction in these street takeovers because of an increase in modified exhaust tickets. I remember seeing a Uhaul truck doing burnouts in one of the street takeover videos...those are the kinds of people that we're dealing with here. They should start giving citations to people who rent Uhaul trucks as well.

01-10-2019, 06:12 PM
I've sort of been here. Not with an exhaust ticket, but for getting a "modified tail light" citation in my old FD. Cop tjought my stock FD tail lights were modified and too dark.

My experience in a nut shell was that the cops nor the judges know shit about cars and these citations in general. They didn't bother with hard evidence like lumins readings and instead determined that the tail lights were modified because A) the cop just thought they looked dark and B)because I didnt purchase my 1993 Rx7 when it was new..when I was 5 years old. I was found guilty and tried to appeal the court decision but that turned out to be a nightmare in itself. You seem to need a degree in law to know what half the terms mean. Ended up not bothering with it and just paid the fine.

I see the same deal happening here. Cop notices your car is modified in some form and will cite you for modifed exhaust regardless of how loud or modified it looks. In court they will simply ask if the exhaust is stock and then drop the gavel and check you out at the front counter.

This whole thing is a money grab. We're not going to see a reduction in these street takeovers because of an increase in modified exhaust tickets. I remember seeing a Uhaul truck doing burnouts in one of the street takeover videos...those are the kinds of people that we're dealing with here. They should start giving citations to people who rent Uhaul trucks as well.It's not illegal to have a modified exhaust though. You could replace a gasket, and technically the system is "modified". It's illegal to have one with the purpose of making it louder, not having a muffler, and it cannot be over 95DB. You are unable to purchase a new OEM exhaust as the car is too old, there for you have no choice but to get an aftermarket replacement. If the intent is to say anything other than factory is illegal would essentially give you no option but to keep getting citations or scrap the car (which would be rediculous). If there is a muffler equiped on your exhaust with no cutouts, then the only thing after that is making sure you are under 95DB. The officers are not performing tests to ensure you violate that, which is why you should fight it in court. You can go to a BAR station for a certificate of compliance, but now what? You just wasted a fuck ton of time and money for no reason. Obviously if you know you're not in company, you're asking for it. However there are a lot of people being cited and they're in compliance, which is bullshit.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

01-10-2019, 06:37 PM
It's specifically due to the Side Shows/Takeovers and street racing that's been out of hand and the shit they post online. Ive heard of/watched videos where they are shooting fireworks at cops and just being dumb as fuck. What did everyone expect to happen? Cops just bend over and take it?

I personally think, as a "community", we need to somehow organize AGAINST the side shows/takeovers, they are fucking it all up beyond possible repair.

OP, that "Krispy Kream" meet and the majority of the people that attracts is a HUGE culprit to this shit storm. Remember that video of the dude's fighting that parking lot security guy? Yea, that would never happen at the local 240 meets we used to run several years ago.

But then how are they going to get instagram famous?
But seriously, I saw a couple of those videos, and Im sure that has to do a lot with what you guys are having to deal with over there. Fuck those guys, that deserved some riot police, tear gas and lots of spikes strips...

don't be a fuckwit and you'll be fine, or maybe you won't, it's california and if you don't like it you can GEITTTT OUTTTT

Anywhere but texas PLEASE

01-10-2019, 08:24 PM
Anywhere but texas PLEASE

don't worry, they're all going to oregon :facepalm:

my point is; california is always going to keep pulling shit like this. no one should be surprised. yeah, it's fucking dumb, but if you don't have $1000 to burn, you probably chose the wrong hobby :2f2f:

01-11-2019, 07:21 AM
Gotta find ways to pay for the sanctuary for all mang

Next up will be NYC

01-11-2019, 09:16 AM
I've sort of been here. Not with an exhaust ticket, but for getting a "modified tail light" citation in my old FD. Cop tjought my stock FD tail lights were modified and too dark.

My experience in a nut shell was that the cops nor the judges know shit about cars and these citations in general. They didn't bother with hard evidence like lumins readings and instead determined that the tail lights were modified because A) the cop just thought they looked dark and B)because I didnt purchase my 1993 Rx7 when it was new..when I was 5 years old. I was found guilty and tried to appeal the court decision but that turned out to be a nightmare in itself. You seem to need a degree in law to know what half the terms mean. Ended up not bothering with it and just paid the fine.

if you ever have a problem with this again, tell the officer to look for the DOT markings on the tail lights. if he/she still isnt having it, you need to appeal to the court and drag him/her in there to make your case. if you make the correct argument and document the DOT markings, your fine will be dismissed. more importantly, it shows the LEO that they arent always right. im not pro or anti cop, but they need to be held accountable for their actions (just like everyone else). this is the only effective way to fight these laws.

ive had to appeal stuff to the courts in CA, its not that hard; you just have to read and digest the process. although, i work in a law firm, so i guess i have a leg up there.

01-11-2019, 09:28 AM
don't worry, they're all going to oregon :facepalm:

my point is; california is always going to keep pulling shit like this. no one should be surprised. yeah, it's fucking dumb, but if you don't have $1000 to burn, you probably chose the wrong hobby :2f2f:

If we don't have $1000 to burn we chose the wrong hobby? :facepalm:
No one in their right mind, that has a brain and some sort of income, would willingly throw away $1000. TF outta here with that shit. You made of money? I know I aint.

01-11-2019, 09:38 AM
Ha ha ha ha sucks to be you. Get what you vote for guys.

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01-11-2019, 10:13 AM
if you ever have a problem with this again, tell the officer to look for the DOT markings on the tail lights. if he/she still isnt having it, you need to appeal to the court and drag him/her in there to make your case. if you make the correct argument and document the DOT markings, your fine will be dismissed. more importantly, it shows the LEO that they arent always right. im not pro or anti cop, but they need to be held accountable for their actions (just like everyone else). this is the only effective way to fight these laws.

ive had to appeal stuff to the courts in CA, its not that hard; you just have to read and digest the process. although, i work in a law firm, so i guess i have a leg up there.Oh I did bring up the DOT thing. I suppose they could have assumed the tail light was tinted where I even tried to bring the tail light in court and they literally told me that there was no evidence allowed in the courtroom. Exact words. No bullshit. So I brought pictures and they still didn't care. They had no clue what this car was and to them it looked modified which is all that mattered.

I got to maybe the 2nd step on the appeal process and they just kept sending my shit back with issues. I was working full time and going to school full time and just didnt have the time for it.

All I'm saying is if I got an exhaust ticket I wouldnt expect them to convict me based on a db reading, but instead on the fact that it looks shiny and modified. Technically, certain HKS hi powers are street legal and under the 95db limit, but I wouldn't count on a cop or judge to believe that. It's shiny and it looks like something designed for doing donuts in a crowded intersection=ticket.

01-11-2019, 12:56 PM

01-11-2019, 12:57 PM
Little more updated info to help us out


01-12-2019, 06:01 AM
Pulled this from greddykenji's IG, https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYhGyhF3ZK, seems like you can have an aftermarket exhaust so long it's 95 decibels or quieter. cops are probably on a power trip right now.

So... I have been speaking to the good people over at SEMA regarding this AB 1824 and working on clarifying the all the confusion so that we all can provide better information to our friends and customers. .
As of right now, the California Vehicle Code VC27151 calls out the SAE test procedure J1169 which is outdated and “inadequate” for some moderns cars. J1169 is a legacy test procedure and the updated SAE standard is J1492. SEMA is working towards updating the legislation to amend the statute. .
if your exhaust system meet the updated SAE J1492 standards, it should not be in violation of the Exhaust Noise law (unless proven by proper authorities that the exhaust system does in fact result in excessive noise over the 95 decibels under the SAE test standards)
The confusing part is that the current VC 27510 & 27151 does not recognize the current SAE J1492 test procedure that replaced the J1169 so BAR cant provide the proper test results to show compliance to the J1169 on recent vehicles. this is what SEMA is trying to update with State of California. .
You might still get a ticket from these officers that may not fully know or understand the details of the VC they are issuing, (yeah sucks but that’s the reality) but if the vehicle was not operated in violation, court may dismiss the case. IT IS NOT AN AUTOMATIC $1000 FINE! PEOPLE!! so breath and relax…
We will also update our test procedure to this current SAE J1492 standards for our exhaust systems and update our information online as soon as possible.
We will keep you updated. .
** I am not a lawyer and this is not a legal advise, just sharing some information I have been receiving with you guys**

01-12-2019, 02:48 PM
If we don't have $1000 to burn we chose the wrong hobby? :facepalm:
No one in their right mind, that has a brain and some sort of income, would willingly throw away $1000. TF outta here with that shit. You made of money? I know I aint.

"willingly," no, don't be dumb. adults with income and a bank account usually set aside money just in case shit hits the fan or maybe that's just me???

suggested fine for first offense is $193 total according to that sema article. i assume as long as they don't think you're grossly negligent it's not going to be a huge issue. and it's still bar "correctable," which is concerning if you've got an sr swap, but if it's just a ka then no worries (or just swap back to a ka real quick :keke: )

01-12-2019, 03:26 PM
"willingly," no, don't be dumb. adults with income and a bank account usually set aside money just in case shit hits the fan or maybe that's just me???

suggested fine for first offense is $193 total according to that sema article. i assume as long as they don't think you're grossly negligent it's not going to be a huge issue. and it's still bar "correctable," which is concerning if you've got an sr swap, but if it's just a ka then no worries (or just swap back to a ka real quick :keke: )And the test is 108$ plus the 25$ dismissal fee from Court. Seems more with it too try and fight it and just pay if you lose

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01-14-2019, 09:31 PM
Hoping anyone that received a citation can post their setup.
And if you went to the ref, what db did it read?

01-14-2019, 09:57 PM
Does anyone use one of these in s-chassis


01-14-2019, 11:10 PM
A main difference with the "non-correctable" update is that the cops will be more willing to enforce it (income generator).

Pre-2019, a cop had no motivation to pull you over for only a noise violation. It's a correctable fix it ticket, quick trip to get it signed off, minor income, not worth the hassle for them. Of course, pulled over for speeding, sure they'll add a noise complaint there too.

Now, the cost/benefit flips to their favor. The hassle is no longer on them to sign off this ticket, its on the receiver to schedule something with the always busy CARB. The fees are higher too on the sign-off with less room for interpretation using the actual SAE spec.

It's a shitty situation in the sense that they didnt change the law, they just changed the benefit for cops to actually do something about it. Which we should be asking, why weren't they doing anything before? Only because it makes money know are they enforcing it :(

01-15-2019, 10:07 AM
Hoping anyone that received a citation can post their setup.
And if you went to the ref, what db did it read?

LOL. we should change this title to 'post your ticket and exhaust setup'.

01-17-2019, 03:13 PM
Im seeing that stock exhausts are going for $200+ now in online markets. Insane.