View Full Version : tipping

12-26-2018, 12:46 AM
I got bitched at from a bartender because i didn't tip. I only bought 2 beers and got them at the bar (had to grab beer myself) all she had to do was pour the beer and hand it to me.. Do you guys tip bartenders? Also a pint was 8$

12-26-2018, 01:54 AM
Well, I usually tip because those jobs have lower pay, and a large part of their income is from tips. But, it depends on the service as well.

12-26-2018, 06:55 AM
Usually $1 per drink ordered is what I tip.

12-26-2018, 08:24 AM
I usually do $1-3 a drink. I’ve barely gonna out anymore since my dad owns a beer store and the whole barhopping scene is dead with my friends.

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01-19-2019, 04:09 PM
It's common courtesy to tip $1 per drink. If it's a labor intensive drink, I'll tip more, depending on complexity. If I'm trying to get hooked up throughout the night, I'll tip $20 on a drink.

When it comes to food, I'll tip 18%. Dine in, or take out.

01-19-2019, 08:00 PM
Can only afford a dollar or two per drink. But have to tip something.

01-19-2019, 11:48 PM
should have left at least a dollar lol

01-20-2019, 04:35 PM
If u can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out

01-20-2019, 07:13 PM
Ok so the wife an I had a disagreement
So we oredered Applebee’s car side to go
(You call to order an they bring it an take payment at your car)
So I tipped them the 15% an she said you don’t tip them
I think so because they still prepare it
An the convince of not having to leave the car

What do u guys think?

01-20-2019, 09:49 PM
If eating in, I tip, 15-20% depending on if they can keep my sweet tea full.
If I order it online or call, and all they do is bring it to my car, no tip.

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01-20-2019, 09:54 PM
If u can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out


Ok so the wife an I had a disagreement
So we oredered Applebee’s car side to go
(You call to order an they bring it an take payment at your car)
So I tipped them the 15% an she said you don’t tip them
I think so because they still prepare it
An the convince of not having to leave the car

What do u guys think?

You're right, you should tip. Those tips are still spread among the waitstaff.

I don't go to bars often, but when I do its generally somewhere boujee-ish on a date or something, so I follow the same rules I follow at restaurants:

$3 minimum for tips, if I spend $6 they get a 50% tip, $9 33.3% tip, $12 25% tip and so on.

Over $12 it is dependent on service, for great service I'll do 30%, something less I might go 18-20% at worst.

To be honest, in my adult life I've only had a bad server once. I'm always nice to the hosts/servers and they're always nice back.

I think tipping is an archaic thing and servers should be paid a livable wage, that said, so long as they are not and I can afford to eat out I'm going to tip well.

01-20-2019, 10:09 PM
If u can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out

If you payment is too low, study or get a better job :picardfp:

My tipping is direct to kindness or service if i have to wait, repeat the order, the tips going down.

If you give me a nice service, in time, get the order.. the tips going up.

A few night ago, im ask a regular coke with lime, and some cheddar/bacon fries they giveme pepsi and even cold and forgot the fries, i dont tipping at all.

01-21-2019, 07:13 AM
I always tips bartenders and waitstaff. Don't they make like $2.30/hr or something without our tips? The service has to be exceptionally bad for me to consider not tipping. I usually do 18%, but it'll go down some if there is little to no effort on their part.

But I do admit, I never tip on takeout because no service is being provided. You guys gave me something to think about. Do those tips go to the cooks or something? How much do cooks get paid?

01-25-2019, 03:01 PM
If u can't afford to tip you can't afford to go out


OP should grab a 6 pack at 7-11 for 10 bucks and stay home if this is such an issue.

01-25-2019, 03:58 PM
Pay your employees. Needing to be tipped is fucking demeaning. I don't need charity or extra.
Fair pay for honest work.

01-30-2019, 08:25 AM
Pay your employees. Needing to be tipped is fucking demeaning. I don't need charity or extra.
Fair pay for honest work.

It's called courtesy. My brother has worked as a server in a handful of restaurants. Have you guys ever seen the movie called 'waiting'? That shit's real. Do you go back to the same restaurant you left a no tip or unfair tip at?

That's like not tipping the valet guy who nicely parked your car, and ran back to get the next party in. Surely you tip this guy.

That's how these people make %50-%80 of their income. You say get a better job? Some people enjoy serving others and seeing a smile on their face. Have a good day.

01-30-2019, 04:07 PM
It's called courtesy. My brother has worked as a server in a handful of restaurants. Have you guys ever seen the movie called 'waiting'? That shit's real. Do you go back to the same restaurant you left a no tip or unfair tip at?

That's like not tipping the valet guy who nicely parked your car, and ran back to get the next party in. Surely you tip this guy.

That's how these people make %50-%80 of their income. You say get a better job? Some people enjoy serving others and seeing a smile on their face. Have a good day.

actually Waiting is what made me think about the cooks, and how they deserve getting tips or atleast a portion. they are the ones in front of fire, fryers and sharp objects.

who's standing up for them?

01-31-2019, 04:33 AM
I always tip at least 20% unless someone sucks at their job. I had a good breakfast at Waffle House a couple mo tha ago, my bill was like $8, I left a $20.

Hourly wage for service workers is nothing. They live off of those tips. Don’t be a cheap asshole.

crash n' burn
01-31-2019, 09:16 AM
actually Waiting is what made me think about the cooks, and how they deserve getting tips or atleast a portion. they are the ones in front of fire, fryers and sharp objects.

who's standing up for them?

Last restaurant I cooked in was a really upscale steakhouse. The wait staff all tip shared and we'd get 10%/ea on top of our $20ish/hr. It really put some skin in the game for us because the better we did, the better they did. Walked out the door many Fri/Sat nights with a Benny in my pocket. Only place that happened and one of the few places I've seen it.

I tip 15% standard; more if they actually do a good job. I've only stiffed 2 people in my life because one decided to hang out with his bros in a booth most of the time vs taking care of his tables. Other one happened last weekend and she literally forgot to put our order in after sitting there for 45min. Then it was rushed and looked just as bad as it tasted. I flipped a $20 for the drinks and told the manager I wasn't paying for shit. Half of it was his fault for not recognizing that one of his tables wasn't flipping after over an hour. I have a lot of patience but I grew up in the industry so I tend to be a little harsher critic.

01-31-2019, 09:33 AM
I always tip at least 15-20% unless the service was bad and then I still only tip about 10% only if I feel like it wasn't out of them just being a horrible waiter/waitress/bartender/etc. Sometimes it's just busy and not really their fault.

I did leave a tip for $1.00 with little sad faces in the zeros at Olive Garden once. She deserved it though.

02-02-2019, 08:47 AM
Why not raise prices and put up no tipping signs? Pay everyone what they're worth. 20% more per menu item is nothing.

02-02-2019, 10:30 AM
a lot of restaurants in ca and ny already have no tipping policy. that, the bill already ads tip / service charge of 18%-20%. sometimes an additional 3% for health insurance.

Im totally against this. Most of the time I tip 20% anyways. Sometimes more. Sometimes no tip or less than 20% is entirely justified for those servers who arent doing their part well. of course, I believe its important not to blame the server for the kitchen’s faults, like bad food. mandatory tips just enables poor service. terrible idea at least for customers.

galaxy convoy
02-02-2019, 05:56 PM
I worked at a car dealership that offers a complimentary valet service, we pick up customers car from their home or work when they need service, give them a loaner car and then return their car back to them. 1 out of 10 customers only give tips

02-02-2019, 06:32 PM
a lot of restaurants in ca and ny already have no tipping policy. that, the bill already ads tip / service charge of 18%-20%. sometimes an additional 3% for health insurance.

Im totally against this. Most of the time I tip 20% anyways. Sometimes more. Sometimes no tip or less than 20% is entirely justified for those servers who arent doing their part well. of course, I believe its important not to blame the server for the kitchen’s faults, like bad food. mandatory tips just enables poor service. terrible idea at least for customers.

No one tips in the UK.

I have never had bad service there.

I worked at a car dealership that offers a complimentary valet service, we pick up customers car from their home or work when they need service, give them a loaner car and then return their car back to them. 1 out of 10 customers only give tips

I wouldn't tip that job, just like I wouldn't tip the enterprise guy who picks me up.

You're not working for $2.17 an hour.

02-02-2019, 08:03 PM
Why would it enable bad service? Further, how would that bad service be on the server rather than the management?

People are demanding society bend to their habits rather than critically analyzing the practices and moving forward with the best possible solutions. It's fucking stupid. We all acknowledge that servers need paid better and with more stability, and I and many others are asking to pay that price. Fucking charge me so service providers and do their jobs.

02-03-2019, 03:24 PM
I tip per performance while eating. If they are shitty they get a shitty tip, still a tip though.(how busy they are plays a factor) For drinks usually $1 per drink but I always get bottled beer.

I've heard of bartenders getting $2-$4 an hour. I've also dated one and she could bring home over $400 on a good night. That was for about 5 hours of work.

galaxy convoy
02-04-2019, 08:44 PM
No one tips in the UK.

I have never had bad service there.

I wouldn't tip that job, just like I wouldn't tip the enterprise guy who picks me up.

You're not working for $2.17 an hour.

So youre saying you tip base on how much the person make not how good the service? And picking a customer car is way different than someone picking you up and give you a ride

02-04-2019, 11:06 PM
Hmm, it's not been my experience that there's no tipping in England. I can't speak for the rest of the Uk, as I've never visited.

I've not been anywhere outside of london, but I do recall there being times where I did tip and did have conversations with servers about tipping. I try to ask what social expectations are when I travel. I've not had people refuse extra tip on top of service charge, and I've done that in places where the hospitality was something I found exceptionally good.

You also get instances where a mandatory service charge is already added. Whether you consider that tip or not is up to you. I think it counts as tip.


02-05-2019, 07:11 AM
Hmm, it's not been my experience that there's no tipping in England. I can't speak for the rest of the Uk, as I've never visited.

I've not been anywhere outside of london, but I do recall there being times where I did tip and did have conversations with servers about tipping. I try to ask what social expectations are when I travel. I've not had people refuse extra tip on top of service charge, and I've done that in places where the hospitality was something I found exceptionally good.

You also get instances where a mandatory service charge is already added. Whether you consider that tip or not is up to you. I think it counts as tip.


Interesting. Yeah not at a single place I went in the UK was a tip even an option.

So youre saying you tip base on how much the person make not how good the service? And picking a customer car is way different than someone picking you up and give you a ride

Dude you don't work a job in the service industry. You literally pick up people's cars & take them back. That is a much easier job than working as a waitress/bartender/etc.

02-07-2019, 10:23 AM
Dude you don't work a job in the service industry. You literally pick up people's cars & take them back. That is a much easier job than working as a waitress/bartender/etc.

you clearly never worked as a Valet.

galaxy convoy
02-13-2019, 01:03 AM
Interesting. Yeah not at a single place I went in the UK was a tip even an option.

Dude you don't work a job in the service industry. You literally pick up people's cars & take them back. That is a much easier job than working as a waitress/bartender/etc.

Waiter/waitress takes your order and bring your food at your table. I think that's easy too.

02-13-2019, 01:33 AM
What about when you order food for delivery and the place charges a delivery fee? Do you still tip the driver?

04-30-2019, 06:21 PM
what face of big is this

04-30-2019, 06:32 PM
Haha wow this thread. I hate tipping I think it's gross that I'm expected to pay another person's wage! That's between them and their employer IMO!

But at the bar I'll tip a doll hair every now and then. Usually every other drink just so they don't despise me. But I don't go out that often anymore anyway so doesn't really come up. And in the past I would build a rapport with the bar tenders and still not tip all that much.

At restaurants I cringe giving anything moar than five doll hairs so I just don't. But also not spending a lot either. So yee

04-30-2019, 08:53 PM
Haha wow this thread. I hate tipping I think it's gross that I'm expected to pay another person's wage! That's between them and their employer IMO!

But at the bar I'll tip a doll hair every now and then. Usually every other drink just so they don't despise me. But I don't go out that often anymore anyway so doesn't really come up. And in the past I would build a rapport with the bar tenders and still not tip all that much.

At restaurants I cringe giving anything moar than five doll hairs so I just don't. But also not spending a lot either. So yee

You are human AIDS

04-30-2019, 10:45 PM
well, he's from fl so....

05-01-2019, 10:13 AM
Haha wow this thread. I hate tipping I think it's gross that I'm expected to pay another person's wage! That's between them and their employer IMO!

But at the bar I'll tip a doll hair every now and then. Usually every other drink just so they don't despise me. But I don't go out that often anymore anyway so doesn't really come up. And in the past I would build a rapport with the bar tenders and still not tip all that much.

At restaurants I cringe giving anything moar than five doll hairs so I just don't. But also not spending a lot either. So yee


05-01-2019, 11:25 AM
What about when you order food for delivery and the place charges a delivery fee? Do you still tip the driver?

if my food still hot and I know the restaurant is quality. yes.

most delivery places only cover x % of fuel cost or none at all and they tend to use personal cars.

grub hub, uber eats, dash etc are all exploited services as is. mind you all are 1099 and most of those people dont save anything for when uncle Sam wants a bite of that ass.

so underpaid, using personal vehicle racking up miles and beating on your car.

I sympathize more than anything because ive been there.

05-01-2019, 12:09 PM
you clearly never worked as a Valet.
Lol club let's out and suddenly there's 60 drunk assholes yelling for their cars and throwing keys at you. Fucking being a valet was rough.

Oh yeah and sometimes the parking lot was 1/8 mile away and you had to Sprint to get the customer's car but we're a bunch of pussies..........

05-01-2019, 12:31 PM
Lol club let's out and suddenly there's 60 drunk assholes yelling for their cars and throwing keys at you. Fucking being a valet was rough.

Oh yeah and sometimes the parking lot was 1/8 mile away and you had to Sprint to get the customer's car but we're a bunch of pussies..........

Haha that would be tough. My buddies were valets before. Might be cool to see a lot of the cars but that's probably about it