View Full Version : white smoke on shift

Mr. Spool
11-06-2004, 12:51 PM
When I shift after boosting I get puffs of white smoke and in some cases billows of it. Any ideas or does it mean the head gasket is going?


11-06-2004, 12:53 PM
Where is the smoke coming from? I'm thinkin the exhaust, but I never know.

11-06-2004, 02:40 PM
you are running open atm bov right? could just be running really rich through the shifts still...

Mr. Spool
11-06-2004, 02:42 PM
sounds like a thougth. I have never had it happen before but it is possible. It does it alos when I get on the gas but only slightly. I am installing my wideband tonight so that may shed some light on the situation. yes it is coming from my exaust. any other thougths

11-06-2004, 08:18 PM
If its just on the shifts it sounds like its just overly rich from the open atmos. bov. Does the car feel pretty laggy immediately after the shifts as well?

Mr. Spool
11-06-2004, 10:32 PM
slightly but not to bad, I cant see how the open bov would cause this. it is before the maf and the air in line comes off the turbo.

11-06-2004, 11:09 PM
check your oil level? lol maybe you've got too much in there

11-07-2004, 03:45 AM
check your oil level? lol maybe you've got too much in there

slightly but not to bad, I cant see how the open bov would cause this. it is before the maf and the air in line comes off the turbo.

you mean you are running a blow-thru mafs? or is it on the compressor intake?

Mr. Spool
11-07-2004, 08:41 AM
its blow through, so the bov is deffinitly before it.

Mr. Spool
11-07-2004, 07:55 PM
So the smoke turns out to be blue, which means another blown turbo. any body have any clues what keeps blowing my turbos. I am on my 4th one in a matter of months.

11-07-2004, 08:02 PM
what kinda oil line setup you have? maybe too much pressure is blowing the seals? or do you have a restrictor thats too small and starving it?
sure its not just dying rings?

Mr. Spool
11-07-2004, 08:50 PM
I am pretty sure it is not the rings, thats what I thought. but I noticed that I am getting some oil leaking from were compressior housing bolts to the center section, same as all the other turbos. I have a steel braided line running into the turbo and a 1/2 line coming off the turbo. Is it possible that the oil return line is getting clogged or filling with oil. I am at a complete loss.

11-07-2004, 09:23 PM
why not take it off and check it instead of asking us?
you didn't say what size you feed line is, either.

Mr. Spool
11-07-2004, 09:36 PM
I have no Idea what size the feed line is. it is I guesse the standard steel braided. I have taken off the oil return line and I didnt see any oil in it. but I am not sure if that changes when oil is being shoved into it from the feed line. I cant really take it off with the car running. I ask becouse I am not sure if any body else has ran into these issues with repeadidly blown turbos.

s14 blacktop
11-07-2004, 09:43 PM
Its your BOV, its something you just live with if you have a open atm BOV, here what happens your running hight boost ok you shift gears the bov lets the air into the atm, your ECU thinks that the air that just got expelled is going back into the intake side so it adds more gas thats why it hapens, uneven mixter.
I dont know why it didnt happen before,maybe you didnt run high boost before, but I dont know if you ran high boost before. so thats a possibility!!!
hope this helps!!!

11-07-2004, 11:41 PM
Its your BOV, its something you just live with if you have a open atm BOV, here what happens your running hight boost ok you shift gears the bov lets the air into the atm, your ECU thinks that the air that just got expelled is going back into the intake side so it adds more gas thats why it hapens, uneven mixter.
I dont know why it didnt happen before,maybe you didnt run high boost before, but I dont know if you ran high boost before. so thats a possibility!!!
hope this helps!!!

that doesnt happen with a blow-thru mafs setup, and thats what he is running.

anyways, maybe try picking up an oil restrictor. my kit came with a -3AN feed line, but i have seen some kits come with -4. so maybe with a -4 the restrictor is needed. also how does your drain line look? it looks like its a pretty big deal to make sure its less than 30* from the vertical coming off the turbo to drain properly.

Mr. Spool
11-08-2004, 05:32 AM
I have my oil drain comming straight off the bottom of the turbo. I turned the center section so that it would drain straight down. I am not sure if this would cause it, by the way were would
I get an oil restrictor or a different oil line.

11-08-2004, 10:56 AM
not sure if these links will work, but its all from www.atpturbo.com

restrictor http://www.atpturbo.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=ATP-OIL-022&Category_Code=OIL

-3 AN line http://www.atpturbo.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=ATP-OIL-012&Category_Code=OIL

11-08-2004, 11:16 AM
so what happened after the you installed the WIDEBAND? what is your fuel MANAGEMENT?

hope it all works out

Mr. Spool
11-08-2004, 01:56 PM
Thanks skatanic, my holes on my oil line are much bigger than that. I might just be getting to much oil. funny that I never heard about this before.

ass15 my fuel management is an safc, my wide band is installed just not actually hooked up yet I have to get a usb adapter as well as figure out were to hook up my throttle possition sensor up to.

so what size oil line should I be using for a super 60 turbo?

11-08-2004, 07:39 PM
SO YOU ARE USING THE 370CC W/ SAFC. you think i can use the stock 270c w/ SAFC to lean out... right now it smokes little bit w/ that 4:1 fmu ratio.... i know fmu is lame but ..still.

few days ago it was not smoking when i let it idle but began smoking after like 40 min of ideling... like blueish.. lil bit of white...if any.

do you know how the oil pick up looks like? i droped a 1/2 inch hard silicon in the engine... so i'm wondering if it'll go through the oil pick up or just stay there... isn't there like a screeen of some sort in the oil pick up?

Mr. Spool
11-08-2004, 10:11 PM
dont know dude, I have never seen a screen on the oil pickup. thats what the filter is for I believe.

11-09-2004, 07:57 PM
yes there is a screen in the oil pick up.

11-09-2004, 08:09 PM
Sounds like all signs point to too much pressure in oil line. If you don't know what size the braided line is then you might have to just have to shell out the money to get both -3AN and -4AN fittings to see which size line you have. Get the restrictor and get the 1/8NPT to -3AN or -4AN, depending on which line size you got. You might want to get a 90 degree fitting for that if you have a top mount turbo to make it easier to fit under the hood.

Mr. Spool
11-09-2004, 09:55 PM
I dont mind shelling out the cash as long as it will do the job. which website should I go too, to purchase these, and exactly what do I look for, how do I know which 90 degree angle to get. thanks.

03-09-2005, 12:29 PM
i wanted to follow through on what happened? i'm gettinig smoke in the morning when i warm up the car but as i drive it it lesssens.. and smokes more when i shift.

i think i'm using -3AN oil inlet but don't know may be -4AN... anyhow you thiink we need Restrictor if we are using -4AN ? -3AN?

what did you do? use a new oil LINE? restrictor? what happened afterwards? you think w/ restrictor the turbo seal wouldn't break? if it allready did when you smoked, after the restrictor what happened?

thx man....

i really need to getrid of this smoke..don't want to get pulled over..