View Full Version : S15 HLSD output shafts problem

09-08-2018, 11:54 AM
Pardon my english if not everything is correct in my posting.
I'm a German S13 driver and recently bought a S15 Spec R helical diff insert for my car.
I bought it via Yahoo Auctions. The insert itself was sold without the output shafts. And since I need the S15 Spec R shafts to convert my open diff, I bought them in another auction.

Swapping the inserts went well, no shimming necessary.

But there is something wrong with either my insert or the output shafts.
On the left side both the shafts go in kinda nice. I can push them up on to the c-clip with a little force by my hand.

But on the right side, only the short stub axle wants to slide in, up to the clip. And even that only works with way more hand-force than on the left side.
If I try to put the longer output shaft in the right side, I have to beat the living p*ss out of it with a mallet. I never pushed it over the clip yet, because I'm kinda scared it wont ever come out again :D

The splines in the Diff and on the stub axles are totally fine, no nicks no nothing.

The shafts have 30 splines and are 31mm in diameter (30,8mm to be totally exact)
They are unequal length and have 2x3 holes to fit my S13.

As far as I know, the Spec R S15 is the only Nissan with that kind of shafts.
But please correct me if I'm wrong. I must be wrong somewhere in this case.

Or are there differences in spline-form throughout the model years?
Are there other OEM Nissan R200 helical inserts besides the S15 one?


09-09-2018, 08:25 AM
Problem kind off solved
I've put the long boi in the freezer overnight.
Went in like butter.


Taking it out again will suck though. But I'm positive that won't happen :D

09-09-2018, 10:48 AM
Nice - I'll remember this when installing mine!