View Full Version : NC KA24DE BC0210 Brian Crower Spring and Titanium Retainer Kit and Cometic Head Gasket

08-23-2018, 11:06 AM
Asking $380 plus shipping. That's $50 lower than anywhere I have seen online so I figure it's a good discount. Everything is unopened and brand new. I bought the parts but never built the engine so now it is your chance. I have the online receipts if you so need.

As for the head gasket it is a Cometic head gasket 040" MLS KA24DE 89MM Asking $70 (which is $20 cheaper than anything I've seen) plus shipping.

Here is a link to the images

Here is a link to the kit for sale from FRSport where I bought it. https://frsport.com/brian-crower-bc0210-210-valve-springs-retainer-kit-ka24de

Here is the headgasket from FRSport

You can email me at [email protected]