View Full Version : OT: The Zilvia Pet Section

08-23-2018, 07:31 AM
Hey, fellas! Here's a new light-hearted thread for us to discuss our household companions. I own a small companion, a Pomeranian/Lhasa Apso mix breed (Toby, as we would call him). Don't let his size fool you, that little bugger can be too playful at times. He usually hangs out in the living room, would watch Netflix with my brother, and then play catch in the backyard during the afternoon. As a precautionary measure though, we would fit him with one of those bark collars (http://www.petstreetmall.com/bark-collars/), as he would yap uncontrollably while having fun, just enough to drive our neighbors mad. Overall, he's a good tyke and obviously has been a family to us these past few years. How about you guys? What four (or many) legged creatures do you own?


08-27-2018, 10:02 AM
Approved post. Was in moderation que.

I am noticing the link posted on the bark collar. The rest of your posts seem to check out so I am leaving it.

08-27-2018, 10:56 AM
Currently living with this floof. Her name is Tofu, she's a fluffy Corgi.

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/33520998_234809197271483_3927311000176427008_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=AeEZE00qeUUB7YGutlyouaLqhYSEES12NO7nWdDQw ISyToRUY9uNNafNXVfeLbLaPj7m5O0S_V6fKMCKbiZQpmZeuPL 6uwM64TrflN7kTf7xtg&oh=b7cc5547ab26c8343663baa080d38153&oe=5C3AB146

08-27-2018, 11:42 AM
Wangan Shibe Checking in. This is my 5.5 yr old Shiba Inu, Akira.



08-27-2018, 01:58 PM
Meet Luna, a mixed husky

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/L8QVNss_fnXptLrEqqTkEDX81rPN5aYdMdp_gPGS9bDxM3HMpN Xln3UcgPxcXmBWg1b-okYSnHiNBP15T96zoQV_beuLtOD62Iy_cTAUtwTs5GSCx-nAike1yKzKSKCbIwyTFJNsopv1GgL96oM5Y7VIRzmeeQTBSYjY d1_0fxrXJmSlh4uTZC_Bw2wdLzdnI6xUM8khbtWUnMy4p2lQ7m T_1fchsmTlbDcN-gnVu2oyUGOO8hcJlaxVBuv-CVOsa5D6C3UI7DQ7ojnjfT3vxD_COjrz2Ye2B1-xB3iGIcqTWEgzXSsbW8T02byIF57f7dIVrbyUZH2WXXAHmJFZS 4CW8fCgoHHiGdrZWyd3flvkD5NgG9qbJW8ekknw8y0Trj8w-YOszUNu0_RfYJDHWa4A5OzD6LUiDdbCHrmMh-vgyBOBuLcS-4cXWyLGcbOR4OZ7EvIvbCNiXng3nAVot8XNlScdwaQHn928F62 wR9VIUu14YoGBpb4bzG6fcrvOozhbUChAM-inpfXLVi22M-r3fdLaBpqSmnN_uJiWV-C98JKiv2bQy53H9QcaikfNA7WW3pcpSlrKmjAFZ3UtA5cbUDY2 4v2iWnIrsSmt3ZJQgj3Wy4nzhTl4w9Dvckw=w728-h647-no

08-27-2018, 03:47 PM
Wangan Shibe Checking in. This is my 5.5 yr old Shiba Inu, Akira.




This is Mika, our 2.5 year old cream shiba.
https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/f1a7ed9c668d17e904eed195f63f931f/5C200A81/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s750x750/38924137_454030711769828_3510650244196990976_n.jpg ?ig_cache_key=MTg1MjY1MDE5MjA0ODUzOTg0Nw%3D%3D.2

08-31-2018, 11:47 AM
I always wanted a shiba Inu or Akita.

My sisters dog but I take care of them.
This is our chorkie, shes 10 years old now. Really hyper and loves to lay in the window.
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8092/28232345020_84ed77187f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/K1N9zj)[/url] (https://flic.kr/p/K1N9zj)

This is our Black Lab that's 11 years old. Was exteremely hyper when we got him but hes calmed down a bit.
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8655/28410448942_6b92bd68f6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KhwYEA)[url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/] (https://flic.kr/p/KhwYEA)