View Full Version : Digital Camcorders, what to get?

10-31-2004, 11:34 PM
So its time we get a digital camcorder. I am not sure what I want or need so I wanted to see what you guys suggest.

I like the Idea of the DVD-R built into the camcorder. However, I'm not sure how long it takes to transfer video to a computer via Firewire. Would I be better off getting a more feature packed digital camcorder vs. a DVD-R type camcorder?

There are a few DVD camcorders on ebay for about $550, which is more than I wanted to spend. I’d like to keep the price well below $550, so given that price range and what’s on the market now, what would everyone suggest I look into?

10-31-2004, 11:58 PM
dvd-r stores stuff in mpeg-2, so sometimes its not compatible with video editing software...they are also limited to real-time, constant bit encoding (usually 1mb/sec) compared to dv camcorders (usually 3.6mb/sec) so video quality isnt as good on dvd-r...

you want something with optical image stabilization, over electronic image stabilization (usually...but sometimes EIS is as good...)

also, the more CCDs (charge-coupled devices) like 3, will usually produce better video quality than one CCD

one more thing to consider....you have to finalize the dvd before you can view it on you computer/tv...that means that once you do that, you cant use it again (and they aint cheap)

11-01-2004, 12:01 AM
Well shit, that’s good to know.

Eliminate DVD Type Camcorders from my considerations...

11-01-2004, 12:31 AM
What does everyone think of the Cannon Optura 20? Im leaning tword a Cannon thus far...


Seems damn good for the price...

11-01-2004, 12:41 AM
best bet is to go to www.cnet.com and check out their editors picks and reviews...

i find them to always be pretty on target (also read the user reviews too...sometimes they add additional input )

i know the canon optura 30 is pretty good, so i imagine the 20 is pretty good as well

11-01-2004, 01:35 AM
Honestly, the next camcorder I get will be something like this:

this is what we have now. I wish we'd waited.

11-01-2004, 07:58 AM
this is what i have right now:
it's pretty nice...i like the big LCD screen, and it's not overly expensive. the picture quality isn't always the greatest, but it works for filming our fun times here at college.

as far as how much time it takes to transfer a video to computer via firewire, it takes just as long as the video is. basically you just hook the camera up to the computer, press play, and the computer will capture whatever you see on the screen.
(i hope this makes sense...i'm ignorant when it comes to this kinda technology so i don't know all of the terminology)

11-01-2004, 02:54 PM
One could call it. "realtime capture"!

11-01-2004, 04:37 PM
Goddamn, you think im rich?

Maybe us mods/admins should post up our XMas wish lists so everyone can send us gifts :)

11-01-2004, 04:49 PM
With a $1500 camera, someone better be recording some damn good porn. I know that me playing with dogs can be captured on a $20 VHS-tape camcorder and I'd be happy.

11-02-2004, 01:06 PM
a good camera for general use is the panasonic pv gs200, it is ridiculously compact for a 3ccd camera and is <1000 everywhere.

basically only semi-weak point is mediocre low light focus performance.

11-03-2004, 01:21 AM
I've got a Sharp, cost around 400. Well built, and good all around performance. I've got no complaints.

11-03-2004, 02:26 AM
a good camera for general use is the panasonic pv gs200, it is ridiculously compact for a 3ccd camera and is <1000 everywhere.

basically only semi-weak point is mediocre low light focus performance.

I just looked at that one tonight, although out of my price range. Considering the gs120 or 160... cant remember the model.

11-03-2004, 02:50 AM
120's the same except has no manual focus ring on and lower resolution stills. still great video performance.

11-03-2004, 03:29 AM
Damn! Just found the GS400. Now if I could dish out 1k$ for a camcorder!

11-03-2004, 07:19 AM
One could call it. "realtime capture"!
if one were so inclined