View Full Version : What happened to Rivsu Imports?

06-01-2018, 05:57 PM
Has anybody heard from them? I saw on another forum of two members money being tied up. Curious what happened.

Keep hearing that they're "changing shops". Don't think that would take the months they been mia on sm.

06-05-2018, 09:08 AM
The feds happened

06-05-2018, 10:19 AM

06-07-2018, 08:53 PM
A quote from another forum made Today at 2:43 am

"Guys, thanks for the replies and advice. A quick email to Rivsu Japan confirms my fears. Rivsu USA, who has no ties whatsoever to Rivsu Japan, has apparently scammed myself and several other customers out of their money. Rivsu Japan has been getting emails from paying customers asking the same questions that I have. Do not do business with Rivsu Imports LLC, aka Stephen J McCarty and Emily McCarty. I feel they have lied to me this entire time, from the beginning. Had they an ounce of integrity in them, perhaps when I called them the first time they would have adviced against me sending a deposit at all. They must have knowingly taken my deposit, with the intent to provide no services whatsoever. The worst part is Stephen J McCarty labels himself as an ex US Marine. The code and words that Marines live and die by, apparently mean nothing to him. I cannot express how disappointed I am in that simple fact.

Does anyone know Steve and Emily McCarty’s home address or whereabouts? I will need that information when I file a suit against them at the courthouse. I have managed to find one address that appears to be two years old. Apparently Steve and Emily own anther business called Rivsu Studios LLC, also in Florida. No idea what service they provide there. I hope all who deal with this couple will read this thread and steer clear of any dealings with them altogether!

If anyone can help locate Steve and Emily, please PM me any info you might have. I would greatly appreciate it."

Once a company that claimed to be the best, called others sketchy, has this outcome.

Good luck to anybody that has sent a payment, or bought a car and put it in storage with them.

06-07-2018, 09:49 PM
Yep. JDM as fuck....

06-12-2018, 08:57 AM

06-23-2018, 05:39 PM
If you make a business out of it, the fed will want their cut #governmentbullies #regulationssuck #EPAmonopolies

If you private sale and drive somewhat civilized on the streets, nothing will ever happen to you or the company that has your money.