View Full Version : Worst day of 2004

10-31-2004, 08:43 AM
Bad day. So I'll just copy-paste what I typed over an aim convo.

**Talking about a website color, because I'm colorblind**
Sleek S14: that's not dark gray?
Sleek S14: heh
AlanObsidian: lol
Sleek S14: i say leave it
AlanObsidian: no its blue
AlanObsidian: i tested on jenns monitor too
Sleek S14: that's why I made the light grey distinction
Sleek S14: :0
Sleek S14: :-0
Sleek S14:
Sleek S14: :O
Sleek S14: :0
Sleek S14: WTF MATE!
Sleek S14: :eek:<-- how do I make him??
Sleek S14: 8=====D :eek:
AlanObsidian: LOL
Sleek S14: that's for aol dropping the :0 hotkeys
AlanObsidian: :-0
AlanObsidian: hmm
Sleek S14: ya
AlanObsidian: :0
AlanObsidian: :0
Sleek S14: :-0
AlanObsidian: :O
AlanObsidian: lame..
Sleek S14: yep
Sleek S14: so he can suck a dick
AlanObsidian: here it is
AlanObsidian: :eek:
Sleek S14: did you click it
AlanObsidian: = - o
Sleek S14: =-0
Sleek S14: :eek:
AlanObsidian: thats an o
Sleek S14: fuclk that
Sleek S14: everything else works with :
Sleek S14: =-(
Sleek S14: omg dude
Sleek S14: today was the worst day in the history of 2004
Sleek S14: like.. if getting a paper cut is a -2 (and that's pretty bad), and a stubbed toe is -3.. and grandpa dieing is -8.. and walking in on your girlfriend making a bukkake movie is -9
Sleek S14: I had a -13
AlanObsidian: why?
Sleek S14: so I drive to Dave's (Army Dave, not Brown)
AlanObsidian: what could possibly be a -13
Sleek S14: to change my spindle that somehow broke without anyones knowledge
Sleek S14: I remove the wheel and figure out what size nut I need to remove the spindle
Sleek S14: somone online said 36
Sleek S14: and Dave said 26
Sleek S14: so I thought it was much closer to 26
Sleek S14: and went to sears after putting the itre back on
Sleek S14: they don't make/sell 26
Sleek S14: so I figured I'd get a 27 and stuff it with paper or something stupid
Sleek S14: but after re-removing the tire, 27 was too small
Sleek S14: so on with the wheel, back to sears
Sleek S14: buy a 30 and 32
Sleek S14: err
Sleek S14: 32 and 36
Sleek S14: off with the wheel for the third time
Sleek S14: out with the hub nut
Sleek S14: off with the calipers and everything
Sleek S14: then 2 bolts hold the spindle on, one bieng the tierod and the other is the balljoint
Sleek S14: so I break loose the balljoint nut, and break my tierod bearing thing in the process
Sleek S14: so I hammer the tie rod out, and am left wiht the ball joint
Sleek S14: I call dave, he says hammer, whatever
Sleek S14: i don't have a car to get to Discoutn and buy a ball joint remover tool
Sleek S14: so I hammer, and mushroom the bolt
Sleek S14: so I can't get the nut back on the ball joint, so I can't go anywhere
Sleek S14: and the spindle is still stuck on the fucking balljoint
Sleek S14: so I give up because it's 830 and dark
Sleek S14: so I want food
Sleek S14: and it's gotta be delivered
Sleek S14: and I call chinese, and reach for my credit card
Sleek S14: it's at sears
Sleek S14: my 4 cards are not in my wallet for some goddamn reason
Sleek S14: so I go to my glovebox for my trusty checkbook
Sleek S14: which isn't there
Sleek S14: so i starve
Sleek S14: and then need a ride home
Sleek S14: so I call 4 taxis
Sleek S14: and say I'll pay when I get home
Sleek S14: and they laugh at me
Sleek S14: so I walk home
Sleek S14: sweaty, and having lost to my car, and to sears
Sleek S14: and hungry
Sleek S14: it sucked


10-31-2004, 08:55 AM
jeff... chill... and buy a tape measurer.

10-31-2004, 09:00 AM
And then your girlfriend calls to tell you that:
1. She's pregnant and
2. the doctor says, as a result of that same visit, that she has a rash that he has NEVER seen before and suggests that you come in too.

10-31-2004, 10:42 AM
nice day.
still didn't compare to my bad day a few weeks ago. quoted off www.midatlantic240sx.com
get woken up early by my best friends wife, her clutch is fucked so I am going to help her replace it.
have headache, so take a pill. for some odd reason there's ibuprofen in my house (Which I'm allergic to so we never have it here, just tylenol) so I don't bother looking and pop a pill. luckily only pop one so I just puke rather than needing to go the hospital, which happens later anyways
later on putting on shoes go to stand up and my bill of my hat knocks over this glass candle thing, go to catch it only to slice the fuck out of my wrist/hand. 3 hours and 5 stitches later I'm back on my way to go to extreme to get the cluth.
get up there and to say hi get decked in my shoulder by the owner. computer system there also procedes to crash as we're getting rung up.
get the whole car torn down only to find out the flywheel we got wasn't the right one, so we're dead in the water until tomorrow. thank you advance auto parts.
get to the club, no drinking, but my girl is there so its cool. but to say hi one of the bartenders taps me on my head with a vodka bottle.
so lets count my problems today. we'll count getting decked in the head and arm as health.
health: 4
auto: 2 (clutch gone in first place and flywheel)
sober: priceless
so yeah I had a shitty day.
on a side note I now have respect for people with one hand. I have to wear a bandage for 2 days and can't get it wet so showered with the old bag and rubber band trick. also can't really use my right hand so I had to do everything with only one hand. its a lot harder than you'd think, especially shaving. and putting deoderant on too.


10-31-2004, 10:48 AM
nice day.
still didn't compare to my worst day ever.
Mine either, and Jeff knows about mine.

10-31-2004, 11:32 AM
"could be worse. a woman could cut off your penis and toss it out the window of a moving car" -Tyler Durden

10-31-2004, 11:38 AM
my worst day is yet to come, tonight is the busiest night of the year for pizzas at my restuarant. and im the pizza maker. YES!!!

11-02-2004, 01:12 PM
the pic didnt come out the way iplanned it to go...

Sil Beer S13
11-02-2004, 08:49 PM
all i can say is damn that ish sucks.

11-03-2004, 04:13 AM
Sounds like somebody needs a hug.

Andrew Bohan
11-03-2004, 10:45 AM
yesterday is now officially the worst day of 2004

11-03-2004, 11:04 AM
not at all,. not only was it the most important day of the year it also turned out to be one of the best.

11-03-2004, 11:56 AM
yesterday is now officially the worst day of 2004

Tell me about it dude. This whole country is going to shit and we all got front row seats!!!